\documentclass{article} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{noweb} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{calc} \usetikzlibrary{positioning} \pagestyle{noweb} \noweboptions{smallcode,hideunuseddefs} \begin{document} @ \def\nwendcode{\endtrivlist\endgroup} \let\nwdocspar=\relax \title{ Interface Tools\thanks{ Copyright \copyright\ 1999--2007 Anthony Towns. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. }} \author{ Anthony Towns \\ { \tt aj@azure.humbug.org.au } } \pagenumbering{roman} \maketitle \tableofcontents \vfill \pagebreak \pagenumbering{arabic} \section{Introduction} This source defines the commands [[ifup]], [[ifdown]], and [[ifquery]], used to manipulate interfaces in an easily controllable manner. \subsection{Assumed Knowledge} The reader is assumed to have knowledge of the C \cite{K&R} and Perl \cite{camel} programming languages in a Unix environment \cite{StevensUnix}. A cursory understanding of network administration on the appropriate platform is also assumed, along with access to the relevant manual pages as necessary. This source has been written as a literate program using the [[noweb]] \cite{wwwnoweb} tool suite, and typeset using \LaTeX\ \cite{latex}. \subsection{Program Structure} We shall decompose this program into four main areas of functionality: compile-time configuration, run-time configuration, execution, and the overall driver. Compile-time configuration will deal with differing available address families (IP vs IPX vs IPv6, and so on), and the differing methods of enabling and disabling interfaces configured for each family. This will be implemented using the [[addrfam]] module, and various [[.defn]] files, for the address family definitions. Run-time configuration will deal with determining the local setup based on the file [[/etc/network/interfaces]], and producing a data structure encapsulating these details. This will be implemented in the [[config]] module. Execution will deal with issues relating to working out exactly which commands to run based on a somewhat abstract description from the compile-time configuration and the details determined at run-time. This will be dealt with in the [[execute]] module. The remaining work --- argument parsing, error reporting, and, essentially, putting all the pieces together --- is done by the [[main]] module. The following diagram gives a brief idea of the information and control flow amongst the modules. \def\vsep{2.5cm} \def\hsep{1.4cm} \begin{figure} \centering \begin{tikzpicture}[every text node part/.style={text centered}] \tikzstyle{block}=[rectangle,draw, text width=2cm, minimum height=2cm] \tikzstyle{big}=[minimum height=4.5cm] \tikzstyle{annot}=[above left] \node[block] (ip) at (0,0) {IP address family}; \node[annot] at (ip.south east) {\small inet.defn}; \node[block] (ipx) at (0,-\vsep) {IPX address family}; \node[annot] at (ipx.south east) {\small inet.defn}; \node[block,big] (addrfam) at (\hsep*2,-\vsep/2) {Compile time configuration}; \node[annot] at (addrfam.south east) {\small addrfam.c}; \node[block,big] (config) at (\hsep*4,-\vsep/2) {Runtime configuration}; \node[annot] at (config.south east) {\small config.c}; \node[block] (exec) at (\hsep*6,0) {Execution}; \node[annot] at (exec.south east) {\small execute.c}; \node[block] (main) at (\hsep*6,-\vsep) {Driver}; \node[annot] at (main.south east) {\small main.c}; \draw[-stealth] (ip.east) -- (addrfam.west |- ip); \draw[-stealth] (ipx.east) -- (addrfam.west |- ipx); \draw[-stealth] (addrfam) -- (config); \draw[stealth-] (exec.west) -- (config.east |- exec); \draw[stealth-] (main.west) -- (config.east |- main); \draw[-stealth] (main) -- (exec); \node[below=1.2cm of config.south] (mainf) {main()}; \draw[-stealth, rounded corners=0.3cm] (mainf) -- +(0,1cm) -| (main.south); \end{tikzpicture} \end{figure} Much of the information sharing will be done by defining and filling in some data structures and allowing the other modules to just access that information directly. Rather than hiding the information itself, most of our modules simply attempt to hide how that information was originally written. Because of this, we shall find that these modules are too closely linked to be completely separated in a convenient manner, so they will all make use of a single header file for each other's structure definitions, exported interfaces and so on. <>= #ifndef HEADER_H #define HEADER_H <> <> <> <> <> #endif /* HEADER_H */ @ \section{The Build System} We shall begin with the template for the Makefile we shall use. <>= <> BASEDIR ?= $(DESTDIR) CFILES := addrfam.c execute.c config.c main.c archlinux.c HFILES := header.h archlinux.h PERLFILES := defn2c.pl defn2man.pl DEFNFILES := inet.defn ipx.defn inet6.defn can.defn OBJ := main.o addrfam.o execute.o config.o \ $(patsubst %.defn,%.o,$(DEFNFILES)) archlinux.o \ dictionary.o iniparser.o MAN := $(patsubst %.defn,%.man,$(DEFNFILES)) default : executables all : executables docs executables : ifup ifdown ifquery ifup.8 ifdown.8 interfaces.5 docs : ifupdown.ps.gz ifup.8.ps.gz interfaces.5.ps.gz ifupdown.pdf .PHONY : executables <> <> <> <> <> <> @ We shall build exactly three executables, [[ifup]], [[ifdown]] and [[ifquery]], which will in truth simply be three names for a single binary, albeit with different functionality. <>= ifup: $(OBJ) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $^ $(LDFLAGS) $(OUTPUT_OPTION) ifdown: ifup ln -sf ifup ifdown ifquery: ifup ln -sf ifup ifquery @ All three of these executables have a manpage. Since they're actually the same executable, what could be more appropriate than them having the same manpage too? <>= interfaces.5: interfaces.5.pre $(MAN) sed $(foreach man,$(MAN),-e '/^##ADDRESSFAM##$$/r $(man)') \ -e '/^##ADDRESSFAM##$$/d' < $< > $@ ifdown.8 ifquery.8: ifup.8 ln -sf $< $@ %.5.ps: %.5 groff -mandoc -Tps $< > $@ %.8.ps: %.8 groff -mandoc -Tps $< > $@ @ Further, for convenience, we'll make use of two phony targets, [[clean]], [[clobber]] and [[distclean]], which will delete working files, everything that can be rebuilt with a [[make]] command, and everything that can be rebuilt at all, respectively. <>= .PHONY : clean clobber install : install -m 0755 -d ${BASEDIR}/sbin install -m 0755 ifup ${BASEDIR}/sbin ln ${BASEDIR}/sbin/ifup ${BASEDIR}/sbin/ifdown ln ${BASEDIR}/sbin/ifup ${BASEDIR}/sbin/ifquery clean : rm -f *.aux *.toc *.log *.bbl *.blg *.ps *.eps *.pdf rm -f *.o *.d $(patsubst %.defn,%.c,$(DEFNFILES)) *~ rm -f $(patsubst %.defn,%.man,$(DEFNFILES)) rm -f ifup ifdown ifquery interfaces.5 ifdown.8 ifquery.8 rm -f ifupdown.dvi *.ps{,.gz} clobber : clean rm -f ifupdown.tex $(PERLFILES) $(CFILES) $(HFILES) $(DEFNFILES) distclean : clobber rm -f makecdep.sh makenwdep.sh Makefile @ We have some fairly standard rules to build the printed version of the source code using \LaTeX\ that are, unfortunately, not included in [[make(1)]]'s builtin rules, so we'll note them here. <>= %.tex : %.nw noweave -delay -index -latex $< >$@ %.bbl : %.tex biblio.bib latex $< bibtex $(basename $<) %.dvi : %.tex %.bbl latex $< latex $< %.pdf : %.tex %.bbl pdflatex $< pdflatex $< %.ps : %.dvi dvips -o $@ $< %.gz : % gzip --best --stdout $< >$@ @ Additionally, some of [[make]]'s builtin rules are fairly conservative, so we'll encourage it to use a more entertaining method of compiling source code. <>= CFLAGS := -Wall -W -g -O2 -D'IFUPDOWN_VERSION="0.7alpha"' CC := gcc @ \subsection{Graphics} We include a few graphics (made using dia) in this document. We have to express these fairly explicitly, unfortunately. <>= %.eps : %.dia dia --nosplash -e $@ $< %.pdf : %.eps gs -q -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dNOPAUSE -sOutputFile=$@ - < $< @ <>= ifupdown.dvi: modules.eps execution.eps ifupdown.ps: modules.eps execution.eps ifupdown.pdf: modules.pdf execution.pdf @ \subsection{Automatic Dependencies} To build the system, we'll make use of some techniques discussed in \cite{recursivemake} for determining dependencies. Namely, a number of files will have an associated [[.d]] file containing dynamically determined dependency information. The first such file we will construct is the dependency information for [[noweb]] source files, which can be identified by the [[.nw]] extension. <>= %.d: %.nw makenwdep.sh ./makenwdep.sh $< > $@ @ To construct the dependency information, we may use the [[noroots(1)]] command to determine the \emph{root chunks} in the [[noweb]] source (stripping the unwanted [[<<]] and [[>>]] markers as we go, and denoting that in such a way that [[noweb]] doesn't mistakenly think the [[sed]] command is a chunk reference itself), and then noting down appropriate commands to construct the target. <>= <> noroots $FILE | sed 's/^<''<\(.*\)>>$/\1/' | while read chunk; do <> done @ Our dependency information is straightforward. To construct a file from [[noweb]] source, we simply need to run [[notangle(1)]] over it. We add a couple of extra tweaks in order to only update files that were actually changed (the [[cpif(1)]] call), and to handle tabs properly. We also need some extra things to take care of particular types of files. In particular its important to have our scripts marked executable, so we can use them as part of the build process itself, and it's also important to have the dependency information for our C files (which are dealt with next) included at some point. <>= printf "%s : %s\n" "$chunk" "$FILE" case $chunk in *.pl|*.sh) printf "\tnotangle -R\$@ \$< >\$@\n" printf "\tchmod 755 %s\n" "$chunk" ;; *.c) printf "\tnotangle -L -R\$@ \$< | cpif \$@\n" printf "include ${chunk%.c}.d\n" ;; *.h) printf "\tnotangle -L -R\$@ \$< | cpif \$@\n" ;; *) printf "\tnotangle -t8 -R\$@ $< >\$@\n" ;; esac @ Finally, our fairly primitive argument parsing is simply: <>= FILE=$1 if [ "$FILE" = "" -o ! -f "$FILE" ]; then echo "Please specify a .nw file" exit 1 fi @ We have a related system for object files generated from C source code. Since each object file depends not only on its source, but also the headers included in that source, we generate a [[.d]] file indicating exactly which headers need to be checked. <>= %.d: %.c makecdep.sh ./makecdep.sh $< > $@ @ We can do this using [[gcc(1)]]'s convenient [[-MM -MG]] options, which do exactly this, with the added proviso that the [[.d]] file itself can possibly depend on any of the header files being modified (and, in particular, [[#include]] lines being added or deleted). <>= #!/bin/sh <> gcc -MM -MG $FILE | sed -e 's@^\(.*\)\.o:@\1.o \1.d:@' @ \emph{Deja vu}, anyone? <>= FILE=$1 if [ "$FILE" = "" -o ! -f "$FILE" ]; then echo "Please specify a .c file" exit 1 fi @ To include the generated dependencies in [[Makefile]], we have to be a bit careful. The problem here is that they should not be rebuild when merely the cleaning of the source tree is asked for. Any targets ending in [[clean]], plus the [[clobber]] target prevent the inclusion of the generated dependencies. Unfortunately, [[make]] doesn't allow logical combinations within [[ifeq]] and friends, so we have to simulate this. <>= include-deps := YES ifneq "" "$(filter %clean,$(MAKECMDGOALS))" include-deps := NO endif ifeq "clobber" "$(MAKECMDGOALS)" include-deps := NO endif @ Finally, include the dependency information: <>= ifeq "$(strip $(include-deps))" "YES" include ifupdown.d endif @ \section{Compile Time Configuration} At compile time we need to determine all the possible address families that may be used, and all the methods of setting up interfaces for those address families, along with the various possible options affecting each method. Our key definition at this point is that of the [[address_family]] structure, which encapsulates all the compile time information about each address family. <>= typedef struct address_family address_family; @ <>= struct address_family { char *name; int n_methods; method *method; }; @ Each defined address family will be included in the [[addr_fams]] array, which becomes the \emph{raison d'\^etre} of the [[addrfam]] module. <>= extern address_family *addr_fams[]; @ Each address family incorporates a number of methods, which encapsulate various ways of configuring an interface for a particular address family. There are three components of a method: two sets of commands to bring an interface up and down, a number of options for the commands, and a set of conversion functions to allow programmatic manipulation of the options. <>= typedef struct method method; @ <>= struct method { char *name; command_set *up, *down; conversion *conversions; }; @ Each command set is implemented as a single function, accepting two parameters: the definitions of the interface the commands should deal with, and the function that should be used to execute them. See the [[execute]] module for more details. <>= typedef int (execfn)(char *command); typedef int (command_set)(interface_defn *ifd, execfn *e); @ Each conversion is implemented as a mapping from an option name, to a function that updates that option's value or adds a new variable which value is the result of conversion, as follows: <>= typedef struct conversion conversion; @ <>= struct conversion { char *option; char *newoption; void (*fn)(char **); }; @ As our compile-time configuration is done at, well, compile-time, there is little need for functions in the actual module, and we can make do with a single exported array. <>= #include #include "header.h" <
> address_family *addr_fams[] = { <
> NULL }; @ \subsection{Generating C Code} Unfortunately, while the [[.defn]] representation is reasonably convenient for human use, it's less convenient for a compiler. As such, at build time, we will build a single structure of type [[address_family]] in a separate module, and reference that from [[addrfam.c]]. Naturally, we'll use a [[perl]] script to convert [[.defn]] files to C code. <>= %.c : %.defn defn2c.pl ./defn2c.pl $< > $@ @ The functionality of our program is pretty basic: read from the file specified as the argument, output to [[stdout]]; and correspondingly the structure of the program is similarly simple. We make use of a couple of global variables, a few helpful subroutines, and then build our C program. <>= #!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; # declarations <> # subroutines <> # main code <> <> <> @ Clearly we need to reference some of the data structures we defined above, so we can begin with the rather trivial: <>= print "#include \n"; print "#include \"header.h\"\n\n\n"; @ The overall purpose of the C code we're trying to construct is to define a structure of type [[address_family]], and have it externally visible. So we'd like to declare a statically-initialized structure of this type, and be done with it. To do this, however, we need to have some way of uniquely identifying the structure to avoid naming conflicts. We'll do this by assuming we have a previously initialized variable, [[$address_family]], and that names of the form [[addr_foo]] won't be used elsewhere. <>= my $address_family = ""; @ We also need to reference an array of pointers to this address family's [[method]]s, which will have to be initialized separately. We'll assume that previous code will create such a structure, and call it (imaginatively) [[methods]]. <>= <> print <>= my %methods = (); @ We'll use standard names, such as [[foo_up]], [[foo_down]], and [[foo_conv]] for the various elements of each method which cannot be defined inline. The two functions and the array will be declared static to avoid name conflicts. <>= print "static method methods[] = {\n"; my $method; foreach $method (keys %methods) { print <>= my $line = ""; @ Our semantics for this variable will be basically that it contains a valid, meaningful input line. It won't be blank, or contain comments, and if there aren't any more lines to be read, it will evaluate to [[false]]. In order to keep these semantics, we'll use the subroutine [[nextline]] to update it. (Since we'll later find we'll want to reuse this subroutine, we'll keep it in a chunk of its own) <>= <<[[nextline]] subroutine>> @ <<[[nextline]] subroutine>>= sub nextline { $line = <>; while($line and ($line =~ /^#/ or $line =~ /^\s*$/)) { $line = <>; } if (!$line) { return 0; } chomp $line; while ($line =~ m/^(.*)\\$/) { my $addon = <>; chomp $addon; $line = $1 . $addon; } return 1; } @ Our high-level logic then looks basically like: <>= nextline; while($line) { <> # ...otherwise die("Unknown command \"$line\""); } @ To make all this stuff easier, we'll use a `matching' function to help with parsing lines: basically, given a line, a command, and possibly an indentation prefix (eg [[" "]]). (As with [[nextline]], this will also be useful to reuse, hence it has its own pair of chunks, too) <>= my $match = ""; @ <>= <<[[match]] subroutine>> @ <<[[match]] subroutine>>= sub match { my $line = $_[0]; my $cmd = "$_[1]" ? "$_[1]\\b\\s*" : "";; my $indentexp = (@_ == 3) ? "$_[2]\\s+" : ""; if ($line =~ /^${indentexp}${cmd}(([^\s](.*[^\s])?)?)\s*$/) { $match = $1; return 1; } else { return 0; } } @ Okay. So, the first line we expect to see is the name of the address family we're defining. <>= if (match($line, "address_family")) { get_address_family $match; next; } @ This is, as you'd imagine, pretty simple to deal with. We just need to store the address family's name, and move on to the next line. <>= sub get_address_family { $address_family = $_[0] if ($address_family eq ""); nextline; } @ Which brings us to determining the architecture. <>= if (match($line, "architecture")) { get_architecture $match; next; } @ You'd never guess what, but it's just as easy as the address family thing was. <>= sub get_architecture { my $arch = $_[0]; die("architecture declaration appears too late") if (keys %methods); print "#include \"arch${arch}.h\"\n\n\n"; nextline; } @ Which leaves us with the hard bit, actually creating the functions and array for each method. <>= if (match($line, "method")) { get_method $match; next; } @ The basic premise is to check for each of our options in a given order: if they don't match, then we can presume they don't exist --- any errors will be reported when the main function finds something weird going on. All we really have to take care of so far is ensuring an appropriate level of indentation, and that we're not defining the same method twice. <>= sub get_method { my $method = $_[0]; my $indent = ($line =~ /(\s*)[^\s]/) ? $1 : ""; my @options = (); my @variables = (); die "Duplicate method $method\n" if ($methods{$method}++); nextline; <> <> <> <> <> <> } @ The description section is just a documentation chunk, and hence isn't at all relevant for the C code. <>= if (match($line, "description", $indent)) { skip_section(); } @ Skipping a section is fairly easy: we just need to check alignments. This is yet another subroutine that'll come in handy elsewhere. <>= <<[[skip_section]] subroutine>> @ <<[[skip_section]] subroutine>>= sub skip_section { my $struct = $_[0]; my $indent = ($line =~ /(\s*)[^\s]/) ? $1 : ""; 1 while (nextline && match($line, "", $indent)); } @ The options section is processed to check later that no repetitive options created by the conversions. <>= if (match($line, "options", $indent)) { @options = get_options(); } @ <>= if (@options) { foreach my $o (@options) { if ($o =~ m/^\s*(\S*)\s*(.*)\s+--\s+(\S.*)$/) { my $opt = $1; my $optargs = $2; my $dsc = $3; push @variables, $opt; } } } @ Checking the various relevant components of each method is fairly simple: we need to see if it exists, and if it does, parse and output it, while if it doesn't, we need to output a place holder. <>= if (match($line, "up", $indent)) { get_commands(${method}, "up"); } else { print "static int _${method}_up(interface_defn ifd) { return 0; }\n" } @ <>= if (match($line, "down", $indent)) { get_commands(${method}, "down"); } else { print "static int _${method}_down(interface_defn ifd) { return 0; }\n" } @ <>= print "static conversion _${method}_conv[] = {\n"; if (match($line, "conversion", $indent)) { while (nextline && match($line, "", "$indent ")) { my $foo = $line; $foo =~ s/^\s+//; my ($option, $fn, $newoption) = split(/ /, $foo); if ($newoption) { $newoption =~ s/^=//; die "Duplicate option use: $newoption (from $method/$option)" if (grep $_ eq $newoption, @variables); push @variables, $newoption; print "\t{ \"$option\", \"$newoption\", $fn },\n"; } else { print "\t{ \"$option\", NULL, $fn },\n"; } } } print "\t\t{ NULL, NULL, NULL },\n"; print "};\n"; @ <>= sub get_commands { my $method = $_[0]; my $mode = $_[1]; my $function = "_${method}_${mode}"; my $indent = ($line =~ /(\s*)[^\s]/) ? $1 : ""; print "static int ${function}(interface_defn *ifd, execfn *exec) {\n"; while (nextline && match($line, "", $indent)) { if ( $match =~ /^(.*[^\s])\s+if\s*\((.*)\)\s*$/ ) { print "if ( $2 ) {\n"; print " if (!execute(\"$1\", ifd, exec)) return 0;\n"; print "}\n"; } elsif ( $match =~ /^(.*[^\s])\s+elsif\s*\((.*)\)\s*$/ ) { print "else if ( $2 ) {\n"; print " if (!execute(\"$1\", ifd, exec)) return 0;\n"; print "}\n"; } elsif ( $match =~ /^(.*[^\s])\s*$/ ) { print "{\n"; print " if (!execute(\"$1\", ifd, exec)) return 0;\n"; print "}\n"; } } print "return 1;\n"; print "}\n"; } @ \subsection{Building Manual Pages} So having C code is all very well, but if you want to ignore all user problems with a casual ``RTFM!'' there has to be some semblance of an M for them to R. So we need a script to generate some useful descriptions of the various methods. We'll achieve this by making another Perl script, [[defn2man.pl]], which will generate fragments of [[troff]] that can be catted together with a general overview of [[ifupdown]] to produce real manpages. <>= %.man: %.defn defn2man.pl ./defn2man.pl $< > $@ @ So we'll use a similar structure to [[defn2c.pl]]. <>= #!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; # declarations <> # subroutines <> # main code <> @ As predicted, we'll also incorporate [[nextline]], [[match]] and [[skip_section]]: <>= my $line; my $match; @ <>= <<[[nextline]] subroutine>> <<[[match]] subroutine>> <<[[skip_section]] subroutine>> @ Now we'll have a slightly different structure to the program itself this time, since we need to do things pretty much in order for outputting the manpage. This imposes stricter ordering requirements on the [[.defn]] files than [[defn2c]] did. <>= nextline; if ($line and match($line, "address_family")) { get_address_family $match; } else { die "address_family must be listed first\n"; } if ($line and match($line, "architecture")) { get_architecture $match; } while ($line and match($line, "method")) { get_method $match; } @ Okay, so it wasn't \emph{that} different from what we had before. Sue me. The [[get_address_family]] and [[get_architecture]] subroutines are fairly straight forward: <>= sub get_address_family { print ".SH " . uc($match) . " ADDRESS FAMILY\n"; print "This section documents the methods available in the\n"; print "$match address family.\n"; nextline; } @ <>= sub get_architecture { # no op nextline; } @ Which only leaves extracting the description and options for each method. And, of course, this imposes less restrictions of the [[.defn]] file than [[defn2c.pl]] did. It's a crazy old world. <>= sub get_method { my $method = shift; my $indent = ($line =~ /(\s*)\S/) ? $1 : ""; my $description = ""; my @options = (); nextline; while ($line and match($line, "", $indent)) { if (match($line, "description", $indent)) { $description = get_description(); } elsif (match($line, "options", $indent)) { @options = get_options(); } else { skip_section; } } <> <> <> } @ <>= print ".SS The $method Method\n"; @ Okay. Now our [[$description]] is just the description with any [['\n']] characters it may've had, but without the leading spaces. <>= sub get_description { my $desc = ""; my $indent = ($line =~ /(\s*)\S/) ? $1 : ""; while(nextline && match($line, "", $indent)) { $desc .= "$match\n"; } return $desc; } @ We're actually going to be a little tricky here, and allow some formatting in our descriptions. Basically, we'll allow bold and italic encoding to be denoted by [[*bold*]] and [[/italics/]] in the wonderful Usenet tradition. As such, we'll use a cute little function to convert the Usenet style to \emph{roff}. We'll also take care not to do this conversion within words (for things like [[/etc/hosts]], eg). Voila: <>= sub usenet2man { my $in = shift; my $out = ""; $in =~ s/\s+/ /g; while ($in =~ m%^([^*/]*)([*/])([^*/]*)([*/])(.*)$%s) { my ($pre, $l, $mid, $r, $post) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5); if ($l eq $r && " $pre" =~ m/[[:punct:][:space:]]$/ && "$post " =~ m/^[[:punct:][:space:]]/) { $out .= $pre; $out .= ($l eq "*" ? '\fB' : '\fI') . $mid . '\fP'; ($in = $post) =~ s/^\s+/ /; } else { $out .= $pre . $l; $in = $mid . $r . $post; } } return $out . $in; } @ The only further thing to note about this is that we're being careless and ignoring the possibility of \emph{roff} escape sequences in the input. But since this is for internal use only, well, too bad. So here we go: <>= if ($description ne "") { print usenet2man($description) . "\n"; } else { print "(No description)\n"; } @ Damn that was fun. Reading the options is almost exactly the same as the description, except we want a list instead of just a string. <>= <<[[get_options]] fragment>> @ <>= <<[[get_options]] fragment>> @ <<[[get_options]] fragment>>= sub get_options { my @opts = (); my $indent = ($line =~ /(\s*)\S/) ? $1 : ""; while(nextline && match($line, "", $indent)) { push @opts, $match; } return @opts; } @ Output is slightly more complicated, but not too much so. <>= print ".PP\n"; print ".B Options\n"; print ".RS\n"; if (@options) { foreach my $o (@options) { if ($o =~ m/^\s*(\S*)\s*(.*)\s+--\s+(\S.*)$/) { my $opt = $1; my $optargs = $2; my $dsc = $3; print ".TP\n"; print ".BI $opt"; print " \" $optargs\"" unless($optargs =~ m/^\s*$/); print "\n"; print usenet2man($dsc) . "\n"; } else { print ".TP\n"; print ".B $o\n"; } } } else { print ".TP\n"; print "(No options)\n"; } print ".RE\n"; @ \section{Run-time Configuration} Our module is of the usual form, and we'll make use of a few fairly standard headers. Please move along, there's nothing to see here. <>= <> <> <> @ <>= #include #include #include #include #include @ We'll also make use of some of our other modules. This is, after all, why we had a single header in the first place. <>= #include "header.h" @ The key function we're interested in defining here is [[read_interfaces()]], which will (wait for it) read an interfaces file. The intention is to make it really easy to deal with the vagaries of [[/etc/network/interfaces]] anywhere else. So the first question we need to deal with is ``What's a convenient form for other functions which deal with interfaces?'' Well, our answer to that is basically: \begin{enumerate} \item an array of interface names that should be brought up at bootup. \item a singly linked list to represent the various mappings. \item another singly linked list to represent the interface definitions themselves. \end{enumerate} These are almost in exact correspondence with the original file. <>= typedef struct interfaces_file interfaces_file; @ <>= struct interfaces_file { allowup_defn *allowups; interface_defn *ifaces; mapping_defn *mappings; }; @ So, at run-time, we first need a way of dealing with the [[auto]] and [[allow-*]] lines. We'll treat [[allow-auto]] and [[auto]] as equivalent, making that pretty straightforward: <>= typedef struct allowup_defn allowup_defn; @ <>= struct allowup_defn { allowup_defn *next; char *when; int max_interfaces; int n_interfaces; char **interfaces; }; @ We also require a way of representing each interface listed in the configuration file. This naturally needs to reference an address family and method, and all the options a user may specify about an interface. <>= typedef struct interface_defn interface_defn; @ <>= struct interface_defn { interface_defn *next; char *logical_iface; char *real_iface; address_family *address_family; method *method; int automatic; int max_options; int n_options; variable *option; }; @ The last component in the above, the options, is represented by a series of name/value pairs, as follows: <>= typedef struct variable variable; @ <>= struct variable { char *name; char *value; }; @ We'll define a function to help us build arrays of these [[variables]]. It's fairly straightforward: to add a variable, we simply construct a new structure and add it at the end of our array of variables, increasing the size of the array first if necessary. <>= void add_variable(char *filename, char *name, char *value, variable **var, int *n_vars, int *max_vars); @ <>= void add_variable(char *filename, char *name, char *value, variable **var, int *n_vars, int *max_vars) { if (*n_vars >= *max_vars) { variable *new_var; *max_vars += 10; new_var = realloc(*var, sizeof(variable) * *max_vars); if (new_var == NULL) { <> } *var = new_var; } (*var)[*n_vars].name = strdup(name); (*var)[*n_vars].value = strdup(value); if (!(*var)[*n_vars].name) { <> } if (!(*var)[*n_vars].value) { <> } (*n_vars)++; } @ In addition, we want to represent each mapping in the configuration file. This is somewhat simpler, since each mapping is entirely self contained, and doesn't need to reference previously determined address families or methods or anything. <>= typedef struct mapping_defn mapping_defn; @ <>= struct mapping_defn { mapping_defn *next; int max_matches; int n_matches; char **match; char *script; int max_mappings; int n_mappings; char **mapping; }; @ We can thus begin to instantiate our actual function. What we want is something that, given the name of a file, will produce the appropriate linked list of interfaces defined in it, or possibly give some sort of helpful error message. Pretty simple, hey? <>= interfaces_file *read_interfaces(char *filename); interfaces_file *read_interfaces_defn(interfaces_file *defn, char *filename); @ <>= interfaces_file *read_interfaces(char *filename) { interfaces_file *defn; <> return read_interfaces_defn(defn, filename); } interfaces_file *read_interfaces_defn(interfaces_file *defn, char *filename) { <> <> while (<>) { <> } if (<>) { <> } <> <> return defn; } @ <>= defn = malloc(sizeof(interfaces_file)); if (defn == NULL) { return NULL; } defn->allowups = NULL; defn->mappings = NULL; defn->ifaces = NULL; @ <>= currif = defn->ifaces; while (currif) { <> currif = currif->next; } @ \subsection{File Handling} So, the first and most obvious thing to deal with is the file handling. Nothing particularly imaginative here. <>= FILE *f; int line; @ <>= f = fopen(filename, "r"); if ( f == NULL ) return NULL; line = 0; @ <>= fclose(f); line = -1; @ \subsection{Line Parsing} Our next problem is to work out how to read a single line from our input file. While this is nominally easy, we also want to deal nicely with things like continued lines, comments, and very long lines. So we're going to have to write and make use of a complicated little function, which we'll imaginatively call [[get_line()]]. It will need a pointer to the file it's reading from, as well as a buffer to store the line it finds. Since this buffer's size can't be known in advance we'll need to make it [[realloc()]]-able, which means we need to pass around references to both the buffer's location (which may change), and it's size (which probably will). Our function declaration is thus: <>= static int get_line(char **result, size_t *result_len, FILE *f, int *line); @ To use it, we'll need a couple of variables to stores the buffer's location, and it's current length. <>= char *buf = NULL; size_t buf_len = 0; @ Given these, and presuming we can actually implement the function, our key chunk can thus be implemented simply as: <>= get_line(&buf,&buf_len,f,&line) @ We'll also add the requirement that errors are indicated by the [[errno]] variable being non-zero, which is usual and reasonable for all the circumstances where [[get_line()]] might have problems. <>= #include @ <>= ferror(f) != 0 @ Actually defining the function is, as you'd probably imagine, a little more complicated. We begin by reading a line from the file. If it was a comment (that is, it has a [[#]] character at the first non-blank position) then we try again. Otherwise, if the line is continued (indicated by a [[\]] character at the very end of the line) we append the next line to the buffer. We go to a little bit of effort to trim whitespace, and finally return a boolean result indicating whether we got a line or not. <>= static int get_line(char **result, size_t *result_len, FILE *f, int *line) { <> do { <> <> <> } while (<>); while (<>) { <> <> } <> return 1; } @ In order to do string concatenation efficiently, we'll keep track of where the end of the line so far is --- this is thus where the terminating [[NUL]] will be by the end of the function. <>= size_t pos; @ We can thus clear the buffer by simply resetting where we append new text to the beginning of the buffer. What could be simpler? <>= pos = 0; @ We'll be making use of the [[fgets()]] function to read the line (rather than, say, [[fgetc()]]) so to get an entire line we may have to make multiple attempts (if the line is bigger than our buffer). Realising this, and the fact that we may not have any allocated space for our buffer initially, we need a loop something like: <>= do { <> <> } while(<>); <> (*line)++; assert( (*result)[pos] == '\0' ); @ When reallocating the buffer, we need to make sure it increases in chunks large enough that we don't have to do this too often, but not so huge that we run out of memory just to read an 81 character line. We'll use two fairly simple heuristics for this: if we've got room to add no more than 10 characters, we may as well reallocate the buffer, and when reallocating, we want to more or less double the buffer, but we want to at least add 80 characters. So we do both. <>= if (*result_len - pos < 10) { char *newstr = realloc(*result, *result_len * 2 + 80); if (newstr == NULL) { return 0; } *result = newstr; *result_len = *result_len * 2 + 80; } @ The only time we need to keep reading is when the buffer wasn't big enough for the entire line. This is indicated by a full buffer, with no newline at the end. There is, actually, one case where this can happen legitimately --- where the last line of the file is \emph{exactly} the length of the buffer. We need to detect this because [[fgets()]] will return [[NULL]] and indicate that it's hit the end of the file, but we won't want to indicate that until the \emph{next} time we try to get a line. Complicated, isn't it? <>= pos == *result_len - 1 && (*result)[pos-1] != '\n' @ So having thought through all that, actually working with [[fgets()]] is fairly simple, especially since we deal with the actual errors elsewhere. All we need to do is make the call, update [[pos]] and check that the problems [[fgets()]] may have actually bother us. <>= if (!fgets(*result + pos, *result_len - pos, f)) { if (ferror(f) == 0 && pos == 0) return 0; if (ferror(f) != 0) return 0; } pos += strlen(*result + pos); @ [[fgets()]] leaves a [[\n]] in our buffer in some cases. We're never actually interested in it, however, so it's a good move to get rid of it. <>= if (pos != 0 && (*result)[pos-1] == '\n') { (*result)[--pos] = '\0'; } @ Pretty simple, hey? Now the next thing we want to do is get rid of some of the whitespace lying about. This is all pretty basic, and just involves finding where the whitespace begins and ends, and, well, getting rid of it. <>= #include @ <>= { int first = 0; while (isspace((*result)[first]) && (*result)[first]) { first++; } memmove(*result, *result + first, pos - first + 1); pos -= first; } @ <>= while (isspace((*result)[pos-1])) { /* remove trailing whitespace */ pos--; } (*result)[pos] = '\0'; @ As we mentioned earlier, a line is a comment iff it's first character is a [[#]] symbol. Similarly, it's continued iff it's very last character is a [[\]]. And, rather obviously, if we want to remove a single trailing [[\]], we can do so by changing it to a [[NUL]]. <>= (*result)[0] == '#' @ <>= (*result)[pos-1] == '\\' @ <>= (*result)[--pos] = '\0'; @ \subsection{Line Processing} So. We've gone to a lot of trouble to get a line that we can parse with a snap of our fingers, so we probably better jump to it, to mix some \emph{clich\'e's}. We have two alternative bits of state to maintain between lines: either what interface we're currently defining, or what mapping we're currently defining. <>= interface_defn *currif = NULL; mapping_defn *currmap = NULL; enum { NONE, IFACE, MAPPING } currently_processing = NONE; @ Since our configuration files are pretty basic, we can work out what any particular line means based on the first word in it. To cope with this, we'll thus make use of a couple of variables, one to store the first word, and the other to store the rest of the line. <>= char firstword[80]; char *rest; @ To initialize these variables we'll make use of a function I'm overly fond of called [[next_word()]]. It copies the first word in a string to a given buffer, and returns a pointer to the rest of the buffer. <>= static char *next_word(char *buf, char *word, int maxlen); @ <>= static char *next_word(char *buf, char *word, int maxlen) { if (!buf) return NULL; if (!*buf) return NULL; while(!isspace(*buf) && *buf) { if (maxlen-- > 1) *word++ = *buf; buf++; } if (maxlen > 0) *word = '\0'; while(isspace(*buf) && *buf) buf++; return buf; } @ So after all this, there are basically three different sorts of line we can get: the start of a new interface, the start of a new mapping, or an option for whatever interface we're currently working with. Note that we check for blank lines, but \emph{not} for options with empty values. This has to be done on a case-by-case basis. <>= rest = next_word(buf, firstword, 80); if (rest == NULL) continue; /* blank line */ if (strcmp(firstword, "mapping") == 0) { <> currently_processing = MAPPING; } else if (strcmp(firstword, "source") == 0) { <> currently_processing = NONE; } else if (strcmp(firstword, "iface") == 0) { <> currently_processing = IFACE; } else if (strcmp(firstword, "auto") == 0) { <> currently_processing = NONE; } else if (strncmp(firstword, "allow-", 6) == 0 && strlen(firstword) > 6) { <> currently_processing = NONE; } else { <> } @ <>= switch(currently_processing) { case IFACE: <> break; case MAPPING: <> break; case NONE: default: <> } @ \subsubsection{Source Line} When processing the [[source]] stanza, we use [[wordexp]] function to expand wildcards and environment variables. <>= #include @ We use [[WRDE_NOCMD]] flag, so no command substitution occurs because of security concerns. Then we go through the output array and read interfaces recursively into already allocated [[defn]]. <>= wordexp_t p; char ** w; int i; int fail = wordexp(rest, &p, WRDE_NOCMD); if (!fail) { w = p.we_wordv; for (i = 0; i < p.we_wordc; i++) { read_interfaces_defn(defn, w[i]); } wordfree(&p); } @ \subsubsection{Mapping Line} Declaring a new mapping is reasonably copewithable --- we need to process a few things, but they're reasonably easy to handle. The main weirdness is that we're processing the [[mapping]] line itself and the rest of the stanza in separate blocks of code. So this first chunk just needs to do the basics of initialising the data structure, but can't really fill in all that much of it. <>= <> <> <> <> @ <>= currmap = malloc(sizeof(mapping_defn)); if (currmap == NULL) { <> } @ <>= currmap->max_matches = 0; currmap->n_matches = 0; currmap->match = NULL; while((rest = next_word(rest, firstword, 80))) { if (currmap->max_matches == currmap->n_matches) { char **tmp; currmap->max_matches = currmap->max_matches * 2 + 1; tmp = realloc(currmap->match, sizeof(*tmp) * currmap->max_matches); if (tmp == NULL) { currmap->max_matches = (currmap->max_matches - 1) / 2; <> } currmap->match = tmp; } currmap->match[currmap->n_matches++] = strdup(firstword); } @ <>= currmap->script = NULL; currmap->max_mappings = 0; currmap->n_mappings = 0; currmap->mapping = NULL; @ <>= { mapping_defn **where = &defn->mappings; while(*where != NULL) { where = &(*where)->next; } *where = currmap; currmap->next = NULL; } @ So that's that. But as mentioned, we also need to cope with the options within the stanza, as well as the lead in. As before, it's not really complicated, and we do it thusly: <>= if (strcmp(firstword, "script") == 0) { <> } else if (strcmp(firstword, "map") == 0) { <> } else { <> } @ <>= if (currmap->script != NULL) { <> } else { currmap->script = strdup(rest); } @ <>= if (currmap->max_mappings == currmap->n_mappings) { char **opt; currmap->max_mappings = currmap->max_mappings * 2 + 1; opt = realloc(currmap->mapping, sizeof(*opt) * currmap->max_mappings); if (opt == NULL) { <> } currmap->mapping = opt; } currmap->mapping[currmap->n_mappings] = strdup(rest); currmap->n_mappings++; @ \subsubsection{Interface line} Declaring a new interface follows the same pattern, but is somewhat more interesting and some more complicated data structures are involved. <>= { <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> } @ We'll deal with each of these phases one by one and pretty much in order, so prepare yourself for the intense excitement of memory allocation! <>= currif = malloc(sizeof(interface_defn)); if (!currif) { <> } @ When we introduce a new interface, we simultaneously name the interface, the address family, and the method. We cope with this by, well, getting somewhere to store each of them, and then, well, storing them. <>= char iface_name[80]; char address_family_name[80]; char method_name[80]; @ <>= rest = next_word(rest, iface_name, 80); rest = next_word(rest, address_family_name, 80); rest = next_word(rest, method_name, 80); if (rest == NULL) { <> } if (rest[0] != '\0') { <> } @ We then want to store the interface name. <>= currif->logical_iface = strdup(iface_name); if (!currif->logical_iface) { <> } @ Setting the address family is a little more involved, because it's not very useful to know what the name of the address family is, you really want to know all the details recorded in the appropriate [[address_family]] structure. So we'll make use of a little helper function, called [[get_address_family()]] to convert the useless string, to the hopefully less useless structure. <>= static address_family *get_address_family(address_family *af[], char *name); @ <>= currif->address_family = get_address_family(addr_fams, address_family_name); if (!currif->address_family) { <> } @ Of course, we probably need to actually implement the function too. We won't do anything particularly fancy here, just a simple linear search. \emph{Should this really be here, or an exported symbol from [[addrfam.c]]? --- aj} <>= static address_family *get_address_family(address_family *af[], char *name) { int i; for (i = 0; af[i]; i++) { if (strcmp(af[i]->name, name) == 0) { return af[i]; } } return NULL; } @ We do something incredibly similar when dealing with the method the user wishes to use, and we do it for incredibly similar reasons. Again we declare a cute little helper function, this time imaginatively called [[get_method()]], and then go and use it and implement in almost exactly the same way as before. I told you this was going to be a thrill. \emph{The same note applies here, too --- aj} <>= static method *get_method(address_family *af, char *name); @ <>= currif->method = get_method(currif->address_family, method_name); if (!currif->method) { <> return NULL; /* FIXME */ } @ <>= static method *get_method(address_family *af, char *name) { int i; for (i = 0; i < af->n_methods; i++) { if (strcmp(af->method[i].name, name) == 0) { return &af->method[i]; } } return NULL; } @ You'll continue to be enthralled as we set the remaining options to some default values. <>= currif->automatic = 1; currif->max_options = 0; currif->n_options = 0; currif->option = NULL; @ Since we want to keep the interfaces in order, we have to go all the way to the end of the list of interfaces to add the new interface, and we can hence set the [[next]] pointer to NULL in all cases. Gee. Whiz. We allow multiple interface definitions just to cope well with multiple network addresses which can be assigned to the same interface (which is a standard feature in IPv6, for example). <>= { interface_defn **where = &defn->ifaces; while(*where != NULL) { where = &(*where)->next; } *where = currif; currif->next = NULL; } @ Dealing with the per-interface options is the next thing to deal with. <>= <> <> <> <> @ <>= if (strcmp(firstword, "post-up") == 0) { strcpy(firstword, "up"); } if (strcmp(firstword, "pre-down") == 0) { strcpy(firstword, "down"); } @ <>= { int i; if (strlen (rest) == 0) { <> } if (strcmp(firstword, "pre-up") != 0 && strcmp(firstword, "up") != 0 && strcmp(firstword, "down") != 0 && strcmp(firstword, "post-down") != 0) { for (i = 0; i < currif->n_options; i++) { if (strcmp(currif->option[i].name, firstword) == 0) { <> } } } } @ When no metric is defined in interface_defn we use 100 to allow network manager routes to win. <>= { int i; int found = 0; for (i = 0; i < currif->n_options; i++) { if (!strcmp("metric", currif->option[i].name)) { found = 1; break; } } if (!found) add_variable(filename, "metric", "100", &currif->option, &currif->n_options, &currif->max_options); } @ Given the previous definition of [[add_variable()]] adding an option is straightforward. <>= add_variable(filename, firstword, rest, &currif->option, &currif->n_options, &currif->max_options); @ If it is necessary, convert the option. If the conversion specifies a new option name, add a new option of that name prior to calling the conversion function. Also, we allow more than one conversion for the one variable to happen, so we iterate over the whole list of them and do not break the loop after the first match. <>= { conversion *c; variable *o = &currif->option[currif->n_options - 1]; for (c = currif->method->conversions; c && c->option && c->fn; c++) { if (strcmp(c->option, o->name) == 0) { if (c->newoption) { add_variable(filename, c->newoption, rest, &currif->option, &currif->n_options, &currif->max_options); variable *o2 = &currif->option[currif->n_options - 1]; c->fn(&o2->value); } else { c->fn(&o->value); } } } } @ \subsubsection{Auto and Allow Lines} Processing the [[auto]] and [[allow-]] lines is pretty straightforward after the above, we just need to add each parameter to the list and check for duplicates. Since we're doing essentially the same thing twice, we'll break the common part out into a function. <>= allowup_defn *auto_ups = get_allowup(&defn->allowups, "auto"); if (!auto_ups) { <> } while((rest = next_word(rest, firstword, 80))) { if (!add_allow_up(filename, line, auto_ups, firstword)) return NULL; } @ <>= allowup_defn *allow_ups = get_allowup(&defn->allowups, firstword + 6); if (!allow_ups) { <> } while((rest = next_word(rest, firstword, 80))) { if (!add_allow_up(filename, line, allow_ups, firstword)) return NULL; } @ <>= allowup_defn *get_allowup(allowup_defn **allowups, char *name); <>= allowup_defn *get_allowup(allowup_defn **allowups, char *name) { for (; *allowups; allowups = &(*allowups)->next) { if (strcmp((*allowups)->when, name) == 0) break; } if (*allowups == NULL) { *allowups = malloc(sizeof(allowup_defn)); if (*allowups == NULL) return NULL; (*allowups)->when = strdup(name); (*allowups)->next = NULL; (*allowups)->max_interfaces = 0; (*allowups)->n_interfaces = 0; (*allowups)->interfaces = NULL; } return *allowups; } @ We'll want to export a little helper function to make finding the appropriate allowup easier too: <>= allowup_defn *find_allowup(interfaces_file *defn, char *name); @ <>= allowup_defn *find_allowup(interfaces_file *defn, char *name) { allowup_defn *allowups = defn->allowups; for (; allowups; allowups = allowups->next) { if (strcmp(allowups->when, name) == 0) break; } return allowups; } @ <>= allowup_defn *add_allow_up(char *filename, int line, allowup_defn *allow_up, char *iface_name); @ <>= allowup_defn *add_allow_up(char *filename, int line, allowup_defn *allow_up, char *iface_name) { <> <> return allow_up; } @ <>= { int i; for (i = 0; i < allow_up->n_interfaces; i++) { if (strcmp(iface_name, allow_up->interfaces[i]) == 0) { <> } } } @ <>= if (allow_up->n_interfaces == allow_up->max_interfaces) { char **tmp; allow_up->max_interfaces *= 2; allow_up->max_interfaces++; tmp = realloc(allow_up->interfaces, sizeof(*tmp) * allow_up->max_interfaces); if (tmp == NULL) { <> } allow_up->interfaces = tmp; } allow_up->interfaces[allow_up->n_interfaces] = strdup(iface_name); allow_up->n_interfaces++; @ \subsection{Error Handling} We don't do anything too fancy about handling errors that occur, we just print out a hopefully helpful error message, and return from the function. \emph{We probably should also go to some effort to close files, and free memory, but well, you know. Maybe version $n+1$. --- aj} <>= perror(filename); return NULL; @ <>= fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: too few parameters for iface line\n", filename, line); return NULL; @ <>= fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: too many parameters for iface line\n", filename, line); return NULL; @ <>= fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: unknown address type\n", filename, line); return NULL; @ <>= fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: unknown method\n", filename, line); return NULL; @ <>= fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: interface %s declared allow-%s twice\n", filename, line, iface_name, allow_up->when); return NULL; @ <>= fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: duplicate option\n", filename, line); return NULL; @ <>= fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: duplicate script in mapping\n", filename, line); return NULL; @ <>= fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: misplaced option\n", filename, line); return NULL; @ <>= fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: option with empty value\n", filename, line); return NULL; @ \section{Execution} The [[execute]] module will be laid out in the standard manner, and will make use of the usual header files. <>= <> <> <> <> @ <>= #include #include #include #include #include #include "header.h" @ The key functions we export from here are all the functions that as a fairly direct result run some executable. \begin{itemize} \item [[iface_up()]] and [[iface_down()]] which will actually configure or deconfigure an interface. \item [[iface_list()]] which permits querying a list of known interfaces by class. \item [[iface_query()]], to query configuration details about a specific interface by name. \item [[execute()]] which will take an interface definition and a command and fill in the details from the first into the second, and the execute the result. This is basically just a callback for the address family module. \item [[run_mapping()]] which will run a mapping script and determine if a new logical interface should be selected. \end{itemize} We'll discuss each of these in order. \subsection{Interface Configuration and Deconfiguration} Most of the complexity is involved in implementing the [[iface_up()]] and [[iface_down()]] functions. These are complicated enough that an explanatory diagram is probably useful: \begin{center} \includegraphics[height=60mm]{execution} \end{center} At a conceptual level, [[iface_up()]] and [[iface_down()]] have a reasonably straightforward job: they have to run one set of scripts, then configure or deconfigure the interface, then run another set of scripts. This is complicated slightly in that they also have to handle the possibility that some of an interface's required arguments may be missing (in which case none of the commands should be attempted), and that some of the commands may fail (in which case none of the following commands should be attempted). We've already encoded most of the early-abort logic for the latter case into the address family definitions; so the way we'll handle the the former case is simply to call the address family's method [[up()]] or [[down()]] twice: once to ensure all the variables are appropriately filled out, and once to actually configure the interface. \subsubsection{Command checking} As such, we'll make use of two execution functions, each of which take one parameter, a shell command. We'll uninventively call these [[doit()]] and [[check()]]. They'll return 0 on failure, non-zero on success. [[check()]] is thus fairly trivial: <>= static int check(char *str); @ <>= static int check(char *str) { return str != NULL; } @ \subsubsection{Environment handling} [[doit()]] is much more complicated, mainly by the fact that we don't simply want to just run the programs, but because we also want to setup a sanitized environment. In particular, we want to make the environment variables [[IFACE]], and [[MODE]] available (eg, [[eth0]] and [[start]] respectively), and we want to export all the given options as [[IF_OPTION]], with some sanitisation. We'll do this just once per interface rather than once per command, and so we'll use a global variable to store our new environment, and a special function which will initialise it for us. <>= static char **environ = NULL; @ [[environ]] will be in the format used by the [[execle()]] function call, that is, a [[NULL]]-terminated array of strings of the form [[foo=bar]]. <>= static void set_environ(interface_defn *iface, char *mode, char *phase); @ Our function then will be: <>= static void set_environ(interface_defn *iface, char *mode, char *phase) { <> int i; const int n_env_entries = iface->n_options + 8; <> for (i = 0; i < iface->n_options; i++) { <<[[continue]] if option is a command>> <> } <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> } @ Since we keep adding at the end, we'll make use of a pointer to keep track of where the end actually is, namely: <>= char **environend; @ Initialising thus becomes: <>= <> environ = malloc(sizeof(char*) * (n_env_entries + 1 /* for final NULL */)); environend = environ; *environend = NULL; @ <>= { char **ppch; if (environ != NULL) { for (ppch = environ; *ppch; ppch++) { free(*ppch); *ppch = NULL; } free(environ); environ = NULL; } } @ Our continue chunk is also fairly straight forward: <<[[continue]] if option is a command>>= if (strcmp(iface->option[i].name, "pre-up") == 0 || strcmp(iface->option[i].name, "up") == 0 || strcmp(iface->option[i].name, "down") == 0 || strcmp(iface->option[i].name, "post-down") == 0) { continue; } @ We'll make use of a small helper function for actually setting the environment. This function will handle [[malloc]]ing enough memory, and ensuring the environment variable name is reasonably sensible. It'll take three parameters: a [[printf]]-style format string presumed to contain two [[%s]]s, and the two parameters to that format string. <>= static char *setlocalenv(char *format, char *name, char *value); @ We can then go ahead and fill in the environment. <>= *(environend++) = setlocalenv("IF_%s=%s", iface->option[i].name, iface->option[i].value); *environend = NULL; @ <>= *(environend++) = setlocalenv("%s=%s", "IFACE", iface->real_iface); *environend = NULL; @ <>= *(environend++) = setlocalenv("%s=%s", "LOGICAL", iface->logical_iface); *environend = NULL; @ <>= *(environend++) = setlocalenv("%s=%s", "MODE", mode); *environend = NULL; @ <>= *(environend++) = setlocalenv("%s=%s", "PHASE", phase); *environend = NULL; @ <>= *(environend++) = setlocalenv("%s=%s", "PATH", "/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin"); *environend = NULL; @ <>= *(environend++) = setlocalenv("%s=%s", "VERBOSITY", verbose ? "1" : "0"); *environend = NULL; @ <>= *(environend++) = setlocalenv("%s=%s", "ADDRFAM", iface->address_family->name); *environend = NULL; @ <>= *(environend++) = setlocalenv("%s=%s", "METHOD", iface->method->name); *environend = NULL; @ Our helper function then will then be something like: <>= static char *setlocalenv(char *format, char *name, char *value) { char *result; <> sprintf(result, format, name, value); <> return result; } @ Allocating the memory is fairly straightforward (although working out exactly how much memory involves a little guesswork, and assuming the caller passes in a reasonable [[format]]). <>= result = malloc(strlen(format) /* -4 for the two %s's */ + strlen(name) + strlen(value) + 1); if (!result) { perror("malloc"); exit(1); } @ And finally, tidying the result is a fairly simple matter of eliding all the characters we don't like, or translating them to ones we do like. We do like upper case letters, digits and underscores; and we're willing to translate hyphens and lower case letters. So here we go. <>= { char *here, *there; for(here = there = result; *there != '=' && *there; there++) { if (*there == '-') *there = '_'; if (isalpha(*there)) *there = toupper(*there); if (isalnum(*there) || *there == '_') { *here = *there; here++; } } memmove(here, there, strlen(there) + 1); } @ \subsubsection{Command Execution} Our [[doit()]] function is then essentially a rewrite of the standard [[system()]] function call. The only additions are that we setup our child's environment as discussed previously, and we make use of two external globals, [[no_act]] and [[verbose]] and modify our behaviour based on those. <>= static int doit(char *str); @ <>= static int doit(char *str) { assert(str); if (verbose || no_act) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", str); } if (!no_act) { pid_t child; int status; fflush(NULL); switch(child = fork()) { case -1: /* failure */ return 0; case 0: /* child */ execle("/bin/sh", "/bin/sh", "-c", str, NULL, environ); exit(127); default: /* parent */ break; } waitpid(child, &status, 0); if (!WIFEXITED(status) || WEXITSTATUS(status) != 0) return 0; } return 1; } @ \subsubsection{Executing a list of commands} In addition to the above, we also need a function to cope with running all the [[pre-up]] commands and so forth. <>= int execute_all(interface_defn *ifd, execfn *exec, char *opt); @ All we need to do for this is to iterate through the options in the interface definition, and execute whichever ones are the right type, and call the [[run-parts]] command on the appropriate directory of scripts. That doesn't make for thrilling code. This function will generally have [[doit]] passed in as the [[exec]] parameter. <>= int execute_all(interface_defn *ifd, execfn *exec, char *opt) { int i; char buf[100]; for (i = 0; i < ifd->n_options; i++) { if (strcmp(ifd->option[i].name, opt) == 0) { if (!(*exec)(ifd->option[i].value)) { return 0; } } } snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "run-parts %s /etc/network/if-%s.d", verbose ? "--verbose" : "", opt); (*exec)(buf); return 1; } @ \subsubsection{[[iface_up()]], [[iface_down()]], [[iface_list()]], and [[iface_query()]]} Our functions, then are: <>= int iface_up(interface_defn *iface); int iface_down(interface_defn *iface); int iface_list(interface_defn *iface); int iface_query(interface_defn *iface); @ <>= int iface_up(interface_defn *iface) { if (!iface->method->up(iface,check)) return -1; set_environ(iface, "start", "pre-up"); if (!execute_all(iface,doit,"pre-up")) return 0; if (!iface->method->up(iface,doit)) return 0; set_environ(iface, "start", "post-up"); if (!execute_all(iface,doit,"up")) return 0; return 1; } @ <>= int iface_down(interface_defn *iface) { if (!iface->method->down(iface,check)) return -1; set_environ(iface, "stop", "pre-down"); if (!execute_all(iface,doit,"down")) return 0; if (!iface->method->down(iface,doit)) return 0; set_environ(iface, "stop", "post-down"); if (!execute_all(iface,doit,"post-down")) return 0; return 1; } @ <>= int iface_list(interface_defn *iface) { printf("%s\n",iface->real_iface); return 0; } @ <>= int iface_query(interface_defn *iface) { int i; for (i = 0; i < iface->n_options; i++) { printf("%s: %s\n",iface->option[i].name, iface->option[i].value); } return 0; } @ \subsection{Command Parsing} All the above just leave one thing out: how the address family method's configuration function gets back to calling [[doit()]]. This function answers that question: <>= int execute(char *command, interface_defn *ifd, execfn *exec); @ At the somewhat abstract level, this is fairly trivial. The devil is in the details of the parsing, which makes up the rest of the module. <>= int execute(char *command, interface_defn *ifd, execfn *exec) { char *out; int ret; out = parse(command, ifd); if (!out) { return 0; } ret = (*exec)(out); free(out); return ret; } @ We'll need a basic parser function, which we'll call [[parse()]], to make the appropriate substitutions into a command. It's probably worth a note as to exactly what substitutions may be made: \begin{itemize} \item Special characters can be escaped with a backslash. eg [[ls MoreThan80\%]]. \item Variables can be substituted by including their name delimeted by percents. eg [[ls %directory%]]. \item Optional components may be enclosed in double square brackets. Optional components will be included exactly when every variable referenced within exists. eg [[ls [[--color=%color%]]][[] %directory%]]. Optional components may be nested. \end{itemize} Most of the parsing is fairly straightforward -- basically, we keep an output buffer, and add things to it as we stroll through the input buffer: either the actual character we want, or whatever the value of the variable we're looking at is, or whatever. The only particularly complicated bit is how we deal with the optional sections, which will be explained when we get to them. <>= static char *parse(char *command, interface_defn *ifd); @ <>= static char *parse(char *command, interface_defn *ifd) { <> while(*command) { switch(*command) { <> } } <> <> } @ \subsubsection{Maintain output buffer} So the first thing we need to do is actually write some code to deal with the output buffer, which will need to be dynamically resized and so on to take care of possibly long strings and what-not. It is the caller's responsibility to [[free()]] this buffer. We'll maintain two extra variables for convenience: who much memory we've allocated [[len]], and where the next character should be stuck [[pos]]. <>= char *result = NULL; size_t pos = 0, len = 0; @ This makes it pretty easy to return the result to the caller, too. <>= return result; @ The main thing to be done to this buffer is to add characters or strings to it. To deal with this, we'll make use of an [[addstr()]] function that resizes the buffer as necessary, and appends a string to it. So we can deal with single characters, and substrings in general, we'll specify the string to be added as a pointer-length combination, rather than as a [[NUL]] terminated string. <>= void addstr(char **buf, size_t *len, size_t *pos, char *str, size_t strlen); @ <>= void addstr(char **buf, size_t *len, size_t *pos, char *str, size_t strlen) { assert(*len >= *pos); assert(*len == 0 || (*buf)[*pos] == '\0'); if (*pos + strlen >= *len) { char *newbuf; newbuf = realloc(*buf, *len * 2 + strlen + 1); if (!newbuf) { perror("realloc"); exit(1); /* a little ugly */ } *buf = newbuf; *len = *len * 2 + strlen + 1; } while (strlen-- >= 1) { (*buf)[(*pos)++] = *str; str++; } (*buf)[*pos] = '\0'; } @ Given this, we can define our default behaviour for a character: <>= default: addstr(&result, &len, &pos, command, 1); command++; break; @ \subsubsection{Escaped characters} We can also deal pretty simply with escaped tokens. The only special circumstance is if the [[\]] is at the very end of string. We don't want buffer overflows afterall. <>= case '\\': if (command[1]) { addstr(&result, &len, &pos, command+1, 1); command += 2; } else { addstr(&result, &len, &pos, command, 1); command++; } break; @ \subsubsection{Optional components} Basically we keep track of each optional section we're in, whether we've been unable to fill in any variables, and where we started it. When we reach the end of an optional section, we check to see if we were unable to fill in any variables, and, if so, we discard any text we'd added within that block. This also allows us to neatly check for any errors trying to fill in variables that aren't in optional sections. Basically what we'll do here is keep one stack to represent where the various thingos started, and another to represent whether any variables didn't exist. We'll use the bottom-most entry in the stack to represent the entire command, and thus keep track of whether or not we have to return an error because an undefined variable was used in a non-optional part of the command. <>= #define MAX_OPT_DEPTH 10 @ <>= size_t old_pos[MAX_OPT_DEPTH] = {0}; int okay[MAX_OPT_DEPTH] = {1}; int opt_depth = 1; @ Given this, when we encounter a double open bracket, we need to just add the appropriate values to our stacks, and, similarly, when we encounter a double close bracket, we simply need to pop the stack, and see whether we need to move back or not, as well as taking care of an possible errors, naturally. \emph{We probably could actually give error messages here instead of just treating the brackets literally when they might cause problems. But there doesn't seem much point, really. --- aj} <>= case '[': if (command[1] == '[' && opt_depth < MAX_OPT_DEPTH) { old_pos[opt_depth] = pos; okay[opt_depth] = 1; opt_depth++; command += 2; } else { addstr(&result, &len, &pos, "[", 1); command++; } break; @ <>= case ']': if (command[1] == ']' && opt_depth > 1) { opt_depth--; if (!okay[opt_depth]) { pos = old_pos[opt_depth]; result[pos] = '\0'; } command += 2; } else { addstr(&result, &len, &pos, "]", 1); command++; } break; @ Finally, at the end of the function, the stacks can be left in an unacceptable state --- either one of the optional blocks was never closed, or an undefined variable was used elsewhere. We'll note these circumstances by returning [[NULL]] and setting [[errno]]. <>= #include @ <>= #define EUNBALBRACK 10001 #define EUNDEFVAR 10002 @ <>= if (opt_depth > 1) { errno = EUNBALBRACK; free(result); return NULL; } if (!okay[0]) { errno = EUNDEFVAR; free(result); return NULL; } @ \subsubsection{Variables} Dealing with variables is comparatively fairly simple. We just need to find the next percent, and see if whatever's in-between is a variable, and, if so, get it's value. <>= #define MAX_VARNAME 32 #define EUNBALPER 10000 @ <>= case '%': { <> char *varvalue; <> <> if (varvalue) { addstr(&result, &len, &pos, varvalue, strlen(varvalue)); } else { okay[opt_depth - 1] = 0; } <> break; } @ We don't do anything particularly clever dealing with the next percent --- just a pointer to the appropriate character. <>= char *nextpercent; @ <>= command++; nextpercent = strchr(command, '%'); if (!nextpercent) { errno = EUNBALPER; free(result); return NULL; } @ <>= command = nextpercent + 1; @ The slightly tricky thing we do here is use a [[strncmpz]] function, which allows us to check that a string represented by a [[char*]] and a length is the same as a [[NUL]] terminated string. <>= int strncmpz(char *l, char *r, size_t llen); @ <>= int strncmpz(char *l, char *r, size_t llen) { int i = strncmp(l, r, llen); if (i == 0) return -r[llen]; else return i; } @ Given the above, the implementation of the [[get_var()]] function to lookup the value of a variable, is reasonably straight forward. <>= char *get_var(char *id, size_t idlen, interface_defn *ifd); @ <>= char *get_var(char *id, size_t idlen, interface_defn *ifd) { int i; if (strncmpz(id, "iface", idlen) == 0) { return ifd->real_iface; } else { for (i = 0; i < ifd->n_options; i++) { if (strncmpz(id, ifd->option[i].name, idlen) == 0) { return ifd->option[i].value; } } } return NULL; } @ Which means we can finish of the chunk, thus: <>= varvalue = get_var(command, nextpercent - command, ifd); @ We also define an exported [[var_true()]] function to allow methods to have lines of code that are conditional on the value of a variable. <>= int var_true(char *id, interface_defn *ifd); @ <>= int var_true(char *id, interface_defn *ifd) { char *varvalue; varvalue = get_var(id, strlen(id), ifd); if (varvalue) { if (strcmp(varvalue, "1") == 0 || strcasecmp(varvalue, "true") == 0 || strcasecmp(varvalue, "yes") == 0) return 1; else return 0; } else return 0; } @ \subsection{Mapping Scripts} Doing a mapping is moderately complicated, since we need to pass a fair bit of stuff to the script. The way we'll do this is via a mixture of command line arguments, and [[stdin]]: basically, we'll pass all the mapping variables from the interfaces file via [[stdin]], and anything else necessary will be a command line argument. The script will be expected to exit successfully with the appropriate logical interface as the first line of [[stdout]] if it made a match, or exit unsuccessfully (error code [[1]], eg) otherwise. <>= int run_mapping(char *physical, char *logical, int len, mapping_defn *map); @ <>= int run_mapping(char *physical, char *logical, int len, mapping_defn *map) { FILE *in, *out; int i, status; pid_t pid; <> <> <> <> return 1; } @ The latter options here are fairly straightforward, given some Unix knowledge. <>= for (i = 0; i < map->n_mappings; i++) { fprintf(in, "%s\n", map->mapping[i]); } fclose(in); @ <>= waitpid(pid, &status, 0); @ <>= if (WIFEXITED(status) && WEXITSTATUS(status) == 0) { if (fgets(logical, len, out)) { char *pch = logical + strlen(logical) - 1; while (pch >= logical && isspace(*pch)) *(pch--) = '\0'; } } fclose(out); @ Slightly more complicated is setting up the child process and grabbing its [[stdin]] and [[stdout]]. Unfortunately we can't just use [[popen()]] for this, since it'll only allow us to go one way. So, instead we'll write our own [[popen()]]. It'll look like: <>= #include @ <>= static int popen2(FILE **in, FILE **out, char *command, ...); @ The varargs component will be the arguments, as per [[execl()]], and the return value will be the [[PID]] if the call was successful, or 0 otherwise. As such, we will be able to execute the script thusly: <>= pid = popen2(&in, &out, map->script, physical, NULL); if (pid == 0) { return 0; } @ Writing [[popen2()]] is an exercise in Unix arcana. <>= #include #include @ <>= static int popen2(FILE **in, FILE **out, char *command, ...) { va_list ap; char *argv[11] = {command}; int argc; int infd[2], outfd[2]; pid_t pid; argc = 1; va_start(ap, command); while((argc < 10) && (argv[argc] = va_arg(ap, char*))) { argc++; } argv[argc] = NULL; /* make sure */ va_end(ap); if (pipe(infd) != 0) return 0; if (pipe(outfd) != 0) { close(infd[0]); close(infd[1]); return 0; } fflush(NULL); switch(pid = fork()) { case -1: /* failure */ close(infd[0]); close(infd[1]); close(outfd[0]); close(outfd[1]); return 0; case 0: /* child */ dup2(infd[0], 0); dup2(outfd[1], 1); close(infd[0]); close(infd[1]); close(outfd[0]); close(outfd[1]); execvp(command, argv); exit(127); default: /* parent */ *in = fdopen(infd[1], "w"); *out = fdopen(outfd[0], "r"); close(infd[0]); close(outfd[1]); return pid; } /* unreached */ } @ \section{The Driver} The final C module we'll have is the one with the [[main()]] function. It's put together in a fairly straightforward way. <>= <
> <
> <
> <
> <
> @ Equally, there's nothing particularly special about our headers. <
>= #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "header.h" #include "iniparser.h" @ Now, after all the above modules, our main program doesn't have too much to do: it just has to interpret arguments and coordinate the intervening modules. Since we're being ``smart'', as well as parsing arguments, we'll decide whether the interface is going up or down depending on whether we were called as [[ifup]] or [[ifdown]], or if we're querying /etc/network/interfaces (when called as [[ifquery]]). <
>= int main(int argc, char **argv) { <> <> <> <> <> <> return 0; } @ \subsection{Check the Environment} In the earlier code we assume that we have stdin, stdout and stderr all available. We need to assure that, just in case: <
>= #include #include @ <>= { int i; for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++) { if (fcntl(i, F_GETFD) == -1) { if (errno == EBADF && open("/dev/null", 0) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: fd %d not available; aborting\n", argv[0], i); exit(2); } else if (errno == EBADF) { errno = 0; /* no more problems */ } else { /* some other problem -- eeek */ perror(argv[0]); exit(2); } } } } @ \subsection{Configuring or Deconfiguring?} So the very first real thing we need to do is parse the command name. To do this, we'll obviously need to work out somewhere to store the result. A reasonable thing to do here is just to keep a function pointer about, which will point to one of the previously defined [[iface_up]] or [[iface_down]] functions, depending on which should be used on the specified interfaces. <>= int (*cmds)(interface_defn *) = NULL; @ So given this, we can just: <>= { char *command; <> <> } @ And fill out each component in the reasonably obvious manner of: <>= if ((command = strrchr(argv[0],'/'))) { command++; /* first char after / */ } else { command = argv[0]; /* no /'s in argv[0] */ } @ <>= if (strcmp(command, "ifup")==0) { cmds = iface_up; } else if (strcmp(command, "ifdown")==0) { cmds = iface_down; } else if (strcmp(command, "ifquery")==0) { cmds = iface_query; } else { fprintf(stderr,"This command should be called as ifup, ifdown, or ifquery\n"); exit(1); } @ In addition, since our later behaviour varies depending on whether we're bringing interfaces up, taking them down, or querying /etc/network/interfaces, we'll define four chunks to assist with this, namely: <>= (cmds == iface_query) @ <>= (cmds == iface_list) @ <>= (cmds == iface_up) @ <>= (cmds == iface_down) @ The [[--allow]] option lets us limit the interfaces ifupdown will act on. It's implemented by having an [[allow_class]] that tells us which class of interfaces we're working with, and skipping interfaces that aren't in that class, like so: <>= (allow_class != NULL) <>= { int i; allowup_defn *allowup = find_allowup(defn, allow_class); if (allowup == NULL) continue; for (i = 0; i < allowup->n_interfaces; i++) { if (strcmp(allowup->interfaces[i], iface) == 0) break; } if (i >= allowup->n_interfaces) continue; } @ Finally, the behaviour might vary depending on whether we are excluding this interface or not. Notice that the exclude option can use a full interface name or substrings that match interfaces. A user could easily have unexpected behaviour if he uses a small string to do the match: <>= (excludeint != NULL && strstr(iface,excludeint) != NULL) @ \subsection{Argument Handling} Okay, so next on our agenda is argument handling. We'll do argument handling via the GNU [[getopt]] function, which means we have to include the appropriate header, and define a cute little structure to represent our long options: <
>= #include @ <>= struct option long_opts[] = { {"help", no_argument, NULL, 'h'}, {"version", no_argument, NULL, 'V'}, {"verbose", no_argument, NULL, 'v'}, {"all", no_argument, NULL, 'a'}, {"allow", required_argument, NULL, 3 }, {"interfaces", required_argument, NULL, 'i'}, {"exclude", required_argument, NULL, 'e'}, {"no-act", no_argument, NULL, 'n'}, {"no-mappings", no_argument, NULL, 1 }, {"force", no_argument, NULL, 2 }, {"option", required_argument, NULL, 'o'}, {"list", no_argument, NULL, 'l'}, {0,0,0,0} }; @ The usual way of dealing with options then is to have a variable to store the various things. The only special note here is that we need to export [[no_act]] and [[verbose]] to the [[execute]] module. <>= extern int no_act; extern int verbose; @ <
>= int no_act = 0; int verbose = 0; char *statefile = "/var/run/network/ifstate"; char *tmpstatefile = "/var/run/network/.ifstate.tmp"; char *nm_system_settings = "/etc/NetworkManager/nm-system-settings.conf"; @ <>= int do_all = 0; int run_mappings = 1; int force = 0; int list = 0; char *allow_class = NULL; char *interfaces = "/etc/network/interfaces"; char *excludeint = NULL ; variable *option = NULL; int n_options = 0; int max_options = 0; @ We'll also have two helper functions to display usage information, like so: <
>= static void usage(char *execname); static void help(char *execname, int (*cmds)(interface_defn *)); static void version(char *execname); static int auto_disabled (); @ <
>= static void usage(char *execname) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Use --help for help\n", execname); exit(1); } @ <
>= static void version(char *execname) { printf("%s version " IFUPDOWN_VERSION "\n", execname); printf("Copyright (c) 1999-2007 Anthony Towns\n\n"); printf( "This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify\n" "it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n" "the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at\n" "your option) any later version.\n" ); exit(0); } @ <
>= static void help(char *execname, int (*cmds)(interface_defn *)) { printf("Usage: %s \n", execname); if (<> || <>) printf(" %s --list\n", execname); printf("\n"); printf("Options:\n"); printf("\t-h, --help\t\tthis help\n"); printf("\t-V, --version\t\tcopyright and version information\n"); printf("\t-a, --all\t\tde/configure all interfaces marked \"auto\"\n"); printf("\t--allow CLASS\t\tignore non-\"allow-CLASS\" interfaces\n"); printf("\t-i, --interfaces FILE\tuse FILE for interface definitions\n"); printf("\t-e, --exclude PATTERN\texclude interfaces from the list of\n\t\t\t\tinterfaces to operate on by a PATTERN\n"); if (!<> && !<>) printf("\t-n, --no-act\t\tprint out what would happen, but don't do it\n"); printf("\t\t\t\t(note that this option doesn't disable mappings)\n"); printf("\t-v, --verbose\t\tprint out what would happen before doing it\n"); if (!<> && !<>) { printf("\t-o OPTION=VALUE\t\tset OPTION to VALUE as though it were in\n"); printf("\t\t\t\t/etc/network/interfaces\n"); } printf("\t--no-mappings\t\tdon't run any mappings\n"); if (!<> && !<>) printf("\t--force\t\t\tforce de/configuration\n"); if (<> || <>) printf("\t--list\t\t\tlist all matching known interfaces\n"); exit(0); } @ <
>= static int auto_disabled() { static int initialized = 0; static int auto_up_disabled = 0; if (!initialized) { dictionary *ini_dict; initialized = 1; ini_dict = iniparser_load (nm_system_settings); if (ini_dict) { int managed = iniparser_getboolean (ini_dict, "ifupdown:managed", 0); auto_up_disabled = managed ? 1 : 0; iniparser_freedict (ini_dict); ini_dict = 0; } else { auto_up_disabled = 0; } } return auto_up_disabled; } @ Now, the meat of argument parsing is done with [[getopt()]] and a [[switch]], like so: <>= for(;;) { int c; c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "e:s:i:o:hVvna", long_opts, NULL); if (c == EOF) break; switch(c) { <<[[getopt]] possibilities>> } } <> @ Now, our [[getopt]] possibilities are basically each option, or something really bad. Actual interface names are automagically collected at the end by [[getopt()]].So first, the legitimate cases get handled: <<[[getopt]] possibilities>>= case 'i': interfaces = strdup(optarg); break; @ <<[[getopt]] possibilities>>= case 'v': verbose = 1; break; @ <<[[getopt]] possibilities>>= case 'a': do_all = 1; break; @ <<[[getopt]] possibilities>>= case 3: allow_class = strdup(optarg); break; @ <<[[getopt]] possibilities>>= case 'n': if (<> || <>) usage(argv[0]); no_act = 1; break; @ <<[[getopt]] possibilities>>= case 1: run_mappings = 0; break; @ <<[[getopt]] possibilities>>= case 2: if (<> || <>) usage(argv[0]); force = 1; break; @ <<[[getopt]] possibilities>>= case 'e': excludeint = strdup(optarg); break; @ <<[[getopt]] possibilities>>= case 'o': { char *name = strdup(optarg); char *val = strchr(name, '='); if (val == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error in --option \"%s\" -- no \"=\" character\n", optarg); exit(1); } *val++ = '\0'; if (strcmp(name, "post-up") == 0) { strcpy(name, "up"); } if (strcmp(name, "pre-down") == 0) { strcpy(name, "down"); } add_variable(argv[0], name, val, &option, &n_options, &max_options); free(name); break; } @ <<[[getopt]] possibilities>>= case 'l': if (!<>) usage(argv[0]); list = 1; cmds = iface_list; break; @ And we also have a help option and a version option: <<[[getopt]] possibilities>>= case 'h': help(argv[0],cmds); break; @ <<[[getopt]] possibilities>>= case 'V': version(argv[0]); break; @ And we also have the possibility that the user is just making up options: <<[[getopt]] possibilities>>= default: usage(argv[0]); break; @ After all that there are still some things that can be a bit weird. We can be told either to act on all interfaces (except the noauto ones), or we can be told to act on specific interface. We won't accept been told to do both, and we won't accept not being told to do one or the other. We can test these two cases as follows: <>= if (argc - optind > 0 && (do_all || list)) { usage(argv[0]); } @ <>= if (argc - optind == 0 && !do_all && !list) { usage(argv[0]); } @ <>= if (do_all && <>) { usage(argv[0]); } @ \subsection{Reading the Interfaces File} Since this has all been covered in a previous section, this is pretty trivial. <>= interfaces_file *defn; @ <>= defn = read_interfaces(interfaces); if ( !defn ) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: couldn't read interfaces file \"%s\"\n", argv[0], interfaces); exit(1); } @ \subsection{Execution} A broad overview of what we'll actually be doing is as follows: <>= <> { int i; for (<>) { char iface[80], liface[80]; const char *current_state; <> current_state = read_state(argv[0], iface); if (!force) { <> } if (<>) { <> } if (<>) continue; if (<> && run_mappings) { <> } <> } } @ We'll leave determining the appropriate target interfaces and dealing with the state until a little later. That leaves us with covering running the mappings and bringing the interface up or taking it down. Mappings are dealt with like so: <>= { mapping_defn *currmap; for (currmap = defn->mappings; currmap; currmap = currmap->next) { int i; for (i = 0; i < currmap->n_matches; i++) { <<[[continue]] unless mapping matches>> <> break; } } } @ We check if mappings match by using shell globs, so we'll need a new header to take care of that. <
>= #include @ <<[[continue]] unless mapping matches>>= if (fnmatch(currmap->match[i], liface, 0) != 0) continue; @ Actually running a mapping is fairly straightforward, thanks to our previous handywork. <>= if (verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "Running mapping script %s on %s\n", currmap->script, liface); } run_mapping(iface, liface, sizeof(liface), currmap); @ Bringing an interface up or taking it down can be done thusly: <>= { interface_defn *currif; int okay = 0; int failed = 0; <> for (currif = defn->ifaces; currif; currif = currif->next) { if (strcmp(liface, currif->logical_iface) == 0) { okay = 1; <> <> if (failed) break; /* Otherwise keep going: this interface may have * match with other address families */ } } if (!okay && !force) { fprintf(stderr, "Ignoring unknown interface %s=%s.\n", iface, liface); update_state (argv[0], iface, NULL); } else { <> } } @ <>= { currif->real_iface = iface; if (verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "Configuring interface %s=%s (%s)\n", iface, liface, currif->address_family->name); } switch(cmds(currif)) { case -1: printf("Don't seem to have all the variables for %s/%s.\n", liface, currif->address_family->name); failed = 1; break; case 0: failed = 1; break; /* not entirely successful */ case 1: failed = 0; break; /* successful */ default: printf("Unexpected value when configuring interface %s/%s considering it failed.\n", liface, currif->address_family->name); failed = 1; /* what happened here? */ } currif->real_iface = NULL; } @ Adding the options from the command line is tedious, but simple: <>= { int i; for (i = 0; i < n_options; i++) { if (option[i].value[0] == '\0') { <> } else { <> } } } @ <>= { int j = currif->n_options; if (strcmp(option[i].name, "pre-up") != 0 && strcmp(option[i].name, "up") != 0 && strcmp(option[i].name, "down") != 0 && strcmp(option[i].name, "post-down") != 0) { for (j = 0; j < currif->n_options; j++) { if (strcmp(currif->option[j].name, option[i].name) == 0) { currif->option[j].value = option[i].value; break; } } } if (j == currif->n_options) { add_variable(argv[0], option[i].name, option[i].value, &currif->option, &currif->n_options, &currif->max_options); } } @ <>= { if (strcmp(option[i].name, "pre-up") != 0 && strcmp(option[i].name, "up") != 0 && strcmp(option[i].name, "down") != 0 && strcmp(option[i].name, "post-down") != 0) { int j; for (j = 0; j < currif->n_options; j++) { if (strcmp(currif->option[j].name, option[i].name) == 0) { currif->n_options--; break; } } for (; j < currif->n_options; j++) { option[j].name = option[j+1].name; option[j].value = option[j+1].value; } } else { /* do nothing */ } } @ \subsection{Target Interfaces} So, if we're going to actually do something, we should probably figure out exactly what we're going to do it to. So, we need to know the set of interfaces we're going to hax0r. This is just an array of interfaces, either [[physical_iface]] or [[physical_iface=logical_iface]]. <>= int n_target_ifaces; char **target_iface; @ <>= i = 0; i < n_target_ifaces; i++ @ We initialise this based on our command line arguments. <>= if (do_all || list) { if (<> || (<> && auto_disabled() == 0)) { allowup_defn *autos = find_allowup(defn, "auto"); target_iface = autos ? autos->interfaces : NULL; n_target_ifaces = autos ? autos->n_interfaces : 0; } else if (<>) { read_all_state(argv[0], &target_iface, &n_target_ifaces); } else if (auto_disabled() != 0) { printf("WARNING: ifup -a is disabled in favour of NetworkManager.\n" " Set ifupdown:managed=false in /etc/NetworkManager/nm-system-settings.conf.\n"); exit(0); } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: can't tell if interfaces are going up or down\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } } else { target_iface = argv + optind; n_target_ifaces = argc - optind; } @ <>= strncpy(iface, target_iface[i], sizeof(iface)); iface[sizeof(iface)-1] = '\0'; { char *pch; if ((pch = strchr(iface, '='))) { *pch = '\0'; strncpy(liface, pch+1, sizeof(liface)); liface[sizeof(liface)-1] = '\0'; } else { strncpy(liface, iface, sizeof(liface)); liface[sizeof(liface)-1] = '\0'; } } @ \subsection{State} Since it's generally not feasible to rerun a mapping script after an interface is configured (since a mapping script may well bring the interface down while it's investigating matters), we need to maintain a statefile between invocations to keep track of which physical interfaces were mapped to which logical ones. This file also serves to record which interfaces have been configured so far, and which haven't. On Ubuntu we use [[/var/run/network/ifstate]] as that filesystem is guaranteed to be a tmpfs, meaning we don't have to worry about cleaning up after a reboot. Because different interfaces may be brought up and down at the same time, it's important that all updates to the state file are atomic and that we aren't confused by any changes made by another running process. For this reason we use functions to examine or modify the state file at the point necessary rather than holding it all in memory. <
>= static const char *read_state(const char *argv0, const char *iface); static void read_all_state(const char *argv0, char ***ifaces, int *n_ifaces); static void update_state(const char *argv0, const char *iface, const char *liface); @ The first of these functions reads the state file to look for an interface and returns the current state of it as a pointer to a static buffer which should be copied if it's needed for any duration. If the interface has no current state (ie. is down) then NULL is returned. <
>= static const char * read_state (const char *argv0, const char *iface) { char *ret = NULL; <> while((p = fgets(buf, sizeof buf, state_fp)) != NULL) { <> if (strncmp(iface, pch, strlen(iface)) == 0) { if (pch[strlen(iface)] == '=') { ret = pch + strlen(iface) + 1; break; } } } <> return ret; } @ The second of these functions is a variant on the above used to grab a list of all currently up interfaces so we can tear them all down. <
>= static void read_all_state (const char *argv0, char ***ifaces, int *n_ifaces) { <> *n_ifaces = 0; *ifaces = NULL; while((p = fgets(buf, sizeof buf, state_fp)) != NULL) { <> (*n_ifaces)++; *ifaces = realloc (*ifaces, sizeof (**ifaces) * *n_ifaces); (*ifaces)[(*n_ifaces)-1] = strdup (pch); } <> } @ The last of these functions is used to modify a state file, specifically for the interface given as the first argument. If the second argument is NULL then any existing state for that interface is removed from the file, otherwise any existing state is changed to the new state or a new state line is appended. <
>= static void update_state(const char *argv0, const char *iface, const char *state) { FILE *tmp_fp; <> if (no_act) goto noact; tmp_fp = fopen(tmpstatefile, "w"); if (tmp_fp == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: failed to open temporary statefile %s: %s\n", argv0, tmpstatefile, strerror(errno)); exit (1); } while((p = fgets(buf, sizeof buf, state_fp)) != NULL) { <> if (strncmp(iface, pch, strlen(iface)) == 0) { if (pch[strlen(iface)] == '=') { if (state != NULL) { fprintf (tmp_fp, "%s=%s\n", iface, state); state = NULL; } continue; } } fprintf (tmp_fp, "%s\n", pch); } if (state != NULL) fprintf (tmp_fp, "%s=%s\n", iface, state); fclose (tmp_fp); if (rename (tmpstatefile, statefile)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: failed to overwrite statefile %s: %s\n", argv0, statefile, strerror(errno)); exit (1); } <> } @ The state file is opened and locked, blocking parallel updates: <
>= static int lock_fd (int fd); @ <
>= static int lock_fd (int fd) { struct flock lock; lock.l_type = F_WRLCK; lock.l_whence = SEEK_SET; lock.l_start = 0; lock.l_len = 0; if (fcntl(fd, F_SETLKW, &lock) < 0) { return -1; } return 0; } @ <>= FILE *state_fp; char buf[80]; char *p; state_fp = fopen(statefile, no_act ? "r" : "a+"); if (state_fp == NULL) { if (!no_act) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: failed to open statefile %s: %s\n", argv0, statefile, strerror(errno)); exit (1); } else { goto noact; } } if (!no_act) { int flags; if ((flags = fcntl(fileno(state_fp), F_GETFD)) < 0 || fcntl(fileno(state_fp), F_SETFD, flags | FD_CLOEXEC) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: failed to set FD_CLOEXEC on statefile %s: %s\n", argv0, statefile, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } if (lock_fd (fileno(state_fp)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: failed to lock statefile %s: %s\n", argv0, statefile, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } } @ <>= char *pch; pch = buf + strlen(buf) - 1; while(pch > buf && isspace(*pch)) pch--; *(pch+1) = '\0'; pch = buf; while(isspace(*pch)) pch++; @ <>= noact: if (state_fp != NULL) { fclose(state_fp); state_fp = NULL; } @ This leaves our two useful chunks. The first checks to ensure what we're proposing to do is reasonable (ie, we're not downing an interface that's not up, or uping one that's not down). <>= { if (<>) { if (current_state != NULL) { if (!do_all) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: interface %s already configured\n", argv[0], iface); } continue; } } else if (<>) { if (current_state == NULL) { if (!do_all) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: interface %s not configured\n", argv[0], iface); } continue; } strncpy(liface, current_state, 80); liface[79] = 0; } else if (!<> && !<>) { assert(0); } } @ And finally, we also need to be able to update the state as we bring interfaces up and down. <>= { if (<>) { if (current_state == NULL) { if (failed == 1) { printf("Failed to bring up %s.\n", liface); update_state (argv[0], iface, NULL); } else { update_state (argv[0], iface, liface); } } else { update_state (argv[0], iface, liface); } } else if (<>) { update_state (argv[0], iface, NULL); } else if (!<> && !<>) { assert(0); } } @ \appendix \section{Linux Address Families} <>= unsigned int mylinuxver(); unsigned int mylinux(int,int,int); int execable(char *); void cleanup_hwaddress_for_iproute(char **pparam); void make_hex_address(char **pparam); @ <>= #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "archlinux.h" unsigned int mylinuxver() { static int maj = -1, rev = 0, min = 0; if (maj == -1) { struct utsname u; char *pch; uname(&u); maj = atoi(u.release); pch = strchr(u.release, '.'); if (pch) { rev = atoi(pch+1); pch = strchr(pch+1, '.'); if (pch) { min = atoi(pch+1); } } } return mylinux(maj,rev,min); } unsigned int mylinux(int maj, int rev, int min) { return min | rev << 10 | maj << 13; } int execable(char *program) { struct stat buf; if (0 == stat(program, &buf)) { if (S_ISREG(buf.st_mode) && (S_IXUSR & buf.st_mode)) return 1; } return 0; } void cleanup_hwaddress_for_iproute(char **pparam) { char *rest = *pparam; /* we're shrinking the text, so no realloc needed */ char *space = strchr(rest, ' '); if (space == NULL) return; *space = '\0'; if (strcasecmp(rest, "ether") == 0 || strcasecmp(rest, "ax25") == 0 || strcasecmp(rest, "ARCnet") == 0 || strcasecmp(rest, "netrom") == 0) { /* found deprecated attribute */ memmove(rest, space+1, strlen(space+1)+1); } else { *space = ' '; } } void make_hex_address(char **pparam) { char addrcomp[4]; int maxlen = strlen("0000:0000"); int ret = sscanf(*pparam, "%3hhu.%3hhu.%3hhu.%3hhu", &addrcomp[0], &addrcomp[1], &addrcomp[2], &addrcomp[3]); if (ret != 4) return; *pparam = realloc(*pparam, maxlen + 1); snprintf(*pparam, maxlen + 1, "%.2hhx%.2hhx:%.2hhx%.2hhx", addrcomp[0], addrcomp[1], addrcomp[2], addrcomp[3]); } @ \subsection{IPv4 Address Family} <
>= extern address_family addr_inet; @ <
>= &addr_inet, @ <>= address_family inet architecture linux <> @ <>= method loopback description This method may be used to define the IPv4 loopback interface. up ip link set dev %iface% up down ip link set dev %iface% down @ <>= method static description This method may be used to define ethernet interfaces with statically allocated IPv4 addresses. options address address -- Address (dotted quad/netmask) *required* netmask mask -- Netmask (dotted quad or CIDR) broadcast broadcast_address -- Broadcast address (dotted quad) metric metric -- Routing metric for default gateway (integer) gateway address -- Default gateway (dotted quad) pointopoint address -- Address of other end point (dotted quad). \ Note the spelling of "point-to". hwaddress address -- Link local address. mtu size -- MTU size conversion hwaddress cleanup_hwaddress_for_iproute up ip addr add %address%[[/%netmask%]] [[broadcast %broadcast%]] \ [[peer %pointopoint%]] dev %iface% ip link set dev %iface% [[mtu %mtu%]] [[address %hwaddress%]] up [[ ip route add default via %gateway% [[metric %metric%]] dev %iface% ]] down [[ ip route del default via %gateway% [[metric %metric%]] dev %iface% 2>&1 1>/dev/null || true ]] ip -4 addr flush dev %iface% ip link set dev %iface% down @ <>= method manual description This method may be used to define interfaces for which no configuration is done by default. Such interfaces can be configured manually by means of *up* and *down* commands or /etc/network/if-*.d scripts. up down @ <>= method dhcp description This method may be used to obtain an address via DHCP with any of the tools: dhclient, pump, udhcpc, dhcpcd. (They have been listed in their order of precedence.) If you have a complicated DHCP setup you should note that some of these clients use their own configuration files and do not obtain their configuration information via *ifup*. options hostname hostname -- Hostname to be requested (pump, dhcpcd, udhcpc) leasehours leasehours -- Preferred lease time in hours (pump) leasetime leasetime -- Preferred lease time in seconds (dhcpcd) vendor vendor -- Vendor class identifier (dhcpcd) client client -- Client identifier (dhcpcd, udhcpc) hwaddress address -- Hardware Address. conversion hwaddress cleanup_hwaddress_for_iproute up [[ip link set dev %iface% address %hwaddress%]] dhclient3 [[-e IF_METRIC=%metric%]] -pf /var/run/dhclient.%iface%.pid -lf /var/lib/dhcp3/dhclient.%iface%.leases -1 %iface% \ if (execable("/sbin/dhclient3")) dhclient [[-e IF_METRIC=%metric%]] -v -pf /var/run/dhclient.%iface%.pid -lf /var/lib/dhcp/dhclient.%iface%.leases %iface% \ elsif (execable("/sbin/dhclient")) pump -i %iface% [[-h %hostname%]] [[-l %leasehours%]] \ elsif (execable("/sbin/pump") && mylinuxver() >= mylinux(2,1,100)) udhcpc -n -p /var/run/udhcpc.%iface%.pid -i %iface% [[-H %hostname%]] \ [[-c %client%]] \ elsif (execable("/sbin/udhcpc") && mylinuxver() >= mylinux(2,2,0)) dhcpcd [[-h %hostname%]] [[-i %vendor%]] [[-I %client%]] \ [[-l %leasetime%]] %iface% \ elsif (execable("/sbin/dhcpcd")) down dhclient3 -r -pf /var/run/dhclient.%iface%.pid -lf /var/lib/dhcp3/dhclient.%iface%.leases %iface% \ if (execable("/sbin/dhclient3")) dhclient -v -r -pf /var/run/dhclient.%iface%.pid -lf /var/lib/dhcp/dhclient.%iface%.leases %iface% \ elsif (execable("/sbin/dhclient")) pump -i %iface% -r \ elsif (execable("/sbin/pump") && mylinuxver() >= mylinux(2,1,100)) cat /var/run/udhcpc.%iface%.pid | xargs -i kill -TERM {} \ elsif (execable("/sbin/udhcpc")) dhcpcd -k %iface% \ elsif (execable("/sbin/dhcpcd")) ip link set dev %iface% down @ <>= method bootp description This method may be used to obtain an address via bootp. options bootfile file -- Tell the server to use /file/ as the bootfile. server address -- Use the IP address /address/ to communicate with \ the server. hwaddr addr -- Use /addr/ as the hardware address instead of \ whatever it really is. up bootpc [[--bootfile %bootfile%]] --dev %iface% [[--server %server%]] \ [[--hwaddr %hwaddr%]] --returniffail --serverbcast down ip link set dev %iface% down @ <>= method tunnel description This method is used to create GRE or IPIP tunnels. You need to have the *ip* binary from the *iproute* package. For GRE tunnels, you will need to load the ip_gre module and the ipip module for IPIP tunnels. options address address -- Local address (dotted quad) *required* mode type -- Tunnel type (either GRE or IPIP) *required* endpoint address -- Address of other tunnel endpoint *required* dstaddr address -- Remote address (remote address inside tunnel) local address -- Address of the local endpoint gateway address -- Default gateway ttl time -- TTL setting mtu size -- MTU size up ip tunnel add %iface% mode %mode% remote %endpoint% [[local %local%]] \ [[ttl %ttl%]] ip link set %iface% up ip addr add %address%/%netmask% dev %iface% [[peer %dstaddr%]] [[ ip route add default via %gateway% ]] down ip tunnel del %iface% @ <>= method ppp description This method uses pon/poff to configure a PPP interface. See those commands for details. options provider name -- Use /name/ as the provider (from /etc/ppp/peers). unit number -- Use /number/ as the ppp unit number. options string -- Pass /string/ as additional options to pon. up pon [[%provider%]] updetach [[unit %unit%]] [[%options%]] down poff [[%provider%]] @ <>= method wvdial description This method uses wvdial to configure a PPP interface. See that command for more details. options provider name -- Use /name/ as the provider (from /etc/ppp/peers). up /sbin/start-stop-daemon --start -x /usr/bin/wvdial \ -p /var/run/wvdial.%iface% -b -m -- [[ %provider% ]] down /sbin/start-stop-daemon --stop -x /usr/bin/wvdial \ -p /var/run/wvdial.%iface% -s 2 <>= method ipv4ll description This method uses avahi-autoipd to configure an interface with an IPv4 Link-Layer address ( family). This method is also known as "APIPA" or "IPAC", and often colloquially referred to as "Zeroconf address". up /usr/sbin/avahi-autoipd -D %iface% down /usr/sbin/avahi-autoipd --kill %iface% @ \subsection{IPv6 Address Family} <
>= extern address_family addr_inet6; @ <
>= &addr_inet6, @ <>= address_family inet6 architecture linux method auto description This method may be used to define interfaces with automatically assigned IPv6 addresses. Using this method on its own doesn't mean that RDNSS options will be applied, too. To make this happen, *rdnssd* daemon must be installed, properly configured and running. If stateless DHCPv6 support is turned on, then additional network configuration parameters such as DNS and NTP servers will be retrieved from a DHCP server. options privext int -- Privacy extensions (RFC3041) (0=off, 1=assign, 2=prefer) dhcp int -- Use stateless DHCPv6 (0=off, 1=on) up modprobe -q net-pf-10 > /dev/null 2>&1 || true # ignore failure. [[sysctl net.ipv6.conf.%iface%.use_tempaddr=%privext%]] sysctl net.ipv6.conf.%iface%.accept_ra=1 sysctl net.ipv6.conf.%iface%.autoconf=1 ip link set dev %iface% up dhclient -6 -S -pf /var/run/dhclient6.%iface%.pid -lf /var/lib/dhcp/dhclient6.%iface%.leases %iface% \ if (var_true("dhcp", ifd) && execable("/sbin/dhclient")) down ip -6 addr flush dev %iface% scope global ip link set dev %iface% down method loopback description This method may be used to define the IPv6 loopback interface. up ip link set dev %iface% up ip addr add dev %iface% ::1 down ip addr del dev %iface% ::1 ip link set dev %iface% down method static description This method may be used to define interfaces with statically assigned IPv6 addresses. By default, stateless autoconfiguration is disabled for this interface. options address address -- Address (colon delimited) *required* netmask mask -- Netmask (number of bits, eg 64) *required* gateway address -- Default gateway (colon delimited) media type -- Medium type, driver dependent hwaddress address -- Hardware address mtu size -- MTU size accept_ra int -- Accept router advertisements (0=off, 1=on) autoconf int -- Perform stateless autoconfiguration (0=off, 1=on) privext int -- Privacy extensions (RFC3041) (0=off, 1=assign, 2=prefer) conversion hwaddress cleanup_hwaddress_for_iproute up modprobe -q net-pf-10 > /dev/null 2>&1 || true # ignore failure. [[sysctl net.ipv6.conf.%iface%.use_tempaddr=%privext%]] [[sysctl net.ipv6.conf.%iface%.accept_ra=%accept_ra%]] sysctl net.ipv6.conf.%iface%.autoconf=0 [[sysctl net.ipv6.conf.%iface%.autoconf=%autoconf%]] ip link set dev %iface% [[mtu %mtu%]] [[address %hwaddress%]] up ip -6 addr add %address%[[/%netmask%]] dev %iface% [[ ip -6 route add default via %gateway% dev %iface% ]] down ip -6 addr flush dev %iface% scope global ip link set dev %iface% down method manual description This method may be used to define interfaces for which no configuration is done by default. Such interfaces can be configured manually by means of *up* and *down* commands or /etc/network/if-*.d scripts. up modprobe -q -b ipv6 || true down method dhcp description This method may be used to obtain network interface configuration via stateful DHCPv6 with dhclient. In stateful DHCPv6, the DHCP server is responsible for assigning addresses to clients. options hwaddress address -- Hardware address conversion hwaddress cleanup_hwaddress_for_iproute up modprobe -q net-pf-10 > /dev/null 2>&1 || true # ignore failure. [[ip link set dev %iface% address %hwaddress%]] sysctl net.ipv6.conf.%iface%.accept_ra=0 dhclient -6 -pf /var/run/dhclient6.%iface%.pid -lf /var/lib/dhcp/dhclient6.%iface%.leases %iface% \ if (execable("/sbin/dhclient")) down dhclient -6 -r -pf /var/run/dhclient6.%iface%.pid -lf /var/lib/dhcp/dhclient6.%iface%.leases %iface% \ if (execable("/sbin/dhclient")) ip link set dev %iface% down method v4tunnel description This method may be used to setup an IPv6-over-IPv4 tunnel. It requires the *ip* command from the *iproute* package. options address address -- Address (colon delimited) netmask mask -- Netmask (number of bits, eg 64) endpoint address -- Address of other tunnel endpoint (IPv4 \ dotted quad) *required* local address -- Address of the local endpoint (IPv4 \ dotted quad) gateway address -- Default gateway (colon delimited) ttl time -- TTL setting mtu size -- MTU size up modprobe -q net-pf-10 > /dev/null 2>&1 || true # ignore failure. ip tunnel add %iface% mode sit remote %endpoint% [[local %local%]] \ [[ttl %ttl%]] ip link set %iface% up [[mtu %mtu%]] [[ ip addr add %address%/%netmask% dev %iface% ]] [[ ip route add %gateway% dev %iface% ]] [[ ip route add ::/0 via %gateway% dev %iface% ]] down ip tunnel del %iface% method 6to4 description This method may be used to setup an 6to4 tunnel. It requires the *ip* command from the *iproute* package. options local address -- Address of the local endpoint (IPv4 \ dotted quad) *required* ttl time -- TTL setting mtu size -- MTU size conversion local make_hex_address =hexaddress up modprobe -q net-pf-10 > /dev/null 2>&1 || true # ignore failure. ip tunnel add %iface% mode sit remote any local %local% \ [[ttl %ttl%]] ip link set %iface% up [[mtu %mtu%]] ip addr add 2002:%hexaddress%::1/16 dev %iface% ip route add 2000::/3 via :: dev %iface% down ip -6 route flush dev %iface% ip link set dev %iface% down ip tunnel del %iface% @ \subsection{IPX Address Family} <
>= extern address_family addr_ipx; @ <
>= &addr_ipx, @ <>= address_family ipx architecture linux method static description This method may be used to setup an IPX interface. It requires the /ipx_interface/ command. options frame type -- /type/ of ethernet frames to use (e.g. *802.2*) netnum id -- Network number up ipx_interface add %iface% %frame% %netnum% down ipx_interface del %iface% %frame% method dynamic description This method may be used to setup an IPX interface dynamically. options frame type -- /type/ of ethernet frames to use (e.g. *802.2*) up ipx_interface add %iface% %frame% down ipx_interface del %iface% %frame% @ \subsection{CAN Address Family} <
>= extern address_family addr_can; @ <
>= &addr_can, @ <>= address_family can architecture linux method static description This method may be used to setup an Controller Area Network (CAN) interface. It requires the the *ip* command from the *iproute* package. options bitrate bitrate -- bitrate (1..1000000) *required* samplepoint samplepoint -- sample point (0.000..0.999) loopback loopback -- loop back CAN Messages (on|off) listenonly listenonly -- listen only mode (on|off) triple triple -- activate triple sampling (on|off) oneshot oneshot -- one shot mode (on|off) berr berr -- activate berr reporting (on|off) up ip link set %iface% type can bitrate %bitrate% [[ ip link set %iface% type can loopback %loopback% ]] [[ ip link set %iface% type can listen-only %listenonly% ]] [[ ip link set %iface% type can triple-sampling %triple% ]] [[ ip link set %iface% type can one-shot %oneshot% ]] [[ ip link set %iface% type can berr-reporting %berr% ]] ip link set %iface% up down ip link set %iface% down @ \begin{flushleft} \bibliography{biblio} \bibliographystyle{unsrt} \end{flushleft} \end{document} % vim: noet