#!/bin/bash # globals------------------------------------------------------------------- script_name="${0##*/}" script_dir=$(readlink -f "${0%/*}") script_version=1 # this can be modded to be supplied from command line named_dir='/var/named' serialfile="ufis-common.txt" # main---------------------------------------------------------------------- [[ "$1" ]] && { (( ${#1} == 10 )) && newserial=$1 (( ${#1} == 8 )) && date=$1 (( ${#1} == 2 )) && revision=$1 ! [[ "$1" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] || [[ -z "$newserial$date$revision" ]] && echo "$script_name: ERROR: can't do anything with $1" && exit 1 } curserial="$( sed -ne 's/^.*\([0-9]\{10\}\).*/\1/g; /^[0-9]*$/p' "$named_dir/$serialfile" )" # if we haven't been passed a serial lets build one [[ -z "$newserial" ]] && { # if we don't have a date get current [[ -z "$date" ]] && date="$(date +%Y%m%d)" # if we don't have revision number get next from the current, if current=99 or date<>today it'll be "01" [[ -z "$contador" ]] && { revision="01" (( ${curserial:0:8} == $date )) && { revision=$( printf "%02d" $(( 10#${curserial:8:2}+1 )) ) (( 10#$revision == 100 )) && echo "$script_name: warning: revision counter looped to 01" && revision="01" } } newserial=$date$revision } # replace the serial # some sanity checks here won't hurt # this is a minimal one (( ${#newserial} == 10 )) && { echo "$script_name: new serial number $newserial" sed -i "s/\(^.*\)$curserial\(.*$\)/\1$newserial\2/" "$named_dir/$serialfile" }