import; import; import; import javax.crypto.Mac; import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec; /** * RFC 2898 password derivation compatible with .NET Rfc2898DeriveBytes class. */ public class Rfc2898DeriveBytes { private Mac _hmacSha1; private byte[] _salt; private int _iterationCount; private byte[] _buffer = new byte[20]; private int _bufferStartIndex = 0; private int _bufferEndIndex = 0; private int _block = 1; /** * Creates new instance. * * @param password * The password used to derive the key. * @param salt * The key salt used to derive the key. * @param iterations * The number of iterations for the operation. * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException * HmacSHA1 algorithm cannot be found. * @throws InvalidKeyException * Salt must be 8 bytes or more. -or- Password cannot be null. */ public Rfc2898DeriveBytes(byte[] password, byte[] salt, int iterations) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeyException { if ((salt == null) || (salt.length < 8)) { throw new InvalidKeyException("Salt must be 8 bytes or more."); } if (password == null) { throw new InvalidKeyException("Password cannot be null."); } this._salt = salt; this._iterationCount = iterations; this._hmacSha1 = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA1"); this._hmacSha1.init(new SecretKeySpec(password, "HmacSHA1")); } /** * Creates new instance. * * @param password * The password used to derive the key. * @param salt * The key salt used to derive the key. * @param iterations * The number of iterations for the operation. * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException * HmacSHA1 algorithm cannot be found. * @throws InvalidKeyException * Salt must be 8 bytes or more. -or- Password cannot be null. * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException * UTF-8 encoding is not supported. */ public Rfc2898DeriveBytes(String password, byte[] salt, int iterations) throws InvalidKeyException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, UnsupportedEncodingException { this(password.getBytes("UTF8"), salt, iterations); } /** * Creates new instance. * * @param password * The password used to derive the key. * @param salt * The key salt used to derive the key. * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException * HmacSHA1 algorithm cannot be found. * @throws InvalidKeyException * Salt must be 8 bytes or more. -or- Password cannot be null. * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException * UTF-8 encoding is not supported. */ public Rfc2898DeriveBytes(String password, byte[] salt) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeyException, UnsupportedEncodingException { this(password, salt, 0x3e8); } /** * Returns a pseudo-random key from a password, salt and iteration count. * * @param count * Number of bytes to return. * @return Byte array. */ public byte[] getBytes(int count) { byte[] result = new byte[count]; int resultOffset = 0; int bufferCount = this._bufferEndIndex - this._bufferStartIndex; if (bufferCount > 0) { // if there is some data in buffer if (count < bufferCount) { // if there is enough data in buffer System.arraycopy(this._buffer, this._bufferStartIndex, result, 0, count); this._bufferStartIndex += count; return result; } System.arraycopy(this._buffer, this._bufferStartIndex, result, 0, bufferCount); this._bufferStartIndex = this._bufferEndIndex = 0; resultOffset += bufferCount; } while (resultOffset < count) { int needCount = count - resultOffset; this._buffer = this.func(); if (needCount > 20) { // we one (or more) additional passes System.arraycopy(this._buffer, 0, result, resultOffset, 20); resultOffset += 20; } else { System.arraycopy(this._buffer, 0, result, resultOffset, needCount); this._bufferStartIndex = needCount; this._bufferEndIndex = 20; return result; } } return result; } private byte[] func() { this._hmacSha1.update(this._salt, 0, this._salt.length); byte[] tempHash = this._hmacSha1.doFinal(getBytesFromInt(this._block)); this._hmacSha1.reset(); byte[] finalHash = tempHash; for (int i = 2; i <= this._iterationCount; i++) { tempHash = this._hmacSha1.doFinal(tempHash); for (int j = 0; j < 20; j++) { finalHash[j] = (byte) (finalHash[j] ^ tempHash[j]); } } if (this._block == 2147483647) { this._block = -2147483648; } else { this._block += 1; } return finalHash; } private static byte[] getBytesFromInt(int i) { return new byte[] { (byte) (i >>> 24), (byte) (i >>> 16), (byte) (i >>> 8), (byte) i }; } }