prefix . "rg_form"; } public static function get_meta_table_name(){ global $wpdb; return $wpdb->prefix . "rg_form_meta"; } public static function get_form_view_table_name(){ global $wpdb; return $wpdb->prefix . "rg_form_view"; } public static function get_lead_table_name(){ global $wpdb; return $wpdb->prefix . "rg_lead"; } public static function get_lead_meta_table_name(){ global $wpdb; return $wpdb->prefix . "rg_lead_meta"; } public static function get_lead_notes_table_name(){ global $wpdb; return $wpdb->prefix . "rg_lead_notes"; } public static function get_lead_details_table_name(){ global $wpdb; return $wpdb->prefix . "rg_lead_detail"; } public static function get_lead_details_long_table_name(){ global $wpdb; return $wpdb->prefix . "rg_lead_detail_long"; } public static function get_lead_view_name(){ global $wpdb; return $wpdb->prefix . "rg_lead_view"; } public static function get_forms($is_active = null, $sort="title ASC"){ global $wpdb; $form_table_name = self::get_form_table_name(); $lead_table_name = self::get_lead_table_name(); $view_table_name = self::get_form_view_table_name(); $active_clause = $is_active !== null ? $wpdb->prepare("WHERE is_active=%d", $is_active) : ""; $order_by = !empty($sort) ? "ORDER BY $sort" : ""; $sql = "SELECT, f.title, f.date_created, f.is_active, 0 as lead_count, 0 view_count FROM $form_table_name f $active_clause $order_by"; //Getting all forms $forms = $wpdb->get_results($sql); //Getting entry count per form $sql = "SELECT form_id, count(id) as lead_count FROM $lead_table_name l WHERE status='active' GROUP BY form_id"; $entry_count = $wpdb->get_results($sql); //Getting view count per form $sql = "SELECT form_id, sum(count) as view_count FROM $view_table_name GROUP BY form_id"; $view_count = $wpdb->get_results($sql); //Adding entry counts and to form array foreach($forms as &$form){ foreach($view_count as $count){ if($count->form_id == $form->id){ $form->view_count = $count->view_count; break; } } foreach($entry_count as $count){ if($count->form_id == $form->id){ $form->lead_count = $count->lead_count; break; } } } return $forms; } public static function get_forms_by_id($ids){ global $wpdb; $form_table_name = self::get_form_table_name(); $meta_table_name = self::get_meta_table_name(); if(is_array($ids)) $ids = implode(",", $ids); $results = $wpdb->get_results(" SELECT display_meta FROM {$form_table_name} f INNER JOIN {$meta_table_name} m ON = m.form_id WHERE id in({$ids})", ARRAY_A); foreach ($results as &$result) $result = maybe_unserialize($result["display_meta"]); return $results; } public static function get_form_payment_totals($form_id){ global $wpdb; $lead_table_name = self::get_lead_table_name(); $sql = $wpdb->prepare(" SELECT sum(payment_amount) revenue, count( orders FROM $lead_table_name l WHERE form_id=%d AND payment_amount IS NOT null", $form_id); $totals = $wpdb->get_row($sql, ARRAY_A); $active = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare(" SELECT count(id) as active FROM $lead_table_name WHERE form_id=%d AND payment_status='Active'", $form_id)); if(empty($active)) $active = 0; $totals["active"] = $active; return $totals; } public static function get_form_counts($form_id){ global $wpdb; $lead_table_name = self::get_lead_table_name(); $sql = $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT (SELECT count(0) FROM $lead_table_name WHERE form_id=%d AND status='active') as total, (SELECT count(0) FROM $lead_table_name WHERE is_read=0 AND status='active' AND form_id=%d) as unread, (SELECT count(0) FROM $lead_table_name WHERE is_starred=1 AND status='active' AND form_id=%d) as starred, (SELECT count(0) FROM $lead_table_name WHERE status='spam' AND form_id=%d) as spam, (SELECT count(0) FROM $lead_table_name WHERE status='trash' AND form_id=%d) as trash", $form_id, $form_id, $form_id, $form_id, $form_id); $results = $wpdb->get_results($sql, ARRAY_A); return $results[0]; } public static function get_form_summary(){ global $wpdb; $form_table_name = self::get_form_table_name(); $lead_table_name = self::get_lead_table_name(); $sql = "SELECT l.form_id, count( as unread_count FROM $lead_table_name l WHERE is_read=0 AND status='active' GROUP BY form_id"; //getting number of unread and total leads for all forms $unread_results = $wpdb->get_results($sql, ARRAY_A); $sql = "SELECT l.form_id, max(l.date_created) as last_lead_date, count( as total_leads FROM $lead_table_name l WHERE status='active' GROUP BY form_id"; $lead_date_results = $wpdb->get_results($sql, ARRAY_A); $sql = "SELECT id, title, '' as last_lead_date, 0 as unread_count FROM $form_table_name WHERE is_active=1 ORDER BY title"; $forms = $wpdb->get_results($sql, ARRAY_A); for($i=0; $count = sizeof($forms), $i<$count; $i++){ if(is_array($unread_results)){ foreach($unread_results as $unread_result){ if($unread_result["form_id"] == $forms[$i]["id"]){ $forms[$i]["unread_count"] = $unread_result["unread_count"]; break; } } } if(is_array($lead_date_results)){ foreach($lead_date_results as $lead_date_result){ if($lead_date_result["form_id"] == $forms[$i]["id"]){ $forms[$i]["last_lead_date"] = $lead_date_result["last_lead_date"]; $forms[$i]["total_leads"] = $lead_date_result["total_leads"]; break; } } } } return $forms; } public static function get_form_count(){ global $wpdb; $form_table_name = self::get_form_table_name(); $results = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT count(0) as count FROM $form_table_name UNION ALL SELECT count(0) as count FROM $form_table_name WHERE is_active=1 "); return array( "total" => intval($results[0]->count), "active" => intval($results[1]->count), "inactive" => intval($results[0]->count) - intval($results[1]->count) ); } public static function get_form_id($form_title){ $forms = self::get_forms(); foreach($forms as $form){ $sanitized_name = str_replace("[", "", str_replace("]","", $form->title)); if($form->title == $form_title || $sanitized_name == $form_title) return $form->id; } return 0; } public static function get_form($form_id){ global $wpdb; $table_name = self::get_form_table_name(); $results = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM $table_name WHERE id=%d", $form_id)); return $results[0]; } public static function get_form_meta($form_id){ global $wpdb; $table_name = self::get_meta_table_name(); $form = maybe_unserialize($wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT display_meta FROM $table_name WHERE form_id=%d", $form_id))); $page_number = 1; $description_placement = rgar($form, "descriptionPlacement") == "above" ? "above" : "below"; if(is_array($form["fields"])){ foreach($form["fields"] as &$field){ $field["formId"] = $form["id"]; $field["pageNumber"] = $page_number; $field["descriptionPlacement"] = $description_placement; if($field["type"] == "page"){ $page_number++; $field["pageNumber"] = $page_number; } } } return $form; } public static function add_default_properties($form){ if(is_array($form["fields"])){ $all_fields = array("adminLabel"=>"","adminOnly"=>"","allowsPrepopulate"=>"","defaultValue"=>"","description"=>"","content"=>"","cssClass"=>"", "errorMessage"=>"","id"=>"","inputName"=>"","isRequired"=>"","label"=>"","noDuplicates"=>"", "size"=>"","type"=>"","postCustomFieldName"=>"","displayAllCategories"=>"","displayCaption"=>"","displayDescription"=>"", "displayTitle"=>"","inputType"=>"","rangeMin"=>"","rangeMax"=>"","calendarIconType"=>"", "calendarIconUrl"=>"", "dateType"=>"","dateFormat"=>"","phoneFormat"=>"","addressType"=>"","defaultCountry"=>"","defaultProvince"=>"", "defaultState"=>"","hideAddress2"=>"","hideCountry"=>"","hideState"=>"","inputs"=>"","nameFormat"=>"","allowedExtensions"=>"", "captchaType"=>"","page_number"=>"","captchaTheme"=>"","simpleCaptchaSize"=>"","simpleCaptchaFontColor"=>"","simpleCaptchaBackgroundColor"=>"", "failed_validation"=>"", "productField" => "", "enablePasswordInput" => "", "maxLength" => "", "enablePrice" => "", "basePrice" => ""); foreach($form["fields"] as &$field) $field = wp_parse_args($field, $all_fields); } return $form; } public static function get_grid_column_meta($form_id){ global $wpdb; $table_name = self::get_meta_table_name(); return maybe_unserialize($wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT entries_grid_meta FROM $table_name WHERE form_id=%d", $form_id))); } public static function update_grid_column_meta($form_id, $columns){ global $wpdb; $table_name = self::get_meta_table_name(); $meta = maybe_serialize(stripslashes_deep($columns) ); $wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare("UPDATE $table_name SET entries_grid_meta=%s WHERE form_id=%d", $meta, $form_id) ); } public static function get_lead_detail_id($current_fields, $field_number){ foreach($current_fields as $field) if($field->field_number == $field_number) return $field->id; return 0; } public static function update_form_active($form_id, $is_active){ global $wpdb; $form_table = self::get_form_table_name(); $sql = $wpdb->prepare("UPDATE $form_table SET is_active=%d WHERE id=%d", $is_active, $form_id); $wpdb->query($sql); } public static function update_forms_active($forms, $is_active){ foreach($forms as $form_id) self::update_form_active($form_id, $is_active); } public static function update_leads_property($leads, $property_name, $property_value){ foreach($leads as $lead) self::update_lead_property($lead, $property_name, $property_value); } public static function update_lead_property($lead_id, $property_name, $property_value, $update_akismet=true, $disable_hook=false){ global $wpdb; $lead_table = self::get_lead_table_name(); $lead = self::get_lead($lead_id); //marking entry as "spam" or "not spam" with Akismet if the plugin is installed if($update_akismet && GFCommon::akismet_enabled($lead["form_id"]) && $property_name == "status" && in_array($property_value, array("active", "spam"))){ $current_status = $lead["status"]; if($current_status == "spam" && $property_value == "active"){ $form = self::get_form_meta($lead["form_id"]); GFCommon::mark_akismet_spam($form, $lead, false); } else if($current_status == "active" && $property_value == "spam"){ $form = self::get_form_meta($lead["form_id"]); GFCommon::mark_akismet_spam($form, $lead, true); } } //updating lead $wpdb->update($lead_table, array($property_name => $property_value ), array("id" => $lead_id)); if(!$disable_hook){ $previous_value = rgar($lead, $property_name); if($previous_value != $property_value) { // if property is status, prev value is spam and new value is active if($property_name == 'status' && $previous_value == 'spam' && $property_value == 'active' && !rgar($lead, 'post_id')) { $lead[$property_name] = $property_value; $lead['post_id'] = GFCommon::create_post($form, $lead); } do_action("gform_update_{$property_name}", $lead_id, $property_value, $previous_value); } } } public static function update_lead($lead){ global $wpdb; $lead_table = self::get_lead_table_name(); $payment_date = strtotime(rgar($lead,"payment_date")) ? "'{$lead["payment_date"]}'" : "NULL"; $payment_amount = !rgblank(rgar($lead, "payment_amount")) ? rgar($lead, "payment_amount") : "NULL"; $transaction_type = !rgempty("transaction_type", $lead) ? $lead["transaction_type"] : "NULL"; $status = !rgempty("status", $lead) ? $lead["status"] : "active"; $sql = $wpdb->prepare("UPDATE $lead_table SET form_id=%d, post_id=%d, is_starred=%d, is_read=%d, ip=%s, source_url=%s, user_agent=%s, currency=%s, payment_status=%s, payment_date={$payment_date}, payment_amount={$payment_amount}, transaction_id=%s, is_fulfilled=%d, transaction_type={$transaction_type}, status='{$status}' WHERE id=%d", rgar($lead,"form_id"), rgar($lead,"post_id"), rgar($lead,"is_starred"), rgar($lead,"is_read"), rgar($lead,"ip"), rgar($lead,"source_url"), rgar($lead,"user_agent"), rgar($lead,"currency"), rgar($lead,"payment_status"), rgar($lead,"transaction_id"), rgar($lead,"is_fulfilled"), rgar($lead,"id")); $wpdb->query($sql); } public static function delete_leads($leads){ foreach($leads as $lead_id) self::delete_lead($lead_id); } public static function delete_forms($forms){ foreach($forms as $form_id) self::delete_form($form_id); } public static function delete_leads_by_form($form_id, $status=""){ global $wpdb; if(!GFCommon::current_user_can_any("gravityforms_delete_entries")) die(__("You don't have adequate permission to delete entries.", "gravityforms")); $lead_table = self::get_lead_table_name(); $lead_notes_table = self::get_lead_notes_table_name(); $lead_detail_table = self::get_lead_details_table_name(); $lead_detail_long_table = self::get_lead_details_long_table_name(); //deleting uploaded files self::delete_files_by_form($form_id, $status); $status_filter = empty($status) ? "" : $wpdb->prepare("AND status=%s", $status); //Delete from detail long $sql = $wpdb->prepare(" DELETE FROM $lead_detail_long_table WHERE lead_detail_id IN( SELECT FROM $lead_detail_table ld INNER JOIN $lead_table l ON = ld.lead_id WHERE l.form_id=%d AND ld.form_id=%d {$status_filter} )", $form_id, $form_id); $wpdb->query($sql); //Delete from lead details $sql = $wpdb->prepare(" DELETE FROM $lead_detail_table WHERE lead_id IN ( SELECT id FROM $lead_table WHERE form_id=%d {$status_filter} )", $form_id); $wpdb->query($sql); //Delete from lead notes $sql = $wpdb->prepare(" DELETE FROM $lead_notes_table WHERE lead_id IN ( SELECT id FROM $lead_table WHERE form_id=%d {$status_filter} )", $form_id); $wpdb->query($sql); //Delete from lead $sql = $wpdb->prepare("DELETE FROM $lead_table WHERE form_id=%d {$status_filter}", $form_id); $wpdb->query($sql); } public static function delete_views($form_id){ global $wpdb; $form_view_table = self::get_form_view_table_name(); //Delete form view $sql = $wpdb->prepare("DELETE FROM $form_view_table WHERE form_id=%d", $form_id); $wpdb->query($sql); } public static function delete_form($form_id){ global $wpdb; if(!GFCommon::current_user_can_any("gravityforms_delete_forms")) die(__("You don't have adequate permission to delete forms.", "gravityforms")); do_action("gform_before_delete_form", $form_id); $form_meta_table = self::get_meta_table_name(); $form_table = self::get_form_table_name(); //Deleting form Entries self::delete_leads_by_form($form_id); //Delete form meta $sql = $wpdb->prepare("DELETE FROM $form_meta_table WHERE form_id=%d", $form_id); $wpdb->query($sql); //Deleting form Views self::delete_views($form_id); //Delete form $sql = $wpdb->prepare("DELETE FROM $form_table WHERE id=%d", $form_id); $wpdb->query($sql); do_action("gform_after_delete_form", $form_id); } public static function duplicate_form($form_id){ global $wpdb; if(!GFCommon::current_user_can_any("gravityforms_create_form")) die(__("You don't have adequate permission to create forms.", "gravityforms")); //finding unique title $form = self::get_form($form_id); $count = 2; $title = $form->title . " - Copy 1"; while(!self::is_unique_title($title)){ $title = $form->title . " - Copy $count"; $count++; } //creating new form $new_id = self::insert_form($title); //copying form meta $meta = self::get_form_meta($form_id); $meta["title"] = $title; $meta["id"] = $new_id; self::update_form_meta($new_id, $meta); return $new_id; } public static function is_unique_title($title){ $forms = self::get_forms(); foreach($forms as $form){ if(strtolower($form->title) == strtolower($title)) return false; } return true; } public static function insert_form($form_title){ global $wpdb; $form_table_name = $wpdb->prefix . "rg_form"; //creating new form $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("INSERT INTO $form_table_name(title, date_created) VALUES(%s, utc_timestamp())", $form_title)); //returning newly created form id return $wpdb->insert_id; } public static function update_form_meta($form_id, $form_meta){ global $wpdb; $meta_table_name = self::get_meta_table_name(); $form_meta = maybe_serialize($form_meta); if(intval($wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT count(0) FROM $meta_table_name WHERE form_id=%d", $form_id))) > 0) $wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare("UPDATE $meta_table_name SET display_meta=%s WHERE form_id=%d", $form_meta, $form_id) ); else $wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare("INSERT INTO $meta_table_name(form_id, display_meta) VALUES(%d, %s)", $form_id, $form_meta ) ); } public static function delete_files($lead_id, $form=null){ $lead = self::get_lead($lead_id); if($form == null) $form = self::get_form_meta($lead["form_id"]); $fields = GFCommon::get_fields_by_type($form, array("fileupload", "post_image")); if(is_array($fields)){ foreach($fields as $field){ $value = self::get_lead_field_value($lead, $field); self::delete_physical_file($value); } } } public static function delete_files_by_form($form_id, $status=""){ global $wpdb; $form = self::get_form_meta($form_id); $fields = GFCommon::get_fields_by_type($form, array("fileupload", "post_image")); if(empty($fields)) return; $status_filter = empty($status) ? "" : $wpdb->prepare("AND status=%s", $status); $results = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("SELECT id FROM {$wpdb->prefix}rg_lead WHERE form_id=%d {$status_filter}", $form_id), ARRAY_A); foreach($results as $result){ self::delete_files($result["id"], $form); } } public static function delete_file($lead_id, $field_id){ global $wpdb; if($lead_id == 0 || $field_id == 0) return; $lead_detail_table = self::get_lead_details_table_name(); //Deleting file $sql = $wpdb->prepare("SELECT value FROM $lead_detail_table WHERE lead_id=%d AND field_number BETWEEN %s AND %s", $lead_id, doubleval($field_id) - 0.001, doubleval($field_id) + 0.001); $file_path = $wpdb->get_var($sql); self::delete_physical_file($file_path); //Delete from lead details $sql = $wpdb->prepare("DELETE FROM $lead_detail_table WHERE lead_id=%d AND field_number BETWEEN %s AND %s", $lead_id, doubleval($field_id) - 0.001, doubleval($field_id) + 0.001); $wpdb->query($sql); } private static function delete_physical_file($file_url){ $ary = explode("|:|", $file_url); $url = rgar($ary,0); if(empty($url)) return; //Convert from url to physical path if (is_multisite()) { $file_path = preg_replace("|^(.*?)/files/gravity_forms/|", BLOGUPLOADDIR . "gravity_forms/", $url); } else { $file_path = str_replace(WP_CONTENT_URL, WP_CONTENT_DIR, $url); } if(file_exists($file_path)){ unlink($file_path); } } public static function delete_field($form_id, $field_id){ global $wpdb; if($form_id == 0) return; do_action("gform_before_delete_field", $form_id, $field_id); $lead_table = self::get_lead_table_name(); $lead_detail_table = self::get_lead_details_table_name(); $lead_detail_long_table = self::get_lead_details_long_table_name(); $form = self::get_form_meta($form_id); $field_type = ""; //Deleting field from form meta $count = sizeof($form["fields"]); for($i = $count-1; $i >= 0; $i--){ $field = $form["fields"][$i]; //Deleting associated conditional logic rules if(!empty($field["conditionalLogic"])){ $rule_count = sizeof($field["conditionalLogic"]["rules"]); for($j = $rule_count-1; $j >= 0; $j--){ if($field["conditionalLogic"]["rules"][$j]["fieldId"] == $field_id){ unset($form["fields"][$i]["conditionalLogic"]["rules"][$j]); } } $form["fields"][$i]["conditionalLogic"]["rules"] = array_values($form["fields"][$i]["conditionalLogic"]["rules"]); //If there aren't any rules, remove the conditional logic if(sizeof($form["fields"][$i]["conditionalLogic"]["rules"]) == 0){ $form["fields"][$i]["conditionalLogic"] = false; } } //Deleting field from form meta if($field["id"] == $field_id){ $field_type = $field["type"]; unset($form["fields"][$i]); } } //removing post content and title template if the field being deleted is a post content field or post title field if($field_type == "post_content"){ $form["postContentTemplateEnabled"] = false; $form["postContentTemplate"] = ""; } else if($field_type == "post_title"){ $form["postTitleTemplateEnabled"] = false; $form["postTitleTemplate"] = ""; } //Deleting associated routing rules if(!empty($form["notification"]["routing"])){ $routing_count = sizeof($form["notification"]["routing"]); for($j = $routing_count-1; $j >= 0; $j--){ if(intval($form["notification"]["routing"][$j]["fieldId"]) == $field_id){ unset($form["notification"]["routing"][$j]); } } $form["notification"]["routing"] = array_values($form["notification"]["routing"]); //If there aren't any routing, remove it if(sizeof($form["notification"]["routing"]) == 0){ $form["notification"]["routing"] = null; } } $form["fields"] = array_values($form["fields"]); self::update_form_meta($form_id, $form); //Delete from grid column meta $columns = self::get_grid_column_meta($form_id); $count = sizeof($columns); for($i = $count -1; $i >=0; $i--) { if(intval(rgar($columns,$i)) == intval($field_id)){ unset($columns[$i]); } } self::update_grid_column_meta($form_id, $columns); //Delete from detail long $sql = $wpdb->prepare(" DELETE FROM $lead_detail_long_table WHERE lead_detail_id IN( SELECT id FROM $lead_detail_table WHERE form_id=%d AND field_number >= %d AND field_number < %d )", $form_id, $field_id, $field_id + 1); $wpdb->query($sql); //Delete from lead details $sql = $wpdb->prepare("DELETE FROM $lead_detail_table WHERE form_id=%d AND field_number >= %d AND field_number < %d", $form_id, $field_id, $field_id + 1); $wpdb->query($sql); //Delete leads with no details $sql = $wpdb->prepare(" DELETE FROM $lead_table WHERE form_id=%d AND id NOT IN( SELECT DISTINCT(lead_id) FROM $lead_detail_table WHERE form_id=%d )", $form_id, $form_id); $wpdb->query($sql); do_action("gform_after_delete_field", $form_id, $field_id); } public static function delete_lead($lead_id){ global $wpdb; if(!GFCommon::current_user_can_any("gravityforms_delete_entries")) die(__("You don't have adequate permission to delete entries.", "gravityforms")); do_action("gform_delete_lead", $lead_id); $lead_table = self::get_lead_table_name(); $lead_notes_table = self::get_lead_notes_table_name(); $lead_detail_table = self::get_lead_details_table_name(); $lead_detail_long_table = self::get_lead_details_long_table_name(); //deleting uploaded files self::delete_files($lead_id); //Delete from detail long $sql = $wpdb->prepare(" DELETE FROM $lead_detail_long_table WHERE lead_detail_id IN( SELECT id FROM $lead_detail_table WHERE lead_id=%d )", $lead_id); $wpdb->query($sql); //Delete from lead details $sql = $wpdb->prepare("DELETE FROM $lead_detail_table WHERE lead_id=%d", $lead_id); $wpdb->query($sql); //Delete from lead notes $sql = $wpdb->prepare("DELETE FROM $lead_notes_table WHERE lead_id=%d", $lead_id); $wpdb->query($sql); //Delete from lead meta gform_delete_meta($lead_id); //Delete from lead $sql = $wpdb->prepare("DELETE FROM $lead_table WHERE id=%d", $lead_id); $wpdb->query($sql); } public static function add_note($lead_id, $user_id, $user_name, $note){ global $wpdb; $table_name = self::get_lead_notes_table_name(); $sql = $wpdb->prepare("INSERT INTO $table_name(lead_id, user_id, user_name, value, date_created) values(%d, %d, %s, %s, utc_timestamp())", $lead_id, $user_id, $user_name, $note); $wpdb->query($sql); } public static function delete_note($note_id){ global $wpdb; if(!GFCommon::current_user_can_any("gravityforms_edit_entry_notes")) die(__("You don't have adequate permission to delete notes.", "gravityforms")); $table_name = self::get_lead_notes_table_name(); $sql = $wpdb->prepare("DELETE FROM $table_name WHERE id=%d", $note_id); $wpdb->query($sql); } public static function delete_notes($notes){ if(!is_array($notes)) return; foreach($notes as $note_id){ self::delete_note($note_id); } } public static function get_ip(){ $ip = rgget("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR", $_SERVER); if (!$ip) $ip = rgget("REMOTE_ADDR", $_SERVER); $ip_array = explode(",", $ip); //HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR can return a comma separated list of IPs. Using the first one. return $ip_array[0]; } public static function save_lead($form, &$lead){ global $wpdb; if(IS_ADMIN && !GFCommon::current_user_can_any("gravityforms_edit_entries")) die(__("You don't have adequate permission to edit entries.", "gravityforms")); $lead_detail_table = self::get_lead_details_table_name(); //Inserting lead if null if($lead == null){ global $current_user; $user_id = $current_user && $current_user->ID ? $current_user->ID : 'NULL'; $lead_table = RGFormsModel::get_lead_table_name(); $user_agent = strlen($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]) > 250 ? substr($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"], 0, 250) : $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]; $currency = GFCommon::get_currency(); $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("INSERT INTO $lead_table(form_id, ip, source_url, date_created, user_agent, currency, created_by) VALUES(%d, %s, %s, utc_timestamp(), %s, %s, {$user_id})", $form["id"], self::get_ip(), self::get_current_page_url(), $user_agent, $currency)); //reading newly created lead id $lead_id = $wpdb->insert_id; $lead = array("id" => $lead_id); } $current_fields = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("SELECT id, field_number FROM $lead_detail_table WHERE lead_id=%d", $lead["id"])); $original_post_id = rgget("post_id", $lead); $total_field = null; $calculation_fields = array(); $recalculate_total = false; foreach($form["fields"] as $field){ //Ignore fields that are marked as display only if(rgget("displayOnly", $field) && $field["type"] != "password"){ continue; } //ignore pricing fields in the entry detail if(RG_CURRENT_VIEW == "entry" && GFCommon::is_pricing_field($field["type"])){ continue; } //process total field after all fields have been saved if($field["type"] == "total"){ $total_field = $field; continue; } //only save fields that are not hidden (except on entry screen) if(RG_CURRENT_VIEW == "entry" || !RGFormsModel::is_field_hidden($form, $field, array()) ){ // process calculation fields after all fields have been saved if(GFCommon::has_field_calculation($field)) { $calculation_fields[] = $field; continue; } if($field['type'] == 'post_category') $field = GFCommon::add_categories_as_choices($field, ''); if(isset($field["inputs"]) && is_array($field["inputs"])){ foreach($field["inputs"] as $input) self::save_input($form, $field, $lead, $current_fields, $input["id"]); } else{ self::save_input($form, $field, $lead, $current_fields, $field["id"]); } } } if(!empty($calculation_fields)) { foreach($calculation_fields as $calculation_field) { if(isset($calculation_field["inputs"]) && is_array($calculation_field["inputs"])){ foreach($calculation_field["inputs"] as $input) { self::save_input($form, $calculation_field, $lead, $current_fields, $input["id"]); } } else{ self::save_input($form, $calculation_field, $lead, $current_fields, $calculation_field["id"]); } } self::refresh_product_cache($form, $lead = RGFormsModel::get_lead($lead['id'])); } //saving total field as the last field of the form. if($total_field) { self::save_input($form, $total_field, $lead, $current_fields, $total_field["id"]); } } public static function create_lead($form) { global $current_user; $calculation_fields = array(); $lead = array(); $lead['id'] = null; $lead['post_id'] = null; $lead['date_created'] = null; $lead['form_id'] = $form['id']; $lead['ip'] = self::get_ip(); $lead['source_url'] = self::get_current_page_url(); $lead['user_agent'] = strlen($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) > 250 ? substr($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 0, 250) : $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; $lead['currency'] = GFCommon::get_currency(); $lead['created_by'] = $current_user && $current_user->ID ? $current_user->ID : 'NULL'; foreach($form['fields'] as $field) { // ignore fields that are marked as display only if(rgget('displayOnly', $field) && $field['type'] != 'password'){ continue; } // process total field after all fields have been saved if($field['type'] == 'total'){ $total_field = $field; continue; } // process calculation fields after all fields have been saved if(GFCommon::has_field_calculation($field)) { $calculation_fields[] = $field; continue; } // only save fields that are not hidden if(!RGFormsModel::is_field_hidden($form, $field, array()) ){ if($field['type'] == 'post_category') $field = GFCommon::add_categories_as_choices($field, ''); if(isset($field['inputs']) && is_array($field['inputs'])){ foreach($field['inputs'] as $input) { $lead[(string)$input['id']] = self::get_prepared_input_value($form, $field, $lead, $input["id"]); } } else { $lead[$field['id']] = self::get_prepared_input_value($form, $field, $lead, $field["id"]); } } } if(!empty($calculation_fields)) { foreach($calculation_fields as $field) { if(isset($field["inputs"]) && is_array($field["inputs"])){ foreach($field["inputs"] as $input) { $lead[(string)$input['id']] = self::get_prepared_input_value($form, $field, $lead, $input["id"]); } } else{ $lead[$field['id']] = self::get_prepared_input_value($form, $field, $lead, $field["id"]); } } self::refresh_product_cache($form, $lead); } // saving total field as the last field of the form. if(isset($total_field)) { $lead[$total_field['id']] = self::get_prepared_input_value($form, $total_field, $lead, $total_field["id"]); } return $lead; } public static function get_prepared_input_value($form, $field, $lead, $input_id) { $input_name = "input_" . str_replace('.', '_', $input_id); $value = rgpost($input_name); if(empty($value) && rgar($field, "adminOnly") && !IS_ADMIN){ $value = self::get_default_value($field, $input_id); } switch(self::get_input_type($field)) { case "post_image": $file_info = self::get_temp_filename($form['id'], $input_name); $file_path = self::get_file_upload_path($form['id'], $file_info["uploaded_filename"]); $url = $file_path['url']; $image_title = isset($_POST["{$input_name}_1"]) ? strip_tags($_POST["{$input_name}_1"]) : ""; $image_caption = isset($_POST["{$input_name}_4"]) ? strip_tags($_POST["{$input_name}_4"]) : ""; $image_description = isset($_POST["{$input_name}_7"]) ? strip_tags($_POST["{$input_name}_7"]) : ""; $value = !empty($url) ? $url . "|:|" . $image_title . "|:|" . $image_caption . "|:|" . $image_description : ""; break; case "fileupload" : $file_info = self::get_temp_filename($form['id'], $input_name); $file_path = self::get_file_upload_path($form['id'], $file_info["uploaded_filename"]); $value = $file_path['url']; break; default: // processing values so that they are in the correct format for each input type $value = self::prepare_value($form, $field, $value, $input_name, rgar($lead, 'id'), $lead); } return apply_filters("gform_save_field_value", $value, $lead, $field, $form); } public static function refresh_product_cache($form, $lead, $use_choice_text = false, $use_admin_label = false) { $cache_options = array( array(false, false), array(false, true), array(true, false), array(true, true) ); foreach($cache_options as $cache_option) { list($use_choice_text, $use_admin_label) = $cache_option; if( gform_get_meta( rgar($lead,'id'), "gform_product_info_{$use_choice_text}_{$use_admin_label}") ) { gform_delete_meta(rgar($lead,'id'), "gform_product_info_{$use_choice_text}_{$use_admin_label}"); GFCommon::get_product_fields($form, $lead, $use_choice_text, $use_admin_label); } } } public static function is_field_hidden($form, $field, $field_values, $lead=null){ $section = self::get_section($form, $field["id"]); $section_display = self::get_field_display($form, $section, $field_values, $lead); //if section is hidden, hide field no matter what. if section is visible, see if field is supposed to be visible if($section_display == "hide") return true; else if(self::is_page_hidden($form, rgar($field,"page_number"), $field_values, $lead)){ return true; } else{ $display = self::get_field_display($form, $field, $field_values, $lead); return $display == "hide"; } } public static function is_page_hidden($form, $page_number, $field_values, $lead=null){ $page = self::get_page_by_number($form, $page_number); if(!$page) return false; $display = self::get_field_display($form, $page, $field_values, $lead); return $display == "hide"; } public static function get_page_by_number($form, $page_number){ foreach($form["fields"] as $field){ if($field["type"] == "page" && $field["pageNumber"] == $page_number) return $field; } return null; } public static function get_page_by_field($form, $field){ return get_page_by_number($field["page_number"]); } //gets the section that the specified field belongs to, or null if none public static function get_section($form, $field_id){ $current_section = null; foreach($form["fields"] as $field){ if($field["type"] == "section") $current_section = $field; //stop section at a page break (sections don't go cross page) if($field["type"] == "page") $current_section = null; if($field["id"] == $field_id) return $current_section; } return null; } public static function is_value_match($field_value, $target_value, $operation="is", $source_field=null){ if($source_field && $source_field["type"] == "post_category"){ $field_value = GFCommon::prepare_post_category_value($field_value, $source_field, "conditional_logic"); } if (!empty($field_value) && !is_array($field_value) && $source_field["type"] == "multiselect") { //convert the comma-delimited string into an array $field_value = explode(",", $field_value); } if(is_array($field_value)){ $field_value = array_values($field_value); //returning array values, ignoring keys if array is associative $match_count = 0; foreach($field_value as $val){ if(self::matches_operation(GFCommon::get_selection_value($val), $target_value, $operation)){ $match_count++; } } //If operation is Is Not, none of the values in the array can match the target value. return $operation == "isnot" ? $match_count == count($field_value) : $match_count > 0; } else if(self::matches_operation(GFCommon::get_selection_value($field_value), $target_value, $operation)){ return true; } return false; } private static function try_convert_float($text){ global $wp_locale; $number_format = $wp_locale->number_format['decimal_point'] == "," ? "decimal_comma" : "decimal_dot"; if(GFCommon::is_numeric($text, $number_format)) return GFCommon::clean_number($text, $number_format); return $text; } public static function matches_operation($val1, $val2, $operation){ $val1 = !rgblank($val1) ? strtolower($val1) : ""; $val2 = !rgblank($val2) ? strtolower($val2) : ""; switch($operation){ case "is" : return $val1 == $val2; break; case "isnot" : return $val1 != $val2; break; case "greater_than": case ">" : $val1 = self::try_convert_float($val1); $val2 = self::try_convert_float($val2); return $val1 > $val2; break; case "less_than": case "<" : $val1 = self::try_convert_float($val1); $val2 = self::try_convert_float($val2); return $val1 < $val2; break; case "contains" : return !empty($val2) && strpos($val1, $val2) !== false; break; case "starts_with" : return !empty($val2) && strpos($val1, $val2) === 0; break; case "ends_with" : $start = strlen($val1) - strlen($val2); if($start < 0) return false; $tail = substr($val1, $start); return $val2 == $tail; break; } return false; } private static function get_field_display($form, $field, $field_values, $lead=null){ $logic = rgar($field, "conditionalLogic"); //if this field does not have any conditional logic associated with it, it won't be hidden if(empty($logic)) return "show"; $match_count = 0; foreach($logic["rules"] as $rule){ $source_field = RGFormsModel::get_field($form, $rule["fieldId"]); $field_value = empty($lead) ? self::get_field_value($source_field, $field_values) : self::get_lead_field_value($lead, $source_field); $is_value_match = self::is_value_match($field_value, $rule["value"], $rule["operator"], $source_field); if($is_value_match) $match_count++; } $do_action = ($logic["logicType"] == "all" && $match_count == sizeof($logic["rules"]) ) || ($logic["logicType"] == "any" && $match_count > 0); $is_hidden = ($do_action && $logic["actionType"] == "hide") || (!$do_action && $logic["actionType"] == "show"); return $is_hidden ? "hide" : "show"; } public static function get_custom_choices(){ $choices = get_option("gform_custom_choices"); if(!$choices) $choices = array(); return $choices; } public static function delete_custom_choice($name){ $choices = self::get_custom_choices(); if(array_key_exists($name, $choices)) unset($choices[$name]); update_option("gform_custom_choices", $choices); } public static function save_custom_choice($previous_name, $new_name, $choices){ $all_choices = self::get_custom_choices(); if(array_key_exists($previous_name, $all_choices)) unset($all_choices[$previous_name]); $all_choices[$new_name] = $choices; update_option("gform_custom_choices", $all_choices); } public static function get_field_value($field, $field_values = array(), $get_from_post=true){ if($field['type'] == 'post_category') $field = GFCommon::add_categories_as_choices($field, ''); $value = array(); switch(RGFormsModel::get_input_type($field)){ case "post_image" : $value[$field["id"] . ".1"] = self::get_input_value($field, "input_" . $field["id"] . "_1", $get_from_post); $value[$field["id"] . ".4"] = self::get_input_value($field, "input_" . $field["id"] . "_4", $get_from_post); $value[$field["id"] . ".7"] = self::get_input_value($field, "input_" . $field["id"] . "_7", $get_from_post); break; case "checkbox" : $parameter_values = self::get_parameter_value($field["inputName"], $field_values, $field); if(!empty($parameter_values) && !is_array($parameter_values)){ $parameter_values = explode(",", $parameter_values); } if(!is_array($field["inputs"])) return ""; $choice_index = 0; foreach($field["inputs"] as $input){ if(!empty($_POST["is_submit_" . $field["formId"]]) && $get_from_post){ $value[strval($input["id"])] = rgpost("input_" . str_replace('.', '_', strval($input["id"]))); } else{ if(is_array($parameter_values)){ foreach($parameter_values as $item){ $item = trim($item); if(self::choice_value_match($field, $field["choices"][$choice_index], $item)) { $value[$input["id"] . ""] = $item; break; } } } } $choice_index++; } break; case "list" : $value = self::get_input_value($field, "input_" . $field["id"], rgar($field, "inputName"), $field_values, $get_from_post); $value = self::create_list_array($field, $value); break; case "number" : $value = self::get_input_value($field, "input_" . $field["id"], rgar($field, "inputName"), $field_values, $get_from_post); $value = trim($value); break; default: if(isset($field["inputs"]) && is_array($field["inputs"])){ foreach($field["inputs"] as $input){ $value[strval($input["id"])] = self::get_input_value($field, "input_" . str_replace('.', '_', strval($input["id"])), RGForms::get("name", $input), $field_values, $get_from_post); } } else{ $value = self::get_input_value($field, "input_" . $field["id"], rgar($field, "inputName"), $field_values, $get_from_post); } break; } return $value; } private static function get_input_value($field, $standard_name, $custom_name = "", $field_values=array(), $get_from_post=true){ if(!empty($_POST["is_submit_" . rgar($field,"formId")]) && $get_from_post){ return rgpost($standard_name); } else if(rgar($field, "allowsPrepopulate")){ return self::get_parameter_value($custom_name, $field_values, $field); } } public static function get_parameter_value($name, $field_values, $field){ $value = stripslashes(rgget($name)); if(empty($value)) $value = rgget($name, $field_values); //converting list format if(RGFormsModel::get_input_type($field) == "list"){ //transforms this: col1|col2,col1b|col2b into this: col1,col2,col1b,col2b $column_count = count(rgar($field,"choices")); $rows = explode(",", $value); $ary_rows = array(); if(!empty($rows)){ foreach($rows as $row) $ary_rows = array_merge($ary_rows, rgexplode("|", $row, $column_count)); $value = $ary_rows; } } return apply_filters("gform_field_value_$name", $value); } public static function get_default_value($field, $input_id){ if(!is_array(rgar($field,"choices"))){ if(is_array(rgar($field, "inputs"))){ $input = RGFormsModel::get_input($field, $input_id); return rgar($input, "defaultValue"); } else{ return IS_ADMIN ? $field["defaultValue"] : GFCommon::replace_variables_prepopulate($field["defaultValue"]); } } else if($field["type"] == "checkbox"){ for($i=0, $count=sizeof($field["inputs"]); $i<$count; $i++){ $input = $field["inputs"][$i]; $choice = $field["choices"][$i]; if($input["id"] == $input_id && $choice["isSelected"]){ return $choice["value"]; } } return ""; } else{ foreach($field["choices"] as $choice){ if($choice["isSelected"] || $field["type"] == "post_category") return $choice["value"]; } return ""; } } public static function get_input_type($field){ return empty($field["inputType"]) ? rgar($field,"type") : $field["inputType"]; } private static function get_post_field_value($field, $lead){ if(is_array($field["inputs"])){ $value = array(); foreach($field["inputs"] as $input){ $val = isset($lead[strval($input["id"])]) ? $lead[strval($input["id"])] : ""; if(!empty($val)) $value[] = $val; } $value = implode(",", $value); } else{ $value = isset($lead[$field["id"]]) ? $lead[$field["id"]] : ""; } return $value; } private static function get_post_fields($form, $lead) { $post_data = array(); $post_data["post_custom_fields"] = array(); $post_data["tags_input"] = array(); $categories = array(); $images = array(); foreach($form["fields"] as $field){ if($field['type'] == 'post_category') $field = GFCommon::add_categories_as_choices($field, ''); $value = self::get_post_field_value($field, $lead); switch($field["type"]){ case "post_title" : case "post_excerpt" : case "post_content" : $post_data[$field["type"]] = $value; break; case "post_tags" : $tags = explode(",", $value); if(is_array($tags) && sizeof($tags) > 0) $post_data["tags_input"] = array_merge($post_data["tags_input"], $tags) ; break; case "post_custom_field" : $meta_name = $field["postCustomFieldName"]; if(!isset($post_data["post_custom_fields"][$meta_name])){ $post_data["post_custom_fields"][$meta_name] = $value; } else if(!is_array($post_data["post_custom_fields"][$meta_name])){ $post_data["post_custom_fields"][$meta_name] = array($post_data["post_custom_fields"][$meta_name], $value); } else{ $post_data["post_custom_fields"][$meta_name][] = $value; } break; case "post_category" : foreach(explode(',', $value) as $cat_string) { list($cat_name, $cat_id) = rgexplode(":", $cat_string, 2); array_push($categories, $cat_id); } break; case "post_image" : $ary = !empty($value) ? explode("|:|", $value) : array(); $url = count($ary) > 0 ? $ary[0] : ""; $title = count($ary) > 1 ? $ary[1] : ""; $caption = count($ary) > 2 ? $ary[2] : ""; $description = count($ary) > 3 ? $ary[3] : ""; array_push($images, array("field_id" => $field["id"], "url" => $url, "title" => $title, "description" => $description, "caption" => $caption)); break; } } $post_data["post_status"] = rgar($form, "postStatus"); $post_data["post_category"] = !empty($categories) ? $categories : array(rgar($form, 'postCategory')); $post_data["images"] = $images; //setting current user as author depending on settings $post_data["post_author"] = $form["useCurrentUserAsAuthor"] && !empty($lead["created_by"]) ? $lead["created_by"] : $form["postAuthor"]; return $post_data; } public static function get_custom_field_names(){ global $wpdb; $keys = $wpdb->get_col( " SELECT meta_key FROM $wpdb->postmeta WHERE meta_key NOT LIKE '\_%' GROUP BY meta_key ORDER BY meta_id DESC"); if ( $keys ) natcasesort($keys); return $keys; } public static function get_input_masks(){ $masks = array( 'US Phone' => '(999) 999-9999', 'US Phone + Ext' => '(999) 999-9999? x99999', 'Date' => '99/99/9999', 'Tax ID' => '99-9999999', 'SSN' => '999-99-9999', 'Zip Code' => '99999', 'Full Zip Code' => '99999?-9999' ); return apply_filters('gform_input_masks', $masks); } private static function get_default_post_title(){ global $wpdb; $title = "Untitled"; $count = 1; $titles = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT post_title FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_title like '%Untitled%'"); $titles = array_values($titles); while(in_array($title, $titles)){ $title = "Untitled_$count"; $count++; } return $title; } public static function prepare_date($date_format, $value){ $format = empty($date_format) ? "mdy" : $date_format; $date_info = GFCommon::parse_date($value, $format); if(!empty($date_info)) $value = sprintf("%s-%02d-%02d", $date_info["year"], $date_info["month"], $date_info["day"]); else $value = ""; return $value; } /** * Prepare the value before saving it to the lead. * * @param mixed $form * @param mixed $field * @param mixed $value * @param mixed $input_name * @param mixed $lead_id the current lead ID, used for fields that are processed after other fields have been saved (ie Total, Calculations) * @param mixed $lead passed by the RGFormsModel::create_lead() method, lead ID is not available for leads created by this function */ public static function prepare_value($form, $field, $value, $input_name, $lead_id, $lead = array()){ $form_id = $form["id"]; $input_type = self::get_input_type($field); switch($input_type) { case "total" : $lead = empty($lead) ? RGFormsModel::get_lead($lead_id) : $lead; $value = GFCommon::get_order_total($form, $lead); break; case "calculation" : // ignore submitted value and recalculate price in backend list(,,$input_id) = rgexplode("_", $input_name, 3); if($input_id == 2) { require_once(GFCommon::get_base_path() . '/currency.php'); $currency = new RGCurrency(GFCommon::get_currency()); $lead = empty($lead) ? RGFormsModel::get_lead($lead_id) : $lead; $value = $currency->to_money(GFCommon::calculate($field, $form, $lead)); } break; case "phone" : if($field["phoneFormat"] == "standard" && preg_match('/^\D?(\d{3})\D?\D?(\d{3})\D?(\d{4})$/', $value, $matches)) $value = sprintf("(%s)%s-%s", $matches[1], $matches[2], $matches[3]); break; case "time": if(!is_array($value) && !empty($value)){ preg_match('/^(\d*):(\d*) ?(.*)$/', $value, $matches); $value = array(); $value[0] = $matches[1]; $value[1] = $matches[2]; $value[2] = rgar($matches,3); } $hour = empty($value[0]) ? "0" : strip_tags($value[0]); $minute = empty($value[1]) ? "0" : strip_tags($value[1]); $ampm = strip_tags(rgar($value,2)); if(!empty($ampm)) $ampm = " $ampm"; if(!(empty($hour) && empty($minute))) $value = sprintf("%02d:%02d%s", $hour, $minute, $ampm); else $value = ""; break; case "date" : $value = self::prepare_date($field["dateFormat"], $value); break; case "post_image": $url = self::get_fileupload_value($form_id, $input_name); $image_title = isset($_POST["{$input_name}_1"]) ? strip_tags($_POST["{$input_name}_1"]) : ""; $image_caption = isset($_POST["{$input_name}_4"]) ? strip_tags($_POST["{$input_name}_4"]) : ""; $image_description = isset($_POST["{$input_name}_7"]) ? strip_tags($_POST["{$input_name}_7"]) : ""; $value = !empty($url) ? $url . "|:|" . $image_title . "|:|" . $image_caption . "|:|" . $image_description : ""; break; case "fileupload" : $value = self::get_fileupload_value($form_id, $input_name); break; case "number" : $lead = empty($lead) ? RGFormsModel::get_lead($lead_id) : $lead; $value = GFCommon::has_field_calculation($field) ? GFCommon::round_number(GFCommon::calculate($field, $form, $lead), rgar($field, "calculationRounding")) : GFCommon::clean_number($value, rgar($field, "numberFormat")); //return the value as a string when it is zero and a calc so that the "==" comparison done when checking if the field has changed isn't treated as false if (GFCommon::has_field_calculation($field) && $value == 0){ $value = "0"; } break; case "website" : if($value == "http://") $value = ""; break; case "list" : if(GFCommon::is_empty_array($value)) $value = ""; else{ $value = self::create_list_array($field, $value); $value = serialize($value); } break; case "radio" : if(rgar($field, 'enableOtherChoice') && $value == 'gf_other_choice') $value = rgpost("input_{$field['id']}_other"); break; case "multiselect" : $value = empty($value) ? "" : implode(",", $value); break; case "creditcard" : //saving last 4 digits of credit card list($input_token, $field_id_token, $input_id) = rgexplode("_", $input_name, 3); if($input_id == "1"){ $value = str_replace(" ", "", $value); $card_number_length = strlen($value); $value = substr($value, -4, 4); $value = str_pad($value, $card_number_length, "X", STR_PAD_LEFT); } else if($input_id == "4") { $card_number = rgpost("input_{$field_id_token}_1"); $card_type = GFCommon::get_card_type($card_number); $value = $card_type ? $card_type["name"] : ""; } else{ $value = ""; } break; default: //allow HTML for certain field types $allow_html = in_array($field["type"], array("post_custom_field", "post_title", "post_content", "post_excerpt", "post_tags")) || in_array($input_type, array("checkbox", "radio")) ? true : false; $allowable_tags = apply_filters("gform_allowable_tags_{$form_id}", apply_filters("gform_allowable_tags", $allow_html, $field, $form_id), $field, $form_id); if($allowable_tags !== true) $value = strip_tags($value, $allowable_tags); break; } // special format for Post Category fields if($field['type'] == 'post_category') { $full_values = array(); if(!is_array($value)) $value = explode(',', $value); foreach($value as $cat_id) { $cat = get_term($cat_id, 'category'); $full_values[] = !is_wp_error($cat) && is_object($cat) ? $cat->name . ":" . $cat_id : ""; } $value = implode(',', $full_values); } //do not save price fields with blank price if(rgar($field, "enablePrice")){ $ary = explode("|", $value); $label = count($ary) > 0 ? $ary[0] : ""; $price = count($ary) > 1 ? $ary[1] : ""; $is_empty = (strlen(trim($price)) <= 0); if($is_empty) $value = ""; } return $value; } private static function create_list_array($field, $value){ if(!rgar($field,"enableColumns")){ return $value; } else{ $col_count = count(rgar($field, "choices")); $rows = array(); $row_count = count($value)/$col_count; $col_index = 0; for($i=0; $i<$row_count; $i++){ $row = array(); foreach($field["choices"] as $column){ $row[$column["text"]] = $value[$col_index]; $col_index++; } $rows[] = $row; } return $rows; } } private static function get_fileupload_value($form_id, $input_name){ global $_gf_uploaded_files; if(empty($_gf_uploaded_files)) $_gf_uploaded_files = array(); if(!isset($_gf_uploaded_files[$input_name])){ //check if file has already been uploaded by previous step $file_info = self::get_temp_filename($form_id, $input_name); $temp_filepath = self::get_upload_path($form_id) . "/tmp/" . $file_info["temp_filename"]; if($file_info && file_exists($temp_filepath)){ $_gf_uploaded_files[$input_name] = self::move_temp_file($form_id, $file_info); } else if (!empty($_FILES[$input_name]["name"])){ $_gf_uploaded_files[$input_name] = self::upload_file($form_id, $_FILES[$input_name]); } } return rgget($input_name, $_gf_uploaded_files); } public static function get_form_unique_id($form_id){ if(RGForms::post("gform_submit") == $form_id) return RGForms::post("gform_unique_id"); else return uniqid(); } public static function get_temp_filename($form_id, $input_name){ $uploaded_filename = !empty($_FILES[$input_name]["name"]) ? $_FILES[$input_name]["name"] : ""; if(empty($uploaded_filename) && isset(self::$uploaded_files[$form_id])) $uploaded_filename = rgget($input_name, self::$uploaded_files[$form_id]); if(empty($uploaded_filename)) return false; $form_unique_id = self::get_form_unique_id($form_id); $pathinfo = pathinfo($uploaded_filename); return array("uploaded_filename" => $uploaded_filename, "temp_filename" => "{$form_unique_id}_{$input_name}.{$pathinfo["extension"]}"); } public static function get_choice_text($field, $value, $input_id=0){ if(!is_array(rgar($field, "choices"))) return $value; foreach($field["choices"] as $choice){ if(is_array($value) && self::choice_value_match($field, $choice, $value[$input_id])){ return $choice["text"]; } else if(!is_array($value) && self::choice_value_match($field, $choice, $value)){ return $choice["text"]; } } return is_array($value) ? "" : $value; } public static function choice_value_match($field, $choice, $value){ if($choice["value"] == $value){ return true; } else if(rgget("enablePrice", $field)){ $ary = explode("|", $value); $val = count($ary) > 0 ? $ary[0] : ""; $price = count($ary) > 1 ? $ary[1] : ""; if($val == $choice["value"]) return true; } // add support for prepopulating multiselects @alex else if(RGFormsModel::get_input_type($field) == 'multiselect') { $values = explode(',', $value); if(in_array($choice['value'], $values)) return true; } return false; } public static function choices_value_match($field, $choices, $value) { foreach($choices as $choice){ if(self::choice_value_match($field, $choice, $value)) return true; } return false; } public static function create_post($form, &$lead){ $has_post_field = false; foreach($form["fields"] as $field){ $is_hidden = self::is_field_hidden($form, $field, array(), $lead); if(!$is_hidden && in_array($field["type"], array("post_category","post_title","post_content","post_excerpt","post_tags","post_custom_field","post_image"))){ $has_post_field = true; break; } } //if this form does not have any post fields, don't create a post if(!$has_post_field) return $lead; //processing post fields $post_data = self::get_post_fields($form, $lead); //allowing users to change post fields before post gets created $post_data = apply_filters("gform_post_data_{$form["id"]}", apply_filters("gform_post_data", $post_data , $form, $lead), $form, $lead); //adding default title if none of the required post fields are in the form (will make sure wp_insert_post() inserts the post) if(empty($post_data["post_title"]) && empty($post_data["post_content"]) && empty($post_data["post_excerpt"])){ $post_data["post_title"] = self::get_default_post_title(); } //inserting post $post_id = wp_insert_post($post_data); //adding form id and entry id hidden custom fields add_post_meta($post_id, "_gform-form-id", $form["id"]); add_post_meta($post_id, "_gform-entry-id", $lead["id"]); //creating post images $post_images = array(); foreach($post_data["images"] as $image){ $image_meta= array( "post_excerpt" => $image["caption"], "post_content" => $image["description"]); //adding title only if it is not empty. It will default to the file name if it is not in the array if(!empty($image["title"])) $image_meta["post_title"] = $image["title"]; if(!empty($image["url"])){ $media_id = self::media_handle_upload($image["url"], $post_id, $image_meta); if($media_id){ //save media id for post body/title template variable replacement (below) $post_images[$image["field_id"]] = $media_id; $lead[$image["field_id"]] .= "|:|$media_id"; // set featured image $field = RGFormsModel::get_field($form, $image["field_id"]); if(rgar($field, 'postFeaturedImage')) set_post_thumbnail($post_id, $media_id); } } } //adding custom fields foreach($post_data["post_custom_fields"] as $meta_name => $meta_value) { if(!is_array($meta_value)) $meta_value = array($meta_value); $meta_index = 0; foreach($meta_value as $value){ $custom_field = self::get_custom_field($form, $meta_name, $meta_index); //replacing template variables if template is enabled if($custom_field && rgget("customFieldTemplateEnabled", $custom_field)){ //replacing post image variables $value = GFCommon::replace_variables_post_image($custom_field["customFieldTemplate"], $post_images, $lead); //replacing all other variables $value = GFCommon::replace_variables($value, $form, $lead, false, false, false); // replace conditional shortcodes $value = do_shortcode($value); } switch(RGFormsModel::get_input_type($custom_field)){ case "list" : $value = maybe_unserialize($value); if(is_array($value)){ foreach($value as $item){ if(is_array($item)) $item = implode("|", $item); if(!rgblank($item)) add_post_meta($post_id, $meta_name, $item); } } break; case "multiselect" : case "checkbox" : $value = explode(",", $value); if(is_array($value)){ foreach($value as $item){ if(!rgblank($item)) add_post_meta($post_id, $meta_name, $item); } } break; case "date" : $value = GFCommon::date_display($value, rgar($custom_field, "dateFormat")); if(!rgblank($value)) add_post_meta($post_id, $meta_name, $value); break; default : if(!rgblank($value)) add_post_meta($post_id, $meta_name, $value); break; } $meta_index++; } } $has_content_field = sizeof(GFCommon::get_fields_by_type($form, array("post_content"))) > 0; $has_title_field = sizeof(GFCommon::get_fields_by_type($form, array("post_title"))) > 0; //if a post field was configured with a content or title template, process template if( (rgar($form, "postContentTemplateEnabled") && $has_content_field) || (rgar($form, "postTitleTemplateEnabled") && $has_title_field) ){ $post = get_post($post_id); if($form["postContentTemplateEnabled"] && $has_content_field){ //replacing post image variables $post_content = GFCommon::replace_variables_post_image($form["postContentTemplate"], $post_images, $lead); //replacing all other variables $post_content = GFCommon::replace_variables($post_content, $form, $lead, false, false, false); //updating post content $post->post_content = $post_content; } if($form["postTitleTemplateEnabled"] && $has_title_field){ //replacing post image variables $post_title = GFCommon::replace_variables_post_image($form["postTitleTemplate"], $post_images, $lead); //replacing all other variables $post_title = GFCommon::replace_variables($post_title, $form, $lead, false, false, false); // replace conditional shortcodes $post_title = do_shortcode($post_title); //updating post $post->post_title = $post_title; $post->post_name = $post_title; } wp_update_post($post); } //adding post format if(current_theme_supports('post-formats') && rgar($form, 'postFormat')) { $formats = get_theme_support('post-formats'); $post_format = rgar($form, 'postFormat'); if(is_array($formats)) { $formats = $formats[0]; if(in_array( $post_format, $formats)) { set_post_format($post_id, $post_format); } else if('0' == $post_format) { set_post_format($post_id, false); } } } //update post_id field if a post was created $lead["post_id"] = $post_id; self::update_lead($lead); return $post_id; } private static function get_custom_field($form, $meta_name, $meta_index){ $custom_fields = GFCommon::get_fields_by_type($form, array("post_custom_field")); $index = 0; foreach($custom_fields as $field){ if($field["postCustomFieldName"] == $meta_name){ if($meta_index == $index){ return $field; } $index++; } } return false; } private static function copy_post_image($url, $post_id){ $time = current_time('mysql'); if ( $post = get_post($post_id) ) { if ( substr( $post->post_date, 0, 4 ) > 0 ) $time = $post->post_date; } //making sure there is a valid upload folder if ( ! ( ( $uploads = wp_upload_dir($time) ) && false === $uploads['error'] ) ) return false; $name = basename($url); $filename = wp_unique_filename($uploads['path'], $name); // Move the file to the uploads dir $new_file = $uploads['path'] . "/$filename"; $uploaddir = wp_upload_dir(); $path = str_replace($uploaddir["baseurl"], $uploaddir["basedir"], $url); if(!copy($path, $new_file)) return false; // Set correct file permissions $stat = stat( dirname( $new_file )); $perms = $stat['mode'] & 0000666; @ chmod( $new_file, $perms ); // Compute the URL $url = $uploads['url'] . "/$filename"; if ( is_multisite() ) delete_transient( 'dirsize_cache' ); $type = wp_check_filetype($new_file); return array("file" => $new_file, "url" => $url, "type" => $type["type"]); } private static function media_handle_upload($url, $post_id, $post_data = array()) { //WordPress Administration API required for the media_handle_upload() function require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/image.php'); $name = basename($url); $file = self::copy_post_image($url, $post_id); if(!$file) return false; $name_parts = pathinfo($name); $name = trim( substr( $name, 0, -(1 + strlen($name_parts['extension'])) ) ); $url = $file['url']; $type = $file['type']; $file = $file['file']; $title = $name; $content = ''; // use image exif/iptc data for title and caption defaults if possible if ( $image_meta = @wp_read_image_metadata($file) ) { if ( trim( $image_meta['title'] ) && ! is_numeric( sanitize_title( $image_meta['title'] ) ) ) $title = $image_meta['title']; if ( trim( $image_meta['caption'] ) ) $content = $image_meta['caption']; } // Construct the attachment array $attachment = array_merge( array( 'post_mime_type' => $type, 'guid' => $url, 'post_parent' => $post_id, 'post_title' => $title, 'post_content' => $content, ), $post_data ); // Save the data $id = wp_insert_attachment($attachment, $file, $post_id); if ( !is_wp_error($id) ) { wp_update_attachment_metadata( $id, wp_generate_attachment_metadata( $id, $file ) ); } return $id; } public static function save_input($form, $field, &$lead, $current_fields, $input_id){ global $wpdb; $lead_detail_table = self::get_lead_details_table_name(); $lead_detail_long_table = self::get_lead_details_long_table_name(); $input_name = "input_" . str_replace('.', '_', $input_id); $value = rgpost($input_name); //ignore file upload when nothing was sent in the admin //ignore post fields in the admin if(RG_CURRENT_VIEW == "entry" && self::get_input_type($field) == "fileupload" && empty($_FILES[$input_name]["name"])) return; else if(RG_CURRENT_VIEW == "entry" && in_array($field["type"], array("post_category","post_title","post_content","post_excerpt","post_tags","post_custom_field","post_image"))) return; if(empty($value) && rgar($field, "adminOnly") && !IS_ADMIN){ $value = self::get_default_value($field, $input_id); } //processing values so that they are in the correct format for each input type $value = self::prepare_value($form, $field, $value, $input_name, rgar($lead, "id")); //ignore fields that have not changed if($lead != null && $value == rgget($input_id, $lead)) { return; } if(!empty($value) || $value === "0"){ $value = apply_filters("gform_save_field_value", $value, $lead, $field, $form); $truncated_value = substr($value, 0, GFORMS_MAX_FIELD_LENGTH); $lead_detail_id = self::get_lead_detail_id($current_fields, $input_id); if($lead_detail_id > 0){ $wpdb->update($lead_detail_table, array("value" => $truncated_value), array("id" => $lead_detail_id), array("%s"), array("%d")); //insert, update or delete long value $sql = $wpdb->prepare("SELECT count(0) FROM $lead_detail_long_table WHERE lead_detail_id=%d", $lead_detail_id); $has_long_field = intval($wpdb->get_var($sql)) > 0; //delete long field if value has been shortened if($has_long_field && strlen($value) <= GFORMS_MAX_FIELD_LENGTH){ $sql = $wpdb->prepare("DELETE FROM $lead_detail_long_table WHERE lead_detail_id=%d", $lead_detail_id); $wpdb->query($sql); } //update long field else if($has_long_field){ $wpdb->update($lead_detail_long_table, array("value" => $value), array("lead_detail_id" => $lead_detail_id), array("%s"), array("%d")); } //insert long field (value has been increased) else if(strlen($value) > GFORMS_MAX_FIELD_LENGTH){ $wpdb->insert($lead_detail_long_table, array("lead_detail_id" => $lead_detail_id, "value" => $value), array("%d", "%s")); } } else{ $wpdb->insert($lead_detail_table, array("lead_id" => $lead["id"], "form_id" => $form["id"], "field_number" => $input_id, "value" => $truncated_value), array("%d", "%d", "%f", "%s")); if(strlen($value) > GFORMS_MAX_FIELD_LENGTH){ //read newly created lead detal id $lead_detail_id = $wpdb->insert_id; //insert long value $wpdb->insert($lead_detail_long_table, array("lead_detail_id" => $lead_detail_id, "value" => $value), array("%d", "%s")); } } } else{ //Deleting details for this field $sql = $wpdb->prepare("DELETE FROM $lead_detail_table WHERE lead_id=%d AND field_number BETWEEN %s AND %s ", $lead["id"], doubleval($input_id) - 0.001, doubleval($input_id) + 0.001); $wpdb->query($sql); //Deleting long field if there is one $sql = $wpdb->prepare("DELETE FROM $lead_detail_long_table WHERE lead_detail_id IN( SELECT id FROM $lead_detail_table WHERE lead_id=%d AND field_number BETWEEN %s AND %s )", $lead["id"], doubleval($input_id) - 0.001, doubleval($input_id) + 0.001); $wpdb->query($sql); } } private static function move_temp_file($form_id, $tempfile_info){ $target = self::get_file_upload_path($form_id, $tempfile_info["uploaded_filename"]); $source = self::get_upload_path($form_id) . "/tmp/" . $tempfile_info["temp_filename"]; if(rename($source, $target["path"])){ self::set_permissions($target["path"]); return $target["url"]; } else{ return "FAILED (Temporary file could not be moved.)"; } } private static function set_permissions($path){ $permission = apply_filters("gform_file_permission", 0644, $path); if($permission){ chmod($path, $permission); } } public static function upload_file($form_id, $file){ $target = self::get_file_upload_path($form_id, $file["name"]); if(!$target) return "FAILED (Upload folder could not be created.)"; if(move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'], $target["path"])){ self::set_permissions($target["path"]); return $target["url"]; } else{ return "FAILED (Temporary file could not be copied.)"; } } public static function get_upload_root(){ $dir = wp_upload_dir(); if($dir["error"]) return null; return $dir["basedir"] . "/gravity_forms/"; } public static function get_upload_url_root(){ $dir = wp_upload_dir(); if($dir["error"]) return null; return $dir["baseurl"] . "/gravity_forms/"; } public static function get_upload_path($form_id){ return self::get_upload_root() . $form_id . "-" . wp_hash($form_id); } public static function get_upload_url($form_id){ $dir = wp_upload_dir(); return $dir["baseurl"] . "/gravity_forms/$form_id" . "-" . wp_hash($form_id); } public static function get_file_upload_path($form_id, $file_name){ if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) $file_name = stripslashes($file_name); // Where the file is going to be placed // Generate the yearly and monthly dirs $time = current_time( 'mysql' ); $y = substr( $time, 0, 4 ); $m = substr( $time, 5, 2 ); $target_root = self::get_upload_path($form_id) . "/$y/$m/"; $target_root_url = self::get_upload_url($form_id) . "/$y/$m/"; //adding filter to upload root path and url $upload_root_info = array("path" => $target_root, "url" => $target_root_url); $upload_root_info = apply_filters("gform_upload_path_{$form_id}", apply_filters("gform_upload_path", $upload_root_info, $form_id)); $target_root = $upload_root_info["path"]; $target_root_url = $upload_root_info["url"]; if(!is_dir($target_root)){ if(!wp_mkdir_p($target_root)) return false; //adding index.html files to all subfolders if(!file_exists(self::get_upload_root() . "/index.html")){ GFCommon::recursive_add_index_file(self::get_upload_root()); } else if(!file_exists(self::get_upload_path($form_id) . "/index.html")){ GFCommon::recursive_add_index_file(self::get_upload_path($form_id)); } else if(!file_exists(self::get_upload_path($form_id) . "/$y/index.html")){ GFCommon::recursive_add_index_file(self::get_upload_path($form_id) . "/$y"); } else{ GFCommon::recursive_add_index_file(self::get_upload_path($form_id) . "/$y/$m"); } } //Add the original filename to our target path. //Result is "uploads/filename.extension" $file_info = pathinfo($file_name); $extension = rgar($file_info, 'extension'); $file_name = basename($file_info["basename"], "." . $extension); $file_name = sanitize_file_name($file_name); $counter = 1; $target_path = $target_root . $file_name . "." . $extension; while(file_exists($target_path)){ $target_path = $target_root . $file_name . "$counter" . "." . $extension; $counter++; } //creating url $target_url = str_replace($target_root, $target_root_url, $target_path); return array("path" => $target_path, "url" => $target_url); } public static function drop_tables(){ global $wpdb; $wpdb->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " . self::get_lead_details_long_table_name()); $wpdb->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " . self::get_lead_notes_table_name()); $wpdb->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " . self::get_lead_details_table_name()); $wpdb->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " . self::get_lead_table_name()); $wpdb->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " . self::get_form_view_table_name()); $wpdb->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " . self::get_meta_table_name()); $wpdb->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " . self::get_form_table_name()); $wpdb->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " . self::get_lead_meta_table_name()); } public static function insert_form_view($form_id, $ip){ global $wpdb; $table_name = self::get_form_view_table_name(); $sql = $wpdb->prepare(" SELECT id FROM $table_name WHERE form_id=%d AND year(date_created) = year(utc_timestamp()) AND month(date_created) = month(utc_timestamp()) AND day(date_created) = day(utc_timestamp()) AND hour(date_created) = hour(utc_timestamp())", $form_id); $id = $wpdb->get_var($sql, 0, 0); if(empty($id)) $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("INSERT INTO $table_name(form_id, date_created, ip) values(%d, utc_timestamp(), %s)", $form_id, $ip)); else $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("UPDATE $table_name SET count = count+1 WHERE id=%d", $id)); } public static function is_duplicate($form_id, $field, $value){ global $wpdb; $lead_detail_table_name = self::get_lead_details_table_name(); $lead_table_name = self::get_lead_table_name(); switch(RGFormsModel::get_input_type($field)){ case "time" : $value = sprintf("%d:%02d %s", $value[0], $value[1], $value[2]); break; case "date" : $value = self::prepare_date(rgar($field, "dateFormat"), $value); break; case "number" : $value = GFCommon::clean_number($value, rgar($field, 'numberFormat')); break; } $inner_sql_template = " SELECT %s as input, ld.lead_id FROM $lead_detail_table_name ld INNER JOIN $lead_table_name l ON = ld.lead_id WHERE l.form_id=%d AND ld.form_id=%d AND ld.field_number between %s AND %s AND ld.value=%s"; $sql = "SELECT count(distinct input) as match_count FROM ( "; $input_count = 1; if(is_array($field["inputs"])){ $input_count = sizeof($field["inputs"]); foreach($field["inputs"] as $input){ $union = empty($inner_sql) ? "" : " UNION ALL "; $inner_sql .= $union . $wpdb->prepare($inner_sql_template, $input["id"], $form_id, $form_id, $input["id"] - 0.001, $input["id"] + 0.001, $value[$input["id"]]); } } else{ $inner_sql = $wpdb->prepare($inner_sql_template, $field["id"], $form_id, $form_id, doubleval($field["id"]) - 0.001, doubleval($field["id"]) + 0.001, $value); } $sql .= $inner_sql . " ) as count GROUP BY lead_id ORDER BY match_count DESC"; $count = apply_filters("gform_is_duplicate_{$form_id}", apply_filters('gform_is_duplicate', $wpdb->get_var($sql), $form_id, $field, $value), $form_id, $field, $value); return $count != null && $count >= $input_count; } public static function get_lead($lead_id){ global $wpdb; $lead_detail_table_name = self::get_lead_details_table_name(); $lead_table_name = self::get_lead_table_name(); $results = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare(" SELECT l.*, field_number, value FROM $lead_table_name l INNER JOIN $lead_detail_table_name ld ON = ld.lead_id WHERE", $lead_id)); $leads = self::build_lead_array($results, true); return sizeof($leads) == 1 ? $leads[0] : false; } public static function get_lead_notes($lead_id){ global $wpdb; $notes_table = self::get_lead_notes_table_name(); return $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare(" SELECT, n.user_id, n.date_created, n.value, ifnull(u.display_name,n.user_name) as user_name, u.user_email FROM $notes_table n LEFT OUTER JOIN $wpdb->users u ON n.user_id = WHERE lead_id=%d ORDER BY id", $lead_id)); } public static function get_lead_field_value($lead, $field){ if(empty($lead)) return; $max_length = GFORMS_MAX_FIELD_LENGTH; $value = array(); if(is_array(rgar($field, "inputs"))){ //making sure values submitted are sent in the value even if //there isn't an input associated with it $lead_field_keys = array_keys($lead); foreach($lead_field_keys as $input_id){ if(is_numeric($input_id) && absint($input_id) == absint($field["id"])){ $val = $lead[$input_id]; if(strlen($val) >= ($max_length-10)) { if(empty($form)) $form = RGFormsModel::get_form_meta($lead["form_id"]); $long_choice = self::get_field_value_long($lead, $input_id, $form); } else{ $long_choice = $val; } $value[$input_id] = !empty($long_choice) ? $long_choice : $val; } } } else{ $val = rgget($field["id"], $lead); //To save a database call to get long text, only getting long text if regular field is "somewhat" large (i.e. max - 50) if(strlen($val) >= ($max_length - 50)){ if(empty($form)) $form = RGFormsModel::get_form_meta($lead["form_id"]); $long_text = self::get_field_value_long($lead, $field["id"], $form); } $value = !empty($long_text) ? $long_text : $val; } //filtering lead value $value = apply_filters("gform_get_field_value", $value, $lead, $field); return $value; } public static function get_field_value_long($lead, $field_number, $form, $apply_filter=true){ global $wpdb; $detail_table_name = self::get_lead_details_table_name(); $long_table_name = self::get_lead_details_long_table_name(); $sql = $wpdb->prepare(" SELECT l.value FROM $detail_table_name d INNER JOIN $long_table_name l ON l.lead_detail_id = WHERE lead_id=%d AND field_number BETWEEN %s AND %s", $lead["id"], doubleval($field_number) - 0.001, doubleval($field_number) + 0.001); $val = $wpdb->get_var($sql); //running aform_get_input_value when needed if($apply_filter){ $field = RGFormsModel::get_field($form, $field_number); $input_id = (string)$field_number == (string)$field["id"] ? "" : $field_number; $val = apply_filters("gform_get_input_value", $val, $lead, $field, $input_id); } return $val; } public static function get_leads($form_id, $sort_field_number=0, $sort_direction='DESC', $search='', $offset=0, $page_size=30, $star=null, $read=null, $is_numeric_sort = false, $start_date=null, $end_date=null, $status='active'){ global $wpdb; if(empty($sort_field_number)) $sort_field_number = "date_created"; if(is_numeric($sort_field_number)) $sql = self::sort_by_custom_field_query($form_id, $sort_field_number, $sort_direction, $search, $offset, $page_size, $star, $read, $is_numeric_sort, $status); else $sql = self::sort_by_default_field_query($form_id, $sort_field_number, $sort_direction, $search, $offset, $page_size, $star, $read, $is_numeric_sort, $start_date, $end_date, $status); //initializing rownum $wpdb->query("select @rownum:=0"); //getting results $results = $wpdb->get_results($sql); $leads = self::build_lead_array($results); return $leads; } private static function sort_by_custom_field_query($form_id, $sort_field_number=0, $sort_direction='DESC', $search='', $offset=0, $page_size=30, $star=null, $read=null, $is_numeric_sort = false, $status='active'){ global $wpdb; if(!is_numeric($form_id) || !is_numeric($sort_field_number)|| !is_numeric($offset)|| !is_numeric($page_size)) return ""; $lead_detail_table_name = self::get_lead_details_table_name(); $lead_table_name = self::get_lead_table_name(); $orderby = $is_numeric_sort ? "ORDER BY query, (value+0) $sort_direction" : "ORDER BY query, value $sort_direction"; $search_term = "%$search%"; $search_filter = empty($search) ? "" : $wpdb->prepare("WHERE d.value LIKE %s", $search_term); //starred clause $where = empty($search_filter) ? "WHERE" : "AND"; $search_filter .= $star !== null && $status == 'active' ? $wpdb->prepare("$where is_starred=%d AND status='active' ", $star) : ""; //read clause $where = empty($search_filter) ? "WHERE" : "AND"; $search_filter .= $read !== null && $status == 'active' ? $wpdb->prepare("$where is_read=%d AND status='active' ", $read) : ""; //status clause $where = empty($search_filter) ? "WHERE" : "AND"; $search_filter .= $wpdb->prepare("$where status=%s ", $status); $field_number_min = $sort_field_number - 0.001; $field_number_max = $sort_field_number + 0.001; $sql = " SELECT filtered.sort, l.*, d.field_number, d.value FROM $lead_table_name l INNER JOIN $lead_detail_table_name d ON d.lead_id = INNER JOIN ( SELECT distinct sorted.sort, FROM $lead_table_name l INNER JOIN $lead_detail_table_name d ON d.lead_id = INNER JOIN ( SELECT @rownum:=@rownum+1 as sort, id FROM ( SELECT 0 as query, lead_id as id, value FROM $lead_detail_table_name WHERE form_id=$form_id AND field_number between $field_number_min AND $field_number_max UNION ALL SELECT 1 as query,, d.value FROM $lead_table_name l LEFT OUTER JOIN $lead_detail_table_name d ON d.lead_id = AND field_number between $field_number_min AND $field_number_max WHERE l.form_id=$form_id AND d.lead_id IS NULL ) sorted1 $orderby ) sorted ON d.lead_id = $search_filter LIMIT $offset,$page_size ) filtered ON = ORDER BY filtered.sort"; return $sql; } private static function sort_by_default_field_query($form_id, $sort_field, $sort_direction='DESC', $search='', $offset=0, $page_size=30, $star=null, $read=null, $is_numeric_sort = false, $start_date=null, $end_date=null, $status='active'){ global $wpdb; if(!is_numeric($form_id) || !is_numeric($offset)|| !is_numeric($page_size)){ return ""; } $lead_detail_table_name = self::get_lead_details_table_name(); $lead_table_name = self::get_lead_table_name(); $search_term = "%$search%"; $search_filter = empty($search) ? "" : $wpdb->prepare(" AND value LIKE %s", $search_term); $star_filter = $star !== null && $status == 'active' ? $wpdb->prepare(" AND is_starred=%d AND status='active' ", $star) : ""; $read_filter = $read !== null && $status == 'active' ? $wpdb->prepare(" AND is_read=%d AND status='active' ", $read) : ""; $status_filter = $wpdb->prepare(" AND status=%s ", $status); $start_date_filter = empty($start_date) ? "" : " AND datediff(date_created, '$start_date') >=0"; $end_date_filter = empty($end_date) ? "" : " AND datediff(date_created, '$end_date') <=0"; $sql = " SELECT filtered.sort, l.*, d.field_number, d.value FROM $lead_table_name l INNER JOIN $lead_detail_table_name d ON d.lead_id = INNER JOIN ( SELECT @rownum:=@rownum + 1 as sort, id FROM ( SELECT distinct FROM $lead_table_name l INNER JOIN $lead_detail_table_name d ON d.lead_id = WHERE l.form_id=$form_id $search_filter $star_filter $read_filter $status_filter $start_date_filter $end_date_filter ORDER BY $sort_field $sort_direction LIMIT $offset,$page_size ) page ) filtered ON = ORDER BY filtered.sort"; return $sql; } public static function build_lead_array($results, $use_long_values = false){ $leads = array(); $lead = array(); $form_id = 0; if(is_array($results) && sizeof($results) > 0){ $form_id = $results[0]->form_id; $lead = array("id" => $results[0]->id, "form_id" => $results[0]->form_id, "date_created" => $results[0]->date_created, "is_starred" => intval($results[0]->is_starred), "is_read" => intval($results[0]->is_read), "ip" => $results[0]->ip, "source_url" => $results[0]->source_url, "post_id" => $results[0]->post_id, "currency" => $results[0]->currency, "payment_status" => $results[0]->payment_status, "payment_date" => $results[0]->payment_date, "transaction_id" => $results[0]->transaction_id, "payment_amount" => $results[0]->payment_amount, "is_fulfilled" => $results[0]->is_fulfilled, "created_by" => $results[0]->created_by, "transaction_type" => $results[0]->transaction_type, "user_agent" => $results[0]->user_agent, "status" => $results[0]->status); $form = RGFormsModel::get_form_meta($form_id); $prev_lead_id=0; foreach($results as $result){ if($prev_lead_id <> $result->id && $prev_lead_id > 0){ array_push($leads, $lead); $lead = array("id" => $result->id, "form_id" => $result->form_id, "date_created" => $result->date_created, "is_starred" => intval($result->is_starred), "is_read" => intval($result->is_read), "ip" => $result->ip, "source_url" => $result->source_url, "post_id" => $result->post_id, "currency" => $result->currency, "payment_status" => $result->payment_status, "payment_date" => $result->payment_date, "transaction_id" => $result->transaction_id, "payment_amount" => $result->payment_amount, "is_fulfilled" => $result->is_fulfilled, "created_by" => $result->created_by, "transaction_type" => $result->transaction_type, "user_agent" => $result->user_agent, "status" => $result->status); } $field_value = $result->value; //using long values if specified if($use_long_values && strlen($field_value) >= (GFORMS_MAX_FIELD_LENGTH-10)){ $field = RGFormsModel::get_field($form, $result->field_number); $long_text = RGFormsModel::get_field_value_long($lead, $result->field_number, $form, false); $field_value = !empty($long_text) ? $long_text : $field_value; } $lead[$result->field_number] = $field_value; $prev_lead_id = $result->id; } } //adding last lead. if(sizeof($lead) > 0) array_push($leads, $lead); //running entry through gform_get_field_value filter foreach($leads as &$lead){ foreach($form["fields"] as $field){ if(isset($field["inputs"]) && is_array($field["inputs"])){ foreach($field["inputs"] as $input){ $lead[(string)$input["id"]] = apply_filters("gform_get_input_value", rgar($lead, (string)$input["id"]), $lead, $field, $input["id"]); } } else{ $lead[$field["id"]] = apply_filters("gform_get_input_value", rgar($lead, (string)$field["id"]), $lead, $field, ""); } } } return $leads; } public static function save_key($key){ $current_key = get_option("rg_gforms_key"); if(empty($key)){ delete_option("rg_gforms_key"); } else if($current_key != $key){ $key = trim($key); update_option("rg_gforms_key", md5($key)); } } public static function get_lead_count($form_id, $search, $star=null, $read=null, $start_date=null, $end_date=null, $status=null){ global $wpdb; if(!is_numeric($form_id)) return ""; $detail_table_name = self::get_lead_details_table_name(); $lead_table_name = self::get_lead_table_name(); $star_filter = $star !== null ? $wpdb->prepare("AND is_starred=%d ", $star) : ""; $read_filter = $read !== null ? $wpdb->prepare("AND is_read=%d ", $read) : ""; $start_date_filter = empty($start_date) ? "" : " AND datediff(date_created, '$start_date') >=0"; $end_date_filter = empty($end_date) ? "" : " AND datediff(date_created, '$end_date') <=0"; $status_filter = $status !== null ? $wpdb->prepare(" AND status='%s' ", $status) : ""; $search_term = "%$search%"; $search_filter = empty($search) ? "" : $wpdb->prepare("AND value LIKE %s", $search_term); $sql = "SELECT count(distinct FROM $lead_table_name l INNER JOIN $detail_table_name ld ON = ld.lead_id WHERE l.form_id=$form_id AND ld.form_id=$form_id $star_filter $read_filter $start_date_filter $end_date_filter $status_filter $search_filter"; return $wpdb->get_var($sql); } public static function get_grid_columns($form_id, $input_label_only=false){ $form = self::get_form_meta($form_id); $field_ids = self::get_grid_column_meta($form_id); if(!is_array($field_ids)){ $field_ids = array(); for($i=0, $count=sizeof($form["fields"]); $i<$count && $i<5; $i++){ $field = $form["fields"][$i]; if(RGForms::get("displayOnly",$field) || self::get_input_type($field) == "list") continue; if(isset($field["inputs"]) && is_array($field["inputs"])){ if($field["type"] == "name"){ $field_ids[] = $field["id"] . '.3'; //adding first name $field_ids[] = $field["id"] . '.6'; //adding last name } else{ $field_ids[] = $field["inputs"][0]["id"]; //getting first input } } else{ $field_ids[] = $field["id"]; } } } $columns = array(); foreach($field_ids as $field_id){ switch($field_id){ case "id" : $columns[$field_id] = array("label" => "Entry Id", "type" => "id"); break; case "ip" : $columns[$field_id] = array("label" => "User IP", "type" => "ip"); break; case "date_created" : $columns[$field_id] = array("label" => "Entry Date", "type" => "date_created"); break; case "source_url" : $columns[$field_id] = array("label" => "Source Url", "type" => "source_url"); break; case "payment_status" : $columns[$field_id] = array("label" => "Payment Status", "type" => "payment_status"); break; case "transaction_id" : $columns[$field_id] = array("label" => "Transaction Id", "type" => "transaction_id"); break; case "payment_date" : $columns[$field_id] = array("label" => "Payment Date", "type" => "payment_date"); break; case "payment_amount" : $columns[$field_id] = array("label" => "Payment Amount", "type" => "payment_amount"); break; case "created_by" : $columns[$field_id] = array("label" => "User", "type" => "created_by"); break; default : $field = self::get_field($form, $field_id); if($field) $columns[strval($field_id)] = array("label" => self::get_label($field, $field_id, $input_label_only), "type" => rgget("type", $field), "inputType" => rgget("inputType", $field)); } } return $columns; } public static function get_label($field, $input_id = 0, $input_only = false){ $field_label = (IS_ADMIN || RG_CURRENT_PAGE == "select_columns.php" || RG_CURRENT_PAGE == "print-entry.php" || rgget("gf_page", $_GET) == "select_columns" || rgget("gf_page", $_GET) == "print-entry") && !rgempty("adminLabel", $field) ? rgar($field,"adminLabel") : rgar($field,"label"); $input = self::get_input($field, $input_id); if(rgget("type", $field) == "checkbox" && $input != null) return $input["label"]; else if($input != null) return $input_only ? $input["label"] : $field_label . ' (' . $input["label"] . ')'; else return $field_label; } public static function get_input($field, $id){ if(isset($field["inputs"]) && is_array($field["inputs"])){ foreach($field["inputs"] as $input) { if($input["id"] == $id) return $input; } } return null; } public static function has_input($field, $input_id){ if(!is_array($field["inputs"])) return false; else{ foreach($field["inputs"] as $input) { if($input["id"] == $input_id) return true; } return false; } } public static function get_current_page_url($force_ssl=false) { $pageURL = 'http'; if (RGForms::get("HTTPS",$_SERVER) == "on" || $force_ssl) $pageURL .= "s"; $pageURL .= "://"; $pageURL .= RGForms::get("HTTP_HOST", $_SERVER) . rgget("REQUEST_URI", $_SERVER); return $pageURL; } public static function get_submitted_fields($form_id){ global $wpdb; $lead_detail_table_name = self::get_lead_details_table_name(); $field_list = ""; $fields = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("SELECT DISTINCT field_number FROM $lead_detail_table_name WHERE form_id=%d", $form_id)); foreach($fields as $field) $field_list .= intval($field->field_number) . ','; if(!empty($field_list)) $field_list = substr($field_list, 0, strlen($field_list) -1); return $field_list; } public static function get_field($form, $field_id){ if(is_numeric($field_id)) $field_id = intval($field_id); //removing floating part of field (i.e 1.3 -> 1) to return field by input id if(!is_array($form["fields"])) return null; foreach($form["fields"] as $field){ if($field["id"] == $field_id) return $field; } return null; } public static function is_html5_enabled(){ return get_option("rg_gforms_enable_html5"); } } global $_gform_lead_meta; $_gform_lead_meta = array(); //functions to handle lead meta function gform_get_meta($entry_id, $meta_key){ global $wpdb, $_gform_lead_meta; //get from cache if available $cache_key = $entry_id . "_" . $meta_key; if(array_key_exists($cache_key, $_gform_lead_meta)) return $_gform_lead_meta[$cache_key]; $table_name = RGFormsModel::get_lead_meta_table_name(); $value = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT meta_value FROM {$table_name} WHERE lead_id=%d AND meta_key=%s", $entry_id, $meta_key)); $meta_value = $value == null ? false : maybe_unserialize($value); $_gform_lead_meta[$cache_key] = $meta_value; return $meta_value; } function gform_update_meta($entry_id, $meta_key, $meta_value){ global $wpdb, $_gform_lead_meta; $table_name = RGFormsModel::get_lead_meta_table_name(); $meta_value = maybe_serialize($meta_value); $meta_exists = gform_get_meta($entry_id, $meta_key) !== false; if($meta_exists){ $wpdb->update($table_name, array("meta_value" => $meta_value), array("lead_id" => $entry_id, "meta_key" => $meta_key),array("%s"), array("%d", "%s")); } else{ $wpdb->insert($table_name, array("lead_id" => $entry_id, "meta_key" => $meta_key, "meta_value" => $meta_value), array("%d", "%s", "%s")); } //updates cache $cache_key = $entry_id . "_" . $meta_key; if(array_key_exists($cache_key, $_gform_lead_meta)) $_gform_lead_meta[$cache_key] = maybe_unserialize($meta_value); } function gform_delete_meta($entry_id, $meta_key=""){ global $wpdb, $_gform_lead_meta; $table_name = RGFormsModel::get_lead_meta_table_name(); $meta_filter = empty($meta_key) ? "" : $wpdb->prepare("AND meta_key=%s", $meta_key); $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("DELETE FROM {$table_name} WHERE lead_id=%d {$meta_filter}", $entry_id)); //clears cache. $_gform_lead_meta = array(); } ?>