Q: Why are you doing this? A: Because I think that some GIFs posted on reddit are far too big, especially when loading on mobile. Compressing it down to 2MB helps faster load times, and potentially hosting it on a more speedy server (vs. photobucket, etc) ---- Q: But you stole some GIFs and reposted it to reddit! A: Honestly, I got the GIFs from another subreddit, so I don't see how this is any different from x-posting. In the future, I will give credit to the original poster, but I think it's good to show as many people as possible an interesting GIF. Before I xpost to another subreddit, I always check Other Discussions as well as karmadecay, but it's my fault if it's been posted in the same subreddit before. ---- Q: But this was on the front page yesterday/some time ago! A: I am not always on reddit due to work/school/other stuff, so it's very easy for me to miss things that were popular recently. Apologies if I do happen to repost a popular image; I run a python script to find large GIFs that have been posted recently without even browsing reddit, which can lead to issues. Again, I think this is more of a service than karma whoring, since it actually has a use besides gaining invaluable priceless imaginary internet points. ---- Q: What do you use to compress GIFs? A: I use imagemagick (http://www.imagemagick.org/script/index.php) and gifsicle (http://www.lcdf.org/gifsicle/). Imagemagick is used to export the frames and recompress into a gif with transparency, while gifsicle is used to optimize a bit further and reduce colors. ---- Q: What command lines do you use? A: The numbers don't matter, as they change each time, but here's a simplified workflow: Extracting frames: convert -coalesce +adjoin Untitled1.gif %03d.tga Recombining frames: convert -fuzz 2% -delay 4 -loop 0 *.tga -layers OptimizePlus -layers OptimizeTransparency Almost.gif Reducing colors: gifsicle -O3 --colors 128 -d4 Almost.gif >Done.gif --- Q: Go fuck yourself. A: Sorry, I have too many dicks in my mouth to even have the time to do that.