clanTagsToExclude = "DES| {TyD} B} |BC|" // Add as many clan tags to exclude from auto-ignoring as you'd like. namesToExclude = "Brahma makkE flowtron" // Add as many names to exclude from auto-ignoring as you'd like. timeBetIgnoreChecks = 1000 // The number of milliseconds between every check. Increase this number if you experience performance problems. if (! (checkalias autoignoreall)) [ autoignoreall = 1 ] isExcludedClient = [ bool = 0 loop ai (listlen $clanTagsToExclude) [ if (strstr (findpn $arg1) (at $clanTagsToExclude $ai)) [ bool = 1 ] ] loop bi (listlen $namesToExclude) [ if (strcmp (findpn $arg1) (at $namesToExclude $bi)) [ bool = 1 ] ] result $bool ] ignoreAllClients = [ if $autoignoreall [ loop ci 21 [ if (! (isExcludedClient $ci)) [ ignore $ci ] ] sleep $timeBetIgnoreChecks ignoreAllClients ] ] if (! (checkalias mapstartalways)) [ mapstartalways = "" ] if (! (strstr $mapstartalways ignoreAllClients)) [ add2alias mapstartalways [ if $connected ignoreAllClients ] ] // Uncomment (remove the beginning "//") the line below, and edit "KEY" to the key of your choice, to enable a "toggle bind" for the script. (e.g. Press the bind to disable, press again to enable.) // bind KEY [ if $autoignoreall [ autoignoreall = 0; echo (c 2)Auto-ignore all script (c 3)disabled ] [ autoignoreall = 1; echo (c 2)Auto-ignore all script (c 0)enabled ] ]