RST.hpp #ifndef RST_HP #define RST_HPP #include "BST.hpp" #include "RSTNode.hpp" /* set expandtab set shiftwidth=2 set softtabstop=2 gg=G */ template class RST : public BST { public: virtual bool insert(const Data& item) { if (addToTree(this->root, NULL, item)) { this->isize++; //perform rotations return true; } else return false; } virtual void RSTNode::leftRotate(RSTNode*& ptr) { //this is assuming the right child is of higher priority than the parent RSTNode* dummyone = ptr; RSTNode* dummytwo = ptr->parent; RSTNode* dummythree = ptr->parent->parent; bool isTheFatherToTheRightOfTheGrandParent = (ptr->parent->parent->right == ptr->parent); //need to bring up priority and maintain binary tree property if(dummyone->priority > dummyone->parent->priority) { if(isTheFatherToTheRightOfTheGrandParent){ ptr->parent->parent->right = dummyone; ptr->left = dummytwo; } if(!isTheFatherToTheRightOfTheGrandParent){ ptr->parent->parent->left = ptr; ptr->left = dummytwo; } } } virtual void rightRotate(RSTNode*& ptr) { return; } virtual bool addToTree(RSTNode*& ptr, RSTNode* temp, const Data& num) { if (ptr!=NULL) { if (num < ptr->data) { temp = ptr; addToTree(ptr->left, temp, num); } else if (ptr->data < num) { temp = ptr; addToTree(ptr->right, temp, num); } else return false; } else { ptr = new RSTNode(num); ptr->parent = temp; return true; } } }; #endif // RST_HPP RSTNode.hpp #ifndef RSTNODE_HPP #define RSTNODE_HPP #include "BSTNode.hpp" //for random # #include template class RSTNode : public BSTNode { public: RSTNode(Data const & d) : BSTNode(d) { srand((unsigned)time(0)); priority = rand(); left = right = parent = 0; } int const priority; }; #endif // RSTNODE_HPP the above should give enough info but just incase BSTNode.hpp #ifndef BSTNODE_HPP #define BSTNODE_HPP #include #include template class BSTNode { public: /** Constructor. Initialize a BSTNode with the given Data item, * no parent, and no children. */ BSTNode(const Data & d) : data(d) { left = right = parent = 0; } BSTNode* left; BSTNode* right; BSTNode* parent; Data const data; // the const Data in this node. /** Return the successor of this BSTNode in a BST, or 0 if none. ** PRECONDITION: this BSTNode is a node in a BST. ** POSTCONDITION: the BST is unchanged. ** RETURNS: the BSTNode that is the successor of this BSTNode, ** or 0 if there is none. */ // TODO BSTNode* successor() { BSTNode* cursor; BSTNode* par; cursor = this->right; par = this->parent; if (this->right != NULL) { while (cursor->left != NULL) { cursor = cursor->left; } return cursor; } if ((this->right == NULL) && (this == par->left)) return this->parent; if ((this->right == NULL) && (this == par->right)) { do { cursor = par; par = par->parent; if (par == NULL) {return cursor;} }while(cursor != par->left); return par; } if (this->right == NULL && this->parent == NULL) return NULL; } }; /** Overload operator<< to print a BSTNode's fields to an ostream. */ template std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream& stm, const BSTNode & n) { stm << '['; stm << std::setw(10) << &n; // address of the BSTNode stm << "; p:" << std::setw(10) << n.parent; // address of its parent stm << "; l:" << std::setw(10) << n.left; // address of its left child stm << "; r:" << std::setw(10) << n.right; // address of its right child stm << "; d:" <<; // its data field stm << ']'; return stm; } #endif // BSTNODE_HPP RST.hpp #ifndef RST_HP #define RST_HPP #include "BST.hpp" /* set expandtab set shiftwidth=2 set softtabstop=2 gg=G */ template class RST : public BST { public: virtual bool insert(const Data& item) { if (addToTree(this->root, NULL, item)) { this->isize++; //perform rotations return true; } else return false; } virtual void RSTNode::leftRotate(RSTNode*& ptr) { //this is assuming the right child is of higher priority than the parent RSTNode* dummyone = ptr; RSTNode* dummytwo = ptr->parent; RSTNode* dummythree = ptr->parent->parent; bool isTheFatherToTheRightOfTheGrandParent = (ptr->parent->parent->right == ptr->parent); //need to bring up priority and maintain binary tree property if(dummyone->priority > dummyone->parent->priority) { if(isTheFatherToTheRightOfTheGrandParent){ ptr->parent->parent->right = dummyone; ptr->left = dummytwo; } if(!isTheFatherToTheRightOfTheGrandParent){ ptr->parent->parent->left = ptr; ptr->left = dummytwo; } } } virtual void rightRotate(RSTNode*& ptr) { return; } virtual bool addToTree(RSTNode*& ptr, RSTNode* temp, const Data& num) { if (ptr!=NULL) { if (num < ptr->data) { temp = ptr; addToTree(ptr->left, temp, num); } else if (ptr->data < num) { temp = ptr; addToTree(ptr->right, temp, num); } else return false; } else { ptr = new RSTNode(num); ptr->parent = temp; return true; } } }; #endif // RST_HPP