''' Created on Oct 18, 2011 @author: Trevor Coleman ''' import android import urlparse from HTMLTemplates import * droid = android.Android() #set application root path urlPath = "file:///sdcard/sl4a/scripts/ExaltedCombatManager" filePath = "/sdcard/sl4a/scripts/ExaltedCombatManager" class Person(): def __init__(self): #getNewPlayerInfo #DISPLAY NEW PLAYER INFO PAGE path = urlPath + "/html/newPlayerScreen.html" droid.webViewShow(path) #GET INFORMATION FROM FORM result = droid.eventWaitFor('saveNewPlayer').result data = urlparse.parse_qs(result['data'][1:]) x = data["playerName"] playerName = x[0] x = data['playerTicks'] playerTicks = int(x[0]) #ASSIGN INFO TO VARIABLES self.name = playerName self.ticks = playerTicks self.dv_penalty = 0 toast = "Created player " + self.name droid.makeToast(toast) def turn(self): path = filePath + "/html/playerName.html" writeName = playerNameHTML % self.name f = open(path, 'w') f.write(writeName) f.close() path = urlPath + "/html/turnscreen.html" droid.webViewShow(path) result = droid.eventWaitFor('action').result action = result['data'] if action == "aim": self.aim() print "AIM" elif action == "guard": self.guard() print "GUARD" elif action == "dash": self.dash() print "DASH" elif action == "other": self.ticks = int(droid.dialogGetInput("Speed of Action", "Please enter the speed of the action: ").result) - 1 dv_holder= int(droid.dialogGetInput("DV Penalty", "Please enter DV Penalty: ").result) self.dv_penalty = -(int(dv_holder)) announce = self.name + " -- " + str(self.ticks) + " -- DV -" + str(self.dv_penalty) droid.makeToast(announce) def aim(self): announce = self.name + " is aiming" droid.makeToast(announce) self.ticks = 3 self.dv_penalty = -1 def dash(self): announce = self.name + " is dashing" droid.makeToast(announce) self.ticks = 3 self.dv_penalty = -2 def guard(self): announce = self.name + " is guarding" droid.makeToast(announce) self.ticks = 3 self.dv_penalty = 0