using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; //use an animation curve to rotate an object on its Y axis //someday will mod to include an axis selection public class CurveRotate : MonoBehaviour { public AnimationCurve rotateCurve; //curve to use for the angle (usually keeping the range 0-1 on both axis) public float offset; //offset angle (start angle) public float rotateAmount; //degrees to rotate public float rotateRate; //speed to go thru the rotation 1=1s, 0.5=2s, 2=0.5s public float curvePos; //use if you want to start at a different point on the curve 0-1, so 0.5 is halfway public bool loop=true; //should we keep looping? Vector3 eul; //this stores your rotation: Note right now it would make your angles x & z=0 void Start () {; } void Update () { if (curvePos!=1||loop){ curvePos+=rotateRate*Time.deltaTime; if (curvePos>1f&&loop){curvePos=curvePos-1f;} else if (curvePos>1f&&!loop){curvePos=1f;} eul.y=offset+rotateAmount*rotateCurve.Evaluate(curvePos); transform.localEulerAngles=eul; } } }