#!/usr/bin/python import hashlib import sys import os import time import urllib2 import urllib import re def banner(): print """ **************************************************************** \tMD5 AND SHA1 ENCRYTION PYTHON SCRIPT \t \tWRITTEN BY : TEJASH PATEL \t \tFACEBOOK : https://www.facebook.com/tejash1991\t \tYOUTUBE CHANNEL : https://www.youtube.com/user/tejash443\t **************************************************************** """ banner() def main(): os.system("clear") print ("MD5 and SHA1 ENCRYTION AND DECRYTION SCRIPT"); print print '1 - ENCRYTION USING MD5 AND SHA1' print '2 - MD5 DECRYTION' select = input("select option :") if select == 1: encrytion() elif select == 2: decrytion() def encrytion(): os.system("clear") print ("MD5 and SHA1 ENCRYTION SCRIPT"); print print '1 - ENCRYTION USING MD5' print '2 - ENCRYTION USING SHA1' select = input("select option :") if select == 1: md5encrytion() elif select == 2: sha1encrytion() def md5encrytion(): os.system("clear") string=raw_input("string you want to convert to MD5 >") algorithim=hashlib.md5() algorithim.update(string) encrypted=algorithim.hexdigest() print'%s to MD5 hash %s' %(string,encrypted) mainmenu=raw_input("Press [ENTER] to go to main menu.") main() def sha1encrytion(): os.system("clear") string=raw_input("string you want to convert to SHA1 > ") algorithim=hashlib.sha1() algorithim.update(string) encrypted=algorithim.hexdigest() print'%s to MD5 hash %s' %(string,encrypted) mainmenu=raw_input("Press [ENTER] to go to main menu.") main() def decrytion(): os.system("clear") print ("MD5 DECRYTION"); print print '1 - MD5 ONLINE DECRYTION ' print '2 - MD5 OFFLINE DECRYTION ' select = input("select option :") if select == 1: md5onlinedecrytion() elif select == 2: md5offlinedecrytion() def md5onlinedecrytion(): os.system("clear") string=raw_input("paste MD5 Hash > ") website = 'http://md5decryption.com/' weburl = urllib.urlencode({'hash':string,'submit':'Decrypt+It!'}) req = urllib2.Request(website) try: fd = urllib2.urlopen(req, weburl) data = fd.read() match = re.search(r'(Decrypted Text: )(.+[^>])(
)', data) if match: print '[-] site: %s\t\t\tPassword: %s' % (website, match.group(2)) else: print '[-] site: %s\t\t\tPassword: Not found' % website except urllib2.URLError: print '[+] site: %s \t\t\t[+] Error: seems to be down' % website def md5offlinedecrytion(): os.system("clear") counter = 0 lines = 0 string=raw_input("paste MD5 Hash > ") wordList = raw_input("Dictionary path > ") try: wordlistfile = open(wordList) for line in open(wordList): lines += 1 except IoError: print'Dictionary is not valid' raw_input("Press [ENTER] to try Again") main() else: pass for line in wordlistfile: algorithim = hashlib.md5() line = line.replace("\n","") algorithim.update(line) wordlistdecrypted = algorithim.hexdigest() counter += 1 percentage_raw = float(counter) / float(lines) * 100 percentage_raw ="%.0f" % percentage_raw; percentage = str(percentage_raw) + " " + "%" os.system("clear") print(percentage) if wordlistdecrypted == string: print'Hash Crackrd - %s' % line mainmenu = raw_input("Press [ENTER] to go to main menu") main() main()