Rules were: - do every boss that drops tier, every other boss is potentially skippable - no potions or BL drums (I don't want to waste 20k gold per run chugging potions for multiple hours) - tiers have do be done in order (MC -> BWL -> etc) - Maexxna and Kil'jaeden do not drop tier but have to be done because it'd be kinda dumb to skip whole wings of instances. Vault of Archavon and Baradin Hold are not required due to possible realm availability issues, and Spine/Madness aren't required either due to the retardation that Spine is. - Blood spec only, no respeccing. - WotLK bosses are done in 25H if possible, or 25N if 25H isn't available. The only required hardmodes are Freya, Mimiron, and Yogg-0. Thorim can be done in 10-man due to the encounter being extremely weird in 25-man. - Cata bosses are done in 10H, with the exception of Conclave, Al'Akir, Ultraxion, and Blackhorn. I wiped on: - Chess Event (lel, I had forgotten completely how it works D:) - Gormok the Impaler (tried cheesing vengeance by getting 80+ stacks of the fire debuff. BAD IDEA) - Atramedes (don't forget that Nefarian destroys a gong for every gong you use .__.) - Maloriak (pushing him to last phase before he even released a single abberation wasn't a good idea) - Sinestra (twice) (forgot some details, such as having to be in melee instantly when p3 starts or she gives you Wrack..) - Beth'tilac (forgot not to jump immediately or she heals..) - Baleroc (Decimation Blade bugged and hit me 3 times within a single Decim blade. wut?) - Ragnaros (pushed too quickly between first and second intermission, didn't have any cooldowns. lol) - Ultraxion (don't put the heroic will macro on the wrong keybind..) I wasted time on: - Viscidus - Hyjal (bugged and lost 20 minutes with a ghost wave throttling everything, followed by a instance reset on wave 8..) - BT (tried various strats that didn't work) - Sartharion (make sure to have army if you want to skip trash clearing!) - Faction Champs (could have killed them faster if I didn't mess up my army. wasted a good 6-7 minutes there.) - Alysrazor (didn't play well)