prontera,150,150,0 script Sample 123,{ if ( getarraysize(.Job$) != getarraysize(.MapCoord$) ) { mes "Job array and MapCoord array must have the same number of values"; close; } mes "Hello " +strcharinfo(0)+ " you want to go to job changer location"; next; if ( select("Yes:No") - 1 ) end; mes "What job location you want?"; next; .@s = select(implode(.Job$, ":")) - 1; mes "You want to go to " +.Job$[.@s]+ " job location which is " +.MapCoord$[.@s]+ "?"; next; if (select("Yes:No") - 1) close; mes "Bye!"; explode(.@coords$, .MapCoord$[.@s], " "); warp .@coords$[0], atoi(.@coords$[1]), atoi(.@coords$[2]); close; OnInit: setarray .Job$[0],"Swordman","Magician"; setarray .MapCoord$[0],"prontera 100 150","prontera 150 150"; end; }