/* Wheeled-Robot Arduino Code version 2012. Created 2012 08 21 by Basile Laderchi Binary sketch size: 13654 bytes controls: motors arm leds analog test presets autoDrive w y u i 1 2 ~ v p1-4 0 a s d h j k x n m + - , Needed: NewPing library: http://code.google.com/p/arduino-new-ping/ Useful things: readAccelerometer code from: http://learn.parallax.com/kickstart/28017 readVcc code from: http://provideyourown.com/2012/secret-arduino-voltmeter-measure-battery-voltage/ longSharp_AnalogToCm code from: http://luckylarry.co.uk/arduino-projects/arduino-using-a-sharp-ir-sensor-for-distance-calculation/ */ #include #include const int centerMotorSpeed = 1500; const int incdecMotorSpeed = 100; const int minMotorSpeed = 300; const int maxMotorSpeed = 500; const int motorEnabledStatusDelay = 100; const int minHeadLRPosition = 0; const int maxHeadLRPosition = 180; const int centerHeadLRPosition = 100; const int incdecHeadLR = 10; const int minHeadS1Position = 50; const int maxHeadS1Position = 180; const int centerHeadS1Position = 180; const int incdecHeadS1 = 10; const int minHeadS2Position = 0; const int maxHeadS2Position = 180; const int centerHeadS2Position = 150; const int incdecHeadS2 = 10; const int minHeadS3Position = 0; const int maxHeadS3Position = 180; const int centerHeadS3Position = 150; const int incdecHeadS3 = 10; const int maxSonarRange = 300; const double headSweepSpeed = 0.001; const int minDistance = 25; const byte USB_PIN_D0 = 0; const byte USB_PIN_D1 = 1; const byte pinLed1 = 2; const byte pinHeadS2 = 3; const byte pinLed2 = 4; const byte pinHeadS3 = 5; const byte pinHeadLR = 6; const byte pinAccelX = 7; const byte pinAccelY = 8; const byte pinMotorL = 9; const byte pinMotorR = 10; const byte pinHeadS1 = 11; const byte pinMotorStop = 12; const byte NOT_USED_D13 = 13; const byte pinLeftSharp = A0; const byte pinMiddleSharp = A1; const byte pinRightSharp = A2; const byte pinBackSharp = A3; const byte pinSonar = A4; const byte NOT_USED_A5 = A5; const int armServos = 3; /* {140, 110, 120}, { 60, 60, 170}, { 90, 60, 140}, { 60, 10, 130} */ const int armPresets[][armServos] = { {140, 80, 120}, { 60, 0, 140}, { 90, 60, 110}, {160, 70, 110} }; const int numArmPresets = (sizeof(armPresets) / armServos) / sizeof(int); Servo motorL; Servo motorR; Servo headLR; Servo headS1; Servo headS2; Servo headS3; NewPing sonar = NewPing(pinSonar, pinSonar, maxSonarRange); unsigned long headLRTimer = 0; char dir = 's'; char preset = '_'; char lastMotorMovement = 's'; int headLRLastPosition = centerHeadLRPosition; byte headLRSweepEnabled = 0; int headLRRotation; int headS1LastPosition = centerHeadS1Position; int headS2LastPosition = centerHeadS2Position; int headS3LastPosition = centerHeadS3Position; double headLRSpeed = 0; double headLRRange = 0; int motorLLastSpeed = centerMotorSpeed; int motorRLastSpeed = centerMotorSpeed; int motorLastSpeed = minMotorSpeed; int lastMotorEnabledStatus = LOW; int motorEasingSpeed; int lastLed1Status = LOW; int lastLed2Status = LOW; int lastLeftSharpValue = 0; int lastMiddleSharpValue = 0; int lastRightSharpValue = 0; int lastBackSharpValue = 0; unsigned int lastSonarValue = 0; int lastAccelXValue = 0; int lastAccelYValue = 0; byte autoDriveEnabled = 0; double Vcc; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); pinMode(pinLed1, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinLed2, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinAccelX, INPUT); pinMode(pinAccelY, INPUT); pinMode(pinMotorStop, OUTPUT); motorL.attach(pinMotorL); motorR.attach(pinMotorR); headLR.attach(pinHeadLR); headS1.attach(pinHeadS1); headS2.attach(pinHeadS2); headS3.attach(pinHeadS3); motorStop(); headCenter(); Vcc = readVcc() / 1000.0; } void loop() { if (Serial.available()) { dir = Serial.read(); disableAutoDrive(); move(dir); } //oscillatingAutopilot(); readAccelerometer(); autoDrive(); } void move(char dir) { switch (dir) { case 'w': // Forward motorForward(); lastMotorMovement = 'w'; break; case 'x': // Back motorReverse(); lastMotorMovement = 'x'; break; case 's': // Stop motorStop(); lastMotorMovement = 's'; break; case 'a': // Turn Left motorTurnLeft(); lastMotorMovement = 'a'; break; case 'd': // Turn Right motorTurnRight(); lastMotorMovement = 'd'; break; case 'y': // Head S1 Up headS1Up(); break; case 'h': // Head S1 Down headS1Down(); break; case 'u': // Head S2 Up headS2Up(); break; case 'j': // Head S2 Down headS2Down(); break; case 'i': // Head S3 Up headS3Up(); break; case 'k': // Head S3 Down headS3Down(); break; case 'n': // Head Left headLeft(); break; case 'm': // Head Right headRight(); break; case ',': // Head Center case '<': headCenter(); break; case '+': case '=': increaseSpeed(); break; case '-': case '_': decreaseSpeed(); break; case '1': led1(); break; case '2': led2(); break; case '0': enableAutoDrive(); case 'p': presets(); break; case '~': case '`': analog(); break; case 'v': // testHeadSweep(); break; } } /* void oscillatingAutopilot() { if (headLRSweepEnabled == 1) { headLRTimer++; headLRRotation = sin(headLRTimer * headLRSpeed) * headLRRange; Serial.print("Sweep: "); Serial.print(headLRTimer); Serial.print(", "); Serial.print(headLRRotation); if (headLR.read() != (centerHeadLRPosition + headLRRotation)) { headLR.write(centerHeadLRPosition + headLRRotation); Serial.print(", 1"); } else { Serial.print(", 0"); } Serial.println(); } } */ void readAccelerometer() { lastAccelXValue = pulseIn(pinAccelX, HIGH); lastAccelYValue = pulseIn(pinAccelY, HIGH); /* Serial.print("Accelerometer: "); Serial.print(lastAccelXValue); Serial.print(","); Serial.println(lastAccelYValue); */ } void motorForward() { motorChangeSpeed(motorLastSpeed, motorLastSpeed, LOW); } void motorReverse() { motorChangeSpeed(- motorLastSpeed, - motorLastSpeed, LOW); } void motorStop() { motorChangeSpeed(0, 0, HIGH); } void motorTurnLeft() { motorChangeSpeed(- motorLastSpeed, motorLastSpeed, LOW); } void motorTurnRight() { motorChangeSpeed(motorLastSpeed, - motorLastSpeed, LOW); } void motorChangeSpeed(int motorLSpeed, int motorRSpeed, int motorEnabledStatus) { if (motorEnabledStatus == LOW) { if (lastMotorEnabledStatus != motorEnabledStatus) { digitalWrite(pinMotorStop, motorEnabledStatus); delay(motorEnabledStatusDelay); } } motorLLastSpeed = centerMotorSpeed + motorLSpeed; motorRLastSpeed = centerMotorSpeed + motorRSpeed; motorL.writeMicroseconds(motorLLastSpeed); motorR.writeMicroseconds(motorRLastSpeed); if (motorEnabledStatus == HIGH) { if (lastMotorEnabledStatus != motorEnabledStatus) { delay(motorEnabledStatusDelay); digitalWrite(pinMotorStop, motorEnabledStatus); } } lastMotorEnabledStatus = motorEnabledStatus; } void headS1Up() { headS1LastPosition += incdecHeadS1; headS1LastPosition = min(headS1LastPosition, maxHeadS1Position); headS1.write(headS1LastPosition); } void headS1Down() { headS1LastPosition -= incdecHeadS1; headS1LastPosition = max(headS1LastPosition, minHeadS1Position); headS1.write(headS1LastPosition); } void headS2Up() { headS2LastPosition -= incdecHeadS2; headS2LastPosition = max(headS2LastPosition, minHeadS2Position); headS2.write(headS2LastPosition); } void headS2Down() { headS2LastPosition += incdecHeadS2; headS2LastPosition = min(headS2LastPosition, maxHeadS2Position); headS2.write(headS2LastPosition); } void headS3Up() { headS3LastPosition += incdecHeadS3; headS3LastPosition = min(headS3LastPosition, maxHeadS3Position); headS3.write(headS3LastPosition); } void headS3Down() { headS3LastPosition -= incdecHeadS3; headS3LastPosition = max(headS3LastPosition, minHeadS3Position); headS3.write(headS3LastPosition); } void headCenter() { headLRLastPosition = centerHeadLRPosition; headLR.write(headLRLastPosition); headS1LastPosition = centerHeadS1Position; headS1.write(headS1LastPosition); headS2LastPosition = centerHeadS2Position; headS2.write(headS2LastPosition); headS3LastPosition = centerHeadS3Position; headS3.write(headS3LastPosition); } void headLeft() { headLRSweepEnabled = 0; headLRLastPosition -= incdecHeadLR; headLRLastPosition = max(headLRLastPosition, minHeadLRPosition); headLR.write(headLRLastPosition); } void headRight() { headLRSweepEnabled = 0; headLRLastPosition += incdecHeadLR; headLRLastPosition = min(headLRLastPosition, maxHeadLRPosition); headLR.write(headLRLastPosition); } void increaseSpeed() { motorLastSpeed += incdecMotorSpeed; motorLastSpeed = min(motorLastSpeed, maxMotorSpeed); move(lastMotorMovement); } void decreaseSpeed() { motorLastSpeed -= incdecMotorSpeed; motorLastSpeed = max(motorLastSpeed, minMotorSpeed); move(lastMotorMovement); } void led1() { lastLed1Status = ~lastLed1Status; digitalWrite(pinLed1, lastLed1Status); } void led2() { lastLed2Status = ~lastLed2Status; digitalWrite(pinLed2, lastLed2Status); } void presets() { if (Serial.available()) { preset = Serial.read(); headPreset(preset - '0'); } } void headPreset(int preset) { if (preset > 0 && preset <= numArmPresets) { headLRLastPosition = centerHeadLRPosition; headLR.write(headLRLastPosition); headS1LastPosition = armPresets[preset][0]; headS1.write(headS1LastPosition); headS2LastPosition = armPresets[preset][1]; headS2.write(headS2LastPosition); headS3LastPosition = armPresets[preset][2]; headS3.write(headS3LastPosition); } } void enableAutoDrive() { autoDriveEnabled = 1; } void disableAutoDrive() { autoDriveEnabled = 0; } void autoDrive() { if (autoDriveEnabled == 0) { return; } int leftDistance, middleDistance, rightDistance; byte autoDriveMode, rnd; readAnalogSensors(); leftDistance = longSharp_AnalogToCm(lastLeftSharpValue); middleDistance = longSharp_AnalogToCm(lastMiddleSharpValue); rightDistance = longSharp_AnalogToCm(lastRightSharpValue); autoDriveMode = 0; if (leftDistance >= minDistance && middleDistance >= minDistance && rightDistance >= minDistance) { autoDriveMode = 1; } if (leftDistance < minDistance && middleDistance >= minDistance && rightDistance >= minDistance) { autoDriveMode = 2; } if (leftDistance >= minDistance && middleDistance < minDistance && rightDistance >= minDistance) { autoDriveMode = 4; } if (leftDistance >= minDistance && middleDistance >= minDistance && rightDistance < minDistance) { autoDriveMode = 3; } if (leftDistance < minDistance && middleDistance < minDistance && rightDistance < minDistance) { autoDriveMode = 4; } Serial.print("autoDrive =>"); Serial.print(" left: "); Serial.print(lastLeftSharpValue); Serial.print(" - "); Serial.print(leftDistance); Serial.print(" middle: "); Serial.print(lastMiddleSharpValue); Serial.print(" - "); Serial.print(middleDistance); Serial.print(" right: "); Serial.print(lastRightSharpValue); Serial.print(" - "); Serial.print(rightDistance); Serial.print(" mode: "); Serial.println(autoDriveMode); delay(100); switch (autoDriveMode) { case 1: motorForward(); break; case 2: motorStop(); motorTurnRight(); break; case 3: motorStop(); motorTurnLeft(); break; case 4: motorStop(); motorReverse(); delay(500); motorStop(); rnd = random(0, 2); switch (rnd) { case 0: motorTurnLeft(); break; case 1: motorTurnRight(); break; } delay(100); default: motorStop(); break; } } void analog() { readAnalogSensors(); Serial.print("Left Sharp: "); Serial.print(lastLeftSharpValue); Serial.print(","); Serial.println(longSharp_AnalogToCm(lastLeftSharpValue)); Serial.print("Middle Sharp: "); Serial.print(lastMiddleSharpValue); Serial.print(","); Serial.println(longSharp_AnalogToCm(lastMiddleSharpValue)); Serial.print("Right Sharp: "); Serial.print(lastRightSharpValue); Serial.print(","); Serial.println(longSharp_AnalogToCm(lastRightSharpValue)); Serial.print("Back Sharp: "); Serial.print(lastBackSharpValue); Serial.print(","); Serial.println(longSharp_AnalogToCm(lastBackSharpValue)); Serial.print("Sonar: "); Serial.print(lastSonarValue); Serial.print(","); Serial.println(sonar.convert_cm(lastSonarValue)); } void readAnalogSensors() { lastLeftSharpValue = analogRead(pinLeftSharp); lastMiddleSharpValue = analogRead(pinMiddleSharp); lastRightSharpValue = analogRead(pinRightSharp); lastBackSharpValue = analogRead(pinBackSharp); lastSonarValue = sonar.ping_median(); } /* void testHeadSweep() { // set speed to 0 and it stops sweeping // or set rot to 0 and speed to 0 and it centers // sweep_speed should be about 0.01 for a start if (headLRSweepEnabled == 0) { headLRSweepEnabled = 1; headLRTimer = 0; headLRSpeed = headLRSweepSpeed; headLRRange = 10; Serial.println("Sweep Start"); } else { headLRSweepEnabled = 0; headLRSpeed = 0; headLRRange = 0; Serial.println("Sweep Stop"); } } */ double longSharp_AnalogToCm(int valueToConvert) { double valueVoltage; double result; valueVoltage = (valueToConvert / 1023.0) * Vcc; result = 65 * pow(valueVoltage, -1.10); return result; } long readVcc() { // Read 1.1V reference against AVcc // set the reference to Vcc and the measurement to the internal 1.1V reference #if defined(__AVR_ATmega32U4__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__) ADMUX = _BV(REFS0) | _BV(MUX4) | _BV(MUX3) | _BV(MUX2) | _BV(MUX1); #elif defined (__AVR_ATtiny24__) || defined(__AVR_ATtiny44__) || defined(__AVR_ATtiny84__) ADMUX = _BV(MUX5) | _BV(MUX0); #elif defined (__AVR_ATtiny25__) || defined(__AVR_ATtiny45__) || defined(__AVR_ATtiny85__) ADMUX = _BV(MUX3) | _BV(MUX2); #else ADMUX = _BV(REFS0) | _BV(MUX3) | _BV(MUX2) | _BV(MUX1); #endif delay(2); // Wait for Vref to settle ADCSRA |= _BV(ADSC); // Start conversion while (bit_is_set(ADCSRA, ADSC)); // measuring int low = ADCL; // must read ADCL first - it then locks ADCH int high = ADCH; // unlocks both long result = (high<<8) | low; result = 1125300L / result; // Calculate Vcc (in mV); 1125300 = 1.1*1023*1000 return result; // Vcc in millivolts }