void K8POSPrint() { /// /// PosPrinter object /// PosPrinter m_Printer = null; try { //Use a Logical Device Name which has been set on the SetupPOS. string strLogicalName = "PosPrinter"; try { //Create PosExplorer PosExplorer posExplorer = new PosExplorer(); DeviceInfo deviceInfo = null; try { // Device Info is not null when the printer has the logical name deviceInfo = posExplorer.GetDevice(DeviceType.PosPrinter, strLogicalName); m_Printer = (PosPrinter)posExplorer.CreateInstance(deviceInfo); } catch (Exception ExDevice) { } //Open the device m_Printer.Open(); //Get the exclusive control right for the opened device. Then the device is disable from other application. m_Printer.Claim(1000); //Enable the device. m_Printer.DeviceEnabled = true; // ////CheckHealth. //m_Printer.CheckHealth(Microsoft.PointOfService.HealthCheckLevel.Interactive); // //As using the PrintNormal method, send strings to a printer, and print it [n] is the standard code for starting a new line. /// Current Issue Next Line thows an exception - 'It is not initialized' m_Printer.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Receipt, "Hey Now OPOS for .NETn"); // the next line would throw the exception 'The specified station is not mounted.' // m_Printer.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Slip,"Hey Now Slip OPOS.NETn"); } catch (PosControlException) { } } catch (Exception ex) { } }