--[[**************************************************************************** * _NPCScan by Saiket * * _NPCScan.lua - Scans NPCs near you for specific rare NPC IDs. * ****************************************************************************]] local NS = select( 2, ... ); _NPCScan = NS; local L = NS.L; NS.Frame = CreateFrame( "Frame" ); NS.Updater = NS.Frame:CreateAnimationGroup(); NS.Version = GetAddOnMetadata( ..., "Version" ):match( "^([%d.]+)" ); NS.Options = { Version = NS.Version; Achievements = {}; }; NS.OptionsCharacter = { Version = NS.Version; NPCs = {}; NPCWorldIDs = {}; }; NS.OptionsDefault = { Version = NS.Version; CacheWarnings = true; AchievementsAddFound = nil; AlertSoundUnmute = nil; AlertSound = nil; -- Default sound Achievements = { [ 1312 ] = true; -- Bloody Rare (Outlands) [ 2257 ] = true; -- Frostbitten (Northrend) [ 7439 ] = true; -- Glorious! (Pandaria) [ 8103 ] = true; -- Champions of Lei Shen (Pandaria) [ 8714 ] = true; -- Timeless Champion (Pandaria) }; }; do local DEEPHOLM = GetMapNameByID( 640 ); local MOLTEN_FRONT = GetMapNameByID( 795 ); NS.OptionsCharacterDefault = { Version = NS.Version; NPCs = { [ 18684 ] = L.NPCs[ 18684 ]; -- Bro'Gaz the Clanless [ 32491 ] = L.NPCs[ 32491 ]; -- Time-Lost Proto Drake [ 33776 ] = L.NPCs[ 33776 ]; -- Gondria [ 35189 ] = L.NPCs[ 35189 ]; -- Skoll [ 38453 ] = L.NPCs[ 38453 ]; -- Arcturis [ 49822 ] = L.NPCs[ 49822 ]; -- Jadefang [ 49913 ] = L.NPCs[ 49913 ]; -- Lady LaLa [ 50005 ] = L.NPCs[ 50005 ]; -- Poseidus [ 50009 ] = L.NPCs[ 50009 ]; -- Mobus [ 50050 ] = L.NPCs[ 50050 ]; -- Shok'sharak [ 50051 ] = L.NPCs[ 50051 ]; -- Ghostcrawler [ 50052 ] = L.NPCs[ 50052 ]; -- Burgy Blackheart [ 50053 ] = L.NPCs[ 50053 ]; -- Thartuk the Exile [ 50056 ] = L.NPCs[ 50056 ]; -- Garr [ 50057 ] = L.NPCs[ 50057 ]; -- Blazewing [ 50058 ] = L.NPCs[ 50058 ]; -- Terrorpene [ 50059 ] = L.NPCs[ 50059 ]; -- Golgarok [ 50060 ] = L.NPCs[ 50060 ]; -- Terborus [ 50061 ] = L.NPCs[ 50061 ]; -- Xariona [ 50062 ] = L.NPCs[ 50062 ]; -- Aeonaxx [ 50063 ] = L.NPCs[ 50063 ]; -- Akma'hat [ 50064 ] = L.NPCs[ 50064 ]; -- Cyrus the Black [ 50065 ] = L.NPCs[ 50065 ]; -- Armagedillo [ 50085 ] = L.NPCs[ 50085 ]; -- Overlord Sunderfury [ 50086 ] = L.NPCs[ 50086 ]; -- Tarvus the Vile [ 50089 ] = L.NPCs[ 50089 ]; -- Julak-Doom [ 50138 ] = L.NPCs[ 50138 ]; -- Karoma [ 50154 ] = L.NPCs[ 50154 ]; -- Madexx [ 50159 ] = L.NPCs[ 50159 ]; -- Sambas [ 50409 ] = L.NPCs[ 50409 ]; -- Mysterious Camel Figurine [ 50410 ] = L.NPCs[ 50410 ]; -- Mysterious Camel Figurine [ 50815 ] = L.NPCs[ 50815 ]; -- Skarr [ 50959 ] = L.NPCs[ 50959 ]; -- Karkin [ 51071 ] = L.NPCs[ 51071 ]; -- Captain Florence [ 51079 ] = L.NPCs[ 51079 ]; -- Captain Foulwind [ 51401 ] = L.NPCs[ 51401 ]; -- Madexx [ 51402 ] = L.NPCs[ 51402 ]; -- Madexx [ 51403 ] = L.NPCs[ 51403 ]; -- Madexx [ 51404 ] = L.NPCs[ 51404 ]; -- Madexx [ 54318 ] = L.NPCs[ 54318 ]; -- Ankha [ 54319 ] = L.NPCs[ 54319 ]; -- Magria [ 54320 ] = L.NPCs[ 54320 ]; -- Ban'thalos [ 54321 ] = L.NPCs[ 54321 ]; -- Solix [ 54322 ] = L.NPCs[ 54322 ]; -- Deth'tilac [ 54323 ] = L.NPCs[ 54323 ]; -- Kirix [ 54324 ] = L.NPCs[ 54324 ]; -- Skitterflame [ 54338 ] = L.NPCs[ 54338 ]; -- Anthriss }; NPCWorldIDs = { [ 18684 ] = 3; -- Bro'Gaz the Clanless [ 32491 ] = 4; -- Time-Lost Proto Drake [ 33776 ] = 4; -- Gondria [ 35189 ] = 4; -- Skoll [ 38453 ] = 4; -- Arcturis [ 49822 ] = DEEPHOLM; -- Jadefang [ 49913 ] = 2; -- Lady LaLa [ 50005 ] = 2; -- Poseidus [ 50009 ] = 2; -- Mobus [ 50050 ] = 2; -- Shok'sharak [ 50051 ] = 2; -- Ghostcrawler [ 50052 ] = 2; -- Burgy Blackheart [ 50053 ] = 1; -- Thartuk the Exile [ 50056 ] = 1; -- Garr [ 50057 ] = 1; -- Blazewing [ 50058 ] = 1; -- Terrorpene [ 50059 ] = DEEPHOLM; -- Golgarok [ 50060 ] = DEEPHOLM; -- Terborus [ 50061 ] = DEEPHOLM; -- Xariona [ 50062 ] = DEEPHOLM; -- Aeonaxx [ 50063 ] = 1; -- Akma'hat [ 50064 ] = 1; -- Cyrus the Black [ 50065 ] = 1; -- Armagedillo [ 50085 ] = 2; -- Overlord Sunderfury [ 50086 ] = 2; -- Tarvus the Vile [ 50089 ] = 2; -- Julak-Doom [ 50138 ] = 2; -- Karoma [ 50154 ] = 1; -- Madexx [ 50159 ] = 2; -- Sambas [ 50409 ] = 1; -- Mysterious Camel Figurine [ 50410 ] = 1; -- Mysterious Camel Figurine [ 50815 ] = MOLTEN_FRONT; -- Skarr [ 50959 ] = MOLTEN_FRONT; -- Karkin [ 51071 ] = 2; -- Captain Florence [ 51079 ] = 2; -- Captain Foulwind [ 51401 ] = 1; -- Madexx [ 51402 ] = 1; -- Madexx [ 51403 ] = 1; -- Madexx [ 51404 ] = 1; -- Madexx [ 54318 ] = 1; -- Ankha [ 54319 ] = 1; -- Magria [ 54320 ] = 1; -- Ban'thalos [ 54321 ] = MOLTEN_FRONT; -- Solix [ 54322 ] = MOLTEN_FRONT; -- Deth'tilac [ 54323 ] = MOLTEN_FRONT; -- Kirix [ 54324 ] = MOLTEN_FRONT; -- Skitterflame [ 54338 ] = MOLTEN_FRONT; -- Anthriss }; }; end NS.Achievements = { --- Criteria data for each achievement. [ 1312 ] = { WorldID = 3; }; -- Bloody Rare (Outlands) [ 2257 ] = { WorldID = 4; }; -- Frostbitten (Northrend) [ 7439 ] = { WorldID = 6; }; -- Glorious! (Pandaria) [ 8103 ] = { WorldID = 6; }; -- Champions of Lei Shen (Pandaria) [ 8714 ] = { WorldID = 6; }; -- Timeless Champion (Pandaria) }; do local VirtualContinents = { --- Continents without physical maps aren't used. [ 5 ] = true; -- The Maelstrom }; NS.ContinentNames = { GetMapContinents() }; for ContinentID in pairs( VirtualContinents ) do NS.ContinentNames[ ContinentID ] = nil; end NS.ContinentIDs = {}; --- Reverse lookup of NS.ContinentNames. end NS.NpcIDMax = 0xFFFFF; --- Largest ID that will fit in a GUID's 20-bit NPC ID field. NS.Updater.UpdateRate = 0.1; --- Prints a message in the default chat window. function NS.Print ( Message, Color ) if ( not Color ) then Color = NORMAL_FONT_COLOR; end DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage( L.PRINT_FORMAT:format( NS.Options.PrintTime and date( CHAT_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT or L.TIME_FORMAT ) or "", Message ), Color.r, Color.g, Color.b ); end do local Tooltip = CreateFrame( "GameTooltip", "_NPCScanTooltip" ); -- Add template text lines local Text = Tooltip:CreateFontString(); Tooltip:AddFontStrings( Text, Tooltip:CreateFontString() ); --- Checks the cache for a given NpcID. -- @return Localized name of the NPC if cached, or nil if not. function NS.TestID ( NpcID ) Tooltip:SetOwner( WorldFrame, "ANCHOR_NONE" ); Tooltip:SetHyperlink( ( "unit:0xF53%05X00000000" ):format( NpcID ) ); if ( Tooltip:IsShown() ) then return Text:GetText(); end end end local CacheListBuild; do local TempList, AlreadyListed = {}, {}; --- Compiles a cache list into a printable list string. -- @param Relist True to relist NPC names that have already been printed. -- @return List string, or nil if the list was empty. function CacheListBuild ( self, Relist ) if ( next( self ) ) then -- Build and sort list for NpcID, Name in pairs( self ) do if ( Relist or not AlreadyListed[ NpcID ] ) then if ( not Relist ) then -- Filtered to show NPCs only once AlreadyListed[ NpcID ] = true; -- Don't list again end -- Add quotes to all entries TempList[ #TempList + 1 ] = L.CACHELIST_ENTRY_FORMAT:format( Name ); end end wipe( self ); if ( #TempList > 0 ) then sort( TempList ); local ListString = table.concat( TempList, L.CACHELIST_SEPARATOR ); wipe( TempList ); return ListString; end end end end local CacheList = {}; do --- Fills a cache list with all added NPCs, active or not. local function CacheListPopulate ( self ) for NpcID in pairs( NS.OptionsCharacter.NPCs ) do self[ NpcID ] = NS.TestID( NpcID ); end for AchievementID in pairs( NS.Options.Achievements ) do for CriteriaID, NpcID in pairs( NS.Achievements[ AchievementID ].Criteria ) do if ( NS.Options.AchievementsAddFound or not select( 3, GetAchievementCriteriaInfoByID( AchievementID, CriteriaID ) ) ) then -- Not completed self[ NpcID ] = NS.TestID( NpcID ); end end end end local FirstPrint = true; --- Prints a standard message listing cached mobs. -- Will also print details about the cache the first time it's called. -- @param ForcePrint Overrides the user's option to not print cache warnings. -- @param FullListing Adds all cached NPCs before printing, active or not. -- @return True if list printed. function NS.CacheListPrint ( ForcePrint, FullListing ) if ( ForcePrint or NS.Options.CacheWarnings ) then if ( FullListing ) then CacheListPopulate( CacheList ); end local ListString = CacheListBuild( CacheList, ForcePrint or FullListing ); -- Allow printing an NPC a second time if forced or full listing if ( ListString ) then NS.Print( L[ FirstPrint and "CACHED_LONG_FORMAT" or "CACHED_FORMAT" ]:format( ListString ), ForcePrint and RED_FONT_COLOR ); FirstPrint = false; return true; end else wipe( CacheList ); end end end local next, assert = next, assert; local ScanIDs = {}; --- [ NpcID ] = Number of concurrent scans for this ID --- Begins searching for an NPC. -- @return True if successfully added. local function ScanAdd ( NpcID ) local Name = NS.TestID( NpcID ); if ( Name ) then -- Already seen CacheList[ NpcID ] = Name; else -- Increment if ( ScanIDs[ NpcID ] ) then ScanIDs[ NpcID ] = ScanIDs[ NpcID ] + 1; else if ( not next( ScanIDs ) ) then -- First NS.Updater:Play(); end ScanIDs[ NpcID ] = 1; NS.Overlays.Add( NpcID ); end return true; -- Successfully added end end --- Stops searching for an NPC when nothing is searching for it. local function ScanRemove ( NpcID ) local Count = assert( ScanIDs[ NpcID ], "Attempt to remove inactive scan." ); if ( Count > 1 ) then ScanIDs[ NpcID ] = Count - 1; else ScanIDs[ NpcID ] = nil; NS.Overlays.Remove( NpcID ); if ( not next( ScanIDs ) ) then -- Last NS.Updater:Stop(); end end end --- @return True if the given WorldID is active on the current world. local function IsWorldIDActive ( WorldID ) return not WorldID or WorldID == NS.WorldID; -- False/nil active on all worlds end local NPCActivate, NPCDeactivate; do local NPCsActive = {}; --- Starts actual scan for NPC if on the right world. function NPCActivate ( NpcID, WorldID ) if ( not NPCsActive[ NpcID ] and IsWorldIDActive( WorldID ) and ScanAdd( NpcID ) ) then NPCsActive[ NpcID ] = true; NS.Config.Search.UpdateTab( "NPC" ); return true; -- Successfully activated end end --- Ends actual scan for NPC. function NPCDeactivate ( NpcID ) if ( NPCsActive[ NpcID ] ) then NPCsActive[ NpcID ] = nil; ScanRemove( NpcID ); NS.Config.Search.UpdateTab( "NPC" ); return true; -- Successfully deactivated end end --- @return True if a custom NPC is actively being searched for. function NS.NPCIsActive ( NpcID ) return NPCsActive[ NpcID ]; end end --- Adds an NPC name and ID to settings and begins searching. -- @param NpcID Numeric ID of the NPC (See Wowhead.com). -- @param Name Temporary name to identify this NPC by in the search table. -- @param WorldID Number or localized string WorldID to limit this search to. -- @return True if custom NPC added. function NS.NPCAdd ( NpcID, Name, WorldID ) NpcID = assert( tonumber( NpcID ), "NpcID must be numeric." ); local OptionsCharacter = NS.OptionsCharacter; if ( not OptionsCharacter.NPCs[ NpcID ] ) then assert( type( Name ) == "string", "Name must be a string." ); assert( WorldID == nil or type( WorldID ) == "string" or type( WorldID ) == "number", "Invalid WorldID." ); OptionsCharacter.NPCs[ NpcID ], OptionsCharacter.NPCWorldIDs[ NpcID ] = Name, WorldID; if ( not NPCActivate( NpcID, WorldID ) ) then -- Didn't activate NS.Config.Search.UpdateTab( "NPC" ); -- Just add row end return true; end end --- Removes an NPC from settings and stops searching for it. -- @param NpcID Numeric ID of the NPC. -- @return True if custom NPC removed. function NS.NPCRemove ( NpcID ) NpcID = tonumber( NpcID ); local OptionsCharacter = NS.OptionsCharacter; if ( OptionsCharacter.NPCs[ NpcID ] ) then OptionsCharacter.NPCs[ NpcID ], OptionsCharacter.NPCWorldIDs[ NpcID ] = nil; if ( not NPCDeactivate( NpcID ) ) then -- Wasn't active NS.Config.Search.UpdateTab( "NPC" ); -- Just remove row end return true; end end --- Starts searching for an achievement's NPC if it meets all settings. local function AchievementNPCActivate ( Achievement, NpcID, CriteriaID ) if ( Achievement.Active and not Achievement.NPCsActive[ NpcID ] and ( NS.Options.AchievementsAddFound or not select( 3, GetAchievementCriteriaInfoByID( Achievement.ID, CriteriaID ) ) ) -- Not completed and ScanAdd( NpcID ) ) then Achievement.NPCsActive[ NpcID ] = CriteriaID; NS.Config.Search.UpdateTab( Achievement.ID ); return true; end end --- Stops searching for an achievement's NPC. local function AchievementNPCDeactivate ( Achievement, NpcID ) if ( Achievement.NPCsActive[ NpcID ] ) then Achievement.NPCsActive[ NpcID ] = nil; ScanRemove( NpcID ); NS.Config.Search.UpdateTab( Achievement.ID ); return true; end end --- Starts actual scans for achievement NPCs if on the right world. local function AchievementActivate ( Achievement ) if ( not Achievement.Active and IsWorldIDActive( Achievement.WorldID ) ) then Achievement.Active = true; for CriteriaID, NpcID in pairs( Achievement.Criteria ) do AchievementNPCActivate( Achievement, NpcID, CriteriaID ); end return true; end end -- Ends actual scans for achievement NPCs. local function AchievementDeactivate ( Achievement ) if ( Achievement.Active ) then Achievement.Active = nil; for NpcID in pairs( Achievement.NPCsActive ) do AchievementNPCDeactivate( Achievement, NpcID ); end return true; end end --- @param Achievement Achievement data table from NS.Achievements. -- @return True if the achievement NPC is being searched for. function NS.AchievementNPCIsActive ( Achievement, NpcID ) return Achievement.NPCsActive[ NpcID ] ~= nil; end --- Adds a kill-related achievement to track. -- @param AchievementID Numeric ID of achievement. -- @return True if achievement added. function NS.AchievementAdd ( AchievementID ) AchievementID = assert( tonumber( AchievementID ), "AchievementID must be numeric." ); local Achievement = NS.Achievements[ AchievementID ]; if ( Achievement and not NS.Options.Achievements[ AchievementID ] ) then if ( not next( NS.Options.Achievements ) ) then -- First NS.Frame:RegisterEvent( "ACHIEVEMENT_EARNED" ); NS.Frame:RegisterEvent( "CRITERIA_UPDATE" ); end NS.Options.Achievements[ AchievementID ] = true; NS.Config.Search.AchievementSetEnabled( AchievementID, true ); AchievementActivate( Achievement ); return true; end end --- Removes an achievement from settings and stops tracking it. -- @param AchievementID Numeric ID of achievement. -- @return True if achievement removed. function NS.AchievementRemove ( AchievementID ) if ( NS.Options.Achievements[ AchievementID ] ) then AchievementDeactivate( NS.Achievements[ AchievementID ] ); NS.Options.Achievements[ AchievementID ] = nil; if ( not next( NS.Options.Achievements ) ) then -- Last NS.Frame:UnregisterEvent( "ACHIEVEMENT_EARNED" ); NS.Frame:UnregisterEvent( "CRITERIA_UPDATE" ); end NS.Config.Search.AchievementSetEnabled( AchievementID, false ); return true; end end --- Enables printing cache lists on login. -- @return True if changed. function NS.SetCacheWarnings ( Enable ) if ( not Enable ~= not NS.Options.CacheWarnings ) then NS.Options.CacheWarnings = Enable or nil; NS.Config.CacheWarnings:SetChecked( Enable ); return true; end end --- Enables adding a timestamp to printed messages. -- @return True if changed. function NS.SetPrintTime ( Enable ) if ( not Enable ~= not NS.Options.PrintTime ) then NS.Options.PrintTime = Enable or nil; NS.Config.PrintTime:SetChecked( Enable ); return true; end end --- Enables tracking of unneeded achievement NPCs. -- @return True if changed. function NS.SetAchievementsAddFound ( Enable ) if ( not Enable ~= not NS.Options.AchievementsAddFound ) then NS.Options.AchievementsAddFound = Enable or nil; NS.Config.Search.AddFoundCheckbox:SetChecked( Enable ); for _, Achievement in pairs( NS.Achievements ) do if ( AchievementDeactivate( Achievement ) ) then -- Was active AchievementActivate( Achievement ); end end return true; end end --- Enables unmuting sound to play found alerts. -- @return True if changed. function NS.SetAlertSoundUnmute ( Enable ) if ( not Enable ~= not NS.Options.AlertSoundUnmute ) then NS.Options.AlertSoundUnmute = Enable or nil; NS.Config.AlertSoundUnmute:SetChecked( Enable ); return true; end end --- Sets the sound to play when NPCs are found. -- @return True if changed. function NS.SetAlertSound ( AlertSound ) assert( AlertSound == nil or type( AlertSound ) == "string", "AlertSound must be a string or nil." ); if ( AlertSound ~= NS.Options.AlertSound ) then NS.Options.AlertSound = AlertSound; UIDropDownMenu_SetText( NS.Config.AlertSound, AlertSound == nil and L.CONFIG_ALERT_SOUND_DEFAULT or AlertSound ); return true; end end local IsDefaultNPCValid; do local IsHunter = select( 2, UnitClass( "player" ) ) == "HUNTER"; local TamableExceptions = { [ 49822 ] = true; -- Jadefang drops a pet }; local FactionRestrictions = { -- [NpcID] = FactionGroup to enable for [ 51071 ] = "Horde"; -- Captain Florence [ 51079 ] = "Alliance"; -- Captain Foulwind }; --- @return True if NpcID should be a default for this character. function IsDefaultNPCValid ( NpcID ) return ( IsHunter or not NS.TamableIDs[ NpcID ] or TamableExceptions[ NpcID ] ) and ( not FactionRestrictions[ NpcID ] or FactionRestrictions[ NpcID ] == UnitFactionGroup( "player" ) ); end end --- Resets the scanning list and reloads it from saved settings. function NS.Synchronize ( Options, OptionsCharacter ) -- Load defaults if settings omitted local IsDefaultScan; if ( not Options ) then Options = NS.OptionsDefault; end if ( not OptionsCharacter ) then OptionsCharacter, IsDefaultScan = NS.OptionsCharacterDefault, true; end -- Clear all scans for AchievementID in pairs( NS.Options.Achievements ) do NS.AchievementRemove( AchievementID ); end for NpcID in pairs( NS.OptionsCharacter.NPCs ) do NS.NPCRemove( NpcID ); end assert( not next( ScanIDs ), "Orphan NpcIDs in scan pool!" ); NS.SetCacheWarnings( Options.CacheWarnings ); NS.SetPrintTime( Options.PrintTime ); NS.SetAchievementsAddFound( Options.AchievementsAddFound ); NS.SetAlertSoundUnmute( Options.AlertSoundUnmute ); NS.SetAlertSound( Options.AlertSound ); local AddAllDefaults = IsShiftKeyDown(); for NpcID, Name in pairs( OptionsCharacter.NPCs ) do -- If defaults, only add tamable custom mobs if the player is a hunter if ( AddAllDefaults or not IsDefaultScan or IsDefaultNPCValid( NpcID ) ) then NS.NPCAdd( NpcID, Name, OptionsCharacter.NPCWorldIDs[ NpcID ] ); end end for AchievementID in pairs( NS.Achievements ) do -- If defaults, don't enable completed achievements unless explicitly allowed if ( Options.Achievements[ AchievementID ] and ( not IsDefaultScan or Options.AchievementsAddFound or not select( 4, GetAchievementInfo( AchievementID ) ) -- Not completed ) ) then NS.AchievementAdd( AchievementID ); end end NS.CacheListPrint( false, true ); -- Populates cache list with inactive mobs too before printing end do local PetList = {}; --- Prints the list of cached pets when leaving a city or inn. function NS.Frame:PLAYER_UPDATE_RESTING () if ( not IsResting() and next( PetList ) ) then if ( NS.Options.CacheWarnings ) then local ListString = CacheListBuild( PetList ); if ( ListString ) then NS.Print( L.CACHED_PET_RESTING_FORMAT:format( ListString ), RED_FONT_COLOR ); end else wipe( PetList ); end end end --- @return True if the tamable mob is in its correct zone, else false with an optional reason string. local function OnFoundTamable ( NpcID, Name ) local ExpectedZone = NS.TamableIDs[ NpcID ]; local ZoneIDBackup = GetCurrentMapAreaID(); local InCorrectZone, InvalidReason; if ( ExpectedZone == true ) then -- Expected zone is unknown (instance mob, etc.) InCorrectZone = not IsResting(); -- Assume any tamable mob found in a city/inn is a hunter pet else SetMapToCurrentZone(); InCorrectZone = ExpectedZone == GetCurrentMapAreaID(); end if ( not InCorrectZone ) then if ( IsResting() ) then PetList[ NpcID ] = Name; -- Suppress error message until the player stops resting else -- Get details about expected zone local ExpectedZoneName = GetMapNameByID( ExpectedZone ); if ( not ExpectedZoneName ) then -- GetMapNameByID returns nil for continent maps SetMapByID( ExpectedZone ); local Continent = GetCurrentMapContinent(); if ( Continent >= 1 ) then ExpectedZoneName = select( Continent, GetMapContinents() ); end end InvalidReason = L.FOUND_TAMABLE_WRONGZONE_FORMAT:format( Name, GetRealZoneText(), ExpectedZoneName or L.FOUND_ZONE_UNKNOWN, ExpectedZone ); end end SetMapByID( ZoneIDBackup ); -- Restore previous map view return InCorrectZone, InvalidReason; end --- @return Name of the source of NpcID's scan--either a custom name or achievement name. local function GetScanSource ( NpcID ) local CustomName = NS.OptionsCharacter.NPCs[ NpcID ]; if ( CustomName ) then return CustomName; end -- Must have been from an achievement for AchievementID in pairs( NS.Options.Achievements ) do if ( NS.Achievements[ AchievementID ].NPCsActive[ NpcID ] ) then return GetAchievementLink( AchievementID ); -- Colored link to distinguish from a custom name end end end --- Validates found mobs before showing alerts. local function OnFound ( NpcID, Name ) -- Disable active scans NPCDeactivate( NpcID ); for AchievementID in pairs( NS.Options.Achievements ) do AchievementNPCDeactivate( NS.Achievements[ AchievementID ], NpcID ); end local Valid, InvalidReason = true; local Tamable = NS.TamableIDs[ NpcID ]; if ( Tamable ) then Valid, InvalidReason = OnFoundTamable( NpcID, Name ); end if ( Valid ) then NS.Print( L[ Tamable and "FOUND_TAMABLE_FORMAT" or "FOUND_FORMAT" ]:format( Name ), GREEN_FONT_COLOR ); NS.Button:SetNPC( NpcID, Name, GetScanSource( NpcID ) ); -- Sends added and found overlay messages elseif ( InvalidReason ) then NS.Print( InvalidReason ); end end local pairs = pairs; local GetAchievementCriteriaInfoByID = GetAchievementCriteriaInfoByID; --- Scans all active criteria and removes any completed NPCs. local function AchievementCriteriaUpdate () if ( not NS.Options.AchievementsAddFound ) then for AchievementID in pairs( NS.Options.Achievements ) do local Achievement = NS.Achievements[ AchievementID ]; for NpcID, CriteriaID in pairs( Achievement.NPCsActive ) do local _, _, Complete = GetAchievementCriteriaInfoByID( AchievementID, CriteriaID ); if ( Complete ) then AchievementNPCDeactivate( Achievement, NpcID ); end end end end end local CriteriaUpdated = false; --- Stops tracking individual achievement NPCs when the player gets kill credit. function NS.Frame:CRITERIA_UPDATE () CriteriaUpdated = true; end --- Scans all NPCs on a timer and alerts if any are found. function NS.Updater:OnLoop () if ( CriteriaUpdated ) then -- CRITERIA_UPDATE bucket CriteriaUpdated = false; AchievementCriteriaUpdate(); end for NpcID in pairs( ScanIDs ) do local Name = NS.TestID( NpcID ); if ( Name ) then OnFound( NpcID, Name ); end end end end if ( select( 2, UnitClass( "player" ) ) == "HUNTER" ) then local StableUpdater = CreateFrame( "Frame" ); local StabledList = {}; --- Stops scans for stabled hunter pets before a bogus alert can fire. function NS.Frame:PET_STABLE_UPDATE () for NpcID in pairs( ScanIDs ) do local Name = NS.TestID( NpcID ); if ( Name ) then StabledList[ NpcID ] = Name; NPCDeactivate( NpcID ); for AchievementID in pairs( NS.Options.Achievements ) do AchievementNPCDeactivate( NS.Achievements[ AchievementID ], NpcID ); end end end StableUpdater:Show(); end --- Bucket to print cached stabled pets on one line. function StableUpdater:OnUpdate () self:Hide(); if ( NS.Options.CacheWarnings ) then local ListString = CacheListBuild( StabledList ); if ( ListString ) then NS.Print( L.CACHED_STABLED_FORMAT:format( ListString ) ); end else wipe( StabledList ); end end StableUpdater:Hide(); StableUpdater:SetScript( "OnUpdate", StableUpdater.OnUpdate ); NS.Frame:RegisterEvent( "PET_STABLE_UPDATE" ); local Backup = GetStablePetInfo; --- Prevents the pet UI from querying (and caching) stabled pets until actually viewing the stables. -- @param Override Forces a normal query even if the stables aren't open. function GetStablePetInfo ( Slot, Override, ... ) if ( Override or Slot <= NUM_PET_ACTIVE_SLOTS or IsAtStableMaster() ) then return Backup( Slot, Override, ... ); end end end --- Loads defaults, validates settings, and starts scan. -- Used instead of ADDON_LOADED to give overlay mods a chance to load and register for messages. function NS.Frame:PLAYER_LOGIN ( Event ) self[ Event ] = nil; local Options, OptionsCharacter = _NPCScanOptions, _NPCScanOptionsCharacter; _NPCScanOptions, _NPCScanOptionsCharacter = NS.Options, NS.OptionsCharacter; -- Update settings incrementally if ( Options and Options.Version ~= NS.Version ) then if ( Options.Version == "" ) then -- Added options for finding already found and tamable mobs Options.CacheWarnings = true; Options.Version = ""; end if ( Options.Version < "" ) then -- Made the achievement checkbox settings global Options.Achievements = CopyTable( NS.OptionsDefault.Achievements ); Options.Version = ""; end Options.Version = NS.Version; end -- Character settings if ( OptionsCharacter and OptionsCharacter.Version ~= NS.Version ) then local Version = OptionsCharacter.Version; local WorldIDs = NS.OptionsCharacterDefault.NPCWorldIDs; --- Add NpcID if not already being searched for. local function AddDefault ( NpcID ) if ( not OptionsCharacter.NPCs[ NpcID ] -- Not already searched for and IsDefaultNPCValid( NpcID ) ) then OptionsCharacter.NPCs[ NpcID ] = L.NPCs[ NpcID ]; OptionsCharacter.NPCWorldIDs[ NpcID ] = WorldIDs[ NpcID ]; end end if ( Version == "" ) then -- Remove NPCs that are duplicated by achievements local NPCs = OptionsCharacter.IDs; OptionsCharacter.IDs = nil; OptionsCharacter.NPCs = NPCs; OptionsCharacter.Achievements = {}; local AchievementNPCs = {}; for AchievementID, Achievement in pairs( NS.Achievements ) do for _, NpcID in pairs( Achievement.Criteria ) do AchievementNPCs[ NpcID ] = AchievementID; end end for Name, NpcID in pairs( NPCs ) do if ( AchievementNPCs[ NpcID ] ) then NPCs[ Name ] = nil; OptionsCharacter.Achievements[ AchievementNPCs[ NpcID ] ] = true; end end Version = ""; end if ( Version == "" or Version == "" or Version == "" ) then -- Added default scan for Skoll OptionsCharacter.NPCs[ L.NPCs[ 35189 ] ] = 35189; Version = ""; end if ( "" <= Version and Version <= "" ) then -- Added default scan for Arcturis OptionsCharacter.NPCs[ L.NPCs[ 38453 ] ] = 38453; Version = ""; end if ( Version == "" or Version == "" or Version == "" ) then -- Custom NPC scans are indexed by ID instead of name, and can now be map-specific local DefaultWorldIDs = NS.OptionsCharacterDefault.NPCWorldIDs; local NPCsNew, NPCWorldIDs = {}, {}; for Name, NpcID in pairs( OptionsCharacter.NPCs ) do NPCsNew[ NpcID ] = Name; NPCWorldIDs[ NpcID ] = DefaultWorldIDs[ NpcID ]; end OptionsCharacter.NPCs, OptionsCharacter.NPCWorldIDs = NPCsNew, NPCWorldIDs; Version = ""; end if ( Version < "" ) then -- Added default scans for Cataclysm rares AddDefault( 49913 ); -- Lady LaLa AddDefault( 50005 ); -- Poseidus AddDefault( 50009 ); -- Mobus AddDefault( 50050 ); -- Shok'sharak AddDefault( 50051 ); -- Ghostcrawler AddDefault( 50052 ); -- Burgy Blackheart AddDefault( 50053 ); -- Thartuk the Exile AddDefault( 50056 ); -- Garr AddDefault( 50057 ); -- Blazewing AddDefault( 50058 ); -- Terrorpene AddDefault( 50059 ); -- Golgarok AddDefault( 50060 ); -- Terborus AddDefault( 50061 ); -- Xariona AddDefault( 50062 ); -- Aeonaxx AddDefault( 50063 ); -- Akma'hat AddDefault( 50064 ); -- Cyrus the Black AddDefault( 50065 ); -- Armagedillo AddDefault( 50085 ); -- Overlord Sunderfury AddDefault( 50086 ); -- Tarvus the Vile AddDefault( 50089 ); -- Julak-Doom AddDefault( 50138 ); -- Karoma AddDefault( 50154 ); -- Madexx AddDefault( 50159 ); -- Sambas AddDefault( 50409 ); -- Mysterious Camel Figurine AddDefault( 50410 ); -- Mysterious Camel Figurine AddDefault( 51071 ); -- Captain Florence AddDefault( 51079 ); -- Captain Foulwind AddDefault( 51401 ); -- Madexx AddDefault( 51402 ); -- Madexx AddDefault( 51403 ); -- Madexx AddDefault( 51404 ); -- Madexx Version = ""; end if ( Version < "" ) then -- Fixed omission of Jadefang. AddDefault( 49822 ); -- Jadefang Version = ""; end if ( Version < "" ) then -- Added 4.2's rare hunter pets. AddDefault( 50815 ); -- Skarr AddDefault( 50959 ); -- Karkin AddDefault( 54318 ); -- Ankha AddDefault( 54319 ); -- Magria AddDefault( 54320 ); -- Ban'thalos AddDefault( 54321 ); -- Solix AddDefault( 54322 ); -- Deth'tilac AddDefault( 54323 ); -- Kirix AddDefault( 54324 ); -- Skitterflame AddDefault( 54338 ); -- Anthriss Version = ""; end if ( Version < "" ) then -- Added MoP's rare achievement. OptionsCharacter.Achievements[ 7439 ] = true; -- Glorious! Version = ""; end if ( Version < "" ) then -- Made the achievement checkbox settings global OptionsCharacter.Achievements = nil; Version = ""; end if ( Version < "" ) then -- Added Galleon. AddDefault( 62346 ); -- Galleon Version = ""; end OptionsCharacter.Version = NS.Version; end NS.Overlays.Register(); NS.Synchronize( Options, OptionsCharacter ); -- Loads defaults if either are nil end do local FirstWorld = true; --- Starts world-specific scans when entering a world. function NS.Frame:PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD () -- Print cached pets if player ported out of a city self:PLAYER_UPDATE_RESTING(); -- Since real MapIDs aren't available to addons, a "WorldID" is a universal ContinentID or the map's localized name. local MapName = GetInstanceInfo(); NS.WorldID = NS.ContinentIDs[ MapName ] or MapName; -- Activate scans on this world for NpcID, WorldID in pairs( NS.OptionsCharacter.NPCWorldIDs ) do NPCActivate( NpcID, WorldID ); end for AchievementID in pairs( NS.Options.Achievements ) do local Achievement = NS.Achievements[ AchievementID ]; if ( Achievement.WorldID ) then AchievementActivate( Achievement ); end end if ( FirstWorld or not NS.Options.CacheWarnings ) then -- Full listing of cached mobs gets printed on login FirstWorld = false; wipe( CacheList ); else -- Print list of cached mobs specific to new world local ListString = CacheListBuild( CacheList ); if ( ListString ) then NS.Print( L.CACHED_WORLD_FORMAT:format( ListString, MapName ) ); end end end end --- Stops world-specific scans when leaving a world. function NS.Frame:PLAYER_LEAVING_WORLD () -- Stop scans that were only active on the previous world for NpcID in pairs( NS.OptionsCharacter.NPCWorldIDs ) do NPCDeactivate( NpcID ); end for AchievementID in pairs( NS.Options.Achievements ) do local Achievement = NS.Achievements[ AchievementID ]; if ( Achievement.WorldID ) then AchievementDeactivate( Achievement ); end end NS.WorldID = nil; end --- Stops tracking achievements when they finish. function NS.Frame:ACHIEVEMENT_EARNED ( _, AchievementID ) if ( not NS.Options.AchievementsAddFound ) then NS.AchievementRemove( AchievementID ); end end --- Sets the update handler only after zone info is known. function NS.Frame:ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA ( Event ) self:UnregisterEvent( Event ); self[ Event ] = nil; NS.Updater:SetScript( "OnLoop", NS.Updater.OnLoop ); end --- Global event handler. function NS.Frame:OnEvent ( Event, ... ) if ( self[ Event ] ) then return self[ Event ]( self, Event, ... ); end end --- Slash command chat handler to open the options pane and manage the NPC list. function NS.SlashCommand ( Input ) local Command, Arguments = Input:match( "^(%S+)%s*(.-)%s*$" ); if ( Command ) then Command = Command:upper(); if ( Command == L.CMD_ADD ) then local ID, Name = Arguments:match( "^(%d+)%s+(.+)$" ); if ( ID ) then ID = tonumber( ID ); NS.NPCRemove( ID ); if ( NS.NPCAdd( ID, Name ) ) then NS.CacheListPrint( true ); end return; end elseif ( Command == L.CMD_REMOVE ) then local ID = tonumber( Arguments ); if ( not ID ) then -- Search custom names for NpcID, Name in pairs( NS.OptionsCharacter.NPCs ) do if ( Name == Arguments ) then ID = NpcID; break; end end end if ( not NS.NPCRemove( ID ) ) then NS.Print( L.CMD_REMOVENOTFOUND_FORMAT:format( Arguments ), RED_FONT_COLOR ); end return; elseif ( Command == L.CMD_CACHE ) then -- Force print full cache list if ( not NS.CacheListPrint( true, true ) ) then -- Nothing in cache NS.Print( L.CMD_CACHE_EMPTY, GREEN_FONT_COLOR ); end return; end -- Invalid subcommand NS.Print( L.CMD_HELP ); else -- No subcommand InterfaceOptionsFrame_OpenToCategory( NS.Config.Search ); end end -- Create reverse lookup of continent names for Index, Name in pairs( NS.ContinentNames ) do NS.ContinentIDs[ Name ] = Index; end -- Save achievement criteria data for AchievementID, Achievement in pairs( NS.Achievements ) do Achievement.ID = AchievementID; Achievement.Criteria = {}; -- [ CriteriaID ] = NpcID; Achievement.NPCsActive = {}; -- [ NpcID ] = CriteriaID; for Criteria = 1, GetAchievementNumCriteria( AchievementID ) do local _, CriteriaType, _, _, _, _, _, AssetID, _, CriteriaID = GetAchievementCriteriaInfo( AchievementID, Criteria ); if ( CriteriaType == 0 ) then -- Mob kill type Achievement.Criteria[ CriteriaID ] = AssetID; end end end local Frame = NS.Frame; Frame:SetScript( "OnEvent", Frame.OnEvent ); if ( IsLoggedIn() ) then Frame:PLAYER_LOGIN( "PLAYER_LOGIN" ); else Frame:RegisterEvent( "PLAYER_LOGIN" ); end Frame:RegisterEvent( "PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD" ); Frame:RegisterEvent( "PLAYER_LEAVING_WORLD" ); Frame:RegisterEvent( "PLAYER_UPDATE_RESTING" ); NS.Updater:CreateAnimation( "Animation" ):SetDuration( NS.Updater.UpdateRate ); NS.Updater:SetLooping( "REPEAT" ); -- Set update handler after zone info loads if ( GetZoneText() == "" ) then -- Zone information unknown (initial login) Frame:RegisterEvent( "ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA" ); else -- Zone information is known Frame:ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA( "ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA" ); end SlashCmdList[ "_NPCSCAN" ] = NS.SlashCommand;