======================= 11-30-2015 ======================= * build/ d53e2b0 allow override of device asserts 0a3970b Remove unnecessary unmount /system c67f01a Match ota_from_target_files with .py b3f2d6b build: edify: use set_metadata for backuptool de0b29e Backup tool support 0853924 Flash SuperSU upon build Original commits by LorDClockaN - https://github.com/zephiK/android_build/commit/869fbdd9f9da3816c7d9273f7b138182c5d56d43 69bde48 mount/unmount during flash b7840e2 no matter what build type we dont want to see anything but Build_ID * device/lge/hammerhead/ 3d33a75 Fetch our kernel * frameworks/base/ 5184441 IME: Handle IllegalArgumentException 92adbb3 fix race condition. aadb0a9 fix for screenshot animation glitch in portrait 4b3dc13 Handle NPE in TelephonyManager 8342d6d Show a more descriptive message when vendor.img is out of date 19dd8b1 Core: Use ro.build.date to signal mIsUpgrade d4f8c94 Take into account default app for default grants 9c9be89 Handle renamed packages during default grants 09a61e2 System crash fixed when turn off MagnificationGesture e4dbe59 Dismiss color fade when it is no longer used. 692506a Ensure state transition of paused activity. 427cf81 Fix resumeHomeStackTask can't resume home if activity is finishing. 9465c7c Shorten first boot time by filtering dexopted apps by LRU. ce4d887 Fix deadlock between ActivityManager and BackupManager under some race conditions. 507a9be Fix memory corruption in SpotShadow 653b154 To call TypedArray.recycle() when we are done with the array. 379f6dc IndexOutOfBoundsException on addPreference in PreferenceGroup 42ee42e Reset the setOnKeyListener callback when view is destroyed 4b77583 MultiSelectListPreference.java should deal with onRestoreInstanceState method 6f53fe0 Fix system watchdog timeout when reading too many usage events. caf6d76 Frequently used OpenGL ES methods whitelisted for fast JNI path 172d015 Fix system_server crash issue. 0033a45 Ensure the occlude state of keyguard is correct 70a9668 Re-use orientation from windows if screen is freezing by apps 97edc5b Make accessing mInputMethodTarget thread-safe 6803b25 Initialize mGlobalSystemUiVisibility 230255e [ActivityManager] Fix NullPointerException in startNextMatchingActivity. 5ff99ed [ActivityManager] Fix IndexOutOfBoundsException b377805 services: AssetAtlasService: prevent IndexOutOfBoundsException 2c76af0 Fix memory leak in Connectivity Service when phone app crashes f64929a SystemUI: Fix no LED indication for missed call when screen off 7464920 Avoid overwriting SYSTEM_ADJ with PERSISTENT_PROC_ADJ b6131dd Add handling SQLiteDatabaseCorruptException. df15ff5 Also dump widget options in 'dumpsys appwidget'. 78cfef7 allow forcing HighEndGfx mode 5167ccd SystemUI: double tap status bar to sleep (1/2) b53fec8 add cm's ScreenType.java needed for resizing navbar Changes to be committed: new file: core/java/com/android/internal/util/cm/ScreenType.java ab82f66 Base: Navigation bar options (1/2) 125b277 noman: Fix AIOOB fa70bae libhwui: make surface buffer allocation asynchronous b666af2 libhwui: make setSurface asynchronous a516e92 Revert "Fix Photosphere/Camera FCs" * packages/apps/Settings/ 714c8a0 Settings: double tap status bar to sleep (1/2) 6ddfab8 Navigation bar value changes 73def4b Settings: Navigation bar options (2/2) * packages/providers/ContactsProvider/ 7409604 Permissions: Add READ_CONTACTS and WRITE_CONTACTS to AndroidManifest * packages/providers/MediaProvider/ 4dfdfff Add READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission Logcat shows the following error, * vendor/minimal/ 80ae06b Add SuperSU, backuptool and switch to user builds