///Updated 11.01.12 ///Made by "dstrr" ///Save it to "Steam\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\dota\cfg\autoexec.cfg" unbindall clear //Console con_enable "1" //Console. developer "1" //Developer mode. con_filter_enable "1" //Enable filters. con_filter_text "[" //Filter settings. /////GAME //General dota_player_units_auto_attack "1" //Auto attack (on). dota_player_auto_purchase_items "0" //Auto purchase items (off). dota_player_add_summoned_to_selection "0"//Auto select summoned units (off). dota_ignore_nonfriend_invites "1" // Allow party invites (on). dota_ability_quick_cast "1" //Double tap ability self cast (on). dota_player_multipler_orders "1" //Unified unit orders (on). //Interface dota_camera_accelerate "50" //Camera acceleration. dota_camera_speed "4500" //Camera speed. dota_shop_force_hotkeys "0" //Shop always uses hotkeys (off). dota_camera_edgemove "1" //Edge pan (on). dota_minimap_show_hero_icon "1" //Minimap icons instead of names(on). dota_minimap_always_draw_hero_icons "0" //Names/icons always in minimap (off). dota_show_hero_finder "0" //Hold alt to highligth hero(off). dota_hud_healthbar_number "1" //Show hp bar number (on). dota_screen_shake "0" //Screen shake (off). dota_always_show_player_names "0" //Show player names (off) dota_minimap_simple_colors "1" //Minimap simple colors (on). dota_minimap_hide_background "0" //Minimap hide background (off). dota_reset_camera_on_spawn "0" //Move camera on respawn (off). dota_camera_dotatv_smooth_drag "0" //Smoothdrag in spectate (off). dota_camera_reverse "0" //Reverse camera grip (off). /////VIDEO //General mat_vsync "0" //VSYNC (off). mat_queue_mode "-1" //Quad core rendering. snd_mix_async "0" //Multicore sound rendering. //Anvanced r_screenspace_aa "1" //Anti-aliasing (on). r_deferred_specular "0" //Specular (off). r_deferred_specular_bloom "0" //Specular bloom (off). dota_cheap_water "0" //Water quality (on). r_deferred_height_fog "0" //Fog (off). cl_globallight_shadow_mode "2" //Shadows (high). dota_portrait_animate "0" //Hero portrait animations (off). r_deferred_additive_pass "1" //Additive light pass (on). r_deferred_simple_light "1" //World lighting (on). r_ssao "1" //Ambient occlusion (on). mat_picmip "0" //Textures quality (high). dota_ambient_creatures "0" //Ambient creatures (off). /////AUDIO volume "0.1" //Master volume. snd_gamevolume "1" //Game volume snd_musicvolume "0" //Music volume. snd_pitchquality "2" //Sound quality (High). cc_subtitles "0" //Captioning (off). closecaption "0" //Controls subtitles (off). dota_speech_level "1" //Unit speech (events). snd_mute_losefocus "0" //Sound while alt-tab (on). dota_mute_cobroadcasters "0" //Mute co-broadcasters (off) chat_sound "1" //Chat message sound (on). voice_vox "0" //Enanle open mic (off). voice_threshold "0" //Open mic threshold. voice_enable "0" //Voice chat (off). voice_mixer_volume "1" //Voice transmit volume. voice_scale "1" //Voice recieve volume. voice_mixer_boost "0" //Mic boost. /////PERFOMANCE TWEAKS fps_max_splitscreen "300" //Max FPS on dual monitors fps_max "60" //Max FPS for client to render. mat_triplebuffered "0" //Enable with vsync for a performance boost if fps is less than 60. mat_queue_mode "-1" //Quad core rendering. sv_forcepreload "1" //Force server side preloading. snd_mix_async "1" //Multicore sound rendering engine_no_focus_sleep "0" //Reduces resources consumed when dota 2 loses focus. /////DOTO SETTINGS dota_hero_tooltip "1" //Style of the hero tooltip (Corner "0";Overhead "1";Inline overhead "2"). dota_disable_range_finder "1" //Shows spells are within casting range of targeted area/target (off). dota_range_display "0" //Range indicator around hero showing that specific range(off). dota_unit_fly_bonus_height "300" //Additional height on to be shown on flying unit (Default "150"). dota_force_right_click_attack "0" //Force right clicks to attack anything (off). dota_gamescom_althack "0" //Alt modifier + qwe/asd to be inv keys (off). dota_sf_hud_error_msg "0" //Displays error msgs on hud EX.spell is on cool down (off). dota_sf_hud_header_display_time "3" //Display time of Firstblood, killstreaks and multikills notifications. //Shop dota_shop_recommended_open "0" //Recommended items for hero when open shop menu (off). dota_shop_view_mode "0" //Shop view mode (default). dota_sf_hud_shop_tree_animtime "0" //Shop tree animation (off). //HP bars dota_hud_healthbars "1" //HP bars (Disables "0";No dividing blocks "1";Normal "3"). dota_health_per_vertical_marker "250" //Health segmenting in the lifebar. dota_health_marker_major_alpha "255" //Opacity major healthbar divider. dota_health_marker_minor_alpha "128" //Opacity minor healthbar divider. dota_health_hurt_threshold "99999" //Damage threshold to be achieved for fade to acutally apply. dota_hud_healthbar_hoveroutline_alpha "255" //Glowing of creeps HP bar. dota_health_hurt_decay_time_max "0" //Fade time on hp bars MAX. dota_health_hurt_decay_time_min "0" //Fade time on hp bars MIN. dota_health_hurt_delay "0" //Fade time on hp bars DELAY. dota_pain_decay "0" //Fade time on hp bars DECAY. dota_pain_factor "0" //Fade time on hp bars FACTOR. dota_pain_fade_rate "0" //Fade time on hp bars RATE. dota_pain_multiplier "0" //Fade time on hp bars MULTIPLIER. //Camera dota_camera_disable_zoom "1" //Control mouse scroll for zooming in and out (off). dota_camera_smooth_enable "1" //Smoothing of camera. dota_camera_smooth_count "8" //Power of smoothing. dota_camera_smooth_distance "96" //Default dota_camera_smooth_sample_timer "0.01" //Default dota_camera_smooth_time "0.01" //Default dota_camera_follow_doublepress_time "1" //Double tap to select and move the camera to your hero. //Minimap dota_unit_use_player_color "1" //Player colors (Individual colors "1";Team colors "0"). dota_minimap_hero_size "900" //Hero icons on minimap. dota_minimap_misclick_time "0" //Removes delay before allowing input on minimap. dota_minimap_tower_defend_distance "115"//Distance from tower to iniate ping tower instead of ping map. dota_minimap_ping_duration "4" //Duration of pings. dota_minimap_ping_tag_duration "4" //Duration of shield pings on towers. dota_minimap_hero_name_shadowsize "4" //Shadow size dota_enemy_color_r "1" //Enemy color red. dota_enemy_color_g "0" //Enemy color green. dota_enemy_color_b "0" //Enemy color blue. dota_neutral_color_r "0" //Neutral color red. dota_neutral_color_g "1" //Neutral color green. dota_neutral_color_b "0" //Neutral color blue. dota_friendly_color_r "1" //Allied color red. dota_friendly_color_g "1" //Allied color green. dota_friendly_color_b "1" //Allied color blue. //Netcode cl_cmdrate "30" //Amount of updates sent to server per second. cl_interp "0" //Sets the interpolation amount (bounded on low side by server interp ratio settings). cl_interp_ratio "1" //Multiplies final result of cl_interp. cl_lagcompensation "1" //Perform server side lag compensation of weapon firing events. cl_pred_optimize "2" //Optimize for not copying data if didn't receive a network update (1), and also for not repredicting if there were no errors (2) cl_smooth "0" //Smooth view/eye origin after prediction errors. cl_smoothtime "0.01" //When errors occur smooth display over X time. cl_updaterate "30" //Amount of updates received from server per second. rate "80000" //Total amount of bandwidth Dota 2 may use. cl_resend "1.5" //Delay in seconds before the client will resend the 'connect' attempt sv_forcepreload "1" //Force server side preloading. cl_spectator_cmdrate_factor "0.5" //Multiplier for CMD rate while spectating. cl_spectator_interp_ratio "2" //Multiplier for interp while spectating. //Netgraph net_graph "0" //Draw the network usage graph. net_graphheight "350" //Height of netgraph panel. net_graphinsetbottom "85" //net_graph insert from bottom. net_graphinsetleft "42" //net_graph insert from left. net_graphinsetright "578" //net_graph insert from right. net_graphinsettop "0" //net_graph insert from top. net_graphproportionalfont "0" //Determines whether netgraph font is proportional or not /////Other dota_mouse_window_lock "1" //Lock mouse in the window mode (Window mode). dota_keybindings_cloud_disable "0" //Disables the steam cloud for keybinds. dota_camera_lock_mouse_lead "1" //Controls mouse being outside the game window (Window mode). in_usekeyboardsampletime "0" //Use keyboard sample time smoothing. in_lock_mouse_to_window "1" //Lock mouse in the window mode (Window mode). dota_quit_after_game "1" //Quit after a game is completed, do not hibernate. dota_quit_immediate "1" //If enabled, Dota will quit immediately rather than prompting to confirm. dota_embers "1" //Dashboard background animations (on). /////BINDS bind "\" "dota_glyph" //Glyph. bind "ENTER" "say" //Chat. bind "KP_ENTER" "say" //Chat. bind "Y" "+chatwheel" //Chat wheel. bind "TAB" "dota_cycle_selected" // bind "B" "toggleshoppanel" //Open shop. bind "ESCAPE" "cancelselect" // bind "Z" "dota_select_courier" //Select courier. bind "X" "quick_courier" //Take items from courier with haste. bind "C" "dota_purchase_quickbuy" //Quickbuy. bind "V" "dota_purchase_stickybuy" //Stickybuy. bind "3" "dota_select_all_others" //Select all others summoned units. bind "F1" "toggleconsole" //Open console. bind "F2" "+showgraph" //Open bind "F3" "r_c" //Rune checker. bind "F4" "" bind "F5" "exec autoexec.cfg" //Refresh autoexec.cfg bind "F8" "gameui_activate" //Open main menu. bind "F9" "screenshot" //Screenshot. bind "F10" "dota_pause" //Pause. bind "F11" "disconnect" //Disconnect. bind "F12" "quit" //Quit from game. //Hold bind "A" "dota_player_units_auto_attack 0;mc_attack" //Attack. bind "S" "dota_player_units_auto_attack 1;dota_stop" //Stop. bind "H" "dota_player_units_auto_attack 0;dota_hold" //Hold. //Inventory bind "1" "dota_item_execute 0" //1st slot. bind "2" "dota_item_execute 1" //2nd slot. bind "" "dota_item_execute 2" //3rd slot. bind "SPACE" "dota_item_execute 3" //4th slot. bind "" "dota_item_execute 4" //5th slot. bind "MOUSE5" "dota_item_execute 5" //6th slot. //Skills bind "Q" "dota_ability_execute 0" //q bind "W" "dota_ability_execute 1" //w bind "E" "dota_ability_execute 2" //e bind "D" "dota_ability_execute 3" //d bind "F" "dota_ability_execute 4" //f bind "R" "dota_ability_execute 5" //r bind "T" "dota_learn_stats" //Learn stats. //Control groups bind "4" "+dota_control_group 1" bind "" "+dota_control_group 2" bind "" "+dota_control_group 3" bind "" "+dota_control_group 4" //Mouse bind "MOUSE1" "+attack" bind "MOUSE2" "+attack2" bind "MOUSE4" "+dota_camera_follow; -dota_camera_follow" //Select ur hero. //////Aliases //Rune checker alias "r_c" "r_t" alias "r_t" "dota_camera_setpos -2250 1235 980;alias r_c r_b" alias "r_b" "dota_camera_setpos 3035 -2970 965;alias r_c b_t_h" alias "b_t_h" "+dota_camera_follow; -dota_camera_follow;+dota_camera_follow; -dota_camera_follow;alias r_c r_t" //Courier alias "quick_courier" "dota_select_courier;dota_ability_execute 3;dota_ability_execute 4;dota_ability_execute 5;+dota_camera_follow;-dota_camera_follow" alias "secret_courier" "dota_select_courier;dota_ability_execute 1;dota_ability_execute 5;+dota_camera_follow;-dota_camera_follow" //Scores alias "+showgraph" "+showscores;net_graph 1" alias "-showgraph" "-showscores;net_graph 0" //Screenshot alias "screenshot" "echo [Screenshot];jpeg_quality 100;jpeg;" /////Game launch options // -noforcemaccel -noforcemspd -useforcedmparms -novid -nod3d9ex echo " [CONFIG LOADED]"