-- Globals currently in DarkRP -- CUR -- Global that defines the currency used in DarkRP. '$' By default DB -- Database global. It's a table that holds all database related functions LANGUAGE -- Language global. A table which holds -- Separate module mysqloo FPP FAdmin CPPI -- shared.lua, _MySQL.lua and addentities.lua related things. -- To change these, I'd have to edit addentities.lua, _MySQL.lua and shared.lua, which is not going to happen. RP_MySQLConfig RPExtraTeamDoors RPExtraTeams TEAM_CHIEF TEAM_CITIZEN TEAM_COOK TEAM_GANG TEAM_GUN TEAM_HOBO TEAM_MAYOR TEAM_MEDIC TEAM_MOB TEAM_POLICE CustomShipments CustomVehicles DarkRPAgendas DarkRPEntities AddAgenda AddChatCommand AddCustomShipment AddCustomVehicle AddDoorGroup AddEntity AddEntityCommands AddExtraTeam -- These ones are global, but get removed after the gamemode has loaded: team_spawn_positions RP_ConsolePositions jail_positions