Plugin Name: Horizontal scrolling announcement Plugin URI: Description: This horizontal scrolling announcement wordpress plug-in let's scroll the content from one end to another end like reel. Version: 4.0 Author: Gopi.R Author URI: Donate link: */ global $wpdb, $wp_version; define("WP_HSA_TABLE", $wpdb->prefix . "hsa_plugin"); function horizontal_scrolling_announcement() { global $wpdb; $data = $wpdb->get_results("select hsa_text,hsa_link from ".WP_HSA_TABLE." where hsa_status='YES' ORDER BY hsa_order"); if ( ! empty($data) ) { $cnt = 0; foreach ( $data as $data ) { @$link = $data->hsa_link; if($cnt==0) { // KM 120208 initialize hsa if (!isset($hsa)) {$hsa = '';} if($link != "") { $hsa = $hsa . ""; } $hsa = $hsa . stripslashes($data->hsa_text); if($link != "") { $hsa = $hsa . ""; } } else { $hsa = $hsa . " - "; if($link != "") { $hsa = $hsa . ""; } $hsa = $hsa . stripslashes($data->hsa_text); if($link != "") { $hsa = $hsa . ""; } } $cnt = $cnt + 1; } } $hsa_title = get_option('hsa_title'); $hsa_scrollamount = get_option('hsa_scrollamount'); $hsa_scrolldelay = get_option('hsa_scrolldelay'); $hsa_direction = get_option('hsa_direction'); $hsa_style = get_option('hsa_style'); // KM 111124 initialize what_marquee if (!isset($what_marquee)) {$what_marquee = '';} $what_marquee = $what_marquee . "
"; $what_marquee = $what_marquee . ""; $what_marquee = $what_marquee . $hsa; $what_marquee = $what_marquee . ""; $what_marquee = $what_marquee . "
"; echo $what_marquee; } //if (function_exists (horizontal_scrolling_announcement)) horizontal_scrolling_announcement(); add_filter('the_content','HSA_show_filter'); function HSA_show_filter($content) { return preg_replace_callback('/\[HORIZONTAL-SCROLLING(.*?)\]/sim','HSA_show_filter_callback',$content); } function HSA_show_filter_callback($matches) { global $wpdb; $data = $wpdb->get_results("select hsa_text,hsa_link from ".WP_HSA_TABLE." where hsa_status='YES' ORDER BY hsa_order"); if ( ! empty($data) ) { $cnt = 0; foreach ( $data as $data ) { @$link = $data->hsa_link; if($cnt==0) { if($link != "") { $hsa = $hsa . ""; } $hsa = $hsa . stripslashes($data->hsa_text); if($link != "") { $hsa = $hsa . ""; } } else { $hsa = $hsa . " - "; if($link != "") { $hsa = $hsa . ""; } $hsa = $hsa . stripslashes($data->hsa_text); if($link != "") { $hsa = $hsa . ""; } } $cnt = $cnt + 1; } } $hsa_title = get_option('hsa_title'); $hsa_scrollamount = get_option('hsa_scrollamount'); $hsa_scrolldelay = get_option('hsa_scrolldelay'); $hsa_direction = get_option('hsa_direction'); $hsa_style = get_option('hsa_style'); $what_marquee = $what_marquee . "
"; $what_marquee = $what_marquee . ""; $what_marquee = $what_marquee . $hsa; $what_marquee = $what_marquee . ""; $what_marquee = $what_marquee . "
"; return $what_marquee; } function HSA_deactivate() { delete_option('hsa_title'); delete_option('hsa_scrollamount'); delete_option('hsa_scrolldelay'); delete_option('hsa_direction'); delete_option('hsa_style'); } function HSA_activation() { global $wpdb; if($wpdb->get_var("show tables like '". WP_HSA_TABLE . "'") != WP_HSA_TABLE) { $wpdb->query(" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `". WP_HSA_TABLE . "` ( `hsa_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `hsa_text` text CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL, `hsa_order` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `hsa_status` char(3) NOT NULL default 'No', `hsa_date` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', PRIMARY KEY (`hsa_id`) ) "); $sSql = "INSERT INTO `". WP_HSA_TABLE . "` (`hsa_text`, `hsa_order`, `hsa_status`, `hsa_date`)"; $sSql = $sSql . "VALUES ('This is sample text for horizontal scrolling announcement.', '1', 'YES', '0000-00-00 00:00:00');"; $wpdb->query($sSql); } $sSql = "ALTER TABLE `". WP_HSA_TABLE . "` ADD `hsa_link` VARCHAR( 1024 ) NOT NULL "; $wpdb->query($sSql); add_option('hsa_title', "Announcement"); add_option('hsa_scrollamount', "2"); add_option('hsa_scrolldelay', "5"); add_option('hsa_direction', "left"); add_option('hsa_style', "color:#FF0000;font:Arial;"); } function HSA_admin_options() { global $wpdb; ?>
"DEL" and trim($_POST['hsa_text']) <>"") { if($_POST['hsa_id'] == "" ) { $sql = "insert into ".WP_HSA_TABLE."" . " set `hsa_text` = '" . mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST['hsa_text'])) . "', `hsa_order` = '" . $_POST['hsa_order'] . "', `hsa_status` = '" . $_POST['hsa_status'] . "', `hsa_link` = '" . $_POST['hsa_link'] . "'"; } else { $sql = "update ".WP_HSA_TABLE."" . " set `hsa_text` = '" . mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST['hsa_text'])) . "', `hsa_order` = '" . $_POST['hsa_order'] . "', `hsa_status` = '" . $_POST['hsa_status'] . "', `hsa_link` = '" . $_POST['hsa_link'] . "' where `hsa_id` = '" . $_POST['hsa_id'] . "'"; } $wpdb->get_results($sql); } if($AC=="DEL" && $DID > 0) { $wpdb->get_results("delete from ".WP_HSA_TABLE." where hsa_id=".$DID); } if($DID<>"" and $AC <> "DEL") { //select query $data = $wpdb->get_results("select * from ".WP_HSA_TABLE." where hsa_id=$DID limit 1"); //bad feedback if ( empty($data) ) { echo "

No data available! use below form to create!

"; return; } $data = $data[0]; //encode strings if ( !empty($data) ) $hsa_id_x = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($data->hsa_id)); if ( !empty($data) ) $hsa_text_x = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($data->hsa_text)); if ( !empty($data) ) $hsa_status_x = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($data->hsa_status)); if ( !empty($data) ) $hsa_link_x = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($data->hsa_link)); if ( !empty($data) ) $hsa_order_x = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($data->hsa_order)); $submittext = "Update Message"; } ?>

Enter the message:
Enter the hyperlink:
Display Status: Display Order:
get_results("select * from ".WP_HSA_TABLE." order by hsa_order"); if ( empty($data) ) { echo "
No data available! use below form to create!
"; return; } ?>
hsa_status=='YES') { $displayisthere="True"; } ?> "True") { ?>
ID Message Order Display Action
hsa_id)); ?> hsa_text)); ?> hsa_order)); ?> hsa_status)); ?> Edit   Delete
No Announcement available with display status 'Yes'!'
"") { echo $before_widget . $before_title; echo get_option('hsa_title'); echo $after_title; } else { echo "
"; } horizontal_scrolling_announcement(); if($hsa_title <> "") { echo $after_widget; } else { echo "
"; } } add_action("plugins_loaded", "HSA_widget_init"); register_activation_hook(__FILE__, 'HSA_activation'); add_action('admin_menu', 'HSA_add_to_menu'); register_deactivation_hook( __FILE__, 'HSA_deactivate' ); add_action('init', 'HSA_widget_init'); ?>