----- Ink Hack (LEAKED) ------ -- Coded by Nomical (lol yeah right) -- -- EDITED (enhanced) EDITION: -- horrid tabbing fixed -- neater placement -- helpful commenting /* so this seems to be your login system i have one question for you: why the fuck do you need a login for a hack this terrible? heres a hint: nobody is interested in using this pile of garbage */ local PossiblePassCodes = {"3203236809","1120869851","1535539538","2256743791" , "2809482045" , "3911874954"} local PossibleUserCodes = {"621110604","1764323245","2018738438","2472298819" , "4153637497" , "476877156"} local Steamids = {"STEAM_0:1:25812285"} /* thanks for your steamid */ concommand.Add( "Ink_LoadMenu", function() local DParent = vgui.Create( "DFrame" ) DParent:SetPos( ScrW() / 2 - 125, ScrH() / 2 - 100 ) DParent:SetSize( 290 , 150 ) DParent:SetTitle("Ink Login") DParent:ShowCloseButton( true ) DParent:SetDraggable( false ) DParent:MakePopup() DParent.Avatar1 = vgui.Create("AvatarImage", DParent) DParent.Avatar1:SetPos( 10, 45 ) DParent.Avatar1:SetSize( 32 , 32 ) DParent.Avatar1:SetPlayer( LocalPlayer() ) local Entry = vgui.Create("DTextEntry", DParent) Entry:SetText(string.char(80) .. string.lower(string.char(65,83,83,87,79,82,68))) Entry:SetSize( 200 , 20 ) Entry:SetPos( 50 , 70 ) local oPaint = Entry.Paint function Entry:Paint() local old = self:GetValue() self:SetValue(old:gsub(".", "*")) local ret = oPaint(self) self:SetValue(old) return ret end local Entry2 = vgui.Create("DTextEntry", DParent) Entry2:SetText(string.char(85) .. string.lower(string.char(83,69,82,78,65,77,69))) Entry2:SetSize( 200 , 20 ) Entry2:SetPos( 50 , 40 ) local button = vgui.Create("DButton", DParent) button:SetText("Click Here To Login") button:SetPos( 90 , 105 ) button:SetSize( 100 ,25 ) button.DoClick = function() if table.HasValue( PossiblePassCodes, util.CRC( Entry:GetValue() ) ) and table.HasValue( PossibleUserCodes, util.CRC(Entry2:GetValue())) then DParent:Close() Hack() end end end) timer.Simple( 0.1, function() RunConsoleCommand( "Ink_LoadMenu" ) end ) /* like i said, your login isnt needed so why the fuck is your hack in one big function? more importantly, why in the fucking WORLD is it global? why arent your functions or vars being stored in a table? */ function Hack() /* why dont you have a function that stores your convars in a table? */ local EspCon = CreateClientConVar("Ink_Esp","0", true , false) local EspHealth = CreateClientConVar("Ink_Esp_Health","0", true , false) local EspDist = CreateClientConVar("Ink_Esp_Distance","0", true , false) local EspAdmin = CreateClientConVar("Ink_Esp_Admin","0", true, false) local InkBp = CreateClientConVar("Ink_Bhop" ,"0", true , false) local InkRp = CreateClientConVar("Ink_Rp_Esp", "0" ,true , false) local InkChams = CreateClientConVar("Ink_Chams", "0" , true , false) local InkBh = CreateClientConVar("Ink_Line", "0" ,true , false) local Inkdl = CreateClientConVar("Ink_Light", "0", true , false) local InkTb = CreateClientConVar("Ink_Trigger" , "0" , true , false) local InkTTT = CreateClientConVar("Ink_TTT", "0" , true , false) local InkCross = CreateClientConVar("Ink_Crosshair","0",true,false) local InkHit = CreateClientConVar("Ink_HitMarker","0",true,false) local InkAnti = CreateClientConVar("Ink_AntiGag","0",true,false) Change = 0 /* still global */ /* what is the point of this function when you can put it in your esp function? all its doing is lagging up your script more with yet another think hook you are a dumbass */ function Changer() if GetConVarNumber("Ink_Esp_Health") == 0 then Change = 0 else Change = 10 end end hook.Add("Think","Chak",Changer) function Esp() if EspCon:GetBool() then for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do /* what in the world are you doing? why aren't you using a function to filter players? */ if v!=LocalPlayer() then /* how did you forget to to ToScreen() after you declare the function? */ local PlayerSpot = v:EyePos():ToScreen() /* local PlayerSpot = v:EyePos() PlayerSpot = PlayerSpot:ToScreen() <------- like this, you moron */ TeamColor = team.GetColor(v:Team()) /* global? again? */ /* couldn't have picked a shittier font? */ surface.CreateFont("AR JULIAN",15,100,true,false, "Mooaaa") /* kind of ugly when its slapped directly on the player's face why aren't you using + Vector( 0, 0, x ) for your esp? at least learn to use draw.SimpleTextOutlined so it doesnt look like complete garbage */ draw.SimpleText(v:Nick() , "Mooaaa", PlayerSpot.x , PlayerSpot.y - 10 , TeamColor , TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) if v:Alive() then /* next time try doing !v:Alive(), you retard. better yet, try taking your first draw.SimpleText and putting it here! (WOW) */ else /* because we all want dead player esp garbage littered all over our screens */ draw.SimpleText("-DEAD-","Mooaaa",PlayerSpot.x, PlayerSpot.y - 20 , TeamColor , TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end if EspHealth:GetBool() and v:Health() <= 100 then local HealthBar = v:Health() / 2.5 surface.SetDrawColor(TeamColor) surface.DrawOutlinedRect(PlayerSpot.x - 20,PlayerSpot.y - 3,40,4) /* no black box to fill in lost health? wow, you must be clueless */ surface.DrawRect(PlayerSpot.x - 20,PlayerSpot.y - 3,HealthBar,4) end if EspDist:GetBool() then local distance = math.Round(v:GetPos():Distance(LocalPlayer():GetPos())) draw.SimpleText(distance, "Mooaaa", PlayerSpot.x , PlayerSpot.y + Change , TeamColor , TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end end end end end hook.Add("HUDPaint","ExtraSensoryPercept",Esp) /* default hooking system, good work idiot. isnt it great not having your hooks all in one table? */ /* does this really need to be in its own function? were you too stupid to implement it in your "Esp" func? */ function Admindet() if EspAdmin:GetBool() then for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if v!=LocalPlayer() then if v:IsAdmin() or v:IsSuperAdmin() then AdminS = v:EyePos():ToScreen() /* havent you learned by now that globals are not good? */ draw.SimpleText("Admin","Mooaaa", AdminS.x , AdminS.y - 30 , Color(255,0,0,255) , TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end end end end end hook.Add("HUDPaint","Superoctonopus",Admindet) /* do you have any concept of aesthetics? why your table all on one line? and WHY is it global? */ WeaponTable = {"weapon_zm_pistol","weapon_ttt_wtester","weapon_zm_revolver","weapon_zm_molotov","weapon_zm_shotgun","weapon_ttt_m16","weapon_ttt_glock","weapon_zm_sledge","weapon_zm_rifle","weapon_zm_mac10"} function TTTWeaponEsp() if InkTTT:GetBool() then for k,v in pairs(ents.GetAll()) do if ValidEntity(v) then if table.HasValue(WeaponTable,v:GetClass()) and v:GetMoveType() != 0 then Weaponscreenpot = v:GetPos():ToScreen() /* global yet again */ draw.SimpleText(v:GetClass(),"Mooaaa", Weaponscreenpot.x , Weaponscreenpot.y , Color(255,0,0,255) , TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end end end end end hook.Add("HUDPaint","TTTWeaponShow",TTTWeaponEsp) /* same thing here */ PrinterTable = {"reg_money_printer","money_printer","platinum_printer","golden_printer","zz_money_printer","money_printer_commercial","money_printer_industrial"} function MpExtraSp() if InkRp:GetBool() then for k,v in pairs(ents.GetAll()) do if ValidEntity(v) then if table.HasValue(PrinterTable,v:GetClass()) then local Pl = v:GetPos():ToScreen() draw.SimpleText("Printer", "Mooaaa", Pl.x , Pl.y,Color(20,255,100,255), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end end end end end hook.Add("HUDPaint","MoneyMoney",MpExtraSp) function Bunnyhop() /* no ucmd? */ if InkBp:GetBool() then ' /* ucmd with IN_JUMP, try it instead of this garbage */ if input.IsKeyDown( KEY_SPACE ) then /* at least define LocalPlayer() in a variable you moron */ if LocalPlayer():IsOnGround() then /* HURR HOW TO DO UCMD:SetButtons????????? */ RunConsoleCommand("+Jump") timer.Create("Bhop",0.01, 0 ,function() RunConsoleCommand("-Jump") end) end end end end hook.Add("Think", "Funkybunny", Bunnyhop) /* rofl at your fagtastic hook name. no createmove either, what a shame */ function Crosshair1() /* where's crosshair2? */ if InkCross:GetBool() then surface.SetDrawColor(team.GetColor(LocalPlayer():Team())) /* ScrW() / 2 should be defined as a variable unless you love making things hard on yourself like your shitty tabbing */ surface.DrawLine(ScrW() / 2 - 10, ScrH() / 2, ScrW() / 2 + 11 , ScrH() / 2) surface.DrawLine(ScrW() / 2 - 0, ScrH() / 2 - 10, ScrW() / 2 - 0 , ScrH() / 2 + 11) end end hook.Add("HUDPaint","CustomCross",Crosshair1) /* really "custom", hasnt been done before */ function Hitmarker() /* idea stolen and poorly done too */ if InkHit:GetBool() then local EyeEnt = LocalPlayer():GetEyeTrace().Entity /* is this the only filtering you have for your trace? */ if EyeEnt:IsPlayer() then if LocalPlayer():Health() > 0 then /* hint: you dont need getcurrentcommand this method isnt even accurate try using dmginfo:GetAttacker() next time, idiot */ if LocalPlayer():GetCurrentCommand():KeyDown(IN_ATTACK) then if LocalPlayer():GetActiveWeapon():Clip1() > 0 then surface.SetDrawColor( 255 , 255 , 255 , 180 ) surface.DrawLine(ScrW() / 2 - 5 , ScrH() / 2 - 5 , ScrW() / 2 - 15 , ScrH() / 2 - 15) surface.DrawLine(ScrW() / 2 + 5 , ScrH() / 2 + 5 , ScrW() / 2 + 15, ScrH() / 2 + 15) surface.DrawLine(ScrW() / 2 + 5 , ScrH() / 2 - 5 , ScrW() / 2 + 15 , ScrH() / 2 - 15) surface.DrawLine(ScrW() / 2 - 5 , ScrH() / 2 + 5 , ScrW() / 2 - 15 , ScrH() / 2 + 15) end end end end end end hook.Add("HUDPaint","DisplayShittyHitmarker",Hitmarker) /* bAHAHAHAHAHA OH WOW, nice one retard */ function Chams() if InkChams:GetBool() then for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do /* amazing target filtering ( just kidding , you suck ) */ if (v:Alive() and v:IsPlayer() and v:Team() != TEAM_SPECTATOR ) then /* TOTALLY CHAMS, NO PLAYER COLORING AT ALL */ cam.Start3D( EyePos() , EyeAngles() ) cam.IgnoreZ(true) v:DrawModel() cam.IgnoreZ(false) cam.End3D() end end end end /* not even using renderscreenspaceeffects as your hook type? damn, you must be retarded */ hook.Add("HUDPaint","Chamers",Chams) /* i have no words for this */ function Antigag() if InkAnti:GetBool() then hook.Remove( "PlayerBindPress", "ULXGagForce" ) timer.Destroy( "GagLocalPlayer") end end hook.Add("Think","NewAntiGag",Antigag) function Barrelhax() if InkBh:GetBool() then for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do /* again, great filtering */ if (v!=LocalPlayer() and v:Alive() and v:IsPlayer()) then cam.Start3D( EyePos() , EyeAngles()) render.SetMaterial( Material( "cable/physbeam" ) ) /* why Bip01_Head1? did you know theres an attatchment called "eyes"? why arent you using 16384 for the max trace? */ render.DrawBeam(v:GetBonePosition(v:LookupBone("ValveBiped.Bip01_Head1")) , v:GetEyeTrace().HitPos , 5, 0, 0, Color(255,255,255, 255 )) cam.End3D() end end end end hook.Add("HUDPaint","Specline", Barrelhax) /* stolen from rabidtoaster, pretty useless anyway especially since youre not even using it on other players */ function Dynamiclight() // Dynamic light , Kinda obvious what this does. local dlight = DynamicLight() if Inkdl:GetBool() then if (dlight) then local LocalTeam = team.GetColor(LocalPlayer():Team()) dlight.Pos = LocalPlayer():GetPos() dlight.r = LocalTeam.r dlight.g = LocalTeam.g dlight.b = LocalTeam.b dlight.Brightness = 4 dlight.Size = 500 dlight.Decay = 0 dlight.DieTime = CurTime() + 0.1 end end end hook.Add("Think", "FollowLight" , Dynamiclight) function Trigger() /* why aren't you using .Hit for your trace? */ local Eye = LocalPlayer():GetEyeTrace().Entity if InkTb:GetBool() then if (Eye:IsNPC() or Eye:IsPlayer()) then RunConsoleCommand("+Attack") else /* 0.50, rofl. nice job idiot */ timer.Simple(0.50, function() RunConsoleCommand("-Attack") end) end end end hook.Add("Think", "Test", Trigger) /* seriously? why aren't you using createmove? */ /// TTT Beta PropKill Script /// concommand.Add("+Propkill", function() propkill1 = 1 end) concommand.Add("-Propkill", function() propkill1 = 0 end) function OpenS() /* not even checking to see if the gamemode is TTT? */ orA = LocalPlayer():EyeAngles() - Angle( 0 , 180 , 0 ) Test = LocalPlayer():EyeAngles() end hook.Add("Think","Tesasd",OpenS) /* WOW! more think hooks! */ function ReCalc(cmd) if propkill1 == 1 then /* more code stolen from rabidtoaster, this time autoaim */ orA.p = math.Clamp(orA.p + (cmd:GetMouseY() * 0.022), -89, 89) orA.y = math.NormalizeAngle(orA.y + (cmd:GetMouseX() * 0.022 * -1)) orA.r = 0 local Forward = ((Vector(cmd:GetForwardMove(), cmd:GetSideMove(), 0):GetNormal():Angle() + (cmd:GetViewAngles() - orA)):Forward() * Vector(cmd:GetForwardMove(), cmd:GetSideMove(), 0):Length()) cmd:SetForwardMove(Forward.x) cmd:SetSideMove(Forward.y) end end hook.Add("CreateMove", "StoredAngleRecalc", ReCalc) function Calc(ply, pos, angles, fov) local view = {} view.origin = pos if GetViewEntity() == LocalPlayer() and propkill1 == 1 then view.angles = orA end view.fov = fov return view end hook.Add("CalcView", "NegTin", Calc) /* why did you need to separate this into so many functions? */ function Throw() /* still not using ucmd */ if LocalPlayer():GetCurrentCommand():KeyDown(IN_SPEED) and propkill1 == 1 then /* rofl seteyeangles, good job idiot */ LocalPlayer():SetEyeAngles( Angle ( orA.p , orA.y , orA.r ) ) propkill1 = 0 end end hook.Add("Think","ThrowProp1",Throw) /* createmove obviously escaped your 10 year old mind */ // Aimbot // Coded by Nomical ( uhh, no ) local Ink_Ignore = CreateClientConVar("Ink_Aimbot_IgnoreSteam","0" , true , false) local Ink_Team = CreateClientConVar("Ink_Aimbot_Friendlyfire","0",true ,false ) local Ink_Admin = CreateClientConVar("Ink_Aimbot_IgnoreAdmins","0",true ,false ) local InkSmooth = CreateClientConVar("Ink_SmoothAim_Enabled","0",true,false) local InkSmSpeed = CreateClientConVar("Ink_Smooth_Speed" ,"0",true,false) local AiBone = CreateClientConVar("Aimbot_Offset", "0" ,true,false) function Visible( cent ) trace1 = {} trace1.start = LocalPlayer():GetShootPos() trace1.endpos = cent:GetBonePosition(cent:LookupBone("ValveBiped.Bip01_Head1")) /* HURR I STILL DONT KNOW WHAT eyes ATTATCHMENT IS */ trace1.mask = MASK_SHOT trace1.filter = {cent , LocalPlayer()} Main = util.TraceLine(trace1) if !Main.Hit then return true end end /* so NOW youre using a filtering function? oh wait, its stolen from slob187 ( since you were too stupid to use it earlier ) */ function Valid(ent) if (!ValidEntity(ent) || ent:Team() == TEAM_SPECTATOR || LocalPlayer() == ent) then return false end if (!ent:Alive() || ent:Health() <= 0) then return false end if (ent:Team() == LocalPlayer():Team() && GetConVarNumber("Ink_Aimbot_Friendlyfire") != 1) then return false end if (ent:IsPlayer() && GetConVarNumber( "Ink_Aimbot_IgnoreSteam" ) == 1 && ent:GetFriendStatus() == "friend" ) then return false end if (ent:IsPlayer() && ent:InVehicle() ) then return false end if (ent:IsPlayer() && GetConVarNumber( "Ink_Aimbot_IgnoreAdmins" ) && ent:IsAdmin() || ent:IsSuperAdmin()) then return false end return true end /* yep, stolen from slob187 TOTALLY CODED BY NOMICAL 100% */ function Targetsys() local target2 = { 0, 0 } for k, v in ipairs( player.GetAll() ) do if Visible(v) && Valid(v) then local distance = v:GetPos() - LocalPlayer():GetPos() distance = distance:Length() distance = math.abs( distance ) if ( distance < target2[2] or target2[1] == 0 ) then target2 = { v, distance } end end end return target2[1] end /* completely necessary function */ function Mano() if Targetsys() != 0 then return Targetsys() end end On = 0 /* more global vars? you suck */ concommand.Add("+Ink_Aim",function() On = 1 end) concommand.Add("-Ink_Aim",function() On = 0 end) /* no function for adding commands to a table either? damn, you suck */ function aim() if On == 1 then if Mano() then /* still using bones */ Bone = Mano():GetBonePosition(Mano():LookupBone("ValveBiped.Bip01_Head1")) - Vector(0,0,AiBone:GetInt()) /* stolen from public sources ( like precisionbot ) except your compensation is at 50 havent you noticed the perfect value is 45? */ Bone = Bone + Mano():GetVelocity() / 50 - LocalPlayer():GetVelocity() / 50 local Angl = ((Bone - LocalPlayer():GetShootPos()):GetNormal()):Angle() Angl.p = math.NormalizeAngle( Angl.p ) Angl.y = math.NormalizeAngle( Angl.y ) Angl.r = 0 /* stolen from sethhack v2 */ if GetConVarNumber("Ink_SmoothAim_Enabled") == 1 then Angle1 = LocalPlayer():EyeAngles() /* more globals */ local Smooth1 = math.Approach(Angle1.p, Angl.p, GetConVarNumber("Ink_Smooth_Speed")) local Smooth2 = math.Approach(Angle1.y , Angl.y, GetConVarNumber("Ink_Smooth_Speed")) LocalPlayer():SetEyeAngles(Angle(Smooth1,Smooth2,0)) else /* still using seteyeangles? you must be retarded. not even using your angle variable */ LocalPlayer():SetEyeAngles(Angle(Angl.p,Angl.y,0)) end end end end hook.Add("Think","Nacrot",aim) /* THINK HOOK #3292598, WE DONT NEED CREATEMOVE! */ local Nocoil = CreateClientConVar("Ink_Aimbot_Norecoil","0",true,false) /* "Some No Recoil", so you stole it? at least do ValidEntity() you stupid fuck */ hook.Add( "Think", "NotRecoil", function() // Some No Recoil <- I used a fancy way of adding hooks. if GetConVarNumber( "Ink_AimBot_NoRecoil" ) >= 1 then if LocalPlayer():GetActiveWeapon().Primary then LocalPlayer():GetActiveWeapon().Primary.Recoil = 0 end end end ) // Official Menu Code Below Here // /* copy pasted menu below */ function OpenMenu1() BaseFrame = vgui.Create("DFrame") BaseFrame:SetSize( 400 , 350 ) BaseFrame:SetPos( ScrW() / 2 - 200 , ScrH() / 2 - 175 ) BaseFrame:SetTitle("Ink Menu") BaseFrame:ShowCloseButton( true ) BaseFrame:MakePopup() local Sheet = vgui.Create("DPropertySheet" , BaseFrame) Sheet:SetSize( 390 , 320 ) Sheet:SetPos( 5 , 25 ) local FirstTab = vgui.Create("DLabel") FirstTab:SetParent( Sheet ) FirstTab:SetPos( 0 , 10 ) FirstTab:SetText("") local SecTab = vgui.Create("DLabel") SecTab:SetParent( Sheet ) SecTab:SetPos( 0 , 10 ) SecTab:SetText("") local ThTab = vgui.Create("DLabel") ThTab:SetParent( Sheet ) ThTab:SetPos( 0 , 10 ) ThTab:SetText("") local BindTab = vgui.Create("DLabel") BindTab:SetParent( Sheet ) BindTab:SetPos( 0 , 10 ) BindTab:SetText("") local InfoTab = vgui.Create("DLabel") InfoTab:SetParent( Sheet ) InfoTab:SetPos( 0 , 10 ) InfoTab:SetText("") ---- Time ---- local Time = vgui.Create("DLabel") Time:SetParent( InfoTab ) Time:SetPos( 300 , 10 ) Time:SetTextColor( Color(0 , 0 , 0 , 255 ) ) Time:SetText(tostring( os.date("%I") ) ) local Time2 = vgui.Create("DLabel") Time2:SetParent( InfoTab ) Time2:SetPos( 317 , 10 ) Time2:SetTextColor( Color(0 , 0 , 0 , 255 ) ) Time2:SetText(tostring( os.date("%M") ) ) local Time3 = vgui.Create("DLabel") Time3:SetParent( InfoTab ) Time3:SetPos( 313.5 , 10 ) Time3:SetTextColor( Color(0 , 0 , 0 , 255 ) ) Time3:SetText(":") local Time4 = vgui.Create("DLabel") Time4:SetParent( InfoTab ) Time4:SetPos( 330 , 10 ) Time4:SetTextColor( Color(0 , 0 , 0 , 255 ) ) Time4:SetText( tostring( os.date( "%p" ) ) ) // DLabels local Label1 = vgui.Create("DLabel") Label1:SetParent( FirstTab ) Label1:SetPos ( 30 , 10 ) Label1:SetTextColor( Color ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 255) ) Label1:SetText( "Basic Settings" ) Label1:SizeToContents() local Label2 = vgui.Create("DLabel") Label2:SetParent( FirstTab ) Label2:SetPos ( 30 , 110 ) Label2:SetTextColor( Color ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 255) ) Label2:SetText( "Other Settings" ) Label2:SizeToContents() local Label3 = vgui.Create("DLabel") Label3:SetParent( SecTab ) Label3:SetPos ( 30 , 10 ) Label3:SetTextColor( Color ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 255) ) Label3:SetText( "Main Esp Settings" ) Label3:SizeToContents() local Label4 = vgui.Create("DLabel") Label4:SetParent( SecTab ) Label4:SetPos ( 30 , 110 ) Label4:SetTextColor( Color ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 255) ) Label4:SetText( "Other / Misc" ) Label4:SizeToContents() local Label5 = vgui.Create("DLabel") Label5:SetParent( ThTab ) Label5:SetPos ( 30 , 10 ) Label5:SetTextColor( Color ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 255) ) Label5:SetText( "Misc Features" ) Label5:SizeToContents() // ESP Diagram local EspModel = vgui.Create( "DModelPanel", SecTab ) EspModel:SetModel( LocalPlayer():GetModel() ) EspModel:SetPos( 110 , -30 ) EspModel:SetSize( 300 , 250 ) EspModel:SetAnimated( true ) EspModel:SetCamPos( Vector( 50 , 50 , 50 ) ) EspModel:SetLookAt( Vector( 0 , 0 , 50 ) ) // Regular Check Boxes local Box1 = vgui.Create( "DCheckBoxLabel") Box1:SetText( "Friendly Fire" ) Box1:SetConVar( "Ink_Aimbot_Friendlyfire" ) Box1:SetParent( FirstTab ) Box1:SetPos( 20 , 30 ) Box1:SetValue( GetConVarNumber("Ink_Aimbot_Friendlyfire") ) Box1:SetTextColor( Color(0 , 0 , 0 , 255 ) ) Box1:SizeToContents() local Box2 = vgui.Create( "DCheckBoxLabel") Box2:SetText( "Ignore Steam Friends" ) Box2:SetPos( 20 , 50 ) Box2:SetParent( FirstTab ) Box2:SetConVar( "Ink_Aimbot_IgnoreSteam" ) Box2:SetValue( GetConVarNumber("Ink_Aimbot_IgnoreSteam") ) Box2:SetTextColor( Color(0 , 0 , 0 , 255 ) ) Box2:SizeToContents() local Box4 = vgui.Create( "DCheckBoxLabel") Box4:SetText( "Ignore Admins" ) Box4:SetConVar( "Ink_Aimbot_IgnoreAdmins" ) Box4:SetValue( GetConVarNumber("Ink_Aimbot_IgnoreAdmins") ) Box4:SetPos( 20 , 70 ) Box4:SetParent( FirstTab ) Box4:SetTextColor( Color(0 , 0 , 0 , 255 ) ) Box4:SizeToContents() local Box5 = vgui.Create( "DCheckBoxLabel") Box5:SetText( "No Recoil" ) Box5:SetConVar( "Ink_Aimbot_Norecoil" ) Box5:SetValue( GetConVarNumber("Ink_Aimbot_Norecoil") ) Box5:SetPos( 20 , 90 ) Box5:SetParent( FirstTab ) Box5:SetTextColor( Color(0 , 0 , 0 , 255 ) ) Box5:SizeToContents() local Box6 = vgui.Create( "DCheckBoxLabel") Box6:SetText( "Smooth Aim" ) Box6:SetConVar( "Ink_SmoothAim_Enabled" ) Box6:SetValue( GetConVarNumber("Ink_SmoothAim_Enabled") ) Box6:SetPos( 20 , 130 ) Box6:SetParent( FirstTab ) Box6:SetTextColor( Color(0 , 0 , 0 , 255 ) ) Box6:SizeToContents() local Box7 = vgui.Create( "DCheckBoxLabel") Box7:SetText( "Trigger Bot" ) Box7:SetConVar( "Ink_Trigger" ) Box7:SetValue( GetConVarNumber("Ink_Trigger") ) Box7:SetPos( 20 , 150 ) Box7:SetParent( FirstTab ) Box7:SetTextColor( Color(0 , 0 , 0 , 255 ) ) Box7:SizeToContents() local Box8 = vgui.Create( "DCheckBoxLabel") Box8:SetText( "Esp" ) Box8:SetConVar( "Ink_Esp" ) Box8:SetValue( GetConVarNumber("Ink_Esp") ) Box8:SetPos( 20 , 30 ) Box8:SetParent( SecTab ) Box8:SetTextColor( Color(0 , 0 , 0 , 255 ) ) Box8:SizeToContents() local Box9 = vgui.Create( "DCheckBoxLabel") Box9:SetText( "Show Admins" ) Box9:SetConVar( "Ink_Esp_Admin" ) Box9:SetValue( GetConVarNumber("Ink_Esp_Admin") ) Box9:SetPos( 20 , 50 ) Box9:SetParent( SecTab ) Box9:SetTextColor( Color(0 , 0 , 0 , 255 ) ) Box9:SizeToContents() local Box10 = vgui.Create( "DCheckBoxLabel") Box10:SetText( "Display Distance" ) Box10:SetConVar( "Ink_Esp_Distance" ) Box10:SetPos( 20 , 70 ) Box10:SetParent( SecTab ) Box10:SetValue( GetConVarNumber("Ink_Esp_Distance") ) Box10:SetTextColor( Color(0 , 0 , 0 , 255 ) ) Box10:SizeToContents() local Box11 = vgui.Create( "DCheckBoxLabel") Box11:SetText( "Display Health" ) Box11:SetConVar( "Ink_Esp_Health" ) Box11:SetPos( 20 , 90 ) Box11:SetParent( SecTab ) Box11:SetValue( GetConVarNumber("Ink_Esp_Health") ) Box11:SetTextColor( Color(0 , 0 , 0 , 255 ) ) Box11:SizeToContents() local Box12 = vgui.Create( "DCheckBoxLabel") Box12:SetText( "Chams" ) Box12:SetConVar( "Ink_Chams" ) Box12:SetPos( 20 , 130 ) Box12:SetParent( SecTab ) Box12:SetValue( GetConVarNumber("Ink_Chams") ) Box12:SetTextColor( Color(0 , 0 , 0 , 255 ) ) Box12:SizeToContents() local Box13 = vgui.Create( "DCheckBoxLabel") Box13:SetText( "Barrel Hack" ) Box13:SetConVar( "Ink_Line" ) Box13:SetPos( 20 , 150 ) Box13:SetParent( SecTab ) Box13:SetValue( GetConVarNumber("Ink_Line") ) Box13:SetTextColor( Color(0 , 0 , 0 , 255 ) ) Box13:SizeToContents() local Box14 = vgui.Create( "DCheckBoxLabel") Box14:SetText( "Display TTT Weapons" ) Box14:SetConVar( "Ink_TTT" ) Box14:SetPos( 20 , 170 ) Box14:SetParent( SecTab ) Box14:SetValue( GetConVarNumber("Ink_TTT") ) Box14:SetTextColor( Color(0 , 0 , 0 , 255 ) ) Box14:SizeToContents() local Box15 = vgui.Create( "DCheckBoxLabel") Box15:SetText( "Dynamic Light" ) Box15:SetConVar( "Ink_Light" ) Box15:SetPos( 20 , 190 ) Box15:SetParent( SecTab ) Box15:SetValue( GetConVarNumber("Ink_Light") ) Box15:SetTextColor( Color(0 , 0 , 0 , 255 ) ) Box15:SizeToContents() local Slider1 = vgui.Create( "DNumSlider") Slider1:SetWide(100) Slider1:SetText( "Offset" ) Slider1:SetMin(0) Slider1:SetMax(35) Slider1:SetDecimals(0) Slider1:SetPos( 20 , 175 ) Slider1:SetParent( FirstTab ) Slider1:SetConVar("Aimbot_Offset") local Slider2 = vgui.Create( "DNumSlider") Slider2:SetWide(100) Slider2:SetText( "Smooth Speed" ) Slider2:SetMin(1) Slider2:SetMax(10) Slider2:SetDecimals(0) Slider2:SetPos( 20 , 215 ) Slider2:SetParent( FirstTab ) Slider2:SetConVar("Ink_Smooth_Speed") local Box22 = vgui.Create( "DCheckBoxLabel") Box22:SetText( "Bunny Hop" ) Box22:SetConVar( "Ink_Bhop" ) Box22:SetPos( 20 , 30 ) Box22:SetParent( ThTab ) Box22:SetValue( GetConVarNumber("Ink_Bhop") ) Box22:SetTextColor( Color(0 , 0 , 0 , 255 ) ) Box22:SizeToContents() local Box23 = vgui.Create( "DCheckBoxLabel") Box23:SetText( "Custom Crosshair" ) Box23:SetConVar( "Ink_Crosshair" ) Box23:SetPos( 20 , 50 ) Box23:SetParent( ThTab ) Box23:SetValue( GetConVarNumber("Ink_Crosshair") ) Box23:SetTextColor( Color(0 , 0 , 0 , 255 ) ) Box23:SizeToContents() local Box24 = vgui.Create( "DCheckBoxLabel") Box24:SetText( "ULX AntiGag" ) Box24:SetConVar( "Ink_AntiGag" ) Box24:SetPos( 20 , 70 ) Box24:SetParent( ThTab ) Box24:SetValue( GetConVarNumber("Ink_AntiGag") ) Box24:SetTextColor( Color(0 , 0 , 0 , 255 ) ) Box24:SizeToContents() local Box25 = vgui.Create( "DCheckBoxLabel") Box25:SetText( "Hit Markers" ) Box25:SetConVar( "Ink_HitMarker" ) Box25:SetPos( 20 , 90 ) Box25:SetParent( ThTab ) Box25:SetValue( GetConVarNumber("Ink_HitMarker") ) Box25:SetTextColor( Color(0 , 0 , 0 , 255 ) ) Box25:SizeToContents() /// Info /// local Info = vgui.Create("DLabel") Info:SetParent( InfoTab ) Info:SetPos( 130 , 10 ) Info:SetTextColor( Color ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 255 ) ) Info:SetSize( 200 , 20 ) Info:SetText("------ Ink Bot ------") local Info1 = vgui.Create("DLabel") Info1:SetParent( InfoTab ) Info1:SetPos( 130 , 30 ) Info1:SetTextColor( Color ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 255 ) ) Info1:SetSize( 200 , 20 ) Info1:SetText("Downloadable Skills") local Info2 = vgui.Create("DLabel") Info2:SetParent( InfoTab ) Info2:SetPos( 5 , 50 ) Info2:SetTextColor( Color ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 255 ) ) Info2:SetSize( 1000 , 20 ) Info2:SetText("Hi, you are using Ink Bot, A Hack Coded by Nomical it has many features") local Info3 = vgui.Create("DLabel") Info3:SetParent( InfoTab ) Info3:SetPos( 5 , 70 ) Info3:SetTextColor( Color ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 255 ) ) Info3:SetSize( 1000 , 20 ) Info3:SetText("including Aimbot, Esp, And much more. I Hope you Enjoy My Hack.") // Binding Tab Derma // /* stolen from flapadar */ FunctionTable = {"Aimbot","Propkill","Menu"} ShowKey = { AimKey , PropKey , MenuKey } KeyTable = {} KeyTable["A"] = KEY_A KeyTable["B"] = KEY_B KeyTable["C"] = KEY_C KeyTable["D"] = KEY_D KeyTable["E"] = KEY_E KeyTable["F"] = KEY_F KeyTable["G"] = KEY_G KeyTable["H"] = KEY_H KeyTable["I"] = KEY_I KeyTable["J"] = KEY_J KeyTable["K"] = KEY_K KeyTable["L"] = KEY_L KeyTable["M"] = KEY_M KeyTable["N"] = KEY_N KeyTable["O"] = KEY_O KeyTable["P"] = KEY_P KeyTable["Q"] = KEY_Q KeyTable["R"] = KEY_R KeyTable["S"] = KEY_S KeyTable["T"] = KEY_T KeyTable["U"] = KEY_U KeyTable["V"] = KEY_V KeyTable["W"] = KEY_W KeyTable["X"] = KEY_X KeyTable["Y"] = KEY_Y KeyTable["Z"] = KEY_Z KeyTable["Insert"] = KEY_INSERT KeyTable["Left Alt"] = KEY_LALT KeyTable["Nothing"] = KEY_NONE local List = vgui.Create("DListView") List:SetParent( BindTab ) List:SetPos( 15 , 5 ) List:SetSize( 175 , 200 ) List:SetMultiSelect(false) List:AddColumn("Function") for k,v in pairs(FunctionTable) do List:AddLine(v) end local List2 = vgui.Create("DListView") List2:SetParent( BindTab ) List2:SetPos( 176 , 5 ) List2:SetSize( 175 , 200 ) List2:SetMultiSelect(false) List2:AddColumn("Key") for k,v in pairs(ShowKey) do List2:AddLine(v) end KeyLabel = vgui.Create("DLabel", BindTab) KeyLabel:SetText("Key") KeyLabel:SetPos( 25 , 255 ) KeyLabel:SetTextColor( Color (0,0,0,255) ) KeyLabel:SizeToContents() KeyLabel2 = vgui.Create("DLabel", BindTab) KeyLabel2:SetText("Function") KeyLabel2:SetPos( 165 , 255 ) KeyLabel2:SetTextColor( Color (0,0,0,255) ) KeyLabel2:SizeToContents() local KeyForBind = CreateClientConVar("Ink_Key","Nothing",true,false) local BindChoc1 = vgui.Create("DMultiChoice") BindChoc1:SetParent( BindTab ) BindChoc1:SetPos( 15 , 230 ) BindChoc1:SetSize( 100 , 20 ) BindChoc1:SetConVar("Ink_Key") BindChoc1:ChooseOption(GetConVarString("Ink_Key")) for k,v in pairs(KeyTable) do BindChoc1:AddChoice(k) end local FuncForBind = CreateClientConVar("Ink_Func","Nothing",true,false) local BindChoc2 = vgui.Create("DMultiChoice") BindChoc2:SetParent( BindTab ) BindChoc2:SetPos( 160 , 230 ) BindChoc2:SetSize( 100 , 20 ) BindChoc2:SetConVar("Ink_Func") BindChoc2:ChooseOption(GetConVarString("Ink_Func")) for k,v in pairs(FunctionTable) do BindChoc2:AddChoice(v) end local SaveAim = CreateClientConVar("Ink_AimKeySave" , "Insert" , true , false ) local SaveMenu = CreateClientConVar("Ink_MenuKeySave" , "" , true , false ) local SaveProp = CreateClientConVar("Ink_PropKeySave" , "" , true , false ) local button = vgui.Create( "DButton", BindTab ) button:SetSize( 40 , 30 ) button:SetPos( 285 , 223 ) button:SetText( "Bind" ) button.DoClick = function( button ) // Show Binds Part // if GetConVarString("Ink_Func") == "Aimbot" then AimKey = GetConVarString("Ink_Key") LocalPlayer():ConCommand("Ink_AimKeySave "..GetConVarString("Ink_Key")) end if GetConVarString("Ink_Func") == "Menu" then MenuKey = GetConVarString("Ink_Key") LocalPlayer():ConCommand("Ink_MenuKeySave "..GetConVarString("Ink_Key")) end if GetConVarString("Ink_Func") == "Propkill" then PropKey = GetConVarString("Ink_Key") LocalPlayer():ConCommand("Ink_PropKeySave "..GetConVarString("Ink_Key")) end ///////////////////// end // Adding The Sheets // Sheet:AddSheet( "Home", InfoTab, "gui/silkicons/table_edit", false, false, "About Ink" ) Sheet:AddSheet( "Aimbot", FirstTab, "gui/silkicons/check_on", false, false, "Aimboat!" ) Sheet:AddSheet( "ESP", SecTab, "gui/silkicons/star", false, false, "Visual Hacks" ) Sheet:AddSheet( "Miscellaneous", ThTab, "gui/silkicons/world", false, false, "Other Stuff" ) Sheet:AddSheet( "Binds", BindTab, "gui/silkicons/wrench", false, false, "Bindings" ) end concommand.Add("Ink_menu",OpenMenu1) local Stopper2 = 1 local Stopper = 1 /* stolen from flappy again? */ function Binds() KeyTable = {} KeyTable["A"] = KEY_A KeyTable["B"] = KEY_B KeyTable["C"] = KEY_C KeyTable["D"] = KEY_D KeyTable["E"] = KEY_E KeyTable["F"] = KEY_F KeyTable["G"] = KEY_G KeyTable["H"] = KEY_H KeyTable["I"] = KEY_I KeyTable["J"] = KEY_J KeyTable["K"] = KEY_K KeyTable["L"] = KEY_L KeyTable["M"] = KEY_M KeyTable["N"] = KEY_N KeyTable["O"] = KEY_O KeyTable["P"] = KEY_P KeyTable["Q"] = KEY_Q KeyTable["R"] = KEY_R KeyTable["S"] = KEY_S KeyTable["T"] = KEY_T KeyTable["U"] = KEY_U KeyTable["V"] = KEY_V KeyTable["W"] = KEY_W KeyTable["X"] = KEY_X KeyTable["Y"] = KEY_Y KeyTable["Z"] = KEY_Z KeyTable["Insert"] = KEY_INSERT KeyTable["Left Alt"] = KEY_LALT KeyTable["Nothing"] = KEY_NONE for k,v in pairs (KeyTable) do if AimKey == k then if input.IsKeyDown(v) then On = 1 elseif !input.IsKeyDown(v) then On = 0 end end if MenuKey == k then if input.IsKeyDown(v) then if Stopper == 1 then OpenMenu1() Stopper = Stopper + 1 end end end if MenuKey == k then if !input.IsKeyDown(v) then Stopper = 1 end end // Stop Menu Spam When Func Called if PropKey == k then if input.IsKeyDown(v) then if Stopper2 == 1 then Stopper2 = Stopper2 + 1 propkill1 = 1 end end end if PropKey == k then if !input.IsKeyDown(v) then Stopper2 = 1 propkill1 = 0 end end // Stop Flipout For PropKill Func // End Func And For Loop // end end hook.Add("Think","ActiveBinds",Binds) function LoadBinds() AimKey = GetConVarString("Ink_AimKeySave") MenuKey = GetConVarString("Ink_MenuKeySave") PropKey = GetConVarString("Ink_PropKeySave") end LoadBinds() end // End Hax Func /* no anti-detection for your shitty global funcs, vars, convars, etc? wow, this hack is fucking horrible. must be because you're 9, nomical overall this hack gets a 0/10 */