ERROR: Error executing a python function in /OE/shr-core/openembedded-core/meta/recipes-kernel/linux/ The stack trace of python calls that resulted in this exception/failure was: File: 'split_and_strip_files', lineno: 220, function: 0216: # End of strip 0217: # 0218: 0219: *** 0220:split_and_strip_files(d) 0221: File: 'split_and_strip_files', lineno: 210, function: split_and_strip_files 0206: 0207: 0208: import multiprocessing 0209: nproc = multiprocessing.cpu_count() *** 0210: pool = bb.utils.multiprocessingpool(nproc) 0211: processed = pool.imap(oe.package.runstrip, sfiles) 0212: pool.close() 0213: pool.join() 0214: File: '/OE/shr-core/bitbake/lib/bb/', lineno: 866, function: multiprocessingpool 0862:# 0863:# Was present to work around multiprocessing pool bugs in python < 2.7.3 0864:# 0865:def multiprocessingpool(*args, **kwargs): *** 0866: return multiprocessing.pool.Pool(*args, **kwargs) 0867: Exception: AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'pool' ERROR: Function failed: split_and_strip_files ERROR: Logfile of failure stored in: /OE/shr-core/tmp-eglibc/work/spitz-oe-linux-gnueabi/linux-yocto/3.8.13+gitAUTOINC+edd6461602_1f973c0fc8-r4.1/temp/log.do_package.8386 NOTE: recipe linux-yocto-3.8.13+gitAUTOINC+edd6461602_1f973c0fc8-r4.1: task do_package: Failed ERROR: Task 1324 (/OE/shr-core/openembedded-core/meta/recipes-kernel/linux/, do_package) failed with exit code '1'