#include #include #include #include /** * Here is a scrolly text in C in a command line console for Windows * Tested using Code::Blocks and Windows 7 Professional SP1 * * @Author: Shaun B * @Version: - 2012-09-04 * @Todo: Find out how to print to the entire bottom line of the console * without forcing a line-feed. * **/ int main(); void gotoxy(int, int); void hideCursor(); void scroll(); void exchangeToDisplay(); // Sets variables for: // Scrolly message - static char scrolly [] = "....................This is a scrolly text....................Nah nah nah nah nahhhh....................Like a BAWS....................#"; // Display string - static char display [78]; // Keyboard input - static char character [1]; // Running boolean - static char run = 1; // Reusable index counters - static unsigned char i = 0; static unsigned char c = 0; // Sleep time - static signed int sleep = 100; // Char buffer for scroll function - static char buffer [1]; int main() { // Sets default console size, colours and title: system("mode CON: COLS=80 LINES=50"); system("color 03"); system("cls"); system("title Scrolly started at %TIME% on %DATE%"); system("echo off"); // Switches off blinking cursor: SetConsoleMode(GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE), ENABLE_LINE_INPUT); hideCursor(); // Sets up display string: exchangeToDisplay(); // Main loop: while(run) { // Sets cursor position for each scrolly text: gotoxy(1,0); printf("%s",display); gotoxy(1,49); printf("%s",display); // Checks if keyboard has been pressed: if (_kbhit()) { character[0]=_getch(); } // Checks for space... if(character[0]==32) { // If so, stops main loop: run=0; } // Checks for left arrow and arrow down... if((character[0]==75 || character[0]==80) && sleep<255) { // Increases sleep call (higher is slower): sleep+=10; } // Checks for other arrow keys... if((character[0]==72 || character[0]==77) && sleep>0) { // Decreases sleep call: sleep-=10; } // Clears character buffer if set: if(character[0]) { character[0]=0; } // Checks if time exceeds longest sleep time: if(sleep>254) { sleep=255; } // Checks if time exceeds shortest sleep time: if(sleep<1) { sleep=0; } // Calls scroll function: scroll(); // Calls sleep function: Sleep(sleep+1); } // Returns when loop is exited: return 0; } // Sets co-ordinates within the command line: void gotoxy(int x, int y) { COORD coord; coord.X = x; coord.Y = y; SetConsoleCursorPosition(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), coord); } // Turns off blinking cursor: void hideCursor() { CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO lpCursor; lpCursor.bVisible = 0; lpCursor.dwSize = 20; SetConsoleCursorInfo(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),&lpCursor); } void scroll() { // Sets counter to zero: c=0; // The buffer will preserve the first char otherwise the // scrolling won't wrap around: buffer[0]=scrolly[c]; // Loop will happen whilst the terminator hasn't been reached: while(scrolly[c]!='#') { // Moves each character one element to the left: scrolly[c]=scrolly[c+1]; // Increase our counter c++; } // Puts the old first character from the start to the end so // it wraps around: scrolly[c-1]=buffer[0]; // Checks to see if the terminator has been over-written, if not // then it's restored: if(scrolly[c]!='#') { scrolly[c]='#'; } exchangeToDisplay(); } void exchangeToDisplay() { // Writes the first 78 characters of our [shuffled] scrolly text // to our display string: for(c=0;c<78;c++) { display[c] = scrolly[c]; } }