// Revision history // 1.2 Update all code to be compatible with Arduino 1.0 2012/1/23 // 1.1 changed sample_rate to 32-bit, max = 4294966 seconds (47 days) // RAM is also getting tight, so removed some error strings and added RAM gauge to menu 2011/08/01 // 1.0 initial release, 2011/06/27 // firmware version const char version_major = 1; const char version_minor = 2; // external libraries #include // SHT15 humidity sensor library #include // BMP085 pressure sensor library #include // I2C library (necessary for pressure sensor) #include // extended EEPROM read/write functions #include //Wifly //WiFLy WiFly wifly; const char mySSID[] = "home"; const char myPassword[] = "crap#123"; void sendIndex(); void sendGreeting(char *name); void send404(); char buf[80]; // digital I/O pins // (the following three are predefined) // const int SCK = 13; // const int MISO = 12; // const int MOSI = 11; const int XCLR = 9; const int EOC = 8; const int RF_RTS = 6; const int RF_CTS = 5; const int STATUSLED = 4; const int WSPEED = 3; const int RAIN = 2; // analog I/O pins const int LIGHT = 7; const int BATT_LVL = 6; const int WDIR = 0; // global variables float SHT15_humidity; float SHT15_temp; float SHT15_dewpoint; double BMP085_pressure; double BMP085_temp; float TEMT6000_light; float WM_wspeed; float WM_wdirection; float WM_rainfall = 0.0; float batt_volts; int LED = 0; // status LED unsigned int windRPM, stopped; // volatiles are subject to modification by IRQs volatile unsigned long tempwindRPM, windtime, windlast, windinterval; volatile unsigned char windintcount; volatile boolean gotwspeed; volatile unsigned long raintime, rainlast, raininterval, rain; // constant conversion factors const int BATT_RATIO = 63.3271; // divide ADC from BATT_LVL by this to get volts const float WIND_RPM_TO_MPH = 22.686745; // divide RPM by this for velocity const float WIND_RPM_TO_MPS = 50.748803; // divide RPM by this for meters per second const float RAIN_BUCKETS_TO_INCHES = 0.0086206896; // multiply bucket tips by this for inches const float RAIN_BUCKETS_TO_MM = 0.21896551; // multiply bucket tips by this for mm const unsigned int ZERODELAY = 4000; // ms, zero RPM if no result for this time period (see irq below) // sensor objects SHT1x humidity_sensor(A4, A5); SFE_BMP085 pressure_sensor(BMP_ADDR); // enumerated options, changed in user menu // output format const int CSV = 1; // default NMEA-like comma-separated values const int ANSI = 2; // ANSI-formatted data with hardware testing const int LCD = 3; // directly drive a SparkFun serial-enabled 16x2 LCD display // general units const int ENGLISH = 1; // wind speed in miles per hour, rain in inches, temperature in degrees Fahrenheit const int SI = 2; // International System, aka the metric system. Wind speed in meters per second, rain in mm, temperature in degrees Celsius // pressure units const int MBAR = 1; // millibars const int INHG = 2; // inches of mercury (US weather report standard) const int PSI = 3; // pounds per square inch // pressure type const int ABSOLUTE = 1; // absolute (true) pressure, changes with altitude (ignore altitude variable) const int RELATIVE = 2; // relative (weather) pressure, altitude effects removed (use altitude variable) // defaults, replaced with EEPROM settings if saved int data_format = ANSI; int general_units = SI; unsigned long sample_rate = 2; // sample rate (seconds per sample, 0 for as fast as possible) int pressure_type = ABSOLUTE; long altitude = 1596; // fixed weather station altitude in meters, for relative (sea level) pressure measurement int pressure_units = MBAR; boolean weather_meters_attached = false; // true if we've hooked up SparkFun's Weather Meters (SEN-08942) (set to false to remove weather meters data from output) long baud_rate = 9600; // default baud rate // hardware memory pointers, used by freeMemory() (see: http://www.arduino.cc/playground/Code/AvailableMemory) extern unsigned int __bss_end; extern unsigned int __heap_start; extern void *__brkval; int freeMemory() { int free_memory; if((int)__brkval == 0) free_memory = ((int)&free_memory) - ((int)&__bss_end); else free_memory = ((int)&free_memory) - ((int)__brkval); return free_memory; } // interrupt routines (these are called by the hardware interrupts, not by the main code) void rainIRQ() // if the Weather Meters are attached, count rain gauge bucket tips as they occur // activated by the magnet and reed switch in the rain gauge, attached to input D2 { raintime = micros(); // grab current time raininterval = raintime - rainlast; // calculate interval between this and last event if (raininterval > 100) // ignore switch-bounce glitches less than 100uS after initial edge { rain++; // increment bucket counter rainlast = raintime; // set up for next event } } void wspeedIRQ() // if the Weather Meters are attached, measure anemometer RPM (2 ticks per rotation), set flag if RPM is updated // activated by the magnet in the anemometer (2 ticks per rotation), attached to input D3 // this routine measures RPM by measuring the time between anemometer pulses // windintcount is the number of pulses we've measured - we need two to measure one full rotation (eliminates any bias between the position of the two magnets) // when windintcount is 2, we can calculate the RPM based on the total time from when we got the first pulse // note that this routine still needs an outside mechanism to zero the RPM if the anemometer is stopped (no pulses occur within a given period of time) { windtime = micros(); // grab current time if ((windintcount == 0) || ((windtime - windlast) > 10000)) // ignore switch-bounce glitches less than 10ms after the reed switch closes { if (windintcount == 0) // if we're starting a new measurement, reset the interval windinterval = 0; else windinterval += (windtime - windlast); // otherwise, add current interval to the interval timer if (windintcount == 2) // we have two measurements (one full rotation), so calculate result and start a new measurement { tempwindRPM = (60000000ul / windinterval); // calculate RPM (temporary since it may change unexpectedly) windintcount = 0; windinterval = 0; gotwspeed = true; // set flag for main loop } windintcount++; windlast = windtime; // save the current time so that we can calculate the interval between now and the next interrupt } } void setup() // this procedure runs once upon startup or reboot // perform all the settings we need before running the main loop { // set up inputs and outputs pinMode(XCLR,OUTPUT); // output to BMP085 reset (unused) digitalWrite(XCLR,HIGH); // make pin high to turn off reset pinMode(EOC,INPUT); // input from BMP085 end of conversion (unused) digitalWrite(EOC,LOW); // turn off pullup pinMode(STATUSLED,OUTPUT); // output to status LED pinMode(WSPEED,INPUT); // input from wind meters windspeed sensor digitalWrite(WSPEED,HIGH); // turn on pullup pinMode(RAIN,INPUT); // input from wind meters rain gauge sensor digitalWrite(RAIN,HIGH); // turn on pullup // get settings from EEPROM (use defaults if EEPROM has not been used) retrieveEEPROMsettings(); // initialize serial port Serial.begin(baud_rate); Serial.println(); Serial.println("RESET"); // initialize BMP085 pressure sensor if (pressure_sensor.begin() == 0) error(1); // init wind speed interrupt global variables gotwspeed = false; windRPM = 0; windintcount = 0; // blink status LED 3 times digitalWrite(STATUSLED,HIGH); delay(100); digitalWrite(STATUSLED,LOW); delay(250); digitalWrite(STATUSLED,HIGH); delay(100); digitalWrite(STATUSLED,LOW); delay(250); digitalWrite(STATUSLED,HIGH); delay(100); digitalWrite(STATUSLED,LOW); delay(250); if (weather_meters_attached) { // attach external interrupt pins to IRQ functions attachInterrupt(0,rainIRQ,FALLING); attachInterrupt(1,wspeedIRQ,FALLING); // turn on interrupts interrupts(); } } void loop() // loops forever after setup() ends { static long templong, windstopped; static unsigned long loopstart, loopend; double Tn, m; static char LCDstate; char status; // record current time so we can sample at regular intervals loopstart = millis(); loopend = loopstart + (sample_rate * 1000ul); // turn on LED while we're doing measurements digitalWrite(STATUSLED,HIGH); // an interrupt occurred, handle it now if (gotwspeed) { gotwspeed = false; windRPM = word(tempwindRPM); // grab the RPM value calculated by the interrupt routine windstopped = millis() + ZERODELAY; // save this timestamp } // zero wind speed RPM if we don't get a reading in ZERODELAY ms if (millis() > windstopped) { windRPM = 0; windintcount = 0; } TWCR &= ~(_BV(TWEN)); // turn off I2C enable bit so we can access the SHT15 humidity sensor // get humidity and temp (SHT15) SHT15_temp = humidity_sensor.readTemperatureC(); SHT15_humidity = humidity_sensor.readHumidity(); // compute dewpoint (because we can!) if (SHT15_temp > 0.0) {Tn = 243.12; m = 17.62;} else {Tn = 272.62; m = 22.46;} SHT15_dewpoint = (Tn*(log(SHT15_humidity/100)+((m*SHT15_temp)/(Tn+SHT15_temp)))/(m-log(SHT15_humidity/100)-((m*SHT15_temp)/(Tn+SHT15_temp)))); // get temp (SHT15) switch (general_units) { case ENGLISH: // Fahrenheit SHT15_temp = (SHT15_temp*9.0/5.0)+32.0; SHT15_dewpoint = (SHT15_dewpoint*9.0/5.0)+32.0; break; case SI: // celsius, don't need to do anything break; default: SHT15_temp = -1.0; // error, invalid units SHT15_dewpoint = -1.0; // error, invalid units } TWCR |= _BV(TWEN); // turn on I2C enable bit so we can access the BMP085 pressure sensor // start BMP085 temperature reading status = pressure_sensor.startTemperature(); if (status != 0) delay(status); // if nonzero, status is number of ms to wait for reading to become available else error(2); // retrieve BMP085 temperature reading status = pressure_sensor.getTemperature(&BMP085_temp); // deg C if (status == 0) error(3); // start BMP085 pressure reading status = pressure_sensor.startPressure(3); if (status != 0) delay(status); // if nonzero, status is number of ms to wait for reading to become available else error(4); // retrieve BMP085 pressure reading status = pressure_sensor.getPressure(&BMP085_pressure, &BMP085_temp); // mbar, deg C if (status == 0) error(5); // compensate for altitude if needed if (pressure_type == RELATIVE) BMP085_pressure = pressure_sensor.sealevel(BMP085_pressure,altitude); // convert to desired units switch (general_units) { case SI: // celsius // do nothing, already C break; case ENGLISH: // Fahrenheit BMP085_temp = BMP085_temp * 1.8 + 32.0; break; default: BMP085_temp = -1.0; // error, invalid units } switch (pressure_units) { case MBAR: // do nothing, already mbar break; case INHG: BMP085_pressure = BMP085_pressure / 33.8600000; break; case PSI: BMP085_pressure = BMP085_pressure / 68.9475728; break; default: BMP085_pressure = -1.0; // error, invalid units } // get light TEMT6000_light = (1023.0 - float(analogRead(LIGHT))) / 10.23; // 0-100 percent // windspeed unit conversion switch (general_units) { case SI: // meters per second WM_wspeed = float(windRPM) / WIND_RPM_TO_MPS; break; case ENGLISH: // miles per hour WM_wspeed = float(windRPM) / WIND_RPM_TO_MPH; break; default: WM_wspeed = -1.0; // error, invalid units } // get wind direction WM_wdirection = get_wind_direction(); // rainfall unit conversion switch (general_units) { case SI: // mm WM_rainfall = rain * RAIN_BUCKETS_TO_MM; break; case ENGLISH: // inches WM_rainfall = rain * RAIN_BUCKETS_TO_INCHES; break; default: WM_rainfall = -1.0; // error, invalid units } // get battery voltage batt_volts = float(analogRead(BATT_LVL)) / BATT_RATIO; // below are a bunch of nested switch statements to handle the different output data_formats that are possible // feel free to modify them or add your own! switch (data_format) { case CSV: // data_format: comma-separated values { // number after values is number of digits after decimal point to print Serial.print("$"); printComma(); Serial.print(SHT15_temp,1); printComma(); Serial.print(SHT15_humidity,0); printComma(); Serial.print(SHT15_dewpoint,1); printComma(); switch (pressure_units) // change decimal point for different units { case MBAR: Serial.print(BMP085_pressure,2); break; case INHG: Serial.print(BMP085_pressure,3); break; case PSI: Serial.print(BMP085_pressure,4); break; } printComma(); // Serial.print(BMP085_temp,1); // for CSV format, we'll only output the SHT15 temperature // Serial.print(","); Serial.print(TEMT6000_light,1); printComma(); if (weather_meters_attached) { Serial.print(WM_wspeed,1); printComma(); Serial.print(WM_wdirection,0); printComma(); switch (general_units) // change decimal point for different units { case ENGLISH: Serial.print(WM_rainfall,2); break; case SI: Serial.print(WM_rainfall,1); break; } printComma(); } Serial.print(batt_volts,2); printComma(); Serial.print("*"); Serial.println(); } break; case ANSI: // this data_format neatly formats the data on an ANSI terminal, and has pass/fail values for testing { ansiHome(); Serial.println(); Serial.print("SHT15 temperature:"); ansiTab(); ansiTab(); Serial.print(SHT15_temp,1); Serial.print(" deg "); switch (general_units) { case ENGLISH: Serial.print("F "); ansiTab(); if ((SHT15_temp > 60) && (SHT15_temp < 85)) pass(); else fail(); break; case SI: Serial.print("C "); ansiTab(); if ((SHT15_temp > 15) && (SHT15_temp < 30)) pass(); else fail(); break; } Serial.print("SHT15 humidity: "); ansiTab(); ansiTab(); Serial.print(SHT15_humidity,0); Serial.print("% "); ansiTab(); ansiTab(); if ((SHT15_humidity > 10) && (SHT15_humidity < 90)) pass(); else fail(); Serial.print("SHT15 dewpoint: "); ansiTab(); ansiTab(); Serial.print(SHT15_dewpoint,1); Serial.print(" deg "); switch (general_units) { case ENGLISH: Serial.println("F "); break; case SI: Serial.println("C "); break; } Serial.print("BMP085 pressure:"); ansiTab(); ansiTab(); switch (pressure_units) // change decimal point for different units { case MBAR: Serial.print(BMP085_pressure,2); Serial.print(" mbar "); ansiTab(); if ((BMP085_pressure > 900) && (BMP085_pressure < 1100)) pass(); else fail(); break; case INHG: Serial.print(BMP085_pressure,3); Serial.print(" in Hg "); ansiTab(); if ((BMP085_pressure > 25) && (BMP085_pressure < 35)) pass(); else fail(); break; case PSI: Serial.print(BMP085_pressure,4); Serial.print(" PSI "); ansiTab(); if ((BMP085_pressure > 13) && (BMP085_pressure < 15)) pass(); else fail(); break; } Serial.print("BMP085 temperature:"); ansiTab(); ansiTab(); Serial.print(BMP085_temp,1); Serial.print(" deg "); switch (general_units) { case ENGLISH: Serial.print("F "); ansiTab(); if ((BMP085_temp > 60) && (BMP085_temp < 90)) pass(); else fail(); break; case SI: Serial.print("C "); ansiTab(); if ((BMP085_temp > 15) && (BMP085_temp < 35)) pass(); else fail(); break; } Serial.print("TEMT6000 light: "); ansiTab(); ansiTab(); Serial.print(TEMT6000_light,1); Serial.print("% "); ansiTab(); ansiTab(); if ((TEMT6000_light > 0) && (TEMT6000_light < 100)) pass(); else fail(); if (weather_meters_attached) { Serial.print("Weather meters wind speed:"); ansiTab(); Serial.print(WM_wspeed,1); switch (general_units) { case ENGLISH: Serial.print(" MPH "); ansiTab(); if (WM_wspeed > 0.0) pass(); else fail(); break; case SI: Serial.print(" m/s "); ansiTab(); ansiTab(); if (WM_wspeed > 0.0) pass(); else fail(); break; } Serial.print("Weather meters wind direction:"); ansiTab(); Serial.print(WM_wdirection,0); Serial.print(" degrees "); ansiTab(); // direction will read -1 if wind direction sensor is disconnected or faulty if (WM_wdirection != -1) pass(); else fail(); Serial.print("Weather meters rainfall:"); ansiTab(); switch (general_units) { case ENGLISH: Serial.print(WM_rainfall,2); Serial.print(" inches "); ansiTab(); if (WM_rainfall > 0.05) pass(); else fail(); break; case SI: Serial.print(WM_rainfall,0); Serial.print(" mm "); ansiTab(); ansiTab(); if (WM_rainfall > 0.5) pass(); else fail(); break; } } Serial.print("External power: "); ansiTab(); ansiTab(); Serial.print(batt_volts,2); Serial.print(" Volts "); ansiTab(); if ((batt_volts > 3.5) && (batt_volts < 13.0)) pass(); else fail(); Serial.println(); } break; case LCD: // this data_format will directly drive a SparkFun serial-enabled 16x2 LCD // since you can't show everything at once on a small LCD display, this routine rotates through the values, // displaying a different set every time we pass through the loop() using LCDstate to keep track of where it is // to change the display rate, change the sample rate in the menu { LCDclear(); switch (LCDstate) { case 0: LCDline1(); Serial.print("temp: "); Serial.print(SHT15_temp,1); switch (general_units) { case ENGLISH: Serial.print(" F"); break; case SI: Serial.print(" C"); break; } LCDline2(); Serial.print("humid: "); Serial.print(SHT15_humidity,0); Serial.print("%"); break; case 1: LCDline1(); Serial.print("baro: "); switch (pressure_units) // change decimal point for different units { case MBAR: Serial.print(BMP085_pressure,2); Serial.print(" mb"); break; case INHG: Serial.print(BMP085_pressure,3); Serial.print(" in"); break; case PSI: Serial.print(BMP085_pressure,3); Serial.print(" PSI"); break; } LCDline2(); Serial.print("dewp: "); Serial.print(SHT15_dewpoint,1); switch (general_units) { case ENGLISH: Serial.print(" F"); break; case SI: Serial.print(" C"); break; } break; case 2: LCDline1(); Serial.print("wind: "); Serial.print(WM_wspeed,1); switch (general_units) { case ENGLISH: Serial.print(" MPH"); break; case SI: Serial.print(" m/s"); break; } LCDline2(); Serial.print("dir: "); Serial.print(WM_wdirection,0); Serial.print(" deg"); break; case 3: LCDline1(); Serial.print("rain: "); switch (general_units) { case ENGLISH: Serial.print(WM_rainfall,2); Serial.print(" in"); break; case SI: Serial.print(WM_rainfall,0); Serial.print(" mm"); break; } LCDline2(); Serial.print("light: "); Serial.print(TEMT6000_light,1); Serial.print("%"); break; } LCDstate++; // reset LCDstate to 0 depending on whether we want to show the Weather Meters data or not if ((weather_meters_attached && (LCDstate > 3)) || (!weather_meters_attached && (LCDstate > 1))) LCDstate = 0; break; } } // turn off LED (done with measurements) digitalWrite(STATUSLED,LOW); // we're done sampling all the sensors and printing out the results // now wait in a loop for the next sample time // while we're waiting, we'll check the serial port to see if the user has pressed CTRL-Z to activate the menu do // this is a rare instance of do-while - we need to run through this loop at least once to see if CTRL-Z has been pressed { while (Serial.available()) { if (Serial.read() == 0x1A) // CTRL-Z { menu(); // display the menu and allow settings to be changed loopend = millis(); // we're done with the menu, break out of the do-while } } } while(millis() < loopend); } float get_wind_direction() // read the wind direction sensor, return heading in degrees { unsigned int adc; adc = analogRead(WDIR); // get the current reading from the sensor // The following table is ADC readings for the wind direction sensor output, sorted from low to high. // Each threshold is the midpoint between adjacent headings. The output is degrees for that ADC reading. // Note that these are not in compass degree order! See Weather Meters datasheet for more information. if (adc < 380) return (112.5); if (adc < 393) return (67.5); if (adc < 414) return (90); if (adc < 456) return (157.5); if (adc < 508) return (135); if (adc < 551) return (202.5); if (adc < 615) return (180); if (adc < 680) return (22.5); if (adc < 746) return (45); if (adc < 801) return (247.5); if (adc < 833) return (225); if (adc < 878) return (337.5); if (adc < 913) return (0); if (adc < 940) return (292.5); if (adc < 967) return (315); if (adc < 990) return (270); return (-1); // error, disconnected? } /* From Weather Meters docs and the Weather Board V3 schematic: heading resistance volts nominal midpoint (<) 112.5 º 0.69 k 1.2 V 372 counts 380 67.5 º 0.89 k 1.26 V 389 counts 393 90 º 1 k 1.29 V 398 counts 414 157.5 º 1.41 k 1.39 V 430 counts 456 135 º 2.2 k 1.56 V 483 counts 508 202.5 º 3.14 k 1.72 V 534 counts 551 180 º 3.9 k 1.84 V 569 counts 615 22.5 º 6.57 k 2.13 V 661 counts 680 45 º 8.2 k 2.26 V 700 counts 746 247.5 º 14.12 k 2.55 V 792 counts 801 225 º 16 k 2.62 V 811 counts 833 337.5 º 21.88 k 2.76 V 855 counts 878 0 º 33 k 2.91 V 902 counts 913 292.5 º 42.12 k 2.98 V 925 counts 940 315 º 64.9 k 3.08 V 956 counts 967 270 º 98.6 k 3.15 V 978 counts >967 */ void sendIndex() { /* Send the header direclty with print */ wifly.println(F("HTTP/1.1 200 OK")); wifly.println(F("Content-Type: text/html")); wifly.println(F("Transfer-Encoding: chunked")); wifly.println(); /* Send the body using the chunked protocol so the client knows when * the message is finished. * Note: we're not simply doing a close() because in version 2.32 * firmware the close() does not work for client TCP streams. */ wifly.sendChunkln(F("")); wifly.sendChunkln(F("WiFly HTTP Server Example")); wifly.sendChunkln(F("

")); wifly.sendChunkln(F("


")); wifly.sendChunkln(F("

")); wifly.sendChunkln(F("
")); wifly.sendChunkln(F("Username:")); wifly.sendChunkln(F("")); wifly.sendChunkln(F("")); wifly.sendChunkln(F("
")); wifly.sendChunkln(F("")); wifly.sendChunkln(); } void sendGreeting(char *name) { /* Send the header directly with print */ wifly.println(F("HTTP/1.1 200 OK")); wifly.println(F("Content-Type: text/html")); wifly.println(F("Transfer-Encoding: chunked")); wifly.println(); /* Send the body using the chunked protocol so the client knows when * the message is finished. */ wifly.sendChunkln(F("")); wifly.sendChunkln(F("WiFly HTTP Server Example")); /* No newlines on the next parts */ wifly.sendChunk(F("

Hello ")); wifly.sendChunk(name); /* Finish the paragraph and heading */ wifly.sendChunkln(F("

")); /* Include a reading from Analog pin 0 */ snprintf_P(buf, sizeof(buf), PSTR("


"), analogRead(A0)); wifly.sendChunkln(buf); wifly.sendChunkln(F("")); wifly.sendChunkln(); } void send404() { wifly.println(F("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found")); wifly.println(F("Content-Type: text/html")); wifly.println(F("Transfer-Encoding: chunked")); wifly.println(); wifly.sendChunkln(F("")); wifly.sendChunkln(F("404 Not Found")); wifly.sendChunkln(F("")); wifly.sendChunkln(F("

Not Found

")); wifly.sendChunkln(F("
")); wifly.sendChunkln(F("")); wifly.sendChunkln(); } void menu() // provide the user a way to modify settings, and save those settings to EEPROM to survive reboot / shutdown { boolean done = false; char choice; long templong; // print out a menu of choices, with current settings in (parenthesis) Serial.println(); Serial.print("SparkFun USB Weather Board V3 firmware version "); Serial.print(version_major,DEC); Serial.print("."); Serial.println(version_minor,DEC); Serial.print("free RAM: "); Serial.print(freeMemory()); Serial.println(" bytes"); Serial.println(); while (!done) { Serial.print("1. Data format ("); switch (data_format) { case CSV: Serial.print("CSV"); break; case ANSI: Serial.print("ANSI"); break; case LCD: Serial.print("LCD"); break; } Serial.println(")"); Serial.print("2. General units ("); switch (general_units) { case ENGLISH: Serial.print("English"); break; case SI: Serial.print("SI"); break; } Serial.println(")"); Serial.print("3. Sample rate ("); Serial.print(sample_rate,DEC); Serial.println(")"); Serial.print("4. Pressure units ("); switch (pressure_units) { case MBAR: Serial.print("mbar"); break; case INHG: Serial.print("inches Hg"); break; case PSI: Serial.print("PSI"); break; } Serial.println(")"); Serial.print("5. Pressure type ("); switch (pressure_type) { case RELATIVE: Serial.print("relative"); break; case ABSOLUTE: Serial.print("absolute"); break; } Serial.println(")"); Serial.print("6. Station altitude ("); Serial.print(altitude,DEC); Serial.println(" meters)"); Serial.print("7. Baud rate ("); Serial.print(baud_rate,DEC); Serial.println(" baud)"); Serial.println("8. Zero rain counter"); Serial.print("9. Weather Meters attached ("); if (weather_meters_attached) Serial.println("yes)"); else Serial.println("no)"); Serial.println("X. Exit (don't save changes to EEPROM)"); Serial.println("S. Save (save changes to EEPROM)"); Serial.println(); // wait for user input from serial port, and act on that input // many of these are submenus, some require entering a number choice = getChar(); // note that this will uppercase the character for you switch (choice) { case '1': Serial.println("1. CSV"); Serial.println("2. ANSI"); Serial.println("3. LCD"); Serial.println(); data_format = getChar() - '0'; break; case '2': Serial.println("1. English"); Serial.println("2. SI (metric)"); Serial.println(); general_units = getChar() - '0'; break; case '3': Serial.print("Enter sample rate (every x seconds): "); templong = getLong(); if (templong > 4294966ul) { Serial.println(); Serial.println(); Serial.println("SAMPLE RATE TOO LARGE (max = 4294966 seconds)"); Serial.println(); } else { sample_rate = templong; Serial.println(); Serial.println(); } break; case '4': Serial.println("1. mbar"); Serial.println("2. inches Hg"); Serial.println("3. PSI"); Serial.println(); pressure_units = getChar() - '0'; break; case '5': Serial.println("1. absolute"); Serial.println("2. relative"); Serial.println(); pressure_type = getChar() - '0'; reboot(); break; case '6': Serial.print("Enter altitude in integer meters: "); altitude = getLong(); Serial.println(); Serial.println(); reboot(); break; case '7': Serial.print("Enter baud rate: "); templong = getLong(); Serial.println(); Serial.println(); // make SURE value entered is one of the valid baud rates (otherwise it will be impossible to talk to the board!) if ((templong == 300) || (templong == 1200) || (templong == 2400) || (templong == 4800) || (templong == 9600) || (templong == 19200) || (templong == 38400) || (templong == 57600) || (templong == 115200)) { baud_rate = templong; reboot(); } else { Serial.println("INVALID BAUD RATE (use 300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200)"); Serial.println(); } break; case '8': rain = 0; Serial.println("Rain counter zeroed"); Serial.println(); break; case '9': Serial.println("1. yes"); Serial.println("2. no"); Serial.println(); weather_meters_attached = (getChar() == '1'); break; case 'S': storeEEPROMsettings(); // no break here! we want to fall through the 'Q' choice and quit case 'X': done = true; break; } } } char getChar() // wait for one character to be typed (and convert to uppercase if it's alphabetic) { digitalWrite(STATUSLED,HIGH); while (!Serial.available()) {;} // wait here forever for a character digitalWrite(STATUSLED,LOW); return(toupper(Serial.read())); // return the upper case character } long getLong() // wait for a number to be input (end with return), allows backspace and negative { char mystring[10]; char mychar; int x = 0; boolean done = false; // input a string of characters from the user while (!done) { mychar = getChar(); if ((mychar == 0x0D) || (mychar == 0x0A)) // carriage return or line feed? { // terminate the string with 0x00 and exit mystring[x] = 0; done = true; } else { if ((mychar == 0x08) && (x > 0)) // backspace? { // simulate a backspace - back up, print a space to erase character, and backspace again Serial.write(0x08); Serial.print(" "); Serial.write(0x08); x--; } else // a real character? { // if ((mychar != 0x08) && (x < 10)) if (x < 10) { Serial.print(mychar); mystring[x] = mychar; x++; } } } } // convert string to long using ASCII-to-long standard function return(atol(mystring)); } void storeEEPROMsettings() // store all the user-changable settings in EEPROM so it survives power cycles // note that ints are two bytes, longs are four { eeprom_write_word((uint16_t*)0,data_format); eeprom_write_word((uint16_t*)2,general_units); // eeprom_write_word((uint16_t*)4,sample_rate); // this space available for an int (changed sample rate to long) eeprom_write_word((uint16_t*)6,pressure_units); eeprom_write_word((uint16_t*)8,pressure_type); eeprom_write_dword((uint32_t*)10,altitude); eeprom_write_dword((uint32_t*)14,baud_rate); eeprom_write_word((uint16_t*)18,(int)weather_meters_attached); eeprom_write_dword((uint32_t*)22,sample_rate); } void retrieveEEPROMsettings() // retrieve settings previously stored in EEPROM // only load into variables if the settings are valid (-1 == 0xFF == erased) // note that ints are two bytes, longs are four { int tempint; long templong; // don't initialize variables if EEPROM is unused // (uninitialized EEPROM values read back as -1) tempint = eeprom_read_word((uint16_t*)0); if (tempint != -1) data_format = tempint; tempint = eeprom_read_word((uint16_t*)2); if (tempint != -1) general_units = tempint; // tempint = eeprom_read_word((uint16_t*)4); if (tempint != -1) sample_rate = tempint; // this space available for an int (changed sample rate to long) tempint = eeprom_read_word((uint16_t*)6); if (tempint != -1) pressure_units = tempint; tempint = eeprom_read_word((uint16_t*)8); if (tempint != -1) pressure_type = tempint; templong = eeprom_read_dword((uint32_t*)10); if (templong != -1) altitude = templong; templong = eeprom_read_dword((uint32_t*)14); if (templong != -1) baud_rate = templong; tempint = eeprom_read_word((uint16_t*)18); if (tempint != -1) weather_meters_attached = (boolean)tempint; templong = eeprom_read_dword((uint32_t*)22); if (templong != -1) sample_rate = templong; } void ansiClear() // send ANSI clear screen command // used by ANSI output format { // send ESC [2J // which will clear the screen on an ANSI terminal Serial.write(27); Serial.write(91); Serial.write(50); Serial.write(74); } void ansiHome() // ANSI terminal command to move the cursor to 0,0 without clearing screen // used by ANSI output format { // send ESC [H // which puts the cursor in the home 0,0 position on an ANSI terminal Serial.write(27); Serial.write(91); Serial.write(72); } void ansiTab() // send ANSI "tab" character // used by ANSI output format { // send tab char Serial.write(9); } void pass() // space-saver for pass/fail tests in ANSI output format // used by ANSI output format { Serial.println(" "); // print spaces to erase "FAIL" if necessary } void fail() // space-saver for pass/fail test in ANSI output format // used by ANSI output format { Serial.println("FAIL"); } void reboot() // space-saver for menu reboot message { Serial.println("REBOOT WEATHER BOARD TO PUT NEW SETTINGS INTO EFFECT"); Serial.println(); } void LCDclear() // clear the screen of an SparkFun serial-enabled LCD // used by LCD output format { LCDline1(); Serial.write(" "); LCDline2(); Serial.write(" "); } void LCDline1() // move cursor to start of line 1 on a SparkFun serial-enabled LCD // used by LCD output format { Serial.write(254); Serial.write(128); } void LCDline2() // move cursor to start of line 2 on a SparkFun serial-enabled LCD // used by LCD output format { Serial.write(254); Serial.write(192); } void error(int errorcode) // save some space by printing out a generic error message { Serial.print("ERROR #"); Serial.print(errorcode,DEC); Serial.println(", see sketch for cause"); } void printComma() // we do this a lot, it saves two bytes each time we call it { Serial.print(","); }