AddCSLuaFile( "cl_init.lua" ) AddCSLuaFile( "shared.lua" ) AddCSLuaFile( "specialchars.lua" ) include( 'shared.lua' ) include( 'specialchars.lua' ) --no fall damage function GM:GetFallDamage( ply, speed ) return ( 0 ) end --no suicide function GM:CanPlayerSuicide( ply ) return false end --no player death sound function OverrideDeathSound() return true end hook.Add("PlayerDeathSound", "OverrideDeathSound", OverrideDeathSound) --on player death function player_initdeath( ply, wep, killer ) ply:PrintMessage( HUD_PRINTCHAT, ply:Nick() .. " has fallen off of the stage.\n") end hook.Add( "PlayerDeath", "player_initalize_dvars", player_initdeath ); --on player spawn function GM:PlayerSpawn( ply ) self.BaseClass:PlayerSpawn( ply ) RunConsoleCommand( "play", "MBU/spawn_alternate.wav" ) ply:SetGravity ( 1 ) ply:SetMaxHealth ( 100, true ) ply:SetWalkSpeed ( 325 ) ply:SetRunSpeed ( 325 ) end --on player join function GM:PlayerInitialSpawn( ply ) CheckSpecialCharacters( ply ) if ply:IsAdmin() then mbu_team2( ply ) ply:Spectate( 5 ) RunConsoleCommand( "mbu_start" ) else joining( ply ) RunConsoleCommand( "mbu_start" ) end end --weapons given on player join team function GM:PlayerLoadout( ply ) if ply:Team() == 1 then // blank because no weapons are used elseif ply:Team() == 2 then //blank because no weapons are used end end --on player join team Players [1] function mbu_team1( ply ) ply:UnSpectate() ply:SetTeam( 1 ) ply:Spawn() ply:PrintMessage( HUD_PRINTTALK, "[Marble Blast Ultra]Welcome to the server, " .. ply:Nick().. "!") end --on player join team Admins [2] function mbu_team2( ply ) ply:SetTeam( 2 ) ply:Spawn() ply:PrintMessage( HUD_PRINTTALK, "[Marble Blast Ultra]Admin " .. ply:Nick().. " Recognized!") end concommand.Add( "mbu_team1", mbu_team1 ) --on player join the server pre-team selection function joining( ply ) RunConsoleCommand( "play", "MBU/spawnwav" ) ply:Spectate( 5 ) ply:SetTeam( 3 ) end