:set nowrap ts=4 sw=4 smartindent expandtab :set magic "very magic" :syntax on filetype plugin indent on let mapleader = "," " make Y work as C and D do nmap Y y$ " make j and k play well on wrapped lines nmap j gj nmap k gk " simplify tab and buffer switching nmap :tabp nmap :tabn map :bp map :bn " Python comment/uncomment map 3 :s/^/#/:noh map # :s/^#//:noh " highlight searches set hlsearch " simplify interactions with .vimrc nmap v :vs $MYVIMRC nmap V :source $MYVIMRC set foldmethod=marker :hi Folded term=standout ctermfg=4 ctermbg=8 " sets up/maps command to tell what group in the syntax file char under cursor belongs to autocmd FuncUndefined * exe 'runtime autoload/'.expand('').'.vim' map -a :call SyntaxAttr() " allow up/down arrows to accordion through vertical splits (like Qt's QToolBox) set winminheight=0 map k_ map j_