제시카 & 크리스탈。 ㅡ on style is asianfanfics based roleplay. As an admin, there have been times that i want to give up especially when there are very irresponsible people in the roleplay who applies but doesn't even bother to log back into the account as soon as they arrived. Why did you even make an account for this roleplay if you're not even going to roleplay? And what's more, they applied as those "popular idols". I mean - There are definitely others who wants to roleplay as the character and can be active but because of you who are inactive, they can't. Please baes, do not be selfish and think about yourself and let others who can stay dedicated a chance to roleplay the character they want. I'm not being a mean admin, not wanting you to join and all because i really do hope everyone would join our roleplay and make unforgettable memories with us but if you can't follow my rules, especially when the rule that affects the activity of our roleplay, i have all the rights to voice out. To be honest, i have never been rude or talk harshly with any of my roleplayers since i hate that kind of talk and i have seen rude admins being really harsh on the members, what's worst even making them look bad right in front of others. Can't you pm her/him and talk to them in a nicer manner? Hm, i'm really understanding when it comes to roleplayers telling me that they're busy and i would even extend their hiatus if they really have a valid reason because hey - Everyone have a life outside this roleplay and it always comes first so, if you really are looking for someone who could understand you well, be somewhat a listening ear be it in OOC or IC, i will definitely be there for you.. All you got to do is pm and talk to me about it. I will give you advices no matter what problem it might be. c: I have no idea what else to rant out down here. I do have a lot in mind but it seems like i can't really put it all in the right words. Heol ~ Anyways, Jessica and Krystal really hope you will come and be a part of us.. Let's make a big family and have the strongest friendship bond ever but i can never do it alone, you will have to take a part in making this a success too. So - We really hope you will consider joining us. And yes, my "letter" is somewhat the worst among all the other admins but this what i've always wanted to voice out.. The inactivity of the members that makes us admin feels the worst and wanting to give up. I really do hope that this roleplay that i've once closed and somewhat abandon for a few weeks will rise back from the bottom and stand stronger than before. Mm, if you've read the whole stupid but not so stupid passage that i've written, why not use your rants about other roleplay problems that you've experienced as the password. See you when i see you, baes. < 3 Admin - Jessica