import java.util.*; public class ShortestPath { Point[][] grid; public static void main(String[] args){ new ShortestPath().doMain(args); } void doMain(String[] args) { if (args==null || args.length < 2) args = new Scanner(" "); int size = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); grid = new Point[size][size]; Point start = null, end = null; for (int i=0; i q = new PriorityQueue(); Set closed = new HashSet(); Path path = new Path(start); q.add(path); while (!q.isEmpty()) { path = q.poll(); Point curPoint = path.points.getLast(); if (curPoint.equals(end)) return path; if (closed.contains(curPoint)) continue; closed.add(curPoint); for (Point point: getNeighbours(curPoint)) { Path newPath = new Path(path); newPath.points.addLast(point); newPath.heuristicCost = heuristic(point, end); q.add(newPath); } } return new Path(); } int heuristic(Point from, Point to) { return Math.abs(to.i - from.i) + Math.abs(to.j - from.j); } public Set getNeighbours(Point p) { int i = p.i, j = p.j; Set neighbours = new HashSet(); for (int m = Math.max(i - 1, 0); m <= Math.min(i + 1, grid.length - 1); m++) if (grid[m][j].c != 'W') neighbours.add(grid[m][j]); for (int n = Math.max(j - 1, 0); n <= Math.min(j + 1, grid[0].length - 1); n++) if (grid[i][n].c != 'W') neighbours.add(grid[i][n]); return neighbours; } } class Point { int i, j; char c; public Point (int i, int j, char c) { this.i = i; this.j = j; this.c = c; } } class Path implements Comparable { Deque points = new ArrayDeque(); int heuristicCost = 0; public Path(Point point){ points.addLast(point); } /** Create a clone of the current path p */ public Path(Path p) { points = new ArrayDeque(p.points); } public Path(){} @Override public int compareTo(Path path2) { return + heuristicCost, path2.points.size() + path2.heuristicCost); } @Override public String toString() { if (points.size()==0) return "False"; return "True, " + (points.size()-1); } public String toStringAndDrawPath(Point[][] inputGrid) { if (points.size()==0) return "False"; String result = toString() + "\n\n"; char[][] map = new char[inputGrid.length][inputGrid.length]; for (int i=0; i