audit_log: join: Tells people to use oauth find: Find users with simple matching. finddups: Show members with identical names. pmmentions: Command for manage pmmentions mode. findold: Shows members that haven't logged in/been seen by the bot in the last `days` days. hardmention: List members with difficult to mention usernames. memes: Show available memes. channelinfo: Show information about a channel. topic: Quote the channel topic at people. dont: dont run me or my son ever again serverinfo: Show information about a server. userinfo: Show information about a user. rip: RIP in Peace. roleinfo: Displays information about a role. setosu: Set your osu account to be remembered by the bot. rolemembers: List the members of a role. watchosu: Shows a osu spectate link dead: They're dead. Deal with it already. about: Show information about the bot. avatar: Show a user's avatar. defaultavatar: Show the default avatar for a user. needsmorejpeg: largestservers: Show the 5 largest servers the bot sees. osu: Show a user's osu profile. nobully: Anti bully ranger comes to save the day! nonobully: Anti anti bully ranger comes to save? the day! mcavatar: Display a minecraft avatar. hate: How could you ! ignore: Ignore user globally in the bot. showcolor: Show a color. 8ball: Ask the magic 8 ball your questions. meme: Run a meme even if it is masked by another command. choose: Randomly chooses one of the options. love: Akarin loves you. server_emojis: Shows emojis on this server. stats: Show statistics for all shards combined. find_emojis: Find all emoji sharing the same name and the servers they are from. charinfo: Show information about a unicode character. random_emoji: Show a random emoji this bot can use. bigmoji: Link to the full sized image for an emoji. roll: Random number from 0 to num. names: Shows a user's previous names within the last 30 days. blame: Show who caused a command response to show up. nicks: Shows a user's previous names within the last 30 days. die: Quit the bot. rtt: Measures delay between message and reply. pin: Pin a message by id. because you're too lazy to right click. rev: Show the current revision message of the deployed bot. socket_events: Debug information. config: Manage configuration for servers & channels. objgraph: prune: Remove lots of messages quickly. sstats: Show statistics about the current shard. ban: Ban a user. reactinfo: unpin: Unpin a message by id. because you're too lazy to right click. hackban: Ban a user by id, even if they aren't on the server. setbattletag: Sets the Blizzard BattleTag assosiated with this Discord account. star: Create a star out of a string 1-25 characters long. overwatch: Get Overwatch stats for a given user. addrole: Add roles. softban: Ban and unban a user. (This clears their messages too!) nostalgia: Pins an old message from a specific date. weekly_messages: competitive: clearreactions: Clears all reactions from previous messages. kick: Kick a user. daily_messages: aesthetic: aesthetic. say: Make the bot say something. servers_graph: servers_rate_graph: help: Shows this message. eval: Evaluate a python expression. remrole: Remove roles. command_stats: nick: Set or unset a user's nickname. meval: Evaluate a python expression on every shard. uptime: Show the time since the bot was last started. shardinfo: Shows information about all shards for this bot. osuptime: Shows server uptime. reval: Evaluate a python expression on every shard. gibcolor: Assigns a custom color group to the selected users. move_role: clean: Clean up the bot's messages. perminfo: Show permissions for a user. color: Set a custom color for the given role. stealavatar: Set the bot's avatar to another user's avatar. saucenao: Performs a reverse image query on the last uploaded