UNKNOWN STRING!!! CLAN INFO DISCONNECT FROM |FB| FACEBOOK Connecting to |FB| Facebook Searching for Match SURVIVE 12 WEEKS A small group of Infected have been spotted heading in our direction. Improve the training of the clan to fight off the Infected and attract new members. You gained [A] clan members by fighting off the Infected attack. You were able to partially improve the training of your clan. You gained some clan members by fighting off the attack. You were able to dramatically improve the training of your clan before the Infected attacked. As a result, you gained the maximum new clan members. Marauders have been raiding camps in the area. Improve the training of the group to fight off the Marauders and attract new members. You gained [A] clan members by fighting off the Marauders. You were able to partially improve the training of your clan. You gained some clan members by fighting off the Marauders. You were able to dramatically improve the training of your clan before fighting the Marauders. As a result, you gained the maximum new clan members. Some nearby survivors have been taken hostage by the [ENEMY-FACTION-PLURAL]. Improve the training of the group to mount a rescue mission. You gained [A] clan members from the Hostage Rescue. You were able to partially improve the training of your clan. You gained some clan members from the rescue. You were able to dramatically improve the training of your clan before the Hostage Rescue. As a result, you gained the maximum new clan members. You weren't able to attract any new clan members. Dysentery is spreading rapidly in the area. The [ENEMY-FACTION-PLURAL] have a supply of antibiotics. Improve the training of the group so we can mount an attack and steal it. You were able to steal enough medicine to attract [A] new clan members. An outbreak of malaria is sweeping the area. The [ENEMY-FACTION-PLURAL] have a supply of anti-malarial medicine. Improve the training of the group so we can mount an attack and steal it. |START| Loadout You have 3 matches to complete your mission. Head Wrap Israeli Flag Hat Australian Flag Hat SURVIVE UNTIL WEEK [A], DAY [B] |@C00C0AA55|Earn |@C00C0AA55|One-Use |@C00C0AA55|Boosters |@C00C0AA55|by |@C00C0AA55|growing |@C00C0AA55|your |@C00C0AA55|clan |@C00C0AA55|population |@C00C0AA55|and |@C00C0AA55|completing |@C00C0AA55|Missions Riot Helmet Battle Helmet Military Helmet Bow Salute Come Here Close Call Back Off El Diablo Ammo Rag El Diablo Semi-Auto Rifle Hold |L3| to perform a gesture GESTURE: All the Parts |PARTS| you earn in a match get converted to supplies, even what you spend in the store 2x4 9mm Ammo Brick Bat Revolver Ammo Binding Wooden Arrow Pipe Sugar 9mm Assault Rifle Ammo Alcohol Revolver Health Kit Hunting Rifle Ammo Bottle Shorty Hatchet Shotgun Shell Scissors Pistol Machete Shiv Flamethrower Ammo Explosive Bandage Mine Modded 2x4 Modded Bat Modded Pipe Molotov Part Stag Pawn Nurse Hat Supplies Crafter Hunting Rifle Military Sniper Brawler Burst Rifle Feather Helmet Vest Kitty Flamethrower Scope Shotgun Brock the Brick Bow Armor Lit Bomb Assault Rifle Large Bomb Knight Hawk Head Smokebomb Brass Knuckles Firefly Emblem Hunter Sign Bleached Skull Stealth Mask |PARTS| PARTS EARNED AMMO ONE-USE BOOSTERS can only be used for one match. Earn them by growing your CLAN population and completing MISSIONS. CHANGE LOADOUT You have a limited number of LOADOUT POINTS to spend. Spend these points on SURVIVAL SKILLS, FIREARMS, and PURCHASABLES.\\Unlock more LOADOUT POINTS by earning SUPPLIES. Blow Smoke Knuckles Neck Crack Chest Pound Crouching makes you more accurate by reducing weapon sway Round 3: Enemy is in the lead Round 4: Enemy is in the lead Round 5: Enemy is in the lead Round 6: Enemy is in the lead Final Round: Enemy is in the lead Round 3: Your team is in the lead Round 4: Your team is in the lead Round 5: Your team is in the lead Round 6: Your team is in the lead Final Round: Your team is in the lead Round 3: Tied with the enemy Round 4: Tied with the enemy Round 5: Tied with the enemy Round 6: Tied with the enemy Final Round: Tied with the enemy Austrian Flag Hat Belgian Flag Hat Brazilian Flag Hat Canadian Flag Hat German Flag Hat Spanish Flag Hat Finnish Flag Hat French Flag Hat United Kingdom Flag Hat Greek Flag Hat Italian Flag Hat Japanese Flag Hat Mexican Flag Hat Dutch Flag Hat Polish Flag Hat Portuguese Flag Hat Russian Flag Hat Saudi Arabian Flag Hat American Flag Hat Filipino Flag Hat Chinese Flag Hat Indian Flag Hat Vietnamese Flag Hat Cuban Flag Hat South Korean Flag Hat Spiked Helmet Biker Helmet Events will happen that will threaten or help your clan. SWAT Helmet Choose a mission to train your clan to handle the event. Mission performance determines how many people you gain or lose. Mission performance also determines how many One-Use Boosters you earn. Combat Helmet Flight Helmet Goggles |PARTS| PARTS EARNED CONVERTED TO SUPPLIES: Combat Mask Ballistic Mask Pollution Mask Skull Mask Hockey Mask WEAPON SWAY: Military Hat Winter Hat Poet Fedora Canadian Flag Hat High Command Beanie Beanie Crochet Beanie Headphones Flame Head Wrap Ski Mask New Customization Items CHOOSE LOADOUT Clan size was [A] after finishing the story [A] POPULATION AFTER 12 WEEKS Green Norwegian Red Norwegian Black Norwegian LEFT JOINED Hunting Hat Blue Hunting Hat Brown Hunting Hat Green Hunting Hat Straw Cowboy Hat Blue Straw Cowboy Hat Black Straw Cowboy Hat Deerstalker Brown Deerstalker Blue Deerstalker Green Deerstalker Sou'wester Jeep Cap Blue Jeep Cap Red Jeep Cap Gray Jeep Cap Norwegian Hat New Loadout Points Enemy is winning Bucket Hat Gray Bucket Hat Blue Bucket Hat Brown Bucket Hat Fedora Blue Fedora Green Fedora Pawkul Turquoise Pawkul Blue Pawkul Green Pawkul Brown Pawkul Red Pawkul Boonie Hat Blue Boonie Hat Green Boonie Hat Red Boonie Hat Garrison Cap Blue Garrison Cap Brown Garrison Cap Garrison Cap Fur Aviator Blue Fur Aviator Red Fur Aviator Green Fur Aviator Naval Officer Hat Blue Naval Officer Hat Porkpie Black Porkpie Green Porkpie Blue Porkpie Porkpie Beret Blue Beret Red Beret Green Johnny Reb Blue Johnny Reb Civil War Hat Baseball Cap Brown Baseball Cap Red Baseball Cap Green Baseball Cap Baseball Cap Cadet Cap Blue Cadet Cap Green Cadet Cap Red Cadet Cap Red Greek Fisherman Blue Greek Fisherman Greek Fisherman Green Greek Fisherman Blue Conductor Cap Brown Conductor Cap Flat Cap Brown Flat Cap Teal Flat Cap Blue Legionnaire Legionnaire Brown Legionnaire Brown Cavalry Hat Cavalry Hat Cavalry Hat Zebra Pith Hat Pink Zebra Pith Hat Brown Zebra Pith Hat Bowler Hat Brown Bowler Hat Blue Bowler Hat Green Bowler Hat Green Campaign Cover Red Campaign Cover Blue Campaign Cover Brown Aussie Cattleman Blue Aussie Cattleman Black Aussie Cattleman Brown Rancher Tan Rancher Navy Blue Skipper [TEXT] is unmarkable due to [TEXT2] ONE-USE BOOSTER AWARDED: ONE-USE BOOSTERS [TEXT] has invited you to a game! You can't be marked, won't show up in the enemy's listen mode when crouch walking, and start with a shiv when you spawn. Know when you've been marked, see nearby enemies on the radar, and can choose an ally to respawn on. You will be able to respawn several seconds early. Earn 10% more parts during a match. Working to find the cure. We need to retrieve some key medical equipment that's deep in Hunter territory. Stake out a new camp and hold off the Hunters while you search the area and locate the equipment. Extraction team will come in 12 weeks. Scarf Press |X| to zoom with El Diablo ZOOM: EARLY END BONUS: Parts |PARTS| Awarded Downs with Bow Bow Downs A fast and dangerous melee weapon. You were not able to improve the training of your clan before the [ENEMY-FACTION-PLURAL] attacked. Your clan was wiped out. Shutting down connections EMBLEM LOCATION None Torso Helmet Backpack You will lose your current purchasable when you change to this loadout. Burst Rifle Kill Downs with Burst Rifle Burst Rifle Downs You have been returned to the menu due to inactivity. NONE LATE JOIN BONUS: Flower Star Medal Gas Mask THE INFECTED HORDE ATTACKED THE [ENEMY-FACTION-PLURAL-CAPITAL] ATTACKED George P. Burdell WEEK WEEKS Spawn on ally in [A]... You were downed by THE INFECTED ATTACKED THE MARAUDERS ATTACKED HOSTAGE RESCUE FRIENDLY SURVIVORS RESCUE ALLIES ATTEMPTED MALARIA OUTBREAK OVER DYSENTERY OUTBREAK OVER [TEXT] is spit-roasting a raccoon. [TEXT] is beginning to feel faint. [TEXT] is desperate for food. [TEXT] is gnawing on rat bones. [TEXT] has terrible hunger pains. [TEXT] can barely walk. [TEXT] is very malnourished. [TEXT] has lost 15 pounds from malnourishment. [TEXT] is starting to consider cannibalism. [TEXT] is considering eating the cat. [TEXT] is trying not to think about food. [TEXT] is accusing others of hoarding food. [TEXT] is too weak to work. [TEXT] went into shock from hunger. [TEXT] has started praying. [TEXT] has got the shakes. [TEXT] did not get up from bed this morning. [TEXT] has been coughing a lot lately. Gangrene is beginning to set in for [TEXT]. [TEXT] needs antibiotics right away. [TEXT] is starting to look pretty far gone. Everyone's getting worried about [TEXT]. No one is sure how much longer [TEXT] can hang on. The situation for [TEXT] is looking pretty bad. [TEXT] caught botulism from a can of old food. [TEXT] has a severe infection. [TEXT] has an intense fever. [TEXT] can't stop coughing. [TEXT] hasn’t slept in days. [TEXT] had a mental breakdown. [TEXT] is having a severe allergic reaction. [TEXT] is coughing up blood. [TEXT] has symptoms of pneumonia. [TEXT] has a serious concussion. [TEXT] is having severe hallucinations. [TEXT] may have become infected. [TEXT] is showing early signs of scurvy. [TEXT] is shivering and feverish. [TEXT] may require an amputation. [TEXT] has contracted dysentery. [TEXT] has a severe flu. [TEXT] has a rosy complexion. [TEXT] is scouting the surrounding area. [TEXT] is exercising. [TEXT] is sharpening a machete. [TEXT] is setting up perimeter alarms. [TEXT] is cleaning the latrine. [TEXT] is gathering nuts and berries. [TEXT] is taking inventory. [TEXT] is starting a fire for dinner. [TEXT] is making moonshine. [TEXT] is learning to paint. [TEXT] is making bombs. [TEXT] is having a nervous breakdown. [TEXT] had enough to eat this morning. [TEXT] is whittling. [TEXT] is going foraging. [TEXT] found some old books. [TEXT] is asleep. Things are looking up for [TEXT]. [TEXT] is contemplative. [TEXT] is reading old medical books. [TEXT] is making a map of the area. [TEXT] is sharpening arrows. [TEXT] is building a chicken coop. [TEXT] is repairing fishing nets. [TEXT] is telling stories by the fire. [TEXT] is pickling vegetables. [TEXT] is fetching water. [TEXT] is smoking meat. [TEXT] is setting rabbit traps. [TEXT] is collecting wood for the fires. [TEXT] went hunting. [TEXT] went fishing. [TEXT] found a soccer ball. [TEXT] is restringing a bow. [TEXT] is learning botany. [TEXT] is foraging for berries. [TEXT] found an old cookbook. [TEXT] is learning to make jerky. Aaron Joe Arnaldo Trevor Robert Claire Alison Raul Adam Adam Adrian Alex Amy Andres Ana Malcolm Carson Carlos David Rodney Olivia Jennifer Sandra Chris Kion Troy Beverly Ryan Nara Jin Tyler Anthony Kurt Eric Jacob Justin Bruce Neil Peter Sofia Mia Isabella Santiago Mateo Diego Ricky Quentin Artem Christian Jeremy Jesse Lauren Edward Max Kan Aliyah Jordan Kayla Madison Cameron Ethan Ethan Kevin Jane Mike Michael Damon Cynthia Jose Spencer Stephanie Sean Ava Alexander Aiden Ivan Lars Bernard Simon Scott Maria Matthew Stevens Cho Lin Brown De Silva Kim Singh Nakata Lee Espino Ly Lam Vasquez Park Newman Goldman Saito Tanaka Garcia Rodriguez Martinez Diaz Diaz Chong Choi Wong Chan Chen Ng Cheung Nguyen Tran Castillo Reyes Santos Ahmadi Cook Khan Patel Shah Williams Jackson Davis Walker Carter Anderson Ramirez Thomas Martin Dubois Kowalski Nowak Jones Bauer Moser Lukic Petrovic Jensen Salo Karlsson Leroy Schmidt Fischer Vlahos Nagy Varga Murphy Murray Wilson Johnson Clark Mitchell Campbell Parker Cohen Levi CLANS: Collect supplies from defeated opponents to acquire gameplay unlocks Unlock character customization items by increasing your clan size SUPPLIES: CUSTOMIZATION: SILENCERS: BODY ARMOR: SURVIVAL SKILLS: The Supplies |SUPPLIES| you collect for your clan are based on the amount of Parts |PARTS| you earn in a match. Bonus supplies can also be picked up off dead bodies A surplus of Supplies |SUPPLIES| keeps your clan healthy and growing.  A deficit will cause your people to get hungry, sick, and eventually die When an event like an Infected Attack is going to hit your clan, you can select a Mission to improve their chances of fighting off the attack Earn One-Use Boosters by growing your clan population and completing Missions You will not show up on radar when firing a silenced weapon Armor protects your upper body from 50% more damage and you keep it between lives until it's destroyed Players using level 3 Survival Instincts can spawn on teammates You can use level 2 First Aid Training to heal teammates You can gift items to teammates using level 2 or 3 Crafter Customize your loadout by using loadout points to equip Small and Large Firearms, Survival Skills and a Purchasable Craft modded weapons in half the time, spawn with a pipe, and gain 15 health back with each melee hit. You were not able to improve the training of your clan before the Infected Horde attacked. Massive casualties were sustained. You were able to partially improve the training of your clan. You sustained heavy casualties from the Infected Horde. You were able to dramatically improve the training of your clan before the Infected Horde attacked. As a result, a minimum of clan members died in the attack. Scope sway reduced by 50% and damage wobble reduced by 65%. Get 25 health back for each headshot. Sprint for 15% longer and sprint regenerates 15% faster. Marathon Runner Sprint for 30% longer and sprint regenerates 30% faster. Sprint for 75% longer and regenerate sprint 75% faster Spawn with 25% more ammo Ammo costs are reduced by 25% Armor costs are reduced by 25% Purchasables are 25% cheaper 9mm, Revolver and Shorty start at upgrade level 1 Semi-auto, Burst, Bow, and Hunting Rifle start at upgrade level 1 Thin Corners Arrow Border Barbed Border Bone Border Braided Border Dotted Outline Oriental Outline Squared Oriental Roman Block Angled Pillars Skull Swirls Four Star Diamond Wide Octagon Five Squares Snowflake Badge Wide Badge Curve Badge Shield Badge Wide Star Cluster Rectangles Wide Roman Block Spearhead Bullet Ring Card Curved Cluster Crescent Crusade Cross Sideways Diamond Doubled Curve Steering Helm Medic Denied Plain Shield Banner Acorn Star Eightball Boot Antlers Flex Arrow Thin Star Doubled Triangles Gavel Hawk Hook Knife Leaf Monkeywrench Double Silence Endless Knot Large Eye Suit Triad Kabuki Wraith Y Shape Battleaxe Samurai Katana Bombshell Bonebreaker Celtic Braid Double Shotgun Demonskull Chopper Demon Pirate Skull Puzzle Piece Shark Jaw Spiked Bat Spray Cubed Enter listen mode more quickly, the meter regenerates 20% faster, and stay in listen mode 20% longer. RELOADING: SHOULDER SWITCH: This is your current loadout HUNTER HUNTERS FIREFLY FIREFLIES Craft modded weapons in half the time and gain 10 life back with each melee hit. SILENCED BURST RIFLE Don't show up on the enemy minimap when firing. [ENEMY-FACTION-CAPITAL] ATTACK Scouts have picked up a large group of [ENEMY-FACTION-PLURAL] massing nearby for an attack. Improve the training of the group to help us survive the attack. [A] CLAN MEMBERS DIED IN THE [ENEMY-FACTION-CAPITAL] ATTACK [A] of your friends were badly injured by the [ENEMY-FACTION-PLURAL]. You can help [B] of them. You lost [A] survivors to the [ENEMY-FACTION-PLURAL]. You were not able to improve the training of your clan before the [ENEMY-FACTION-PLURAL] attacked. Massive casualties were sustained. You were able to partially improve the training of your clan. You sustained heavy casualties from the [ENEMY-FACTION-PLURAL]. You were able to dramatically improve the training of your clan before the [ENEMY-FACTION-PLURAL] attacked. As a result, a minimum of clan members died in the attack. SILENCED SHORTY Don't show up on the enemy minimap when firing. SILENCED HUNTING RIFLE Don't show up on the enemy minimap when firing. SILENCED SEMI-AUTO Don't show up on the enemy minimap when firing. CROSS Fist Pump 9mm Pistol INFECTED HORDE ATTACK A large horde of Infected are moving towards the camp. Improve the training of the group to help us survive the attack. [A] CLAN MEMBERS DIED IN THE INFECTED HORDE ATTACK [A] of your friends were badly injured by the Infected Horde. You can help [B] of them. You lost [A] survivors to the Infected Horde. Fierce determination. In the face of brutal attacks you held off the Fireflies and secured the arms shipment. The war is just beginning. Your maximum clan size was [A] Collector Increases the number of parts you earn by 10%. Increases the number of parts you earn by 20%. Revive fallen teammates 55% faster, revive them with 30 more health, and get 50% more Parts |PARTS| from revives. Marks last 3 seconds longer, marked enemies glow, and enemies within a short distance of your target are also marked. Aim at an enemy and click |R3| to mark. Craft 75% faster and for every 2 items you craft, you will receive a giftbox. Equip this giftbox using |D-PAD-UP| and you can give it to an ally. They will receive a random item. Use health kits 75% faster and can heal injured teammates. When looking at an injured teammate, you can hold |X| to slowly heal them. 20 health every 2 seconds. Scope sway reduced by 50% and damage wobble reduced by 65%. Get 25 health back for each headshot. SILENCED 9MM Hungry Sick Killed Added NEXT ONE-USE BOOSTER Upgrades: reload speed, draw speed, starting ammo, accuracy Upgrades: reload speed, draw speed, starting ammo, accuracy BOW UPGRADE [A] [A] CLAN MEMBERS CONTRACTED MALARIA INFECTED ATTACK Cannot connect to matchmaking server. Hunters Hunter Firefly Fireflies MAX CLAN SIZE joined the game Lost connection to party host. RISK: |@CFFFF3030|[A]% OF POPULATION EVENT BUFF: PARTS WORTH 10% MORE [A] clan members contracted malaria. You were able to dramatically improve the training of your clan before the rescue mission. All the allies joined your clan. [A] CLAN MEMBERS DIED IN THE RESCUE You were not able to rescue any allies. No one joined your clan. You were not able to improve the training of your clan before the rescue mission. You were able to partially improve the training of your clan. Some allies were rescued. You were able to partially improve the training of your clan and protect some friendlies. Some new members joined your clan. You were able to dramatically improve the training of your clan and protect the friendly survivors. All the friendlies joined your clan. Added Extra Supplies from Promotion! Loadout Point You were able to dramatically improve the training of your clan before the Infected attacked. As a result, no one was injured. [A] CLAN MEMBERS DIED IN THE MARAUDER ATTACK [A] of your friends were badly injured in the Marauder attack. You can help [B] of them. You lost [A] clan members during the Marauder attack. Marauders have been raiding camps in the area and are heading our way. Improve the training of the group to repel the attack. You were not able to improve the training of your clan before the Marauders attacked. You were able to partially improve the training of your clan. Some clan members were injured in the attack. You were able to dramatically improve the training of your clan before the Marauders attacked. As a result, no one was injured. Player is already in your party. [A] CLAN MEMBERS DIED DURING THE RESCUE You lost [A] clan members during the hostage rescue. You were not able to improve the training of your clan before the rescue mission. You were able to partially improve the training of your clan. Some clan members were injured in the rescue. You were able to dramatically improve the training of your clan before the rescue. As a result, no one was injured. [A] NEW MEMBERS JOINED THE CLAN You were not able to protect any friendly survivors. No one joined your clan. You were not able to improve the training of your clan in time to protect the friendlies. SUPPLIES GATHERED: [A] MAX CLAN SIZE REACHED [A] You were not able to improve the training of your clan. The attack on the enemy medicine supply was unsuccessful. You were able to partially improve the training of your clan. Some malaria medicine was recovered during the attack on the enemy supply cache. You were able to dramatically improve the training of your clan. All the enemy medicine was recovered during the attack on their supply cache. [A] CLAN MEMBERS CONTRACTED DYSENTERY Cannot connect to invite server. [A] clan members contracted dysentery. You were not able to improve the training of your clan. The attack on the enemy medicine supply was unsuccessful. You were able to partially improve the training of your clan. Some antibiotics were recovered during the attack on the enemy supply cache. You were able to dramatically improve the training of your clan. All the enemy antibiotics were recovered during the attack on their supply cache. 12 WEEKS SURVIVED Admirable resolve. Despite incessant attacks from the Hunters you managed to locate the medical equipment and hold out long enough for the extraction team to get everything out. We are one step closer to finding the cure. ONE-USE BOOSTER REWARDS: [A] of your friends were badly injured in the Infected attack. You can help [B] of them. You lost [A] survivors during the Infected attack. You were not able to improve the training of your clan before the Infected attacked. You were able to partially improve the training of your clan. Some clan members were injured in the attack. You were able to dramatically improve the training of your clan before the Marauders attacked. As a result, no one was injured. Heals [A] CLAN MEMBERS DIED IN THE INFECTED ATTACK SURVIVE [A] DAYS TO UNLOCK SURVIVE [A] DAYS ON HARDCORE TO UNLOCK SURVIVE [A] WEEKS TO UNLOCK SURVIVE [A] WEEK(S) ON HARDCORE TO UNLOCK [A] POPULATION TO UNLOCK Downs Executions Special Executions Revives Molotov Executions Bomb Downs Gifted Items Enemies Marked Melee Downs Shiv Kills 9mm Downs Revolver Downs Shorty Downs Hunting Rifle Downs Semi-Auto Downs Long Range Downs Headshot Downs Some of our people have been taken hostage by the [ENEMY-FACTION-PLURAL]. Improve the training of the group to mount a rescue mission. SURVIVORS GAINED: [TEXT] JOINED YOUR_CLAN! DAILY SUPPLIES: RADAR: DEATHMATCH: SURVIVORS: SHIVS: EXECUTION: SMOKE BOMB: Some friendly survivors have been located nearby. If we can protect them from the [ENEMY-FACTION-PLURAL] they'll join our clan. You managed to protect [A] friendly survivors, who joined your clan. RESCUE ALLIES A group of allies trying to reach our camp were captured by the [ENEMY-FACTION-PLURAL]. Improve the training of the group so we can mount a rescue mission. DYSENTERY OUTBREAK Dysentery is spreading rapidly in the camp. The enemy has a supply of antibiotics that we need. Improve the training of the group so we can mount an attack and steal it. You managed to rescue [A] allies, who joined your clan. IN-GAME STORE: LOADOUT: You were able to steal enough medicine to protect [B] of your clan. MOLOTOV: MELEE: REVIVE: BOMBS: BOOM, HEADSHOT: You lost [A] friends to injury You will have this loadout next time you respawn [A] of your friends were injured during the rescue. You can help [B] of them. HOSTAGES TAKEN [A] / [B] TO UNLOCK WEAPONS: MARKING: Evan Rogers [A]/[B] - NEXT UNLOCK SURVIVAL: INFECTED ATTACK A small group of Infected have been spotted heading in our direction. Improve the training of the group to repel the attack. RESET LOADOUT Reset all slots in this loadout? LISTEN MODE: |PARTS| CONVERTED: CHOOSE ONE-USE BOOSTER Choose One-Use Booster SNIPER Starting Ammo Multiplier Cheaper Ammo Cheaper Armor Cheaper Purchased Weapons Starting Small Firearm Upgrade Starting Large Firearm Upgrade Increased Part Earnings Event Reward (Tier [A]) POPULATION +[A] [TEXT] Acquired Test Skill 1 Test Skill 2 Test Skill 3 Test booster for progression. Nothing to see here... Test booster for progression. Nothing to see here... Test booster for progression. Nothing to see here... Crafter: No more room to craft gifts. Use |D-PAD-UP| to select your gifts. [TEXT]'s pack is full. Cannot give [TEXT2] x[A]. Team Support Gift Crafting Items Special Executions Executions Mark Enemies Downs with 9mm Pistol Downs with Revolver Shiv Executions Downs from Long Range Downs with Headshots Multi-explosion Revenge Retaliation Rampage [TEXT] is learning to sew. [TEXT] is building a new lookout perch for the camp. [TEXT] is upgrading the water filtration system. [TEXT] is digging a new latrine. [TEXT] caught a fish. [TEXT] is grilling a rat. [TEXT] is skinning a deer. [TEXT] is repairing the north fence. [TEXT] is repairing the west fence. [TEXT] is repairing the east fence. [TEXT] is repairing the south fence. [TEXT] is digging an evacuation tunnel. [TEXT] is learning first aid. [TEXT] is repairing the water collector. [TEXT] is skinning a deer. [TEXT] is frying some fish. [TEXT] is skinning a racoon. [TEXT] is reinforcing the main gate. [TEXT] is reinforcing the rear gate. [TEXT] is washing clothes. [TEXT] is mending clothes. [TEXT] is checking the ammunition supply. [TEXT] is keeping a close watch on the main road. [TEXT] is doing a shift in the lookout perch. [TEXT] is cleaning some fish. [TEXT] is tying fishing lures. [TEXT] caught a raccoon. [TEXT] is building rat traps. [TEXT] is learning fly-fishing. [TEXT] is working in the garden. [TEXT] is planting kale in the garden. [TEXT] is pulling weeds in the garden. [TEXT] is repairing the generator. [TEXT] is refueling the generator. [TEXT] is repairing the ethanol still. [TEXT] is emptying the ethanol still. Found game, waiting for players... Downs with Bombs Lobby Server Error The host left the game. Some party members failed to join the game. A large horde of Infected has been spotted a few days away heading towards camp. Improve the combat training of the group to prepare for the attack. No Small Firearm No Large Firearm No Purchasable CONFIRM NONE Factions fight over territory, supplies, and lives to grow their size and influence. There is safety in numbers – each faction is trying to rebuild its population by finding supplies. Heal Ally Gave Item PISTOL 9MM UPGRADE [A] Upgrades: reload speed, clip size, starting ammo, recoil, accuracy Upgrades: reload speed, clip size, starting ammo, recoil, accuracy REVOLVER UPGRADE [A] Upgrades: reload speed, rate of fire, clip size, starting ammo, recoil, accuracy Upgrades: reload speed, rate of fire, clip size, starting ammo, recoil, accuracy Spectating |next-player-camera| Next Player |next-fixed-camera| Fixed Camera [TEXT] is bandaging you, |@Cffff0000|Stay closer to your ally! [TEXT] is bandaging you Bandaging [TEXT]. |@Cffff0000|Stay closer to your ally! Bandaging [TEXT] You gave [TEXT] [TEXT2] x[A] Press |R1| to give [TEXT] [TEXT2] x[A] Move to a teammate to give [TEXT] x[A] Stopped bandaging [TEXT], too far away [TEXT] stopped bandaging you, too far away [TEXT] gifted you [TEXT2] x[A] Crafter: You crafted a gift! Use |D-PAD-UP| to select. Crafter: Craft [A] more item(s) to create a gift [TEXT] joined the party. [TEXT] left the party. [TEXT] has been promoted to party leader. You have been promoted to party leader. CUSTOM LOADOUT Voting 1 Point [A] Points SURVIVAL SKILL [A] SMALL FIREARM PURCHASABLE EQUIPPED LOCKED FREE 1 Loadout Point Remaining [A]/[B] Loadout Points LARGE FIREARM MALARIA OUTBREAK An outbreak of malaria is sweeping the area. The enemy has a supply of anti-malarial medicine that we need. Improve the training of the group so we can mount an attack and steal it. Malaria outbreak sweeping the local area. Improve medical training of the group to prevent sickness. Revives Medical Training Heal teammates Down Enemies with Hunting Rifle Weapons Training Downs with Semi Auto Rifle Downs with the Shorty Failed to get Facebook data YOUR CLAN HAS DIED HOW DO YOU COMPARE: [A] days longer than your Friends' average [A] days longer than your local average [A] days longer than the global average You ranked [A] out of [B] The world's best clan size is [A] You failed to keep your clan alive. CLAN SIZE Round 2: Tied with the enemy Round 2: Your team is in the lead Round 2: Enemy is in the lead Calculating [A] days shorter than your friends' average [A] days shorter than the local average |D-PAD-LR| TO SELECT LEVEL A light handgun with a high rate of fire and ample ammunition. Don't show up on the enemy minimap when firing. Deals a solid punch with good accuracy when still. Comes with a scope. Press |X| while aiming to zoom in. A wide spread and downs enemies in two shots up close. Two shots to down, and pinpoint accurate at range. A short range monster with three shots per burst. A reliable mid-range killer. A military grade rifle with a high rate of fire. A close range bruiser. A silent killer. You won't show up on the enemy minimap when firing. A semi-automatic sniper rifle. Press |X| when aiming to enter the second level of zoom. Burn down your enemies at close range. RATE OF FIRE RELOAD SPEED DAMAGE ACCURACY SHORTY UPGRADE [A] Upgrades: reload speed, rate of fire, spread, recoil Upgrades: reload speed, rate of fire, spread, recoil SEMI-AUTO RIFLE UPGRADE [A] Upgrades: reload speed, clip size, rate of fire, accuracy, recoil, starting ammo Upgrades: reload speed, clip size, rate of fire, recoil, accuracy, starting ammo HUNTING RIFLE UPGRADE [A] Upgrades: reload speed, scoping in time, starting ammo Upgrades: reload speed, scoping in time, starting ammo, Gives a second level of zoom (Press |X|), BURST RIFLE UPGRADE [A] Upgrades: reload speed, clip size, rate of fire, recoil, accuracy, starting ammo Upgrades: reload speed, clip size, rate of fire, recoil, accuracy, starting ammo Only 6 Teammates Remain Combat Training [A] of your friends were badly injured in this battle. You can help [B] of them. [A] of your friends are starving. You can feed [B] of them. You were able to steal enough medicine to protect [B] of your clan. TEST EVENT 2 Event Test 3 Test Event 4 Test Event 5 MISSION: Day ACHIEVED SURPLUS/DEFICIT: GENERATED BY CLAN: NEEDED: SCAVENGED FROM BODIES: Shaffer Shiv Execution [A] SURVIVORS GOT SICK [A] SURVIVORS GOT HUNGRY [A] SURVIVORS GOT HEALTHY SURVIVORS DIED: ADDED CURED FED SAVED [A]/[B] CLAN MEMBERS Get to an item stash if you're the last one standing for extra items! Molotov Executions Downs with Melee [A] Supplies [A] New Members Save [A]/[B] Feed [A]/[B] Save [A]/[B] Revive fallen teammates 45% faster, revive them with 25 more health, and get 25% more Parts |PARTS| from revives. Zoom in further while aiming a 9mm or Revolver. MARAUDER ATTACK Marauders have been spotted in the area. Sources say they'll be attacking soon. Improve the training of the group to repel the attack. Test CHOOSE MISSION: Level [A]: SAVE [A]/[B] [A]/[B] CLAN MEMBERS SAVED Jeff Craig John William Nancy Karen Peters Simonson James Bryant Ibanez [TEXT] caught a rabbit. [TEXT] is learning guitar. TOTAL SUPPLIES: |SUPPLIES|[A]/[B] Face Wrap Surgeon Mask Bandana Survivors of a fallen quarantine zone. Use DIY tactics. The concept of ‘survival of the fittest’ rules any resemblance to structure. Show an extreme loyalty to the group. Willing to kill anyone trying to grab their territory or resources. Looking for numbers to help fight off other factions and scavenge for resources.\|@C00A22C2C|Your |@C00A22C2C|faction |@C00A22C2C|choice |@C00A22C2C|lasts |@C00A22C2C|until |@C00A22C2C|your |@C00A22C2C|clan |@C00A22C2C|dies |@C00A22C2C|or |@C00A22C2C|survives |@C00A22C2C|long |@C00A22C2C|enough |@C00A22C2C|to |@C00A22C2C|win. Organized militia group. Kicked out of the last remaining quarantine zones due to their political beliefs. Wants to recruit anyone who’s willing to fight for their cause, believe there is a cure to be found and will do anything to keep the belief alive. Anything or anyone in the way of their cause will not be tolerated.\|@C00A22C2C|Your |@C00A22C2C|faction |@C00A22C2C|choice |@C00A22C2C|lasts |@C00A22C2C|until |@C00A22C2C|your |@C00A22C2C|clan |@C00A22C2C|dies |@C00A22C2C|or |@C00A22C2C|survives |@C00A22C2C|long |@C00A22C2C|enough |@C00A22C2C|to |@C00A22C2C|win. SCAVENGING FOR SUPPLIES This is your clan. To grow your clan and keep it healthy, you need to scavenge supplies. HOW TO GET SUPPLIES The parts |PARTS| you earn in game are converted to supplies. You can also pick them up off dead enemy players. NEXT POPULATE YOUR CLAN CONNECT Populate your clan with your friends' Facebook names. This will never post to your wall or to your friend's wall. Linking to Facebook also gives you 3 One-Use Boosters. CONNECT TO |FB| FACEBOOK NO, THANK YOU POPULATING CLAN WITH FACEBOOK FRIENDS SUPPLIES: TOTAL: NEEDED PER DAY: POPULATION: [A] SURVIVORS HEALTHY: [A] HUNGRY: [A] SICK: [A] Some key medical equipment has been located deep in Hunter territory. Stake out a new camp and hold off the Hunters while you find the equipment. Extraction team will come in 12 weeks. There's a large shipment of arms coming through enemy territory that could shift the war against the Fireflies. Stake out a camp and hold out for the shipment coming in 12 weeks. Intro text 5 Down Enemies Hold |X| to bandage [TEXT] Parts. Enemy dropped +100. Parts. Enemy dropped +50. HAT MASK Molotov Health Kit Shiv Smoke Bomb Bomb Use health kits 75% faster and can heal injured teammates. When looking at an injured teammate, you can hold |X| to slowly heal them. 10 health every 2 seconds. LOBBY Lost connection to host. CLAN CLAN HARDCORE DAYS SURVIVED This week you did laundry and took out the trash. Members Dead: [A], Members Got Sick [B] Conductor Cap Utility Hat Cowboy Hat Pith Hat Bowler Hat Campaign Cover Aussie Cattleman Rancher Black Rancher Hat Skipper Parts HELMET Last enemy left, hunt them down! WEEK [A]: DAY [B] Supplies Needed: [A] Supplies Gathered by Clan: [A] [TEXT] has died. [TEXT] is sick. [TEXT] is starving. Supplies Collected: [A] Surplus/Deficit: [A] [TEXT] is healthy. CLAN EVENTS Default Fedora Flat Cap FILTER Populate your clan with Facebook friends? Clan Roster CHOOSE YOUR SIDE How to get supplies: ... blah blah blah |SELECT| TO BUY Hunter Chest Jacket It's been 20 years since the Outbreak. Factions fight over territory, supplies, and lives to grow their size and influence. There is safety in numbers – each faction is trying to rebuild its population by finding supplies. Dan Smith Russel Bill Explosion Expert The radius of your explosives is increased by 25%. You won't show up in the enemy's listen mode when crouch walking, and start with a shiv on each spawn. Know when you've been marked and see nearby enemies on the radar. Marks last 3 seconds longer and marked enemies glow. Aim at an enemy and click |R3| to mark. Craft 75% faster and for every 3 items you craft, you will receive a giftbox. Equip this giftbox using |D-PAD-UP| and you can give it to an ally. They will receive a random item. Scope sway reduced by 37% and damage wobble reduced by 35%. Get 15 health back for each headshot. Craft modded weapons in half the time, they have an additional hit, and gain 10 health back with each melee hit. EDIT Sharp Ears The listen mode meter regenerates 10% faster and you can stay in listen mode 10% longer. Strategist Know when you've been marked. Sharpshooter Scope sway reduced by 25% and damage wobble reduced by 20%. Brawler Craft modded weapons in half the time and they have an additional hit. Pistol Auto-zoom Zoom in while aiming a 9mm or Revolver. Only 4 Teammates Remain Only 4 Teammates Remain Only 6 Teammates Remain Only 8 Reinforcements Left Save up Parts |PARTS| while playing to buy your Purchase Weapon in the store An opponent stunned by a Smoke Bomb can be shivved from the front PARTS/MIN BEST GAME K/D POSITION POSITION One vs One! Listen Mode can only be used for a few seconds and must recharge before it can be used again Sudden Death One Teammate Down - It's Only The Three of You One Teammate Down - Two Man Team Press |T| while standing over a downed opponent to perform a special execution and earn extra Parts |PARTS| Hide from an opponent's Listen Mode by remaining stationary. Use a Smoke Bomb to stun your opponent and get a brief advantage! Hold |L1| then press |R1| to arc-throw a bomb that will explode once it lands Item stashes appear on your radar as white dots You will appear on enemy radar when sprinting or shooting Crafting items, reviving downed teammates and marking targets are good ways to earn Parts |PARTS| Remember to select your Survival Skills in the Gear Up menu Purchase ammo or armor while waiting between rounds You only have one life per round of Survivors so make it count! Only 8 Reinforcements Left Last One Standing Special Execution The costs to purchase armor are reduced ACHIEVEMENTS BadData's Punchfest: The Reckoning Won Game WON ROUND Lost Game LOST ROUND Fire Fly Jacket I Fire Fly Jacket H Fire Fly Jacket G Fire Fly Jacket F Fire Fly Jacket C Fire Fly Jacket A Hunter Jacket A Hunter Jacket A Hood Hunter Jacket B Hood Hunter Jacket B Hunter Jacket C Hunter Jacket D Hunter Jacket E Hunter Jacket E Hood Hunter Jacket sml A Hood Hunter Pants A Hunter Pants B Hunter Pants sml A Hunter Pants sml B Mission Failed: Team down. |inventory-open| Store OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: Defend Ethanol Still Prepare for Attack - Scavenge the Area Fedora Engineer Hat Top Hat Flat Cap Military Hat Cowboy Hat Safari Hat Victorian Top Hat Bowler Hat Mountie Hat Bush Hat Ranch Cowboy Hat Captain Hat Listen Mode Able to enter into active listen mode. Remember to select your small and large firearms in the Gear Up menu While in the backpack, press |R1| to go to the store to purchase ammo or armor Craft a Shiv and use it to stealth kill an enemy from behind! Use a Health Kit by holding |R1| with a Health Kit equipped The Tactical class can get health back from headshots and see nearby enemies on the mini-map The Assault class can purchase armor at a reduced price and slain enemies drop more ammo The Support class can spawn on teammates with |T| and health kits give more health Attack Incoming - Get to Stronghold Kill with Baseball Bat Baseball Bat Kill BURST RIFLE MILITARY SNIPER MILITARY SNIPER AMMO BURST RIFLE AMMO Lost the lead. Your team is losing the lead. Took the lead. Close Match Down with Shotgun Shiv Permanently equipped with a shiv for stealth kills. Semi-automatic Rifle BURST RIFLE Military Sniper SEMI-AUTO RIFLE AMMO M3 AMMO MILITARY SNIPER AMMO An armored vest & helmet. Breaks when it takes too much damage. An armored helmet. Breakable. ARMOR Helmet Heroes Win Round Villians Win Round You Won Round You Lost Round CLASS LOCKED REWARDS MODE Must have the [TEXT] upgrade to earn progress Must buy and activate the [TEXT] Booster [TEXT2] to earn progress Must activate the [TEXT] Booster [TEXT2] to earn progress PROGRESS Must complete [TEXT] [A] ACHIEVEMENTS Must reach rank [A] (current rank is [B]) DIFFICULTY: [TEXT] or harder The Stealth class has reduced health but will not show up on enemy radar when shooting The Tactical class has less aim wobble but has reduced sprint speed The Assault class receives health from melee hits and modded melee weapons are more durable The Support class can craft items quicker but has reduced health The Stealth class has less health but can sprint faster and use Listen Mode The Assault class has increased health but cannot use rifles Roberts Men Head A Roberts Men Head D Fire Fly Head A Fire Fly Head C Marauder Hat A Marauder Hair A Roberts Men Jacket B Roberts Men Jacket C Roberts Men Jacket D Roberts Men Jacket E Fire Fly Jacket B Fire Fly Jacket D Fire Fly Jacket E Marauder Jacket A Marauder Jacket D Marauder Jacket F Marauder Jacket G Marauder Jacket H Marauder Jacket I Marauder Jacket J Fire Fly Pants A Fire Fly Pants B Fire Fly Pants C Marauder Pants A Marauder Pants B Marauder Pants C Marauder Pants D Marauder Gloves B Headshot kills will earn more Parts |PARTS| than a body shot kill SURVIVORS SURVIVORS WARNING: 2 Minutes Remaining WARNING: 1 Minute Remaining Parts |PARTS| can be used to purchase ammo and armor Hold |L1| then press |R1| to arc-throw a molotov Hear through walls! Hold down |R2| to enter Listen Mode Surrounded by enemies? Sometimes running away to craft items is the best strategy Craft an upgraded melee weapon to kill your opponents in one hit! Revive a teammate when they're down by holding |T| when next to them Lay a trap! Tap |R1| to place a bomb that will automatically explode when an enemy is nearby Press |R2| to switch shoulders while aiming Arc-throw a molotov while in low cover to stay hidden while throwing You will not respawn when your team runs out of reinforcements Purchase ammo or armor while waiting to respawn Players using level 3 Strategist can spawn on teammates Killing the enemy team is not the only way to score points. You can score points by crafting items and reviving downed teammates The Support class can craft items quicker and heal nearby teammates but has reduced health The Tactical class can get health back from head shots but has slower sprint speed Use an enemy as a meat shield by pressing |T| when you see the grab prompt While behind an unsuspecting enemy, grab them with the |T| button and press |S| to perform a silent kill Throw bricks at enemies to stun them Sprinting is loud! Crouch walk to sneak up on enemies silently A headshot is a one hit kill against enemies without helmets Bricks make powerful melee weapons Enemies drop weapons so make sure to search their bodies With a molotov or brick equipped, tap |R1| to quick toss the throwable at a nearby enemy Throw bricks at enemies to stun them A Matchmaking game of Head to Head consists of the best of 3 rounds Melee counter! Press and hold TRIANGLE to counter an npc who is hitting you Use an enemy as a meat shield by pressing |T| when you see the grab prompt While behind an unsuspecting enemy, grab them with the |T| button and press |S| to perform a silent kill Sprinting is loud! Crouch walk to sneak up on enemies silently A headshot is a one hit kill against enemies without helmets Bricks make powerful melee weapons Enemies drop weapons so make sure to search their bodies Start the game with a semi-auto rifle, find ammo in the world. Hostage Hit Infected Pod Available: Cost: Purchased [A]/[B] [TEXT] CO-OP SUPPLY RAID HEAD TO HEAD INVITES SUPPLY RAID OBJECTIVE: 1 Ethanol Can Remaining |D-PAD-LR| Inspect Opened Food Stash Silent Choke Watch your health in the lower right corner and use a health kit when you are wounded! Press |R1| when not aiming to reload your gun Press |R3| to mark enemies and bombs when aiming at them Press |knocked-down-suicide| to respawn. NEXT LEVEL NEXT LEVEL PROGRESS LEVEL [A] Round Over ROUND TIED ROUND WON Wins RUTHLESS Kill with El Diablo Execution SCORE EARNED SCORE LOST Semi-automatic Rifle UPGRADES Cost: [A] ([B] Available) PRESS |X| TO BUY You have a new weapon - Kill with the revolver! You have a new weapon - Kill with the shotgun! You have a new weapon - Kill with the assault rifle! Marked Target Marked Target Downed Choose what class you will spawn as next. No Listen Mode Cannot use Listen Mode. The Dam The Dam Downed Player XP Boost Earn more XP after each game. SWITCH TO MULTIPLAYER SUPPLY RAID Emblem Jacket Headshot Attack Incoming - Defend Ethanol Still OBJECTIVE: Defend Ethanol Still Spawn on Teammate You can choose a teammate to respawn near. Cloaked Move quietly and don't show up on enemy radar when shooting Covert Training Start with a shiv on each spawn. Hawk-eyed Marks last 3 seconds longer. Aim at an enemy and click |R3| to mark. Crafter Craft 75% faster. First Aid Training Juggernaut Increased Maximum Health Advanced Radar See nearby enemies on the mini-map Reduced Health Maximum health reduced by 20% Reduced Health Health reduced by 40% Slower sprint speed Reduced sprint speed Can't use shotguns Can't use shotguns Can't use Rifles Can't use any semi-automatic rifles No long guns Can't use any long guns Use health kits 75% faster. OBJECTIVE: Get Ethanol to Stronghold PROS CONS Unmarkable You cannot be marked. No Sprint Cannot sprint. No Radar Your HUD has no Radar display. Revive fallen teammates 30% faster and with 20 more health. Marked Men appear in 5 seconds... New Marked Men Chosen Controls\\|ENTER| Image\|S| Color\|RA| Scale\|L1||R1| Rotate\|L2||R2| Opacity [A]/[B] [TEXT] while using [TEXT2] Marked Man Kill Minus Partner needs help with door! Door requires two players to open Modded melee weapons are more durable. Assault Rifle Kill Hit Target Center Hit Target White Circle Hit Target Outer Circle Hit Target Outer Circle Hit Target White Circle Hit Target Center CLASS STEALTH SNIPER ASSAULT SUPPORT Hit Target Outer Circle Hit Target White Ring Hit Target Center ONE-USE BOOSTERS EQUIPPED UNEQUIPPED DONE Competitive Objective: CHALLENGE PICKUP OBJECTIVE: 2 Ethanol Cans Remaining Hostage is down Outskirts Shotgun Start the game with a Shotgun, find ammo in the world. Sniper Rifle and Explosion Radius Start the game with a Rifle, and explosives have a larger radius Bow Start the game with a Bow, find arrows in the world. The Combo Meter decreases when |@C0xFFFF0000|EXPOSED|@C0xFFFFFFFF|. Stay hidden! Mission: Steal Food Stash Break into an enemy stronghold and escape with their food stash. Mission: Rescue Hostage One of our guys has been taken. Sneak or fight your way in and get him out. Mission: Infected Recover ethanol from an area overrun with Infected. Mission: Defend Stronghold Hold out long enough to repel an intense attack from a rival group. Waiting to Ready Up... [A] Molotov Start the game with a Molotov. Health Kit Start the game with a Health Kit. 9mm Start the game with a 9mm Pistol Revolver Start the game with a Revolver Attack Incoming - Get to Ethanol Stills Defend Ethanol Stills OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: Enemies Retreating MISSION FAILED: Ethanol Stills Overrun Attack Incoming - Defend Ethanol Stills WARNING: Enemies Taking Over Still Test Kill Get health back with each headshot you make. READY UP OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: Enemies Retreating WARNING: Enemies Inside Stronghold MISSION FAILED: Stronghold Overrun EXPOSED Pickup Medium Range Headshot Long Range Headshot Ultra Range Headshot Medium Range Long Range Ultra Range Headshot Medium Range Long Range Medium Range Long Range CHALLENGE ITEM OBJECTIVE: Move Food Stash to Exit Stronghold Infiltrated - Take Back the Stronghold Objective: Defend Stronghold Attack Incoming - Get to the Stronghold Marked Man Kill OBJECTIVE HEAD TO HEAD Mode: [TEXT] Difficulty: [TEXT] Down with Bomb Purchase consumable? [A] Revives Remaining Score Boost Score more points in game. Crafting Speed Craft items faster. Explosion Radius The radius of your explosives is increased by 25%. Max Health Increase max health. First Aid Training Recover more health from kits. Health Kit Speed Apply health kits faster. Lakeside University Bill's Town None NEED HEALTH KIT Downed Enemy Assist Revive Melee Down Sniper Kill Hunter City Challenge: Sniper Kills Restart Sniper Kill Challenge: Get kills with a rifle! Gold: 18\Silver: 13\Bronze: 9 Survival Skill 1 Survival Skill 2 Skill Item Weapon Stealth 1 Stealth 2 Stealth 3 Next Rank: [TEXT] XP Warp Speed Move much faster while sprinting. Skill Bonus Combo Lost - |@C0xFFFF0000|EXPOSED|@C0xFFFFFFFF| for too long Stealth PLAY MISSIONS PLAY HEAD TO HEAD Winner WINNER You won a diamond shard! LOST THE LEAD TOOK THE LEAD Losing the Lead Taking the Lead Team Revives: Nothing Steady Aim Unshakable Grave Robber Marathon Runner Headhunter No skill set. Gun sway that occurs while aimed in is reduced. Steadier aim when scoped in and less wobble when shot when in aim mode. Slain enemies drop more ammo. Sprint for longer and recover faster. Level UNLOCKED Locked PLAY SOLO Cannibal Head B Cannibal Head C Cannibal Head D Cannibal Head E Cannibal Head F Cannibal Jacket A Cannibal Jacket B Cannibal Jacket C Cannibal Jacket D Cannibal Jacket E Cannibal Jacket F Cannibal Legs A Cannibal Legs B Gold Time Remaining Silver Time Remaining Bronze Time Remaining Sync Kill Challenge: Melee an enemy the same time your teammate does! Gold: 16\Silver: 11\Bronze: 7 Hunter City Streets - Search Test Hunter City Streets - Search Test Melee Assist GAME OVER RESTART GAME NEW GAME Head to Head Mode Hunter City Challenge: Stealth Hunter City Challenge: Headshots Hunter City Challenge: Crafting Hunter City Challenge: Explosives Stealth Time Stealth Time Co-op Co-op games. Co-op Bare Arms Enemies Remaining University OBJECTIVE FAILED: Protecting ally perished! Bead Med A Beard Med B Forearms Med A Hands Med A Head Med A Head Med C APPEARANCE Jacket A Jacket B Jacket C Jacket D Jacket E Legs A Legs B Gloves A Gloves B Gloves C Ethanol Recovered OBJECTIVE: Protect Food Supply OBJECTIVE FAILED OBJECTIVE: Steal Food Stash Time Remaining Enemy Killed - Time Added OBJECTIVE: Rescue Hostage OBJECTIVE: Escape with Hostage Hunter City - Reduced Cover Hunter City - Dense Cover Bookstore Subway Underpass OBJECTIVE COMPLETED MUTE ALL YOU WON YOU LOST Checkpoint University Downtown Tommy's Loading Docks Town Pipes With Health Pack Health Pack Empty Revolvers With Health Pack Test Gas Rooftops Supply Raid An assortment of Deathmatch game types. Buddy System Active Buddy System Deactivated Updating Missions Coop BUILT IN TO GUN EMBLEM Test AI 01 Buddy Cursed Cursed CUSTIMIZATION gives you the chance to change character APPEARANCE, edit your EMBLEM, or select a GESTURE.//New items are unlocked by growing your CLAN and keeping its members alive. New PISTOLS and LONG GUNS are unlocked by RANK or by completing TREASURE SETS.\Think you can unlock all the PISTOLS and LONG GUNS? WEAPON MODS are items that enhance your guns.\They are unlocked by using your PISTOL or LONG GUN of choice BOOSTERS are enchancements that are assigned to either SLOT 1 or SLOT 2. Each BOOSTER is unlocked by reaching a certain RANK. When unlocked, they can then be purchased. You can change certain pieces of your appearance, such as HATS, MASKS and HELMETS. GESTURES are a method of expressing yourself. Hold down |L3| to use them. Create an EMBLEM, and then choose where to show it on your character. ADJUST COLOR Voice 1 Voice 2 Voice 3 Voice 4 Voice 5 Voice |L2| Unmute Angled Corner Circle Hexes Rounded Corner Rounded Square Sharp Curve Large Curve Tech Lines Angeled Square Rounded Square Sharp Square 8-Point Star Triple Hex Triple Streak Bomb Clover Heart King's Crown Lock Nuke Paw Skull Spade Tear Drop Rounded Corners Cargo plane departing in... RANK UP! New Angle Angled Triangle Half Circle Leaves Octagon Round Curve Sharp Square Squares Abstract Arrow Barbed Bear Claw Bomb Cog Egg Hand Octagon Ring Saw Shuriken Splat Tech Square Shape X Sun Fancy Star Spooky Eye Rock On Ninja Two Ninja M32 The Hand Grenade Gasmask Flame Fist Eyes LAYER 3 LAYER 4 LAYER 2 LAYER 1 Choose Booster Choose Kickback Press |ENTER| to select Total XP: [TEXT] Current Rating: |@CFFCA8730|BRONZE Available: |@Cff7cce96|[TEXT] Earned: |@Cff7cce96|[TEXT] Buddy Disrupted SET DEFAULT LOADOUT SELECTION Arrow Ball Bolt Bomb Bullet Bullseye Clover King's Crown Queen's Crown Diamond Fire Grenade Hand Heart Hex Super Hex M32 Nuke Paw Swoosh Skull Spade Squiggle Star Sun 3 Swoosh Tear Drop FROM TREASURES - FROM OBJECTIVES - Weapon Selection |D-PAD-LR| Spawn Point |X| SPAWN Remaining Mods: [A] IMAGE FACEBOOK Carry Choose Hunter Weapon Wallet: FEED You were executed by [A] NEW ITEMS UNLOCKED! LEVEL [A] REACHED [TEXT] UNLOCKED! [TEXT] ACCOMPLISHED! [TEXT] COLLECTED! CASH EARNED MATCH STATISTICS WEAPONS BUFFS MISSIONS TREASURES UNLOCKS: MATCH RESULTS FROM KILLS - TOTAL - EXECUTIONS - DEATHS - ASSISTS - ACCURACY - GRENADE KILLS - Online Friends No open floor to spawn nearby. |respawn-on-ally| Spawn On Ally PAID BOOSTERS Purchase your\PAID BOOSTERS LEADERBOARDS Mission Failed - [TEXT] is dead. HEROES MERCS PIRATES Pirates Win! Round [A]: Pirates Win RENAME LOADOUT [A] teams Connection Error Quit Penalty [A]... GOAL ROUND Checkpoint Mission Failed at Round [A] Watching a cinema |R2|CHANGE TEAM Leaving the game will result in\a [TEXT] second wait_penalty. Leaving the game will result in\a [TEXT] second wait_penalty,\and a [TEXT2] earnings_penalty. Leaving the game will result in\a [TEXT] second wait penalty,\a [TEXT2] earnings_penalty,\and a reduction in your skill_rating. We noticed you didn't finish the last game that you started so you will receive\a $40,000 earnings_penalty,\and a reduction in your skill_rating. Filter Next Prev Page Up Page Down Rank Ratio Money Wins Losses LEADERBOARDS GLOBAL TOP OF LIST TIME PLAYED Check out your stats Competitive Wins Competitive Executions CLAN TAG Enter Clan Tag... Not available. You must have purchased ALL DLC Map Packs from the PlayStation®Store to access this option. Not available. All party members have not purchased the required DLC Map Pack from the PlayStation®Store. Purchase the PlayStation® Character Skins Pack from the PlayStation®Store now! Purchase the Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune™ Multiplayer Pack from the PlayStation®Store now! DLC We noticed you don't have the latest DLC Map Pack.\\Would you like to go to the PlayStation®Store now? TROPHIES Trophies We noticed you didn't finish the last game that you started so you will receive\a [TEXT] earnings_penalty,\and a reduction in your skill_rating. Requires Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune™ Multiplayer Pack [A] daily players Thank you for purchasing a DLC Map Pack!\\Would you like to go to your Profile page to set your Matchmaking preference? View Orbit Camera Team NONE Playing Single-Player Are you sure you want to delete? Maximum number of Online Files reached! Upgrade [TEXT] with more ammo capacity. Upgrade [TEXT] with better accuracy. Upgrade [TEXT] with faster reloading. [A] point [A] capture Multiplier Round FAILED Rounds Checkpoint Cinema File Check out this Uncharted 2 Cinema file! Round [A]: Hunters Win Round [A]: Fireflies Win Round [A]: Tie You have no free slots available. Messages New difficulty unlocked! DIFFICULTY Party Invite Join my 'The Last of Us™' Multiplayer Party! Naughty Dog Employee Depth of Field Distance to Subject Focal Range left the game Green Screen Relaxed Movement Stealth Movement Walk Movement Tense Movement MACHINIMA Machinima mode Downloading to Local Files... Desaturation Visual Tweaks [TEXT] Scored! POINTS Checkpoints Total Step Forward Round [A] Complete No Time Bonus Time Bonus! x[A] Point Multiplier Slow CO-OP GESTURES TIE GAME Co-op Weapon Upgrade Selectable multiplayer skin Take a Screenshot Rewind to Beginning Pause Play Fast Forward View Follow Camera View Free Camera [A] Executions [A] captures [A] points Time Limit Friendly Fire Captures cheated lost a zone captured a zone New Hill The Multiplayer Gods smote Headshots was kicked for killing a teammate Playing another game Finding Player... Found Player Upgrade [A] Tries Remaining Last Try Searching for Optimal Game Searching for Close Game Searching for Any Game Respawning Next spawn wave in [A]... Mission Completed Mission Failed In lobby Playing match [A] players in party Match ends in [TIME] Score EXECUTIONS DEATHS Assists Suicides DOWNS Team Kills PARTS REVIVES Migrating Host... |D-PAD| Up/Down to cycle players Total Round [A] Hunters Win Fireflies Win Fisticuffs Gravity Standard RPG's HUNTERS FIREFLIES LEADERBOARDS