import os import re import socket import sys import time server_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) # Create socket server_socket.bind(("", 9020)) #Bind server to this socket server_socket.listen(4) #Max number of queued connections # Welcome message print ("TCP chat server now awaiting client connection on port 9020...") chat_log = [] #Contains chat log time = time.strftime('%l:%M %p %Z on %b %d, %Y') #Server start time formatted nicely start_time = str(time) #Convert server start time to string username = "ChatUser" #Default server username if user does not provide one # Support ~2^x client connections, where x is the number of process forks os.fork() os.fork() os.fork() # This variable contains the help documentation for the "help" command chatHelp = ("The chat server accepts the following commands:\n" + "adios Closes the program\n" + "connection Shows client connection info (IP, port)\n" + "get Returns complete chat log\n" + "getrange <#> <#> Get chat log entries from <#> to <#> (starts at 1)\n" + "help Lists valid commands\n" + "name: Sets your username to \n" + "test: Echo data back to you \n" + "time Shows time when server was initiated\n" + "push: Add to chat log\n" + "save Save chat log to file\n") while 1: # Accept connection client_socket, address = server_socket.accept() # Print connection info from client for server log print ("Received connection from client at"), address # Used in the connection command function (client request) below connection = str(address) # Send welcome string to client client_socket.send("Welcome to Nigel's chat room! You are logged in as ChatUser.\n Type help for a list of valid commands.\n") # Loop indefinitely while server running while 1: data = client_socket.recv(2048) #Receive client data into buffer process_data = data.lower() #Lowercase received data for processing print ("Data received from client>>"), process_data #Print data received from client for log reference # Functions for the received commands (I use the find library to reduce compatibility errors with other languages) # ---"adios" command function--- if (process_data.find("adios") == 0): client_socket.close() #Close socket connection print (">") break; # ---"connection:" command function--- elif(process_data.find("connection") == 0): client_socket.send("Client connection info: " + connection + "\n") print "User requested connection information" # ---"getrange" command function w/ regular expression filtering (must be BEFORE "get" command function)--- elif(re.match(r'getrange\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)',process_data)): # Regex to find correct match with dynamic numbers input match = re.match(r'getrange\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)',process_data) getValue = "Chat log from range "+ + " and " + + ":\n" # Grab first and second range number provided by client if(len(chat_log) >= int( and len(chat_log) >= int( # Check to see if chat log extends to given range count = int( - 1 while(count < int( getValue += chat_log[count] + "\n" count += 1 else: getValue += "<>\n" #No data in range provided by client client_socket.send(getValue) #Send results to client # ---"get" command function--- elif(process_data.find("get") == 0): log = "Chat log: \n" for item in chat_log: log += item+" \n" client_socket.send(log) # ---"help:" command function--- elif(process_data.find("help") == 0): client_socket.send(chatHelp + "\n") print "User requested help" # ---"name:" command function--- elif(process_data.find("name:") == 0): username = data[5:].strip() #Only grab the value client set (not "name:") client_socket.send("Username set to: " + data[5:] + "\n") # ---"test:" command function--- elif(process_data.find("test:") == 0): client_socket.send(data[5:]+"\n") #Echo last 5 elements to client print data # ---"time" command function--- elif(process_data.find("time") == 0): client_socket.send("Chat server was started at: " + start_time + "\n") print "User requested server start time" # ---"save" command function--- elif(process_data.find("save") == 0): print "(Saving chat log to file)" client_socket.send("Saving chat log to file..." + "\n") filename = "chat.log" file = open(filename,"w") #Create file for item in chat_log: #Loop through elements in chat_log file.write("%s\n" % item) #Write elements one by one on a new line file.close() #Close/write file # ---"push" command function--- elif(process_data.find("push:") == 0): print "(Pushing data to chat log)" if(username != ""): chat_log.append(username + ": " + data[5:].strip()) #Save actual chat text to log (not "push:") else: chat_log.append(data[5:].strip()) client_socket.send("OK\n") else: print "<>",data #Server log try: client_socket.send("Unrecognized command: " + data + "") #Advise client of invalid command except socket.error, e: print "<>" #Server log break;