Deidre Myers, Your favorite quote listed on Facebook fits you perfect: "Stupid is as stupid does". You've got one thing right, you're fucking stupid. Next time you want to blame the victim, look in the mirror, close your mouth and go to fucking bed because you obviously aren't thinking clearly. "Kids will be kids" is not an excuse for multiple guys to rape a girl, pee on her and drag her from party to party while passed out & document it on social media sites, you dumb fucking cunt. The only thing I can hope is that your kids grow up and follow in the exact OPPOSITE of your footsteps because it's obvious that your head's been too far up your own ass for far too long and you can't form a halfway cohearant statement without sounding like a complete jackass. Don't worry though, you don't have to change your opinions for us, just like we don't have to change our opinions of you. Oh, and google won't change it's ability to keep your stupid fucking comments public for the world to see, along with your personal information. It's crazy how that works, isn't it? :) +--------------------+ | Basic Information | +--------------------+ Name: Deidre Ann Myers Age: 28 Address: 3233 Elm St, Weirton, WV 26062-4605 Phone: (304) 914-3023 Facebook: Photo: +--------------------+ | Screenshots | +--------------------+ Her thoughts about the rape & the rape victim: Her response to backlash from the original facebook post she made: +--------------------+ | DOX by: @bpsyops | +--------------------+