Zanzetkuken The Great The Ancoran Confederacy TheDead Deadlands Rolepgeek Istania notquitethere Greenland Deadsville Calodorn Trade Outpost Ancora Deadheads Pikemen (112) Elmscove Greenland army 334 Spearmen (271) Greenland army 449 Dragoons (361) Grunwald Firagan Verdantia Greenland army 467 Dragoons (374) Windhaven Valcoran Greenland army 453 Wizards (365) Greenland army 468 Wizards (375) Thing Two Second Dragoons Istanian Crusader Corps. Divine Warriors Sylvania Greenland army 463 Pyromancers (370) Greenland army 450 Air Mages (362) Restorium Longreach First Guard 1st Swiss 7th Swiss 9th Swiss Greenland army 424 Cavalry Archers (340) Greenland army 452 Wizards (364) Marston Garrison 1st Spartan Greenland army 439 Cavalry Archers (352) Martston Holiday Resort Forstis Greenland army 469 Cavaliers (376) Greenland army 392 Spearmen (312) Portland Port Authorities Pikemen (342) Bowmen (354) Barge (330) Greenland army 465 Pikemen (372) Greenland army 451 Dragoons (363) Istania army 406 Winged Scouts Jerask Greenland army 454 Pikemen (366) Greenland army 464 Galleon (371) Scootalee-doo Third Hunters Boyd City Greenland army 466 Crossbowmen (373) Istania army 435 Spearmen (348) Riverton Utyug Ferma Holy Schmoly Priests of Death (337) Priests (184) Greenland army 420 Air Mages (336) Wizzbang Wizards (319) Wizards (341) Priests of Death (360) Halberdiers (349) Greenland army 393 Spearmen (313) Flying Fury Air Mages (317) Rising Yet Another City Thing One First Cossacks Tyvenault Barbarians At The Gate Horsemen (107) Horse Archers (133) Dragoons (303) Air Mages (243) Air Mages (231) Dragoons (310) Air Mages (272) Dragoons (320) Dragoons (329) Lancers (270) Halberdiers (328) Halberdiers (126) Bowmen (304) Air Mages (183) Healers (103) Dragoons (252) Dragoons (291) Air Mages (251) Wizards (140) Wizards (286) Halberdiers (338) Dragoons (339) Halberdiers (350) Antiwizards Air Mages (261) Bachein Emergency Stand Drafted Magi Pyre Dancers Istania army 461 Dragoons (368) The Cavalry Fifth Final Words Paladins of the Crone Istani Dragons Istanian National Guard Devout of the Mother The Ocean's Tongue New Fifth Swordsmen Research Magus National Guard The Water Speakers Out To Pasture Dragoons (318) Istanian Defense Force First Circle Mages Second Circle Mages Fourth Circle Mages Third Circle Mages Final Circle Mages New First Swordsmen New Second Swordsmen New Third Swordsmen Devout of The Mother Devout of the Crone New Fourth Swordsmen Advanced Guard Dragoons (223) Dragoons (232) Lancers (101) Farrum Istania army 445 Glacier Mages Sun Breathers Istania army 460 Wizards (367) Istania army 444 Istani Lizard Riders Sterean Mana Liberators Paladins of the Maiden Homeguard Pikemen (177) Pikemen (182) Wizards (192) Wizards (294) Priests of Death (316) Wizards (305) Air Mages (293) Priests of Death (301) Crossbowmen (309) Warpriests (326) Priests (167) Priests (225) Intercept Corps. Skillful Riders Elite Regiment Sky Chasers Orangeworld army 339 Dragoons (273) Kerav Ista Newopolis Greenland army 357 Lightning Skiff (285) Et Tu Air Mages (211) Istania army 402 ISS Mothafuggas Istania army 365 Failed Diplomacy Meinas