2 ) { $half_delta = $delta / 2 - 1; } else { $half_delta = 0; } // WE HAVE TO RESIZE THE IMAGE, BECAUSE WE ONLY NEED THE MOST SIGNIFICANT COLORS. $size = GetImageSize($img); $scale = 1; if ($size[0]>0) $scale = min($this->PREVIEW_WIDTH/$size[0], $this->PREVIEW_HEIGHT/$size[1]); if ($scale < 1) { $width = floor($scale*$size[0]); $height = floor($scale*$size[1]); } else { $width = $size[0]; $height = $size[1]; } $image_resized = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height); if ($size[2] == 1) $image_orig = imagecreatefromgif($img); if ($size[2] == 2) $image_orig = imagecreatefromjpeg($img); if ($size[2] == 3) $image_orig = imagecreatefrompng($img); // WE NEED NEAREST NEIGHBOR RESIZING, BECAUSE IT DOESN'T ALTER THE COLORS imagecopyresampled($image_resized, $image_orig, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height, $size[0], $size[1]); $im = $image_resized; $imgWidth = imagesx($im); $imgHeight = imagesy($im); $total_pixel_count = 0; for ($y=0; $y < $imgHeight; $y++) { for ($x=0; $x < $imgWidth; $x++) { $total_pixel_count++; $index = imagecolorat($im,$x,$y); $colors = imagecolorsforindex($im,$index); // ROUND THE COLORS, TO REDUCE THE NUMBER OF DUPLICATE COLORS if ( $delta > 1 ) { $colors['red'] = intval((($colors['red'])+$half_delta)/$delta)*$delta; $colors['green'] = intval((($colors['green'])+$half_delta)/$delta)*$delta; $colors['blue'] = intval((($colors['blue'])+$half_delta)/$delta)*$delta; if ($colors['red'] >= 256) { $colors['red'] = 255; } if ($colors['green'] >= 256) { $colors['green'] = 255; } if ($colors['blue'] >= 256) { $colors['blue'] = 255; } } $hex = substr("0".dechex($colors['red']),-2).substr("0".dechex($colors['green']),-2).substr("0".dechex($colors['blue']),-2); if ( ! isset( $hexarray[$hex] ) ) { $hexarray[$hex] = 1; } else { $hexarray[$hex]++; } } } // Reduce gradient colors if ( $reduce_gradients ) { // if you want to *eliminate* gradient variations use: // ksort( &$hexarray ); arsort( &$hexarray, SORT_NUMERIC ); $gradients = array(); foreach ($hexarray as $hex => $num) { if ( ! isset($gradients[$hex]) ) { $new_hex = $this->_find_adjacent( $hex, $gradients, $delta ); $gradients[$hex] = $new_hex; } else { $new_hex = $gradients[$hex]; } if ($hex != $new_hex) { $hexarray[$hex] = 0; $hexarray[$new_hex] += $num; } } } // Reduce brightness variations if ( $reduce_brightness ) { // if you want to *eliminate* brightness variations use: // ksort( &$hexarray ); arsort( &$hexarray, SORT_NUMERIC ); $brightness = array(); foreach ($hexarray as $hex => $num) { if ( ! isset($brightness[$hex]) ) { $new_hex = $this->_normalize( $hex, $brightness, $delta ); $brightness[$hex] = $new_hex; } else { $new_hex = $brightness[$hex]; } if ($hex != $new_hex) { $hexarray[$hex] = 0; $hexarray[$new_hex] += $num; } } } arsort( &$hexarray, SORT_NUMERIC ); // convert counts to percentages foreach ($hexarray as $key => $value) { $hexarray[$key] = (float)$value / $total_pixel_count; } if ( $count > 0 ) { // only works in PHP5 // return array_slice( $hexarray, 0, $count, true ); $arr = array(); foreach ($hexarray as $key => $value) { if ($count == 0) { break; } $count--; $arr[$key] = $value; } return $arr; } else { return $hexarray; } } else { $this->error = "Image ".$img." does not exist or is unreadable"; return false; } } function _normalize( $hex, $hexarray, $delta ) { $lowest = 255; $highest = 0; $colors['red'] = hexdec( substr( $hex, 0, 2 ) ); $colors['green'] = hexdec( substr( $hex, 2, 2 ) ); $colors['blue'] = hexdec( substr( $hex, 4, 2 ) ); if ($colors['red'] < $lowest) { $lowest = $colors['red']; } if ($colors['green'] < $lowest ) { $lowest = $colors['green']; } if ($colors['blue'] < $lowest ) { $lowest = $colors['blue']; } if ($colors['red'] > $highest) { $highest = $colors['red']; } if ($colors['green'] > $highest ) { $highest = $colors['green']; } if ($colors['blue'] > $highest ) { $highest = $colors['blue']; } // Do not normalize white, black, or shades of grey unless low delta if ( $lowest == $highest ) { if ($delta <= 32) { if ( $lowest == 0 || $highest >= (255 - $delta) ) { return $hex; } } else { return $hex; } } for (; $highest < 256; $lowest += $delta, $highest += $delta) { $new_hex = substr("0".dechex($colors['red'] - $lowest),-2).substr("0".dechex($colors['green'] - $lowest),-2).substr("0".dechex($colors['blue'] - $lowest),-2); if ( isset( $hexarray[$new_hex] ) ) { // same color, different brightness - use it instead return $new_hex; } } return $hex; } function _find_adjacent( $hex, $gradients, $delta ) { $red = hexdec( substr( $hex, 0, 2 ) ); $green = hexdec( substr( $hex, 2, 2 ) ); $blue = hexdec( substr( $hex, 4, 2 ) ); if ($red > $delta) { $new_hex = substr("0".dechex($red - $delta),-2).substr("0".dechex($green),-2).substr("0".dechex($blue),-2); if ( isset($gradients[$new_hex]) ) { return $gradients[$new_hex]; } } if ($green > $delta) { $new_hex = substr("0".dechex($red),-2).substr("0".dechex($green - $delta),-2).substr("0".dechex($blue),-2); if ( isset($gradients[$new_hex]) ) { return $gradients[$new_hex]; } } if ($blue > $delta) { $new_hex = substr("0".dechex($red),-2).substr("0".dechex($green),-2).substr("0".dechex($blue - $delta),-2); if ( isset($gradients[$new_hex]) ) { return $gradients[$new_hex]; } } if ($red < (255 - $delta)) { $new_hex = substr("0".dechex($red + $delta),-2).substr("0".dechex($green),-2).substr("0".dechex($blue),-2); if ( isset($gradients[$new_hex]) ) { return $gradients[$new_hex]; } } if ($green < (255 - $delta)) { $new_hex = substr("0".dechex($red),-2).substr("0".dechex($green + $delta),-2).substr("0".dechex($blue),-2); if ( isset($gradients[$new_hex]) ) { return $gradients[$new_hex]; } } if ($blue < (255 - $delta)) { $new_hex = substr("0".dechex($red),-2).substr("0".dechex($green),-2).substr("0".dechex($blue + $delta),-2); if ( isset($gradients[$new_hex]) ) { return $gradients[$new_hex]; } } return $hex; } } ?>