Imports System Imports System.Windows.Forms Imports GTA Imports System.IO Public Class SoundsDemo Inherits Script private bSOn as boolean = false Private l As Int32 = 0 Private linhas As String() Private effect As Int32 private coef as int16 = 1 private effectSize as double = 1.0 private sFilter as string = "" private xRot, yRot, zRot as double private bRadians as boolean private soundID as int32 = 0 private actualSound as string = "" private actualSoundBack as string = "" private soundPos as vector3 dim f As File Public Sub New() Me.Interval = 100 linhas = f.ReadAllLines(".\scripts\sounds.txt") f.WriteAllLines(".\scripts\sounds.txt.back", linhas) End Sub private sub console_CMD(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As ConsoleEventArgs) Handles MyBase.ConsoleCommand if e.command = "sd" then bSOn = not bSOn if bSOn then msg("SoundsDemo ON", 3000) else msg("SoundsDemo OFF", 3000) end if end if if e.command = "sfilter" then if not bSOn then exit sub if e.parameterCount = 0 then game.console.print("Sound filter: " & sFilter) else sFilter = e.parameter(0).tolower l = 0 end if end if end sub Private Sub msg(ByVal smsg As String, ByVal duracao As int32) Native.Function.Call("PRINT_STRING_WITH_LITERAL_STRING_NOW", "STRING", smsg, duracao, 1) End Sub Private Function findLinePos For c As Int32 = 0 to linhas.length - 1 If linhas(c) = actualSoundBack then Return c next Return 0 End Function Shadows Sub keyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As GTA.KeyEventArgs) Handles MyBase.KeyDown if not bSOn then exit sub If e.Key = Keys.Right Then nextL() If e.Key = Keys.Left Then priorL() if e.key = keys.back then actualSound = actualSound.substring(0, actualSound.length - 1) playEffect(false, actualSound) end if if e.key = keys.numpad9 then linhas(findLinePos) = actualSound f.WriteAllLines(".\scripts\sounds.txt", linhas) msg("saving...", 1000) end if if e.key = keys.numpad0 then coef = 0 playEffect(false, actualSound) msg("Replay: " & actualSound, 5000) end if if e.key = keys.numpad1 then"stop_sound", soundID) end if End Sub private sub playEffect(optional bNavigating as boolean = true, optional sTmpString as string = "") if not bSOn then exit sub Dim sTmp As String if sTmpString = "" then sTmp = lerLinha else sTmp = sTmpString end if If sTmp.Length > 0 Then if not bNavigating then soundPos = player.character.position"stop_sound", soundID) int32)("release_sound_id", soundID) soundID = int32)("get_sound_id")"PLAY_SOUND_FROM_position", soundID, sTmp, soundPos.x, soundPos.y, soundPos.z) end if actualSound = sTmp if sTmpString = "" then actualSoundBack = sTmp msg(sTmp, 5000) End If end sub Private Function lerLinha if not bSOn then exit function Dim sTmp As String sTmp = "" While sTmp = "" l += coef If l < 0 Then l = 0 Exit While End If If l > linhas.Length - 1 Then l = linhas.Length - 1 Exit While End If sTmp = linhas(l) If (sTmp.Trim.Length > 0) andalso ((sfilter = "") orelse ((sfilter <> "") andalso sTmp.tolower.contains(sfilter.tolower))) then Exit While else sTmp = "" End If End While Return sTmp.Trim End Function Private Sub nextL() coef = 1 playEffect(false) End Sub Private Sub priorL() coef = -1 playEffect(false) End Sub Private Sub GraphicsEventHandler(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As GTA.GraphicsEventArgs) Handles mybase.PerFrameDrawing if bSon then"Sounds demo - Use left/right to navigate, press numpad0 to play and numpad1 to stop", 10, 10)"Sound: " & actualSound, 10, 35)"Distance from sound: " & soundPos.distanceto(player.character.position).tostring, 10, 60)"Filter: " & sFilter, 10, 90)"* Use backspace to remove last character from sound string and retest the sound", 10, 135)"* if its correct, press numpad9 to save the file sounds.txt", 10, 165) end if end sub End Class