Readme Dragonsbreath v0.7.1 for the .NET Scripthook for GTA IV by The_Siggi =================================================================================================== =================================================================================================== Index: 1) About 2) Installation 3) Usage 3.1) Configuration file 3.2) Console commands 4) Credits, thanks and greets 5) Contact 6) Permission =================================================================================================== 2) Installation =================================================================================================== This modification requires the GTAIV .Net Script Hook v1.7.1.7 BETA by HazardX ### ### Advice: This modification has been developed and only tested on Grand Theft Auto IV (Patch #7 - v1.0.7.0) and the Mircosoft .NET Framework 4. This modification may be incompatible with other modifications or game versions and hence might cause conflicts and issues. Installation: Put the Dragonsbreath.cs in the "scripts" folder, in your GTA IV installation folder. (If there is no such folder, check and re-install the Scripthook) =================================================================================================== 3) Usage =================================================================================================== While on foot and using any shotgun shooting at any pedestrian will cause him to burst into flames and might ignite by-standing peds as well. CAUTION: This might conflict with mission scripts! =================================================================================================== 3.1) Configuration file =================================================================================================== The script comes with a few customizable configurations, which can be changed in the "dragonsbreath.ini" file, which either comes with the script or is generated if not existant in the "scripts" folder. Options: (treat them as) Radius (int) This defines the radius in which the script will detect near peds for the script. Standard configuration is 35 RenderExplosions (boolean) This toggles whether an explosion shall rendered at impact (only works for peds so far) 0/false = no explosion 1/true = Molotov cocktail explosion ExplosionPower (float) This parameter defines the power of the explosion effect, not the provided damage. Standard is 1.0 ExtraDamage (boolean) This toggles whether extra damage should be applied to hit peds. 0/false = no extra damage 1/true = extra damage CameraShake (int) This doesn't seem to work with the explosion type!!! Standard is 0 FireproofedPlayer (boolean) Toggles whether the player should be fireproofed or not. Advice! This might conflict with any "god mode"-like script, so if you are using such a script it is adviced to disable this option 0/false = disabled 1/true = enabled Future versions will allow more customization and options! =================================================================================================== 3.2) Console commands =================================================================================================== The script comes with some extra parameters, accessible through the Console of the Scripthook. Base command: dragonsbreath Parameters: reload / -r This will reload the configuration file, so you can easily test new configurations while playing the game; after changing the .ini file, just reload the configfile ingame. newfile / -n This will generate a new standard configuration file in the scripts folder CAUTION!!! The existing configfile will be deleted! off / on This will turn the script on/off. A message will be shown about the current script state. shotgun This will disable the games Ammo limit and give the player a shotgun with an excessive amount of ammo. showconfig / -s Shows the current settings in the Scripthook console. =================================================================================================== 4) Credits, thanks and greets =================================================================================================== Created from scratch. Scripthook Thanks to aru (C++ Scripthook)and HazardX for their great contributions to the modding community. Greets to Adler, Deji, James227uk, NTAuthority, Spider-Vice, Wesser and ZAZ =================================================================================================== 5) Contact =================================================================================================== TheSiggi / The_Siggi GTAForums Official troubleshoot and support thread: #### #### the-siggi at outlook dot com =================================================================================================== 6) Permission =================================================================================================== Pretty much opensource :) Cheers, TheSiggi