[nospaces][div align="center"] [div][attr="class","coordinatorapp"] [div][attr="class","loveappbase"][div align="center"][div][attr="class","loveshell"][div][attr="class","loveapptitle loveappstar"][table][tbody][tr][td style="width:85%;padding-right:10px;"]✦  [font color="454545"]firstname lastname[/font] [break][div][attr="class","loveappdeet"] gender / age in letters years old / member group [/div][/td][td][div][attr="class","loveappicon"] [img src="http://placehold.it/100x100" style="max-width:100%;"] [/div][/td][/tr][/tbody][/table][/div][div][attr="class","loveappline"][/div][div align="center"][PTabbedContent] [PTab=basics][div][attr="class","loveappwords"][div][attr="class","appbasics"] [div][attr="class","appheader"]general info[/div] [b]full name[/b] first middle last [break][b]nickname(s)[/b] if applicable [break][b]date of birth[/b] month and day [break][b]age (in letters)[/b] here [break][b]gender[/b] here [break][b]occupation[/b] any and all occupations. [break][b]face claim[/b] [i]fc name[/i] from [i]animanga name[/i] [break][break][div][attr="class","appheader"]background info[/div] [b]hometown[/b] where they're from [break][b]current residence[/b] where they currently/usually live [break][b]parents[/b] here [break][b]siblings[/b] here, if applicable [break][b]other family[/b] here, if applicable [break][break][div][attr="class","appheader"]relationship info[/div] [b]sexual orientation[/b] here [break][b]marital status[/b] here [break][b]current partner[/b] here, if applicable [break][b]astrological sign[/b] here [/div][/div][/PTab] [PTab=questions][div][attr="class","loveappwords"][div][attr="class","loveappscroll"] [div][attr="class","appheader"]copy and paste your question here[/div] "On this level, Ahab's hammock swings within; his head this way. A touch, and Starbuck may survive to hug his wife and child again.—Oh Mary! Mary!—boy! boy! boy!—But if I wake thee not to death, old man, who can tell to what unsounded deeps Starbuck's body this day week may sink, with all the crew! [break][break] Great God, where art Thou? Shall I? shall I?—The wind has gone down and shifted, sir; the fore and main topsails are reefed and set; she heads her course." "Stern all! Oh Moby Dick, I clutch thy heart at last!"[break][break] [div][attr="class","appheader"]copy and paste your question here[/div] "On this level, Ahab's hammock swings within; his head this way. A touch, and Starbuck may survive to hug his wife and child again.—Oh Mary! Mary!—boy! boy! boy!—But if I wake thee not to death, old man, who can tell to what unsounded deeps Starbuck's body this day week may sink, with all the crew! [break][break] Great God, where art Thou? Shall I? shall I?—The wind has gone down and shifted, sir; the fore and main topsails are reefed and set; she heads her course." "Stern all! Oh Moby Dick, I clutch thy heart at last!"[break][break] [div][attr="class","appheader"]copy and paste your question here[/div] "On this level, Ahab's hammock swings within; his head this way. A touch, and Starbuck may survive to hug his wife and child again.—Oh Mary! Mary!—boy! boy! boy!—But if I wake thee not to death, old man, who can tell to what unsounded deeps Starbuck's body this day week may sink, with all the crew! [break][break] Great God, where art Thou? Shall I? shall I?—The wind has gone down and shifted, sir; the fore and main topsails are reefed and set; she heads her course." "Stern all! Oh Moby Dick, I clutch thy heart at last!"[break][break] [div][attr="class","appheader"]copy and paste your question here[/div] "On this level, Ahab's hammock swings within; his head this way. A touch, and Starbuck may survive to hug his wife and child again.—Oh Mary! Mary!—boy! boy! boy!—But if I wake thee not to death, old man, who can tell to what unsounded deeps Starbuck's body this day week may sink, with all the crew! [break][break] Great God, where art Thou? Shall I? shall I?—The wind has gone down and shifted, sir; the fore and main topsails are reefed and set; she heads her course." "Stern all! Oh Moby Dick, I clutch thy heart at last!"[break][break] [/div][/div][/PTab] [PTab=misc][div][attr="class","loveappwords"][div][attr="class","appbasics"] [div][attr="class","appheader"]miscellaneous[/div][div][attr="class","loveappscroll2"] anything else you want to add??? quirks, little facts, anything you want us to know about your lovely little bae. think of this as an optional freeform section! p.s.: the traits section below, however, is not optional! [/div] [table style="border-collapse:separate;border-spacing:5px;width:268px;padding-top:25px;"][tbody][tr][td][div][attr="class","appheader"][attr="style","text-align: center;width:inherit;"]positive[/div][/td][td][div][attr="class","appheader"][attr="style","text-align: center;width:inherit;"]negative[/div][/td][/tr][tr][td style="width:50%;"] [div][attr="class","appgood"][ul] [li]positive trait 1[/li] [li]positive trait 2[/li] [li]positive trait 3[/li] [li]positive trait 4[/li] [li]positive trait 5[/li] [/ul][/div] [/td][td style="width:50%;"] [div][attr="class","appbad"][ul] [li]negative trait 1[/li] [li]negative trait 2[/li] [li]negative trait 3[/li] [li]negative trait 4[/li] [li]negative trait 5[/li] [/ul][/div] [/td][/tr][/tbody][/table] [/div][/div][/PTab] [PTab=pokémon][div][attr="class","loveappwords"][div][attr="class","loveappmon"][div align="center"][div][attr="class","appheader"] [img]http://veekun.com/dex/media/pokemon/icons/133.png[/img]nickname [font color="454545"]the[/font] species[/div] [div][attr="class","loveappdeet2"][i]gender ▪ level ## ▪ ability[/i][/div][break] [div][attr="class","loveappdeet2"]move / move / move / move / [b]+move[/b] / [b]+move[/b][/div][break] [div style="width: 250px;height: 1px;margin-top:15px;background-color: #e7e7e7;"][/div][div][attr="class","appheader"] [img]http://veekun.com/dex/media/pokemon/icons/133.png[/img]nickname [font color="454545"]the[/font] species[/div] [div][attr="class","loveappdeet2"][i]gender ▪ level ## ▪ ability[/i][/div][break] [div][attr="class","loveappdeet2"]move / move / move / move / [b]+move[/b] / [b]+move[/b][/div][break] [div style="width: 250px;height: 1px;margin-top:15px;background-color: #e7e7e7;"][/div][div][attr="class","appheader"] [img]http://veekun.com/dex/media/pokemon/icons/133.png[/img]nickname [font color="454545"]the[/font] species[/div] [div][attr="class","loveappdeet2"][i]gender ▪ level ## ▪ ability[/i][/div][break] [div][attr="class","loveappdeet2"]move / move / move / move / [b]+move[/b] / [b]+move[/b][/div][/div] [/div][/div][/PTab] [PTab=ooc info][div][attr="class","loveappwords"][div align="center"][div style="background-image: url(http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mex6qbS3q71rbvno1.png); padding: 20px; border: 1px solid #f0f0f0;border-radius:100%;"][div][attr="class","loveappvert"][div][attr="class","loveappvert2"][div][attr="class","appheader loveappstar"][attr="style","border:none;font-size:30px;"] your ooc alias [/div][div][attr="class","loveappdeet2"] [i]age ▪ timezone ▪ contact info[/i] [/div][div][attr="class","loveappdeet2"] @list / @any / @other / @character / @accounts / @separated / @by / @slashes [/div][/div][/div][/div][/div][/div][/PTab] [/PTabbedContent={height:407px;background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid #000;padding:0px;width:410px;}] [/div][/div][/div][/div][/div][/div]