db_dbname = $database; if ($server !== null) $this->db_host = $server; if ($username !== null) $this->db_user = $username; if ($password !== null) $this->db_pass = $password; if ($charset !== null) $this->db_charset = $charset; if (strlen($this->db_host) > 0 && strlen($this->db_user) > 0) { if ($connect) $this->Open(); } } /** * Destructor: Closes the connection to the database * */ public function __destruct() { $this->Close(); } /** * Automatically does an INSERT or UPDATE depending if an existing record * exists in a table * * @param string $tableName The name of the table * @param array $valuesArray An associative array containing the column * names as keys and values as data. The values * must be SQL ready (i.e. quotes around * strings, formatted dates, ect) * @param array $whereArray An associative array containing the column * names as keys and values as data. The values * must be SQL ready (i.e. quotes around strings, * formatted dates, ect). * @return boolean Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on error */ public function AutoInsertUpdate($tableName, $valuesArray, $whereArray) { $this->ResetError(); $this->SelectRows($tableName, $whereArray); if (! $this->Error()) { if ($this->HasRecords()) { return $this->UpdateRows($tableName, $valuesArray, $whereArray); } else { return $this->InsertRow($tableName, $valuesArray); } } else { return false; } } /** * Returns true if the internal pointer is at the beginning of the records * * @return boolean TRUE if at the first row or FALSE if not */ public function BeginningOfSeek() { $this->ResetError(); if ($this->IsConnected()) { if ($this->active_row < 1) { return true; } else { return false; } } else { $this->SetError("No connection"); return false; } } /** * [STATIC] Builds a comma delimited list of columns for use with SQL * * @param array $valuesArray An array containing the column names. * @param boolean $addQuotes (Optional) TRUE to add quotes * @param boolean $showAlias (Optional) TRUE to show column alias * @return string Returns the SQL column list */ static private function BuildSQLColumns($columns, $addQuotes = true, $showAlias = true) { if ($addQuotes) { $quote = "`"; } else { $quote = ""; } switch (gettype($columns)) { case "array": $sql = ""; foreach ($columns as $key => $value) { // Build the columns if (strlen($sql) == 0) { $sql = $quote . $value . $quote; } else { $sql .= ", " . $quote . $value . $quote; } if ($showAlias && is_string($key) && (! empty($key))) { $sql .= ' AS "' . $key . '"'; } } return $sql; break; case "string": return $quote . $columns . $quote; break; default: return false; break; } } /** * [STATIC] Builds a SQL DELETE statement * * @param string $tableName The name of the table * @param array $whereArray (Optional) An associative array containing the * column names as keys and values as data. The * values must be SQL ready (i.e. quotes around * strings, formatted dates, ect). If not specified * then all values in the table are deleted. * @return string Returns the SQL DELETE statement */ static public function BuildSQLDelete($tableName, $whereArray = null) { $sql = "DELETE FROM `" . $tableName . "`"; if (! is_null($whereArray)) { $sql .= self::BuildSQLWhereClause($whereArray); } return $sql; } /** * [STATIC] Builds a SQL INSERT statement * * @param string $tableName The name of the table * @param array $valuesArray An associative array containing the column * names as keys and values as data. The values * must be SQL ready (i.e. quotes around * strings, formatted dates, ect) * @return string Returns a SQL INSERT statement */ static public function BuildSQLInsert($tableName, $valuesArray) { $columns = self::BuildSQLColumns(array_keys($valuesArray)); $values = self::BuildSQLColumns($valuesArray, false, false); $sql = "INSERT INTO `" . $tableName . "` (" . $columns . ") VALUES (" . $values . ")"; return $sql; } /** * Builds a simple SQL SELECT statement * * @param string $tableName The name of the table * @param array $whereArray (Optional) An associative array containing the * column names as keys and values as data. The * values must be SQL ready (i.e. quotes around * strings, formatted dates, ect) * @param array/string $columns (Optional) The column or list of columns to select * @param array/string $sortColumns (Optional) Column or list of columns to sort by * @param boolean $sortAscending (Optional) TRUE for ascending; FALSE for descending * This only works if $sortColumns are specified * @param integer/string $limit (Optional) The limit of rows to return * @return string Returns a SQL SELECT statement */ static public function BuildSQLSelect($tableName, $whereArray = null, $columns = null, $sortColumns = null, $sortAscending = true, $limit = null) { if (! is_null($columns)) { $sql = self::BuildSQLColumns($columns); } else { $sql = "*"; } $sql = "SELECT " . $sql . " FROM `" . $tableName . "`"; if (is_array($whereArray)) { $sql .= self::BuildSQLWhereClause($whereArray); } if (! is_null($sortColumns)) { $sql .= " ORDER BY " . self::BuildSQLColumns($sortColumns, true, false) . " " . ($sortAscending ? "ASC" : "DESC"); } if (! is_null($limit)) { $sql .= " LIMIT " . $limit; } return $sql; } /** * [STATIC] Builds a SQL UPDATE statement * * @param string $tableName The name of the table * @param array $valuesArray An associative array containing the column * names as keys and values as data. The values * must be SQL ready (i.e. quotes around * strings, formatted dates, ect) * @param array $whereArray (Optional) An associative array containing the * column names as keys and values as data. The * values must be SQL ready (i.e. quotes around * strings, formatted dates, ect). If not specified * then all values in the table are updated. * @return string Returns a SQL UPDATE statement */ static public function BuildSQLUpdate($tableName, $valuesArray, $whereArray = null) { $sql = ""; foreach ($valuesArray as $key => $value) { if (strlen($sql) == 0) { $sql = "`" . $key . "` = " . $value; } else { $sql .= ", `" . $key . "` = " . $value; } } $sql = "UPDATE `" . $tableName . "` SET " . $sql; if (is_array($whereArray)) { $sql .= self::BuildSQLWhereClause($whereArray); } return $sql; } /** * [STATIC] Builds a SQL WHERE clause from an array. * If a key is specified, the key is used at the field name and the value * as a comparison. If a key is not used, the value is used as the clause. * * @param array $whereArray An associative array containing the column * names as keys and values as data. The values * must be SQL ready (i.e. quotes around * strings, formatted dates, ect) * @return string Returns a string containing the SQL WHERE clause */ static public function BuildSQLWhereClause($whereArray) { $where = ""; foreach ($whereArray as $key => $value) { if (strlen($where) == 0) { if( is_null( $value ) ) { $where = " WHERE `" . $key . "` IS NULL"; } else if (is_string($key)) { $where = " WHERE `" . $key . "` = " . $value; } else { $where = " WHERE " . $value; } } else { if( is_null( $value ) ) { $where = " AND `" . $key . "` IS NULL"; } else if (is_string($key)) { $where .= " AND `" . $key . "` = " . $value; } else { $where .= " AND " . $value; } } } return $where; } /** * Close current MySQL connection * * @return object Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on error */ public function Close() { $this->ResetError(); $this->active_row = -1; $success = $this->Release(); if ($success) { $success = @mysqli_close($this->mysql_link); if (! $success) { $this->SetError(); } else { unset($this->last_sql); unset($this->last_result); unset($this->mysql_link); } } return $success; } /** * Deletes rows in a table based on a WHERE filter * (can be just one or many rows based on the filter) * * @param string $tableName The name of the table * @param array $whereArray (Optional) An associative array containing the * column names as keys and values as data. The * values must be SQL ready (i.e. quotes around * strings, formatted dates, ect). If not specified * then all values in the table are deleted. * @return boolean Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on error */ public function DeleteRows($tableName, $whereArray = null) { $this->ResetError(); if (! $this->IsConnected()) { $this->SetError("No connection"); return false; } else { $sql = self::BuildSQLDelete($tableName, $whereArray); // Execute the UPDATE if (! $this->Query($sql)) { return false; } else { return true; } } } /** * Returns true if the internal pointer is at the end of the records * * @return boolean TRUE if at the last row or FALSE if not */ public function EndOfSeek() { $this->ResetError(); if ($this->IsConnected()) { if ($this->active_row >= ($this->RowCount())) { return true; } else { return false; } } else { $this->SetError("No connection"); return false; } } /** * Returns the last MySQL error as text * * @return string Error text from last known error */ public function Error() { $error = $this->error_desc; if (empty($error)) { if ($this->error_number <> 0) { $error = "Unknown Error (#" . $this->error_number . ")"; } else { $error = false; } } else { if ($this->error_number > 0) { $error .= " (#" . $this->error_number . ")"; } } return $error; } /** * Returns the last MySQL error as a number * * @return integer Error number from last known error */ public function ErrorNumber() { if (strlen($this->error_desc) > 0) { if ($this->error_number <> 0) { return $this->error_number; } else { return -1; } } else { return $this->error_number; } } /** * [STATIC] Converts any value of any datatype into boolean (true or false) * * @param mixed $value Value to analyze for TRUE or FALSE * @return boolean Returns TRUE or FALSE */ static public function GetBooleanValue($value) { if (gettype($value) == "boolean") { if ($value == true) { return true; } else { return false; } } elseif (is_numeric($value)) { if ($value > 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } else { $cleaned = strtoupper(trim($value)); if ($cleaned == "ON") { return true; } elseif ($cleaned == "SELECTED" || $cleaned == "CHECKED") { return true; } elseif ($cleaned == "YES" || $cleaned == "Y") { return true; } elseif ($cleaned == "TRUE" || $cleaned == "T") { return true; } else { return false; } } } /** * Returns the comments for fields in a table into an * array or NULL if the table has not got any fields * * @param string $table Table name * @return array An array that contains the column comments */ public function GetColumnComments($table) { $this->ResetError(); $records = mysqli_query($this->mysql_link, "SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM " . $table); if (! $records) { $this->SetError(); return false; } else { // Get the column names $columnNames = $this->GetColumnNames($table); if ($this->Error()) { return false; } else { $index = 0; // Fetchs the array to be returned (column 8 is field comment): while ($array_data = mysqli_fetch_array($records)) { $columns[$index] = $array_data[8]; $columns[$columnNames[$index++]] = $array_data[8]; } return $columns; } } } /** * This function returns the number of columns or returns FALSE on error * * @param string $table (Optional) If a table name is not specified, the * column count is returned from the last query * @return integer The total count of columns */ public function GetColumnCount($table = "") { $this->ResetError(); if (empty($table)) { $result = mysqli_field_count($this->mysql_link); if (! $result) $this->SetError(); } else { $records = mysqli_query($this->mysql_link, "SELECT * FROM " . $table . " LIMIT 1"); if (! $records) { $this->SetError(); $result = false; } else { $result = mysqli_field_count($this->mysql_link); $success = @mysqli_free_result($records); if (! $success) { $this->SetError(); $result = false; } } } return $result; } /** * This function returns the data type for a specified column. If * the column does not exists or no records exist, it returns FALSE * * @param string $column Column name or number (first column is 0) * @param string $table (Optional) If a table name is not specified, the * last returned records are used * @return string MySQL data (field) type */ public function GetColumnDataType($column, $table = "") { $this->ResetError(); if (empty($table)) { if ($this->RowCount() > 0) { if (is_numeric($column)) { $field = mysqli_fetch_field_direct($this->last_result, $column); return $field->type; } else { $field = mysqli_fetch_field_direct($this->last_result, $this->GetColumnID($column)); return $field->type; } } else { return false; } } else { if (is_numeric($column)) $column = $this->GetColumnName($column, $table); $result = mysqli_query($this->mysql_link, "SELECT " . $column . " FROM " . $table . " LIMIT 1"); if (mysqli_field_count($this->mysql_link) > 0) { $field = mysqli_fetch_field_direct($result, 0); return $field->type; } else { $this->SetError("The specified column or table does not exist, or no data was returned", -1); return false; } } } /** * This function returns the position of a column * * @param string $column Column name * @param string $table (Optional) If a table name is not specified, the * last returned records are used. * @return integer Column ID */ public function GetColumnID($column, $table = "") { $this->ResetError(); $columnNames = $this->GetColumnNames($table); if (! $columnNames) { return false; } else { $index = 0; $found = false; foreach ($columnNames as $columnName) { if ($columnName == $column) { $found = true; break; } $index++; } if ($found) { return $index; } else { $this->SetError("Column name not found", -1); return false; } } } /** * This function returns the field length or returns FALSE on error * * @param string $column Column name * @param string $table (Optional) If a table name is not specified, the * last returned records are used. * @return integer Field length */ public function GetColumnLength($column, $table = "") { $this->ResetError(); if (empty($table)) { if (is_numeric($column)) { $columnID = $column; } else { $columnID = $this->GetColumnID($column); } if (! $columnID) { return false; } else { $field = mysqli_fetch_field_direct($this->last_result, $columnID); if (! $field) { $this->SetError(); return false; } else { return $field->length; } } } else { $records = mysqli_query($this->mysql_link, "SELECT " . $column . " FROM " . $table . " LIMIT 1"); if (! $records) { $this->SetError(); return false; } $field = mysqli_fetch_field_direct($records, 0); if (! $field) { $this->SetError(); return false; } else { return $field->length; } } } /** * This function returns the name for a specified column number. If * the index does not exists or no records exist, it returns FALSE * * @param string $columnID Column position (0 is the first column) * @param string $table (Optional) If a table name is not specified, the * last returned records are used. * @return integer Field Length */ public function GetColumnName($columnID, $table = "") { $this->ResetError(); $result = false; if (empty($table)) { if ($this->RowCount() > 0) { $field = mysqli_fetch_field_direct($this->last_result, $columnID); if (! $field) { $result = false; $this->SetError(); } else { $result = $field->name; } } else { $result = false; } } else { $records = mysqli_query($this->mysql_link, "SELECT * FROM " . $table . " LIMIT 1"); if (! $records) { $this->SetError(); $result = false; } else { if (mysqli_field_count($this->mysql_link) > 0) { $field = mysqli_fetch_field_direct($records, $columnID); if (! $field) { $result = false; $this->SetError(); } else { $result = $field->name; } } else { $result = false; } } } return $result; } /** * Returns the field names in a table or query in an array * * @param string $table (Optional) If a table name is not specified, the * last returned records are used * @return array An array that contains the column names */ public function GetColumnNames($table = "") { $this->ResetError(); if (empty($table)) { $columnCount = mysqli_field_count($this->mysql_link); if (! $columnCount) { $this->SetError(); $columns = false; } else { for ($column = 0; $column < $columnCount; $column++) { $field = mysqli_fetch_field_direct($this->last_result, $column); $columns[] = $field->name; } } } else { $result = mysqli_query($this->mysql_link, "SHOW COLUMNS FROM " . $table); if (! $result) { $this->SetError(); $columns = false; } else { while ($array_data = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) { $columns[] = $array_data[0]; } } } // Returns the array return $columns; } /** * This function returns the last query as an HTML table * * @param boolean $showCount (Optional) TRUE if you want to show the row count, * FALSE if you do not want to show the count * @param string $styleTable (Optional) Style information for the table * @param string $styleHeader (Optional) Style information for the header row * @param string $styleData (Optional) Style information for the cells * @return string HTML containing a table with all records listed */ public function GetHTML($showCount = true, $styleTable = null, $styleHeader = null, $styleData = null) { if ($styleTable === null) { $tb = "border-collapse:collapse;empty-cells:show"; } else { $tb = $styleTable; } if ($styleHeader === null) { $th = "border-width:1px;border-style:solid;background-color:navy;color:white"; } else { $th = $styleHeader; } if ($styleData === null) { $td = "border-width:1px;border-style:solid"; } else { $td = $styleData; } if ($this->last_result) { if ($this->RowCount() > 0) { $html = ""; if ($showCount) $html = "Record Count: " . $this->RowCount() . "
\n"; $html .= "\n"; $this->MoveFirst(); $header = false; while ($member = mysqli_fetch_object($this->last_result)) { if (!$header) { $html .= "\t\n"; foreach ($member as $key => $value) { $html .= "\t\t\n"; } $html .= "\t\n"; $header = true; } $html .= "\t\n"; foreach ($member as $key => $value) { $html .= "\t\t\n"; } $html .= "\t\n"; } $this->MoveFirst(); $html .= "
" . htmlspecialchars($key) . "
" . htmlspecialchars($value) . "
"; } else { $html = "No records were returned."; } } else { $this->active_row = -1; $html = false; } return $html; } /** * Returns the last query as a JSON document * * @return string JSON containing all records listed */ public function GetJSON() { if ($this->last_result) { if ($this->RowCount() > 0) { for ($i = 0, $il = mysqli_field_count($this->mysql_link); $i < $il; $i++) { $field = mysqli_fetch_field_direct($this->last_result, $i); $types[$i] = $field->type; } $json = '['; $this->MoveFirst(); while ($member = mysqli_fetch_object($this->last_result)) { $json .= json_encode($member) . ","; } $json .= ']'; $json = str_replace("},]", "}]", $json); } else { $json = 'null'; } } else { $this->active_row = -1; $json = 'null'; } return $json; } /** * Returns the last autonumber ID field from a previous INSERT query * * @return integer ID number from previous INSERT query */ public function GetLastInsertID() { return $this->last_insert_id; } /** * Returns the last SQL statement executed * * @return string Current SQL query string */ public function GetLastSQL() { return $this->last_sql; } /** * This function returns table names from the database * into an array. If the database does not contains * any tables, the returned value is FALSE * * @return array An array that contains the table names */ public function GetTables() { $this->ResetError(); // Query to get the tables in the current database: $records = mysqli_query($this->mysql_link, "SHOW TABLES"); if (! $records) { $this->SetError(); return FALSE; } else { while ($array_data = mysqli_fetch_array($records)) { $tables[] = $array_data[0]; } // Returns the array or NULL if (count($tables) > 0) { return $tables; } else { return FALSE; } } } /** * Returns the last query as an XML Document * * @return string XML containing all records listed */ public function GetXML() { // Create a new XML document $doc = new DomDocument('1.0'); // ,'UTF-8'); // Create the root node $root = $doc->createElement('root'); $root = $doc->appendChild($root); // If there was a result set if (is_resource($this->last_result)) { // Show the row count and query $root->setAttribute('rows', ($this->RowCount() ? $this->RowCount() : 0)); $root->setAttribute('query', $this->last_sql); $root->setAttribute('error', ""); // process one row at a time $rowCount = 0; while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($this->last_result)) { // Keep the row count $rowCount = $rowCount + 1; // Add node for each row $element = $doc->createElement('row'); $element = $root->appendChild($element); $element->setAttribute('index', $rowCount); // Add a child node for each field foreach ($row as $fieldname => $fieldvalue) { $child = $doc->createElement($fieldname); $child = $element->appendChild($child); // $fieldvalue = iconv("ISO-8859-1", "UTF-8", $fieldvalue); $fieldvalue = htmlspecialchars($fieldvalue); $value = $doc->createTextNode($fieldvalue); $value = $child->appendChild($value); } // foreach } // while } else { // Process any errors $root->setAttribute('rows', 0); $root->setAttribute('query', $this->last_sql); if ($this->Error()) { $root->setAttribute('error', $this->Error()); } else { $root->setAttribute('error', "No query has been executed."); } } // Show the XML document return $doc->saveXML(); } /** * Determines if a query contains any rows * * @param string $sql [Optional] If specified, the query is first executed * Otherwise, the last query is used for comparison * @return boolean TRUE if records exist, FALSE if not or query error */ public function HasRecords($sql = "") { if (strlen($sql) > 0) { $this->Query($sql); if ($this->Error()) return false; } if ($this->RowCount() > 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Inserts a row into a table in the connected database * * @param string $tableName The name of the table * @param array $valuesArray An associative array containing the column * names as keys and values as data. The values * must be SQL ready (i.e. quotes around * strings, formatted dates, ect) * @return integer Returns last insert ID on success or FALSE on failure */ public function InsertRow($tableName, $valuesArray) { $this->ResetError(); if (! $this->IsConnected()) { $this->SetError("No connection"); return false; } else { // Execute the query $sql = self::BuildSQLInsert($tableName, $valuesArray); if (! $this->Query($sql)) { return false; } else { return $this->GetLastInsertID(); } } } /** * Determines if a valid connection to the database exists * * @return boolean TRUE idf connectect or FALSE if not connected */ public function IsConnected() { //Changed by M. Ansaldi on 6-9-13 for conversion to MySQLi /*if (gettype($this->mysql_link) == "resource") { return true; } else { return false; }*/ if (is_object($this->mysql_link)) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * [STATIC] Determines if a value of any data type is a date PHP can convert * * @param date/string $value * @return boolean Returns TRUE if value is date or FALSE if not date */ static public function IsDate($value) { $date = date('Y', strtotime($value)); if ($date == "1969" || $date == '') { return false; } else { return true; } } /** * Stop executing (die/exit) and show last MySQL error message * */ public function Kill($message = "") { if (strlen($message) > 0) { exit($message); } else { exit($this->Error()); } } /** * Seeks to the beginning of the records * * @return boolean Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on error */ public function MoveFirst() { $this->ResetError(); if (! $this->Seek(0)) { $this->SetError(); return false; } else { $this->active_row = 0; return true; } } /** * Seeks to the end of the records * * @return boolean Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on error */ public function MoveLast() { $this->ResetError(); $this->active_row = $this->RowCount() - 1; if (! $this->Error()) { if (! $this->Seek($this->active_row)) { return false; } else { return true; } } else { return false; } } /** * Connect to specified MySQL server * * @param string $database (Optional) Database name * @param string $server (Optional) Host address * @param string $username (Optional) User name * @param string $password (Optional) Password * @param string $charset (Optional) Character set * @param boolean $pcon (Optional) Persistant connection * @return boolean Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on error */ public function Open($database = null, $server = null, $username = null, $password = null, $charset = null, $pcon = false) { $this->ResetError(); // Use defaults? if ($database !== null) $this->db_dbname = $database; if ($server !== null) $this->db_host = $server; if ($username !== null) $this->db_user = $username; if ($password !== null) $this->db_pass = $password; if ($charset !== null) $this->db_charset = $charset; if (is_bool($pcon)) $this->db_pcon = $pcon; $this->active_row = -1; // Open persistent or normal connection if ($pcon) { $this->mysql_link = @mysqli_pconnect( 'p:' . $this->db_host, $this->db_user, $this->db_pass); } else { $this->mysql_link = @mysqli_connect ( $this->db_host, $this->db_user, $this->db_pass); } // Connect to mysql server failed? if (! $this->IsConnected()) { echo 'hope i dont get here'; $this->SetError(); return false; } else { // Select a database (if specified) if (strlen($this->db_dbname) > 0) { if (strlen($this->db_charset) == 0) { if (! $this->SelectDatabase($this->db_dbname)) { return false; } else { return true; } } else { if (! $this->SelectDatabase( $this->db_dbname, $this->db_charset)) { return false; } else { return true; } } } else { return true; } } } /** * Executes the given SQL query and returns the records * * @param string $sql The query string should not end with a semicolon * @return object PHP 'mysql result' resource object containing the records * on SELECT, SHOW, DESCRIBE or EXPLAIN queries and returns; * TRUE or FALSE for all others i.e. UPDATE, DELETE, DROP * AND FALSE on all errors (setting the local Error message) */ public function Query($sql) { $this->ResetError(); $this->last_sql = $sql; $this->last_result = @mysqli_query($this->mysql_link, $sql); if(! $this->last_result) { $this->active_row = -1; $this->SetError(); return false; } else { if (strpos(strtolower($sql), "insert") === 0) { $this->last_insert_id = mysqli_insert_id($this->mysql_link); if ($this->last_insert_id === false) { $this->SetError(); return false; } else { $numrows = 0; $this->active_row = -1; return $this->last_result; } } else if(strpos(strtolower($sql), "select") === 0) { $numrows = mysqli_field_count($this->mysql_link); if ($numrows > 0) { $this->active_row = 0; } else { $this->active_row = -1; } $this->last_insert_id = 0; return $this->last_result; } else { return $this->last_result; } } } /** * Executes the given SQL query and returns a multi-dimensional array * * @param string $sql The query string should not end with a semicolon * @param integer $resultType (Optional) The type of array * Values can be: MYSQLI_ASSOC, MYSQLI_NUM, MYSQLI_BOTH * @return array A multi-dimensional array containing all the data * returned from the query or FALSE on all errors */ public function QueryArray($sql, $resultType = MYSQLI_BOTH) { $this->Query($sql); if (! $this->Error()) { return $this->RecordsArray($resultType); } else { return false; } } /** * Executes the given SQL query and returns only one (the first) row * * @param string $sql The query string should not end with a semicolon * @return object PHP resource object containing the first row or * FALSE if no row is returned from the query */ public function QuerySingleRow($sql) { $this->Query($sql); if ($this->RowCount() > 0) { return $this->Row(); } else { return false; } } /** * Executes the given SQL query and returns the first row as an array * * @param string $sql The query string should not end with a semicolon * @param integer $resultType (Optional) The type of array * Values can be: MYSQLI_ASSOC, MYSQLI_NUM, MYSQLI_BOTH * @return array An array containing the first row or FALSE if no row * is returned from the query */ public function QuerySingleRowArray($sql, $resultType = MYSQLI_BOTH) { $this->Query($sql); if ($this->RowCount() > 0) { return $this->RowArray(null, $resultType); } else { return false; } } /** * Executes a query and returns a single value. If more than one row * is returned, only the first value in the first column is returned. * * @param string $sql The query string should not end with a semicolon * @return mixed The value returned or FALSE if no value */ public function QuerySingleValue($sql) { $this->Query($sql); if ($this->RowCount() > 0 && $this->GetColumnCount() > 0) { $row = $this->RowArray(null, MYSQLI_NUM); return $row[0]; } else { return false; } } /** * Executes the given SQL query, measures it, and saves the total duration * in microseconds * * @param string $sql The query string should not end with a semicolon * @return object PHP 'mysql result' resource object containing the records * on SELECT, SHOW, DESCRIBE or EXPLAIN queries and returns * TRUE or FALSE for all others i.e. UPDATE, DELETE, DROP */ public function QueryTimed($sql) { $this->TimerStart(); $result = $this->Query($sql); $this->TimerStop(); return $result; } /** * Returns the records from the last query * * @return object PHP 'mysql result' resource object containing the records * for the last query executed */ public function Records() { return $this->last_result; } /** * Returns all records from last query and returns contents as array * or FALSE on error * * @param integer $resultType (Optional) The type of array * Values can be: MYSQLI_ASSOC, MYSQLI_NUM, MYSQLI_BOTH * @return Records in array form */ public function RecordsArray($resultType = MYSQLI_BOTH) { $this->ResetError(); if ($this->last_result) { if (! mysqli_data_seek($this->last_result, 0)) { $this->SetError(); return false; } else { //while($member = mysqli_fetch_object($this->last_result)){ while ($member = mysqli_fetch_array($this->last_result, $resultType)){ $members[] = $member; } mysqli_data_seek($this->last_result, 0); $this->active_row = 0; return $members; } } else { $this->active_row = -1; $this->SetError("No query results exist", -1); return false; } } /** * Frees memory used by the query results and returns the function result * * @return boolean Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure */ public function Release() { $this->ResetError(); if (! $this->last_result) { $success = true; } else { $success = @mysqli_free_result($this->last_result); if (! $success) $this->SetError(); } return $success; } /** * Clears the internal variables from any error information * */ private function ResetError() { $this->error_desc = ''; $this->error_number = 0; } /** * Reads the current row and returns contents as a * PHP object or returns false on error * * @param integer $optional_row_number (Optional) Use to specify a row * @return object PHP object or FALSE on error */ public function Row($optional_row_number = null) { $this->ResetError(); if (! $this->last_result) { $this->SetError("No query results exist", -1); return false; } elseif ($optional_row_number === null) { if (($this->active_row) > $this->RowCount()) { $this->SetError("Cannot read past the end of the records", -1); return false; } else { $this->active_row++; } } else { if ($optional_row_number >= $this->RowCount()) { $this->SetError("Row number is greater than the total number of rows", -1); return false; } else { $this->active_row = $optional_row_number; $this->Seek($optional_row_number); } } $row = mysqli_fetch_object($this->last_result); if (! $row) { $this->SetError(); return false; } else { return $row; } } /** * Reads the current row and returns contents as an * array or returns false on error * * @param integer $optional_row_number (Optional) Use to specify a row * @param integer $resultType (Optional) The type of array * Values can be: MYSQLI_ASSOC, MYSQLI_NUM, MYSQLI_BOTH * @return array Array that corresponds to fetched row or FALSE if no rows */ public function RowArray($optional_row_number = null, $resultType = MYSQLI_BOTH) { $this->ResetError(); if (! $this->last_result) { $this->SetError("No query results exist", -1); return false; } elseif ($optional_row_number === null) { if (($this->active_row) > $this->RowCount()) { $this->SetError("Cannot read past the end of the records", -1); return false; } else { $this->active_row++; } } else { if ($optional_row_number >= $this->RowCount()) { $this->SetError("Row number is greater than the total number of rows", -1); return false; } else { $this->active_row = $optional_row_number; $this->Seek($optional_row_number); } } $row = mysqli_fetch_array($this->last_result, $resultType); if (! $row) { $this->SetError(); return false; } else { return $row; } } /** * Returns the last query row count * * @return integer Row count or FALSE on error */ public function RowCount() { $this->ResetError(); if (! $this->IsConnected()) { $this->SetError("No connection", -1); return false; } elseif (! $this->last_result) { $this->SetError("No query results exist", -1); return false; } else { $result = @mysqli_affected_rows($this->mysql_link); if (! $result) { $this->SetError(); return false; } else { return $result; } } } /** * Sets the internal database pointer to the * specified row number and returns the result * * @param integer $row_number Row number * @return object Fetched row as PHP object */ public function Seek($row_number) { $this->ResetError(); $row_count = $this->RowCount(); if (! $row_count) { return false; } elseif ($row_number >= $row_count) { $this->SetError("Seek parameter is greater than the total number of rows", -1); return false; } else { $this->active_row = $row_number; $result = mysqli_data_seek($this->last_result, $row_number); if (! $result) { $this->SetError(); return false; } else { $record = mysqli_fetch_row($this->last_result); if (! $record) { $this->SetError(); return false; } else { // Go back to the record after grabbing it mysqli_data_seek($this->last_result, $row_number); return $record; } } } } /** * Returns the current cursor row location * * @return integer Current row number */ public function SeekPosition() { return $this->active_row; } /** * Selects a different database and character set * * @param string $database Database name * @param string $charset (Optional) Character set (i.e. utf8) * @return boolean Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on error */ public function SelectDatabase($database, $charset = "") { $return_value = true; if (! $charset) $charset = $this->db_charset; $this->ResetError(); if (! (mysqli_select_db($this->mysql_link, $database))) { $this->SetError(); $return_value = false; } else { if ((strlen($charset) > 0)) { if (! (mysqli_query($this->mysql_link, "SET CHARACTER SET '{$charset}'"))) { $this->SetError(); $return_value = false; } } } return $return_value; } /** * Gets rows in a table based on a WHERE filter * * @param string $tableName The name of the table * @param array $whereArray (Optional) An associative array containing the * column names as keys and values as data. The * values must be SQL ready (i.e. quotes around * strings, formatted dates, ect) * @param array/string $columns (Optional) The column or list of columns to select * @param array/string $sortColumns (Optional) Column or list of columns to sort by * @param boolean $sortAscending (Optional) TRUE for ascending; FALSE for descending * This only works if $sortColumns are specified * @param integer/string $limit (Optional) The limit of rows to return * @return boolean Returns records on success or FALSE on error */ public function SelectRows($tableName, $whereArray = null, $columns = null, $sortColumns = null, $sortAscending = true, $limit = null) { $this->ResetError(); if (! $this->IsConnected()) { $this->SetError("No connection"); return false; } else { $sql = self::BuildSQLSelect($tableName, $whereArray, $columns, $sortColumns, $sortAscending, $limit); // Execute the UPDATE if (! $this->Query($sql)) { return $this->last_result; } else { return true; } } } /** * Retrieves all rows in a specified table * * @param string $tableName The name of the table * @return boolean Returns records on success or FALSE on error */ public function SelectTable($tableName) { return $this->SelectRows($tableName); } /** * Sets the local variables with the last error information * * @param string $errorMessage The error description * @param integer $errorNumber The error number */ private function SetError($errorMessage = "", $errorNumber = 0) { try { if (strlen($errorMessage) > 0) { $this->error_desc = $errorMessage; } else { if ($this->IsConnected()) { $this->error_desc = mysqli_error($this->mysql_link); } else { $this->error_desc = mysqli_connect_error(); } } if ($errorNumber <> 0) { $this->error_number = $errorNumber; } else { if ($this->IsConnected()) { $this->error_number = @mysqli_errno($this->mysql_link); } else { $this->error_number = @mysqli_connect_errno(); } } } catch(Exception $e) { $this->error_desc = $e->getMessage(); $this->error_number = -999; } if ($this->ThrowExceptions) { if (isset($this->error_desc) && $this->error_desc != NULL) { throw new Exception($this->error_desc . ' (' . __LINE__ . ')'); } } } /** * [STATIC] Converts a boolean into a formatted TRUE or FALSE value of choice * * @param mixed $value value to analyze for TRUE or FALSE * @param mixed $trueValue value to use if TRUE * @param mixed $falseValue value to use if FALSE * @param string $datatype Use SQLVALUE constants or the strings: * string, text, varchar, char, boolean, bool, * Y-N, T-F, bit, date, datetime, time, integer, * int, number, double, float * @return string SQL formatted value of the specified data type */ static public function SQLBooleanValue($value, $trueValue, $falseValue, $datatype = self::SQLVALUE_TEXT) { if (self::GetBooleanValue($value)) { $return_value = self::SQLValue($trueValue, $datatype); } else { $return_value = self::SQLValue($falseValue, $datatype); } return $return_value; } /** * [STATIC] Returns string suitable for SQL * * @param string $value * @return string SQL formatted value */ static public function SQLFix($value) { return @addslashes($value); } /** * [STATIC] Returns MySQL string as normal string * * @param string $value * @return string */ static public function SQLUnfix($value) { return @stripslashes($value); } /** * [STATIC] Formats any value into a string suitable for SQL statements * (NOTE: Also supports data types returned from the gettype function) * * @param mixed $value Any value of any type to be formatted to SQL * @param string $datatype Use SQLVALUE constants or the strings: * string, text, varchar, char, boolean, bool, * Y-N, T-F, bit, date, datetime, time, integer, * int, number, double, float * @return string */ static public function SQLValue($value, $datatype = self::SQLVALUE_TEXT) { $return_value = ""; switch (strtolower(trim($datatype))) { case "text": case "string": case "varchar": case "char": if (strlen($value) == 0) { $return_value = "NULL"; } else { if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $value = stripslashes($value); } $return_value = "'" . str_replace("'", "''", $value) . "'"; } break; case "number": case "integer": case "int": case "double": case "float": if (is_numeric($value)) { $return_value = $value; } else { $return_value = "NULL"; } break; case "boolean": //boolean to use this with a bit field case "bool": case "bit": if (self::GetBooleanValue($value)) { $return_value = "1"; } else { $return_value = "0"; } break; case "y-n": //boolean to use this with a char(1) field if (self::GetBooleanValue($value)) { $return_value = "'Y'"; } else { $return_value = "'N'"; } break; case "t-f": //boolean to use this with a char(1) field if (self::GetBooleanValue($value)) { $return_value = "'T'"; } else { $return_value = "'F'"; } break; case "date": if (self::IsDate($value)) { $return_value = "'" . date('Y-m-d', strtotime($value)) . "'"; } else { $return_value = "NULL"; } break; case "datetime": if (self::IsDate($value)) { $return_value = "'" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($value)) . "'"; } else { $return_value = "NULL"; } break; case "time": if (self::IsDate($value)) { $return_value = "'" . date('H:i:s', strtotime($value)) . "'"; } else { $return_value = "NULL"; } break; default: exit("ERROR: Invalid data type specified in SQLValue method"); } return $return_value; } /** * Returns last measured duration (time between TimerStart and TimerStop) * * @param integer $decimals (Optional) The number of decimal places to show * @return Float Microseconds elapsed */ public function TimerDuration($decimals = 4) { return number_format($this->time_diff, $decimals); } /** * Starts time measurement (in microseconds) * */ public function TimerStart() { $parts = explode(" ", microtime()); $this->time_diff = 0; $this->time_start = $parts[1].substr($parts[0],1); } /** * Stops time measurement (in microseconds) * */ public function TimerStop() { $parts = explode(" ", microtime()); $time_stop = $parts[1].substr($parts[0],1); $this->time_diff = ($time_stop - $this->time_start); $this->time_start = 0; } /** * Starts a transaction * * @return boolean Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on error */ public function TransactionBegin() { $this->ResetError(); if (! $this->IsConnected()) { $this->SetError("No connection"); return false; } else { if (! $this->in_transaction) { if (! mysqli_query($this->mysql_link, "START TRANSACTION")) { $this->SetError(); return false; } else { $this->in_transaction = true; return true; } } else { $this->SetError("Already in transaction", -1); return false; } } } /** * Ends a transaction and commits the queries * * @return boolean Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on error */ public function TransactionEnd() { $this->ResetError(); if (! $this->IsConnected()) { $this->SetError("No connection"); return false; } else { if ($this->in_transaction) { if (! mysqli_query($this->mysql_link, "COMMIT")) { // $this->TransactionRollback(); $this->SetError(); return false; } else { $this->in_transaction = false; return true; } } else { $this->SetError("Not in a transaction", -1); return false; } } } /** * Rolls the transaction back * * @return boolean Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure */ public function TransactionRollback() { $this->ResetError(); if (! $this->IsConnected()) { $this->SetError("No connection"); return false; } else { if(! mysqli_query($this->mysql_link, "ROLLBACK")) { $this->SetError("Could not rollback transaction"); return false; } else { $this->in_transaction = false; return true; } } } /** * Truncates a table removing all data * * @param string $tableName The name of the table * @return boolean Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on error */ public function TruncateTable($tableName) { $this->ResetError(); if (! $this->IsConnected()) { $this->SetError("No connection"); return false; } else { $sql = "TRUNCATE TABLE `" . $tableName . "`"; if (! $this->Query($sql)) { return false; } else { return true; } } } /** * Updates rows in a table based on a WHERE filter * (can be just one or many rows based on the filter) * * @param string $tableName The name of the table * @param array $valuesArray An associative array containing the column * names as keys and values as data. The values * must be SQL ready (i.e. quotes around * strings, formatted dates, ect) * @param array $whereArray (Optional) An associative array containing the * column names as keys and values as data. The * values must be SQL ready (i.e. quotes around * strings, formatted dates, ect). If not specified * then all values in the table are updated. * @return boolean Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on error */ public function UpdateRows($tableName, $valuesArray, $whereArray = null) { $this->ResetError(); if (! $this->IsConnected()) { $this->SetError("No connection"); return false; } else { $sql = self::BuildSQLUpdate($tableName, $valuesArray, $whereArray); // Execute the UPDATE if (! $this->Query($sql)) { return false; } else { return true; } } } } ?>