local addon, ns = ... local cfg = CreateFrame("Frame") cfg.oUF = { -- CONFIG settings = { -- general settings ReverseHPbars = false, -- fill health bars from right to left instead of standard left -> right direction health_spark = true, -- add spark to the health bar class_color_power = true, -- class color power bar show_class = false, -- display additional class indication @ unit frames pvp_flag = false, -- enables PVP flag next to player's name playerauras = "NONE", -- small aura frame for player, available options: "BUFFS", "DEBUFFS", "AURAS", "NONE" auratimers = { ["enable"] = false, -- aura timers ["font_size"] = 11, -- aura timer font size }, ghost_target = false, -- fake target bars that spawn if you don't have anything targeted raid_mark = { ["enable"] = true, -- enable raid marks ["alpha"] = 0.6, -- raid mark opacity ["size"] = 16, -- raid mark size }, CombatFeedback = false, -- enables CombatFeedback on player and target unit frames Portrait = false, -- enables 3d portraits on player and target unit frames ClassBars = { ["enable"] = true, -- enable class specific bars (totems, runes etc.) ["undock"] = false, -- set a custom position for this element ["position"] = {"CENTER",UIParent,"BOTTOM",0,250}, }, AltPowerBar = { ["enable"] = true, -- let oUF handle alternative powerbar ["undock"] = true, -- set custom position for it ["position"] = {"BOTTOM", "UIParent", "BOTTOM", 0, 275}, }, click2focus = { ["enable"] = true, -- set focus macro on modified frame click (may cause taint) ["key"] = "Shift", -- modifier key to focus }, }, frames = { -- unit frames settings player = { -- Player's frame ["position"] = {"BOTTOMLEFT","Anchorplayer","BOTTOM"}, ["width"] = 229, ["height"] = 24, ["scale"] = 1, }, target = { -- Target's frame ["position"] = {"BOTTOMRIGHT","Anchortarget","BOTTOM"}, ["width"] = 229, ["height"] = 24, ["scale"] = 1, }, tot = { ["enable"] = true, -- Target of Target ["position"] = {"BOTTOMRIGHT", "Anchortot", "BOTTOM"}, ["width"] = 123, ["height"] = 20, ["scale"] = 0.9, }, pet = { ["enable"] = false, -- Player's pet ["position"] = {"TOPLEFT", "oUF_monoPlayerFrame", "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -42}, ["width"] = 123, ["height"] = 20, ["scale"] = 0.9, }, focus = { ["enable"] = true, -- Focus target + target of focus target ["position"] = {"TOPRIGHT", "Anchorfocus"}, ["target_position"] = {"TOPLEFT", "Anchorfocus"}, ["width"] = 123, ["height"] = 20, ["scale"] = 0.9, }, party = { ["enable"] = false, -- Party frames ["position"] = {"BOTTOMLEFT", "UIParent", "BOTTOMLEFT", 120, 362}, ["spacing"] = 40, -- spacing between party units ["width"] = 196, ["height"] = 22, ["scale"] = 1, }, arena_boss = { ["enable_arena"] = false, -- Boss & Arena frames ["enable_boss"] = false, ["position"] = {"BOTTOMRIGHT", "UIParent", "BOTTOMRIGHT", -120, 362}, ["spacing"] = 56, -- spacing between units ["width"] = 196, ["height"] = 22, ["scale"] = 1, }, raid = { -- Raid frames configuration ["enable"] = false, ["position"] = {"TOPLEFT", "UIParent", "BOTTOM", -156, 177}, ["party"] = false, -- show party as 5 men raid group ["raid5"] = false, -- show raid frame for 5 (or less) men raid group ["raid40"] = false, -- allow raid frames to change their size if there are more than 30 players in the group ["raid_menu"] = false, -- enable/disable right-click menu for raid frames main_tank = { ["enable"] = false, -- enable Main tank frames ["position"] = {"BOTTOMLEFT", "UIParent", "BOTTOMRIGHT", -163, 233}, -- MTs frame position ["scale"] = 1.5, -- MT size relatively to unit size }, ["width"] = 59, -- raid unit width ["height"] = 27, -- raid unit height ["spacing"] = 4, -- spacing between units ["name_length"] = 4, -- number of letters to display ["font_size"] = 12, -- font size for names / hp values ["orientation"] = "HORIZONTAL", -- hp/mp bar direction ["focus_color"] = {.8, .8, .2, .7}, -- focus border color ["DisableRaidManager"] = true, -- disable default compact Raid Manager button ["update_time"] = .25, -- Enhances update rate for indicators (can be cpu intensive with lower values) debuff = { ["size"] = 11, -- debuff icon size ["timer"] = 5, -- enable/disable timer for raid debuffs }, indicators = { ["enable"] = true, -- enable/disable raid frames indicators ["size"] = 5, -- square indicator size ["counter_size"] = 11, -- bottom right corner counter size }, icons = { ["size"] = 10, -- informative icon size (aka RL,ML,A etc.) ["leader"] = true, -- toggle leader/assistant/master looter icons visibility on raid units ["raid_mark"] = true, -- toggle raid mark visibility on raid units ["ready_check"] = true, -- ready check icon ["role"] = true, -- toggle group role indication on/off }, powerbar = { ["enable"] = true, -- toggle display of tiny power bars on raid frames ["size"] = 0.09, -- power bar thickness relatively to unit size }, healbar = { ["enable"] = true, -- enable healing prediction bar ["healalpha"] = 0.25, -- heal prediction bar alpha ["healoverflow"] = 1.2, -- overhealing display (1 = disabled, may take values higher than 1) ["healtext"] = false, -- show/hide heal prediction text }, ["absorbtext"] = false, -- display total absorbs text }, }, castbar = { -- cast bars settings color = { ["normal"] = {.3,.45,.65}, ["uninterruptable"] = {1,.49,0}, }, player = { ["enable"] = false, -- enable cast bar for player frame ["undock"] = false, -- detach cast bar from frame ["position"] = {"CENTER",UIParent,"BOTTOM",10,320}, -- custom castbar position if undocked ["width"] = 210, -- cast bar width if undocked ["height"] = 17, -- cast bar height if undocked }, target = { ["enable"] = false, ["undock"] = false, ["position"] = {"CENTER",UIParent,"BOTTOM",10,360}, ["width"] = 210, ["height"] = 17, }, focus = { ["enable"] = false, ["undock"] = true, ["position"] = {"CENTER",UIParent,"BOTTOM",10,470}, ["width"] = 280, ["height"] = 17, }, }, -- MEDIA media = { statusbar = "Interface\\Addons\\oUF_mono\\media\\statusbar", auratex = "Interface\\Addons\\oUF_mono\\media\\iconborder", font = "Interface\\Addons\\oUF_mono\\media\\font.ttf", backdrop_texture = "Interface\\Addons\\oUF_mono\\media\\backdrop", backdrop_edge_texture = "Interface\\Addons\\oUF_mono\\media\\backdrop_edge", aurafont = "Interface\\Addons\\oUF_mono\\media\\auras.ttf", debuffborder = "Interface\\Addons\\oUF_mono\\media\\iconborder", highlightTex = "Interface\\Buttons\\WHITE8x8", }, } -- my config if GetUnitName("player") == "Strigoy" or GetUnitName("player") == "Strig" then cfg.oUF.settings.playerauras = "DEBUFFS" cfg.oUF.frames.party.position = {"BOTTOMRIGHT", "oUF_monoPlayerFrame", "TOPLEFT", -50, 70} cfg.oUF.frames.arena_boss.position = {"BOTTOMLEFT", "oUF_monoTargetFrame", "TOPRIGHT", 50, 70} cfg.oUF.frames.arena_boss.position = {"BOTTOMLEFT", "oUF_monoTargetFrame", "TOPRIGHT", 50, 70} cfg.oUF.frames.raid.main_tank.position = {"TOPLEFT", "UIParent", "BOTTOM", 167, 177} cfg.oUF.frames.raid.main_tank.scale = 1.1 end -- HANDOVER ns.cfg = cfg