New config vars --------------- use_d3d_display use Direct3D 9 display system instead of the legacy DirectX 6 DirectDraw one. Enabling this will automatically also enable "force_32bit". force_windowed always run in windowed mode (bit depth will be based on windows desktop bit depth) force_32bit use 32bit rendering for both 2D (UI) and 3D (in fullscreen, in windowed the desktop bit depth is used) single_display_mode [<1 - 3>] run game in a single resolution for both 2D (UI) and 3D, the optional parameter specifies the buffer config, default is 1. 1: blit based buffer updates (same method that's used in windowed mode is used for fullscreen too) 2: double buffering with buffer flipping (in fullscreen mode), the usual mode for games 3: triple buffering with buffer flipping (in fullscreen mode) ui_scale_mode <0 - 2> only has any effect in combination with "single_display_mode", determines how UI (/2D mode) will be scaled to the current display resolution, default mode is 0. 0: scale UI to fit screen using basic method, result may or may not be filtered depending on graphics driver 1: scale UI only an even multiple to maintain pixel perfectness 2: scale UI to fit using 3D HW, result will be filtered When "use_3d_display" is enabled 3D HW is always used and the modes have following (almost same) meaning: 0: scale UI to fit screen, result is filtered unless an it happens to be an even multiple which can maintain pixel perfectness (defining "d3d_disp_scaled_2d_overlay" will force it to always filter) 1: scale UI only an even multiple to maintain pixel perfectness, no filtering is applied unless "d3d_disp_scaled_2d_overlay" is enabled 2: same as 0 d3d_disp_scaled_2d_overlay [] only works in combination with "use_d3d_display", enables scaling of the in-game 2D overlay (HUD). * In the first form with only one value, in the range 2 to 64. The game will try to magnify the overlay the specified amount of times, if that isn't possible it will find nearest scale factor below that can be applied. It will always maintain pixel perfectness so it will choose a scale that results in en even multiple of pixel of the base resolution 640x480. For example any resolution that's at least twice the size of 640x480 can have an overlay scaling of 2. If you want the game to always choose the largest possible scale then set the value really high, i.e. 64, but if you never want it more than double on any resolution then set it to 2. * In the second form it takes two values specifying a virtual resolution for the 2D overlay. The overlay is scaled to fit the current display resolution which may result in slightly blurry results if the scale isn't an even pixel multiple, due to filtering. The specified virtual resolution must be at least 640 480 and less than the actual display resolution. The aspect ratio of the virtual resolution will automatically adjusted to match the actual resolution. NOTE: Using scaling will actually improve performance (to some degree), in particular at high resolutions. d3d_disp_force_filter_scale2d only works in combination with "use_d3d_display", forces scaled 2D (menus and overlay) to always use bilinear filtering. Normally no filtering is applied when the scale is detected to be an even pixel multiple of the original size, in order to get sharper pixel perfect results. d3d_disp_2d_overlay_alpha <0.0 - 1.0> only works in combination with "use_d3d_display", sets the alpha/transparency of the 2D overlay, default is 1.0 (opaque). NOTE: This affects everything that's drawn in 2D while in-game, including the command console. d3d_disp_2d_surf_mode <0 - 3> only works in combination with "use_d3d_display", sets the method in which the 2D overlay is drawn/handled, default is 3 (hardware based 2D rendering and 3D rendering in editor). Using the default HW method should significantly increase performance related to 2D drawing, especially at higher resolutions. 0: software rendering (normal method for SW rendering) 1: software rendering (alternative method which probably ends up doing the same thing as 0) 2: software rendering (alternative method using lockable dynamic vidmem texture) 3: HW rendering (recommended/default) movie_sw_scale_quality <0 - 6> quality of software scaling filter (used during internal processing, not the same as the ui_scale_mode), default is 4 (bicubic). Lowest quality with best performance is 0 (point filter). scale_movie_to_ui only has any effect in combination with "single_display_mode", will play movies within the UI area only when "scale_ui_even_pixels" is set, instead of scaling it to fit the current resolution crop_movies [ ] only has any effect in combination with "single_display_mode" and not "scale_movie_to_ui", enable cropping of movies so they can fill more area on a widescreen display. The original Shock cutscenes all have a built-in letterbox so this option works good there, for Thief it would cut off the upper and bottom parts of the movies. Optionally the crop rect can be specified in 640x480 coords, regardless of movie resolution. The default crop rect, when not supplying a custom one, is optimized for SS2 and is 0 70 640 340. movie_crop_exclude only has any effect with "crop_movies", a '+' separated list of movie filenames to exclude from cropping. For example: movie_crop_exclude credits.avi+success.avi+death.avi movie_disable a '+' separated list of movie filenames to that should not be played. For example: movie_disable intro.avi+death.avi widescreen_lock_hfov use the same horizontal FOV as in 4:3 mode, this is generally disliked by widescreen users, but the option is included as that is how the code works natively fov set (horizontal) FOV in degrees, default is 90. the FOV is specified for the reference 4:3 aspect ratio, the effective FOV in widescreen will automatically be larger (unless "widescreen_lock_hfov" is specified) vsync_mode synchronize screen updates with display refresh, default mode is 3. The mode val is the sum of one or several of following values or 0 to disable all: 1: enable vertical synch in 3D mode (in-game) 2: enable vertical synch in 2D mode (menus) and optionally _one_ of these for non-standard flip interval in vsync:ed fullscreen modes 4: flip every second refresh 8: flip every third refresh 12: flip every fourth refresh Graphics driver settings may override or not support some settings. For example: to enable synch in both 2D and 3D (=1+2) "vsync_mode 3", to disable all synch "vsync_mode 0" console command: set_vsync d3d_disp_limit_gpu_frames <0 - 3> [<0 - 3>] only has any effect in combination with "use_d3d_display", limits the number of frames that can get buffered in the GPU command buffer, default is 0 0 (limit disabled). The first value defines the buffer limit in 2D mode (menu screens), the second optional value defines the limit in 3D mode (in-game). The GPU command buffer can hold render commands for several frames. When rendering something simple with vsync enabled, like for example menu screens, the buffer easily gets filled. This results in noticeable input lag especially in menus, since there can be several frames between mouse movement and visual response. By limiting the number of frames that can get buffered the input lag can be reduced. It's not recommended to enable the options if no lag is experienced. May not have any effect on older graphics cards. IMPORTANT: Enabling limiting in-game should be used with care on multi-GPU setups, since it can result in performance loss caused by not giving all GPUs enough work. framerate_cap only has any effect in combination with "single_display_mode", enable software based framerate limiter to the specified framerate, default is 0 (disabled) user_mode<1 - 8> [ [ ]] up to 8 user defined display modes. If only width and height is supplied the mode is assumed to be 32-bit with an automagic aspect ratio (assuming square pixels). Aspect ratio is defined in x:y form, so for 16:9 it would be "16 9". For example: user_mode1 1280 720 32 16 9 gamma_ui setting this enables UI display modes to have its own gamma setting, instead of using the "gamma" option for everything. This can be useful if you play in the dark and get blinded when opening the map or a a readable in Thief. gamma_movie gamma setting for movie playback, by default the game uses 1.0 for movies force_32bit_textures load all textures as 32-bit, preserving original quality, as well as enabling 32-bit textures for various subsystems. Only works if "force_32bit" is also specified. disable_alpha_test disable (newly added) alpha test support, when disabled, some objects like for example the plants in SS2 hydroponics, may exhibit rendering artifacts when other transparent objects are behind them. Alpha testing (aka alpha keying) is similar to chroma keyeing, which skips rendering of pixels that are meant to be transparent. This can create more pixely edges, but it perfectly solves alpha sorting issues. console command: toggle_alpha_test console command: set_alpha_test <0 , 1> alpha_test_as_opaque treat objects with 1-bit alpha (chroma key) textures as opaque. Requires alpha test to also be enabled. The advantage is that these objects don't have to be depth sorted and it avoids sorting errors where other parts or objects get incorrectly drawn on top. The disadvantage is that in some cases overlapping decal objects may exhibit z-fighting. console command: toggle_alpha_test_opaque default_alphatest_ref <1 - 255> alpha test alpha threshold value, default is 127. d3d_disp_enable_atoc [<0 - 2>] only has any effect in combination with "use_d3d_display", enables alpha-to-coverage (ATOC) functionality for alpha tested rendering. This option requires multisampling to be enabled, and only works if the graphics card and driver supports alpha-to-coverage and the GPU is either nVidia or AMD/ATI. Mode 2 is a special mode for nVidia cards that support supersampled transparency (SSAA). SSAA may be more expensive in return for bit better quality. If the card doesn't support SSAA but supports ATOC it will fall back to ATOC. ATOC/SSAA makes the edges of alpha tested surfaces look smoother and less aliased. This option may look better when combined with lower alpha threshold like "default_alphatest_ref 1", but "tex_edge_padding" should also be enabled or there may be ugly outlines. disable_table_fog disable support for table fog, will fallback to vertex fog if supported or none fog_mode_exp use exponential fog table mode instead of the default linear tex_filter_mode <0 - 16> set texture filtering mode: 0 no filtering, 1 linear, 2,4,8,16 anisotropic (number is sample size) console command: set_tex_filter <0 - 16> tex_filter_trilinear enable trilinear texture filtering (smooth transition between mipmap levels), only has any effect if mipmap_mode is set to non-zero console command: set_trilinear <0 , 1> disable_lightmap_aniso prevents the use of anisotropic filtering on lightmaps (the second texture stage) console command: allow_lm_aniso <0 , 1> mipmap_mode <0 - 2> enable mipmap generation for textures: 0 disabled, 1 fastest (quality depends on HW features), 2 software bilinear filtered. When "use_d3d_display" is enabled there may be little or no difference between 1 or 2. lm_mipmap_mode <0 - 2> mipmap generation mode for lightmaps, this is ignored if "mipmap_mode" is 0. Disabling it may be helpful if there are performance issues or when experiencing visual artifacts (that look like light bleeding), then again it could also make the latter worse or have no effect at all. 0 disabled, 1 fastest (quality depends on HW features), 2 use same quality as "mipmap_mode" (default) lm_init_texmem <0 - 2> when initializing a texture for HW lightmap usage, clear surface memory to make sure there's no random data, default is 0 (disabled). Enabling this should reduce filtering artifacts (light bleeding) on lightmap edges. 0 disabled, 1 clear when creating surface, 2 clear when creating and when flushing cached LMs from surface NOTE: Although option 2 should work without problems, it hasn't been tested quite as much. If there are any issues like lightmaps/surfaces suddenly turning black, then change this option to 1. lm_filter_margin only has any effect if "lm_init_texmem 2", pixel spacing to use between cached lightmaps in a lightmap texture, default is 0. Adding some spacing between lightmaps will help avoid/reduce light bleeding artifacts on lightmap edges, at the expense of being able to fit less lightmaps per HW lightmap texture. mipmap_bias <-16.0 - 16.0> adjust mipmap LOD bias, only has any effect if "mipmap_mode" is non-zero. The bias adjusts the GPU selected mipmap level so with a value of 1.0 it would use one mipmap level smaller than it normally would. console command: set_mipmap_bias <-16.0 - 16.0> tex_edge_padding <0 - 2> enable edge padding for alpha textures: 0 disabled, 1 1-bit alpha textures upconverted at load-time from palette based image formats, 2 all alpha textures. When enabled only textures that are larger than 4x4 and no larger than 256 are processed. The processing is done when textures are loaded (normally during mission load), so depending on the amount of textures and their sizes there may or may not be a bit longer load times. Edge padding increases the visual quality of mipmaps, as it fixed surrounding colors (often purple) bleeding into the edge areas. Padding should normally be done in the original image, but it was not possible with the old 8-bit textures the game used. tex_max_edge_padding <1 - 999> set the max number pixels to expand edges, if edge padding is enabled through "tex_edge_padding" or material option. The default is 8. Increasing it will increase quality of the lower/smaller mipmap levels at the expense of more processing time. texel_center_adjust <-1.0 - 1.0> <-1.0 - 1.0> texel/pixel center adjustment, default is 0.5 0.5. If the offset is incorrect textures from 2D components like UI and HUD icons will look blurrier than they should, and when multisampling is enabled you may see a pixel line at the edges of the screen. The default value should cover most somewhat modern setups. multisampletype <2 - 16> only has any effect in combination with "use_d3d_disp", sets the multisample (anti-aliasing) amount d3d_disp_managed_textures only has any effect in combination with "use_d3d_disp", when enabled D3D managed texture memory is used, which may or may not affect performance a tiny bit (negatively or positively) or solve potential texture memory issues if such occur at the expense of increased system memory usage (as a memory copy of every texture is kept by D3D). d3d_disp_forcevalid only has any effect in combination with "use_d3d_disp", forces D3D initialization to succeed. Can be useful if Dark fails to init D3D due to ValidateDevice failing although it technically shouldn't, either caused by some issue in Dark that slipped through the cracks or a driver bug. d3d_disp_enable_hdr [32] only has any effect in combination with "use_d3d_disp", enables 16-bit (or optionally 32-bit) floating point render buffer (if supported), for increased quality in particular with postprocessing and software color/gamma processing. Enabling it will result in more video memory usage and some performance loss. d3d_disp_sw_cc only has any effect in combination with "use_d3d_disp", enables software gamma and color processing. The benefit of doing gamma in (shader) software rather than HW gamma, is that there is less quality loss because it can be applied on the higher precision floating point or 10-bit render data, before getting down converted to a displayable format. Whereas HW gamma is applied on the already downconverted displayable format. Another benefit is that gamma works in windowed mode, where HW gamma doesn't work. Enabling color processing comes with some performance loss. d3d_disp_sw_cc_bright brightness level when "d3d_disp_sw_cc" is enabled, default is 0. A value of 1 would make everything white. This option is only provided for completeness, it's more appropriate to adjust gamma. Does not affect menu screens. d3d_disp_sw_cc_contr <0.0 - > contrast level when "d3d_disp_sw_cc" is enabled, default is 1. This option is only provided for completeness, it's more appropriate to adjust gamma. Does not affect menu screens. d3d_disp_sw_cc_sat <0.0 - > saturation level when "d3d_disp_sw_cc" is enabled, default is 1. A value of 0 is completely desaturated (b&w). Does not affect menu screens. d3d_disp_sw_cc_rgbfilter <0.0 - 1.0> <0.0 - 1.0> <0.0 - 1.0> RGB color filter when "d3d_disp_sw_cc" is enabled, default is 1 1 1 (white). For example to get a old photo type of look (sepia) you could do "d3d_disp_sw_cc_sat 0.25" and "d3d_disp_sw_cc_rgbfilter 1 0.7 0.3". Does not affect menu screens. d3d_disp_sw_cc_hwgamma only has any effect in combination with "d3d_disp_sw_cc", forces gamma to be applied by display HW like it does when "d3d_disp_sw_cc" is disabled, but other color control like saturation and color filter are still applied. This _might_ help reduce any performance hit (induced by "d3d_disp_sw_cc") slightly, at the expense of gamma not working in windowed mode and potential minor quality loss. Another potential issue is that contrast/brightness calculations are normally applied after gamma, with this option enabled gamma is applied after brightness/contrast (if brightness/contrast isn't used, i.e. set to default, this is of no concern). postprocess <0, 1> only has any effect in combination with "use_d3d_disp", enable postprocessing effect (bloom) bloomscale <0.0 - > bloom intensity multiplier, default is 5 bloom_range <0.0 - 100.0> bloom(/"glow") radius defined as percentage of the screen's diagonal, default is 2. The larger the value the more GPU processing is required. bloom_saturation <0.0 - 1.0> bloom saturation, default is 0.7. Complete desaturation (black and white) is 0. bloom_threshold <0.0 - 1.0> min value required (for R, G and B) in order for a pixel to be included in bloom processing, default is 0.6. A high value means only the brightest surfaces will glow. enhanced_precip_trace enable more elaborate/expensive tracing for rain/snow impacts so it also hits more things than just terrain. enhanced_corona_trace enable more elaborate/expensive tracing for corona visibility so it also hits more things than just terrain, fixes the issue where coronas are drawn on top of objects/characters. enhanced_aifootstep_trace enable more elaborate/expensive tracing for AI footstep sounds so it also hits more things than just terrain. screenshot_format select file format for screenshots, default is BMP. Available types: BMP, PCX, PNG screenshot_timestamp use timestamp based numbering for screenshot names. Makes it easier to merge multiple screenshot sets and also to maintain sequence order even if some files have been deleted. bob_factor <0.0 - 1.0> set a float scale factor for player head bob, 1 is normal and 0 completely disabled shock_gun_bob_factor <0.0 - 1.0> (Shock only) set a float scale factor for player weapon bob, 1 is normal and 0 completely disabled SlowFrameUI cap framerate when in UI mode (or game is paused) by setting this value to the minimum frame time. Setting it to 10 would cap the UI framerate to 100 FPS, and avoids the graphics card running unnecessary hot. If this is not set (or -1) then the original "SlowFrame" is used for both UI and in-game (which is disabled/uncapped by default). phys_freq <30 - 120> set physics updates to a fixed frequency, this avoids variable movement speeds when playing without V-sync or can be used to lock physics at a lower frequency to play as the game originally was likely intended (60Hz). The default value is 0 which disables fixed frequency updates. It's always preferable to run with V-sync for the best experience. To get any useful effect of this at higher framerates the var "min_frame_time" should be set to something low like 1. use_hi_res_timer use higher precision timer functions, instead of the old 1ms standard resolution. Better precision provides a smoother experience, but some older OS versions (some XP versions and older) may not properly support hi-res timers due to implementing them with RDTSC or other reasons, which can lead to movement speeds going crazy and more. snd_oal_device when using the OpenAL sound driver it normally uses the default AL device, if another device is preferred then specify the name with this config var, for example to use the device "DirectSound Default": snd_oal_device DirectSound Default disable_oal_eax_reverb when using a EAX capable OpenAL device and reverb is enable (EAX option in options menu), the sound driver will use EAX reverb instead of AL's EFX reverb. Specifying this option will suppress the usage of EAX reverb and only use EFX reverb. NOTE: the menu option EAX does not specifically mean EAX, it only means reverb in general pixel_parts_as_disks when defined pixel particles are rendered as (small) disks instead console command: toggle_pixel_parts square_parts_as_disks when defined square particles are rendered as disks instead console command: toggle_square_parts fixed_star_size set a resolution independent star size (for NewSky stars), the default behavior is to render stars as 3x3 pixel large polys regardless of resolution, which will make them look smaller or larger depending on resolution. The fixed star size is defined as a scale factor based on the size the stars normally have at 1280x960 resolution, so with a size of 1.0 the stars will pretty much look like they do at 1280x960 in any resolution. With a size of 0.5 they will look half the size of what they do at 1280x960, in any resolution. disable_star_mipmaps disable mipmapping for (NewSky) star texture (only has any effect if mipmap_mode isn't 0) d3d_disp_enable_distortionfx only has any effect in combination with "use_d3d_display", enables screen distortion effects like seen when looking through scouting orb or heat distortion from fire arrows. enable_sw_heatdisks enable heat distortion effect, mainly from fire arrows, when game is running in DX6 mode (i.e. when "use_d3d_display" is NOT defined) WARNING: The performance is not good enough for real usage, this option is for reference and those curious about how it looked in Thief 1 with the software renderer. indexed_mm_render <0, 1> enable/disable the use of indexed primitive rendering for character/deformable meshes, default is enabled in DX6 and disabled in DX9. Changing the default will have a performance degrading effect in DX6 and may have so in DX9 (except maybe on very slow CPUs, but that's a big maybe), and additionally some DX9 drivers have issues when it's enabled. wr_render_zcomp enable z-compares for worldrep rendering (normally it only does z-write because it renders worldrep polys back to front). Enabling z-compare can slightly improve rendering efficiency because polygons may be batched more, due to rendering not being order dependent. dark_zcomp_arm (Thief only) when defined the player arm/weapon is rendered with Z-compare enabled, to get rid of sword and blackjack being rendered on top of the hand. This does currently not affect arrow rendering due to their pos/rot diverging too much from the bow's. scaled_inv_bitmaps enable (up-)scaling of bitmap based inventory icons, like Thief's body carry icon, at higher screen resolutions. dark_map_decal_scheme [*] (Thief only) select and configure the way visited and current map locations are shaded/colored. Method 0: original, has no params (default) Method 1: dodge/burn, to customize this method supply either 2 params where the first is a monochrome factor for visited areas and the second for current area, or supply 6 parameters where the first 3 is an RGB triplet for visited areas and the last 3 for current area. The param values are floating point values, a positive value works like a Photoshop/GIMP dodge, a negative value like burn. "-0.3 -0.3 1.1 1.3 1.3 0.2" would look similar to the original, default when not supplying any params is "-0.5 0.8" console command: set_map_decal_scheme [*] dark_map_lalign_notes (Thief only) left align map notes instead of centering them loadout_buy_autoadvance (Thief only) auto-advance item in loadout screen after buying all available units of the current selected one, like it did in Thief1 ai_death_keep_phys <0, 1> (Thief only) enable/disable that AIs keep their physics shape after they die or are KOd, default for T2 is 0 and 1 in T1 mode dark1 (Thief only) added to cam.cfg to tell game to run in Thief1 "mode". It also requires a couple of extra patch resources to make the menu system fully usable. legacy_force_match_unrefs 0 default value for "force matching unrefs" in particles, when loading SS2/T1 particle data created with previous game versions. The "force matching unrefs" parameter was added for T2 and defaults to disabled there, in SS2 and T1 the engine behaved as if this option was enabled. To match original behavior it defaults to that when loading old data. It may however not be desired behavior because there are issues involved when enabling the option. It was required to so particle effects on weapons (i.e. fire arrows) were rendered, but it's now possible to enable that with "render_weapon_particles". render_weapon_particles render particles attached to weapons (while held in hand) when they they have "force matching unrefs" disabled. In T2 this will make fire arrow particles visible (before they're fired). In T1 when combined with "legacy_force_match_unrefs 0" it will make the fire arrow particles work better. analog_mwheel_bind mouse wheel now binds up and down events as separate button events by default, i.e. you bind mouse_wheel_up to Next Weapon and mouse_wheel_down to Prev Weapon. If the original behavior is desired, where the mouse_wheel control sends its analog value as a command parameter, then define this config var. Note that if a bind file still has a mouse_wheel only bind, that will still work regardless of this config var, it only affects the binding behavior in the options menu. shock_single_bind_set (Shock only) when defined shock only uses "user.bnd" and disregards "user2.bnd" shock_quicksave_slot <0 - 14> (Shock only) use a save slot for quicksaves, instead of the original behaviour of simply saving to the autosave. Specify 0-14 to use a save slot, or -1 for the default behaviour of using the autosave. A value of 14 will use the lowermost save slot. force_underwater_reverb [] always use the UnderWater reverb environment when the player is under water. This is useful if maps haven't explicitly set the reverb type for underwater areas so it ends up with some default. Optionally a specific (0-based) reverb preset index can be set, by default it's 22. The preset numbering is based on the "EAX Reverb Code" list in DromEd (which is the standard EAX preset list). 21 might be of interest for a more pronounced effect. submerged_sound_occlusion [ []] when the player is under water sound distances are by default artificially increased to achieve a bit less direct hearing of sounds. This effect is negligible when EAX is enabled, making sounds very direct. Introducing a minimum blocking factor (occlusion / low pass filter), adjusting the distance penalty and reverb mix may give a better underwater experience. The reverb mix will be ignored if it's less than the normal reverb mix, which is 0.6 by default (or changed with "sfx_source_reverb_mix"). The defaults are -1000000.0 1.0 -1.0 (which results in using the original method). new_mantle enable new improved (hopefully) mantling code extended_player_lighting [<0 - 2>] extended player lighting mode, if no additional numeric param is specified it assumes 1. Default calculations only sample lighting at one point in the player, with extended player lighting more sample points are added. Extended mode is disabled by default. Modes: 0 = disabled, 1 = normal weighted average, 2 = only uses the weighted average if result is brighter console command: set_extended_plr_lighting <0 - 2> frob_mode <0 - 2> frob line of sight mode, default is 0. This allows enabling of a more strict obstruction check for a potential frob target, to prevent frobbing through walls scenarios. That does however mean that sometimes objects which are only partially visible won't be frobbable, like an object on a shelf (made of terrain polys) above head height, unless you jump or climb onto something, or an object around a corner that's only partially visible. Use at your own risk, it could potentially break missions that placed "hidden" frobbable objects in such way that the player can never see more than a small fraction. Modes: 0 = standard (only objects marked as blocking will obstruct) 1 = all terrain and objects marked as blocking will obstruct 2 = (Shock only) like mode 1 but prevents HUD brackets/info to appear on obstructed objects, unlike mode 1 where the brackets/info will appear the same way as they do in mode 0, even if the object can't actually be interacted with. For Shock this mode is recommended over 1 because it's less confusing. (In Thief this mode is the same as 1.) ext_kb_country_check extended keyboard language detection. By default the game can under certain circumstances fail to correctly identify the keyboard language, it also does not identify UK or French Canadian layouts. This option solves those issues, but it does not add support for more layouts than already available in the game, which are: English-US, French, German, English-UK, French Canadian, Italian, Spanish. brush_centers <0 - 2> (DromEd only) draw brush centers, 1 draws only the current brush, 2 draws it for all brushes console command: brush_centers <0 - 2> or "brush_centers -1" to cycle between the three modes validate_spot_cones (DromEd only) when defined it will validate spotlight cone angles during lighting and output invalid settings to mono. validate_models [2] (DromEd only) when defined it will validate MD models when they're loaded to make sure that polygon data is correct and print warnings to mono otherwise. If the var value is 2 then invalid models will fail to load, otherwise load will succeed and a crash is likely to follow. enable_32bit_lightmaps [<1 , 2>] (DromEd only) when defined DromEd will defaults to 32-bit lightmaps instead of the normal 16-bit lightmaps for new map. Setting a value of 2 will default to 32-bit 2X modulate mode. 2X mode allows for overbrightening at the expense of reducing precision to 1/128 (from 1/256), which is still 4 times better than 16-bit maps. Overbrightening gives lights a little more "oomph!", a cheap man's HDR-like effect on lightmaps. When loading an existing map the editor sets the current setting to match that, so re-lighting/re-portalizing will generate the same type of lightmaps as the mission already had. The active mode can be changed with the "set_lighting_depth" command. Preferably the "Tools" menu should have commands to switch mode (see reference MENUS.CFG), but for manual use the command takes following values: 16: original 16-bit lightmaps 32: 32-bit lightmaps 64: 32-bit lightmaps in 2X mode lm32_params [] (DromEd only) customize the initial 32-bit lightmap calculation parameters. These parameters are saved in mission files, and are restored when loading a mission file. The 'atten' parameter is an exponent that allows controlling the attenuation curve, pow(org_atten_val, ). A value of 1.0 results in unmodified attenuation. The 'sat' parameter is a color saturation factor, where 1.0 results in unmodified colors. The defaults are 1.07 and 1.4. These values are an attempt to get 32-bit lightmaps to look slightly closer to 16-bit lightmaps when loading original T2/SS2 maps and re-lighting them. They can never look identical though due to mathematical differences with the much lower precision 16-bit maps. Note that when running in Thief 1 "mode", the defaults are 1.0 and 1.0. This allows 32-bit lightmaps to look identical to the original 8-bit lightmaps. console command: lm32_params [ []] editor_water_alpha (DromEd only) alpha value to use when rendering water surfaces in editor solid view, when hardware 2D is enabled, default is 0.5. The editor doesn't render water with the actual transparency as seen in-game because for editing it's more useful to be able to see all geometry, and opaque liquids like lava would prevent that. console command: editor_water_alpha show_mouse_xyz (DromEd only) show XYZ info for the current mouse cursor position in a 2D viewport show_camera_xyz (DromEd only) show current camera coordinates vm_rot_speedfactor (DromEd only) speed factor (or rather step size) at which the camera rotates in editor, when factor is a negative value the rotation will be independent of current viewport scale so it always rotates at the same speed regardless of viewport scale (default is 1) mono_console [ [ [ []]]] (DromEd only) enable built-in mono console window. By default WARNING and ERROR messages will be colored yellow and red, to disable coloring set "use_colors" to 0. disable_cycle_mwheel (DromEd only) disable mouse wheel support for cycle controls (the controls that have < > buttons) return_to_listwindow (DromEd only) make list dialog for Conversation edit and Mission/Quest/Gamesys parameters persistent until closed, so after closing the edit window after editing one of the list items, it returns back to the list. mouse_sensitivity_y_scale this is actually a bind var ("user.bnd") and not a .cfg var. It's a scale factor, applied on top of the general mouse sensitivity, for vertical mouse movement (mouse_sensitivity * mouse_sensitivity_y_scale). The default is 1.0. crouch_unmount this is actually a bind var ("user.bnd") and not a .cfg var. It allows to turn on/off the new alternate action of the crouch and crouch hold keys that aborts climbing, so it's possible to drop off a ladder or rope without jumping. The default is 1 (enabled).