package de.numpad.demo; import de.numpad.framework.Frapp; import de.numpad.framework.gui.Display; import de.numpad.framework.gui.Fonts; import de.numpad.framework.gui.elements.Button; public class LevelNoStates extends Frapp { private static final long serialVersionUID = 10L; public Level level; // Very important: Instance of the abstract class // Since TestLevel1 and TestLevel2 both extend Level, they are in _general_ the same. public void start() { Display.size(20 * (Level.TILESIZE+1), 10 * (Level.TILESIZE +1) + 100); level = new TestLevel1(); // Instantiate level as TestLevel1 GUI.add(new Button(10, Display.height - 90, 210, 60, "Change World", 2) { public void onCreate() { this.font = Fonts.thin_dark; } public void onClick(int button) { if ( == 1) { // If the current level is 1 level = new TestLevel2(); // change it to 2 } else if ( == 2) { // If the current level is 2 level = new TestLevel1(); // change it to 1 } } }); } public void render() { Display.background(51); Display.smooth(); level.display(); // render the level, both levels could be rendered totally different, if you want to do so. Display.GUI(); } public static void main(String[] args) { LevelNoStates(), "Levels"); } } abstract class Level { // An abstract class is important, it is the base frame of the level public int[][] block; // hold a 2 dimensional array of ints representing blocks public int width, height; // how wide and high the level is public int id = -1; // the current id of the level, used to differentiate the levels public static final int TILESIZE = 32; // the normal size per tile, change it if you want to ;) public static final int BLOCK_AIR = 0, BLOCK_SOLID = 1; // the block types public Level(int width, int height) { // a basic constructor this.width = width; this.height = height; block = new int[width][height]; // initialize the array } public void display() { for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { // for every row... for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { // ...check each part in the column... Display.color(45 + 200 * block[x][y]); // ...and set the color depending on the tile id. Display.fill(); Display.rect(x * (TILESIZE +1), y * (TILESIZE +1), TILESIZE, TILESIZE); // draw a rect for each block. } } } } class TestLevel1 extends Level { // important! the Level needs to extend the base frame, or "use its form" public TestLevel1() { super(20, 10); // call the constructor -> set width and height and initialize the blocks = 1; // id for each level: TestLevel1 has the id 1, and I think you can guess about TestLevel2. Right, 2! for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { block[x][4] = BLOCK_SOLID; // Set every block in the 4th row solid. } } } class TestLevel2 extends Level { // extend again, same form, you know public TestLevel2() { super(20, 10); // constructor again = 2; // id = 2 to differentiate them for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { block[x][1] = BLOCK_SOLID; // every block in the first(actually second, because we start counting at 0) row shall be solid! } for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { block[1][y] = BLOCK_SOLID; // every block in the first... block[5][y] = BLOCK_SOLID; // and fifth column shall be solid. } } }