How can I get the frequencies of common itemsets from the apriori call in R? a,b a,b,c # The following is how I'm using apriori to infer the association rules. library(package = "arules") transactions = read.transactions(file = file("stdin"), format = "basket", sep = ",") rules = apriori(transactions, parameter = list(minlen=1, sup = 0.001, conf = 0.001)) WRITE(rules, file = "", sep = ",", quote = TRUE, col.names = NA) "","rules","support","confidence","lift" "1","{} => {c}",0.5,0.5,1 "2","{} => {b}",1,1,1 "3","{} => {a}",1,1,1 "4","{c} => {b}",0.5,1,1 "5","{b} => {c}",0.5,0.5,1 "6","{c} => {a}",0.5,1,1 "7","{a} => {c}",0.5,0.5,1 "8","{b} => {a}",1,1,1 "9","{a} => {b}",1,1,1 "10","{b,c} => {a}",0.5,1,1 "11","{a,c} => {b}",0.5,1,1 "12","{a,b} => {c}",0.5,0.5,1 "itemset","support" "{a}",1 "{a,b}",1 "{b}",1 "{a,b,c}",0.5 "{a,c}",0.5 "{b,c}",0.5 "{c}",0.5 library(package = "arules") transactions = read.transactions(file = file("stdin"), format = "basket", sep = ",") rules = apriori(transactions, parameter = list(minlen=1, sup = 0.001, conf = 0.001)) itemsets <- unique(generatingItemsets(rules)) itemsets.df <- as(itemsets, "data.frame") frequentItemsets <- itemsets.df[with(itemsets.df, order(-support,items)),] names(frequentItemsets)[1] <- "itemset" write.table(frequentItemsets, file = "", sep = ",", row.names = FALSE)