import static; import static; import; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; public class ExceptionUtils { private static final String INDENT = "\t"; private static List _suppressedPackages = newArrayList("org.h2", "org.hibernate", "$Proxy", "org.junit", "java.lang.reflect.Method", "sun.", "org.eclipse", "junit.framework"); public static String getFilteredStackTrace(Throwable t) { return getFilteredStackTrace(t, true); } public static String getFilteredStackTrace(Throwable t, boolean shouldFilter) { try { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw); writeCleanStackTrace(t, pw, shouldFilter); return sw.getBuffer().toString(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return e.toString(); } } private static void writeCleanStackTrace(Throwable t, PrintWriter s, boolean wantsFilter) { s.print("Exception: "); printExceptionChain(t, s); Set skippedPackages = newHashSet(); int skippedLines = 0; boolean shouldFilter = wantsFilter && filtersEnabled(); for (StackTraceElement traceElement : getBottomThrowable(t).getStackTrace()) { String forbiddenPackageName = null; if (shouldFilter) { forbiddenPackageName = tryGetForbiddenPackageName(traceElement); } if (forbiddenPackageName == null) { if (skippedPackages.size() > 0) { //37 lines skipped for [org.h2, org.hibernate, sun., java.lang.reflect.Method, $Proxy] s.println(getSkippedPackagesMessage(skippedPackages, skippedLines)); } //at hib.HibExample.test( s.println(INDENT + "at " + traceElement); skippedPackages.clear(); skippedLines = 0; } else { skippedLines++; skippedPackages.add(forbiddenPackageName); } } if (skippedLines > 0) { s.println(getSkippedPackagesMessage(skippedPackages, skippedLines)); } } //37 lines skipped for [org.h2, org.hibernate, sun., java.lang.reflect.Method, $Proxy] private static String getSkippedPackagesMessage(Set skippedPackages, int skippedLines) { return INDENT + skippedLines + " line" + (skippedLines == 1 ? "" : "s") + " skipped for " + skippedPackages; } private static Throwable getBottomThrowable(Throwable t) { while (t.getCause() != null) { t = t.getCause(); } return t; } /** * Check configuration to see if filtering is enabled system-wide */ private static boolean filtersEnabled() { return true; } private static void printExceptionChain(Throwable t, PrintWriter s) { s.println(t); if (t.getCause() != null) { s.print("Caused by: "); printExceptionChain(t.getCause(), s); } } /** * Checks to see if the class is part of a forbidden package. If so, it returns the package name from the list of suppressed packages that matches, otherwise it returns null. */ private static String tryGetForbiddenPackageName(StackTraceElement traceElement) { String classAndMethod = traceElement.getClassName() + "." + traceElement.getMethodName(); for (String pkg : _suppressedPackages) { if (classAndMethod.startsWith(pkg)) { return pkg; } } return null; } }