using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class New_Elder : MonoBehaviour { public Rect container; public GUISkin _mySkin; public Texture2D image; public string eventDescription; public GameObject target; Rect title; Rect pictureFrame; Rect description; Rect firstResponse; string targetName; bool tooltip = false; // Use this for initialization void Start () { GUIEnabled.enabled = false; container = new Rect(Screen.width /2 - 225, Screen.height / 2 - 300, 450, 600); title = new Rect(container.width / 2 - 100, 50, 200, 50); pictureFrame = new Rect(container.width / 2 - 195, 100, 390, 199); description = new Rect(50, 320, container.width - 100, 60); firstResponse = new Rect(25, 435, container.width - 50, 30); Time.timeScale = 0.0f; } public void setTargetName(){ targetName = target.GetComponent().citizenName; eventDescription = "As the oldest male member of the community, " + targetName + " has assumed the " + "position of Elder. The community's well being is now under your responsability."; } void OnGUI(){ = _mySkin; GUI.depth = -20; GUI.Box(container, "", "EventWindow"); GUI.BeginGroup(container); GUI.Label(title, "New Elder", "BlackCenter"); GUI.Box (pictureFrame, "", "PictureFrame"); GUI.BeginGroup(pictureFrame); GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(5, 5, pictureFrame.width - 10, pictureFrame.height - 10), image); GUI.EndGroup(); GUI.Label(description, eventDescription, "BlackCenter"); if(GUI.Button(firstResponse, "I will do my best to guide our community.", "Scroll")){ Time.timeScale = 1.0f; GUIEnabled.enabled = true; foreach(GameObject citizen in SaveManager.Instance.citizenList){ CitizenOpinion co = citizen.GetComponent(); if(co != null){ co.addOpinion(10); } } Authority.Instance.GetApprovalRating(); Destroy (gameObject); } tooltip = firstResponse.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition); GUI.EndGroup(); if(tooltip){ Rect tool = new Rect(Input.mousePosition.x + 10, Screen.height - Input.mousePosition.y - 15, 200, 40); GUI.Box(tool, "", "BuildMenu"); GUI.BeginGroup (tool); GUI.Label (new Rect(10, 10, tool.width - 20, 20), "Everyone's opinion of " + targetName + " increased by 10", "TextBlack"); GUI.EndGroup(); } GameGUI.Instance.isOnOtherGUI = container.Contains (Event.current.mousePosition); } }