Does not work with the rest of my code, yet this does; Which is just a direct snippet from the larger cookie piece of code. From what I can tell it's not using the stored cookies either (but that could be for other reasons) which means there must be a problem with this snippet and the larger piece of code, which I have included below. get('account/rate_limit_status'); $remaininghits = $apistatus->remaining_hits; if($remaininghits >= 50){ $param = array('count' => 1); $mostrecenttweet = $connection->get('statuses/user_timeline', $param); $userinfo = $connection->get('account/verify_credentials'); $uid = $userinfo->id; $uname = $userinfo->screen_name; $tweetcount = $userinfo->statuses_count; $resettime = $apistatus->reset_time; $mostrecentid = $mostrecenttweet[0]->id_str; $SQL = "SELECT uid FROM users WHERE uid = '$uid'"; $result = mysql_query($SQL); if(mysql_num_rows($result) == false){ $debug = 'first entry'; $store = "INSERT INTO users (uid, uname, tweetcount, mostrecentid, count, debug) VALUES ('$uid', '$uname', '$tweetcount', '$mostrecentid', 1, '$debug')"; mysql_query($store); $id = md5('=a!-nd'.$uid); $store = "INSERT INTO notes (id, uid, tid, note, hidden) VALUES ('$id', '$uid', '0', 'Your very first note, welcome!', 0)"; mysql_query($store); for($page = 1; $page <= 16; ++$page){ $params = array('page' => $page, 'count' => 200); $content = $connection->get('statuses/user_timeline', $params); foreach($content as $post){ $ctid = $post->id_str; $id = md5('=a!-nd'.$ctid); if(preg_match('(^(Note to self|NTS)\W*|#NTS$)', $post->text)){ $title = preg_replace('(^(Note to self|NTS)\W*|#NTS$)', '', $post->text); $store = "INSERT INTO notes (id, uid, tid, note, hidden) VALUES ('$id', '$uid', '$ctid', '$title', 0)";mysql_query($store);} }} } else{ $debug = 'already registered'; $sql = "SELECT mostrecentid, count, tweetcount FROM users WHERE uid = '$uid'"; $queryresult = mysql_query($sql); $result = mysql_fetch_array($queryresult); $currentcount = $result['count'] + 1; $ltid = $result['mostrecentid']; $tweetcountold = $result['tweetcount']; $tweetsbetween = $tweetcount - $tweetcountold; $pageno = ceil($tweetsbetween / 200); for($page = 1; $page <= $pageno; ++$page){ $params = array('since_id' => $ltid, 'page' => $page); $content = $connection->get('statuses/user_timeline', $params); foreach($content as $post){ $ctid = $post->id_str; $id = md5('=a!-nd'.$ctid); $SQL = "SELECT uid, tid FROM notes WHERE uid = '$uid' AND tid = '$ctid'"; $result = mysql_query($SQL); if(mysql_num_rows($result) == false){ if(preg_match('(^(Note to self|NTS)\W*|#NTS$)', $post->text)){ $title = preg_replace('(^(Note to self|NTS)\W*|#NTS$)', '', $post->text); $store = "INSERT INTO notes (id, uid, tid, note, hidden) VALUES ('$id', '$uid', '$ctid', '$title', 0)"; mysql_query($store); }}}} $updateuser = "UPDATE users SET tweetcount = '$tweetcount', uname = '$uname', mostrecentid = '$mostrecentid', count = '$currentcount', debug = '$debug' WHERE uid = '$uid'"; mysql_query($updateuser); } $notes = array(); $SQL = "SELECT id, note FROM notes WHERE uid = '$uid' AND hidden = 0 ORDER BY tid ASC"; $results = mysql_query($SQL); while($rows = mysql_fetch_array($results)){ $notes[] = $rows['note'].'

'; } $notesdone = array(); $SQL = "SELECT id, note FROM notes WHERE uid = '$uid' AND hidden = 1 ORDER BY tid DESC LIMIT 0, 5 "; $results = mysql_query($SQL); while($rows = mysql_fetch_array($results)){ $notesdone[] = $rows['note'].'

'; } } else{ $notes = 'You dont have enough API calls to use this, please wait for your reset at '.$resettime; } mysql_close($db_handle); /* Include HTML to display on the page. */ include(''); ?>