//Mass Effect 3 - 360 controller for glovepie //credits to preemz10314 //derp250 for aim help //remember MATCH UR PC CONTROLS TO SCRIPT! if starting then var.Control = 1 //Movement - Left Stick W = XInput1.Joy1Y > 0.2 S = XInput1.Joy1Y < -0.2 A = XInput1.Joy1X < -0.2 D = XInput1.Joy1X > 0.2 //Aiming Control - Right Stick Pie.MouseDPI = 800 //Insert Your Muse DPI if it is running away //Aiming - Moving Control - Right Stick - Pie.MouseDPI = 800 //Insert Your Mouse DPI if you know it Fakemouse.DirectInputX = Var.DirectInputXOutput Fakemouse.DirectInputY = Var.DirectInputYOutput Mouse.LeftButton = XInput.RightTrigger Mouse.RightButton = XInput.LeftTrigger If Mouse.RightButton { Delta(Var.DirectInputXOutput) = Delta(Var.DirectInputXInput) * Var.SlowSpeed Delta(Var.DirectInputYOutput) = Delta(Var.DirectInputYInput) * Var.SlowSpeed }Else{ Delta(Var.DirectInputXOutput) = Delta(Var.DirectInputXInput) Delta(Var.DirectInputYOutput) = Delta(Var.DirectInputYInput) } If (DeadZone(( XInput.RightStickX), Var.DeadzoneAmount) <> 0 or DeadZone(( XInput.RightStickY), Var.DeadzoneAmount) <> 0) { Delta(Var.DirectInputXInput) = DeadZone(( XInput.RightStickX * Var.NormalSpeed), Var.DeadzoneAmount) Delta(Var.DirectInputYInput) = DeadZone((-XInput.RightStickY * Var.NormalSpeed), Var.DeadzoneAmount) } //Settings: Var.SlowSpeed = 50% Var.NormalSpeed = 1000% Var.DeadzoneAmount = 13% //Recomended above 5% //If it starts drifting, try turning the deadzone up some. //Dpad Q = XInput1.Up //Order Squad to Attack Enemy C = XInput1.Down //Order Squad to Return to Your Position E = XInput1.Left or XInput1.Right //Order Squadmate to a Point or Target //Alternate Combat & Vehicle Control Modes if pressed(XInput1.LeftThumb) then{ say("Vehicle Control") var.Control++ } if var.Control > 2 then{ say("Combat Control") var.Control = 1 } //ABXY Buttons Space = XInput1.A //Use or Talk - A Button F = XInput1.B //Melee Attack - B Button if var.Control = 1 then { R = XInput1.X //Reload - X Button Mouse.WheelUp = XInput1.Y //Switch Weapon - Y Button }else{ E = XInput1.X //Jump - X Button V = XInput1.Y //Mine - Y Button } //Shoulder Buttons RB LB LeftShift = XInput1.RightShoulder //Weapon & Power Wheel - RB Button LeftControl = XInput1.LeftShoulder //Walk - LB Button //Triggers LT RT W/ Rumble Mouse.LeftButton = XInput1.RightTrigger //Fire Weapon - RT Button if XInput1.RightTrigger then if PPJoy1.Digital0 then XInput1.Vibration1 = 1 else XInput1.Vibration2 = 1 end wait 35 ms if PPJoy1.Digital0 then XInput1.Vibration1 = 0 else XInput1.Vibration2 = 0 end end Mouse.RightButton = XInput1.LeftTrigger //Zoom - LT Button //Start & Back Buttons Escape = XInput1.Start //Main Menu - Start Button H = XInput1.Back //Exit Combat Stance - Back Button