module main; import simpleWindow; import core.dgdk_darkgdk; import core.dgdk_display; import core.dgdk_core; import core.dgdk_3d; import; import std.stdio; import core.runtime; import; import std.string; import core.runtime; import; import std.string; import std.stdio; extern (Windows) int WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow) { int result; void exceptionHandler(Throwable e) { throw e; } try { Runtime.initialize(&exceptionHandler); result = myWinMain(hInstance, hPrevInstance, lpCmdLine, nCmdShow); Runtime.terminate(&exceptionHandler); } catch (Throwable e) // catch any uncaught exceptions { MessageBoxA(null, e.toString().toStringz(), "Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); result = 0; // failed } return result; } int myWinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow) { stdout = File("test.txt", "w"); stdout.flush(); writeln("%s", "Creating Swindow"); stdout.flush(); Swindow GDKwindow; writeln("%s", "Initializing DarkGDK"); stdout.flush(); if (!initDarkGDK("gdkengine.dll")) { writeln("failed"); stdout.flush(); return 1; } writeln("%s", "Starting the window"); stdout.flush(); if (!GDKwindow.start(hInstance, 0, 0, 800, 600, "simpleWindow")) { writeln("failed"); stdout.flush(); return 1; } HWND hWnd = GDKwindow.hWnd; writeln("%s", "Hanind the window to DarkGDK"); stdout.flush(); dbOpenScreen(hWnd, 0, 0, 800, 600, 0, 0); writeln("%s", "Activating the window"); stdout.flush(); ShowWindow(hWnd, nCmdShow); writeln("%s", "setting the dbSyncRate"); dbSyncRate(60); writeln("%s", "Creating cube"); int objectCube = dbCreateObjectCube(3, -1); float x = 0; float y = 0; float z = 0; do{ x += 0.2; y += 0.4; z += 0.8; dbRotateObject(objectCube, x, y, z); dbSync(0,0); }while (GDKwindow.windowEvent() != WM_CLOSE); writeln("%s", "Window Closed"); dbCloseScreen(); stdout.flush(); return 0; }