import java.util.Scanner; public class DiceGame { public static void main( String [] args ) { //Rules of the Game System.out.println("______________________________________"); System.out.println("/ Rules of the Game /"); System.out.println("/ ----------------- /"); System.out.println("/ 1)It's you vs computer. /"); System.out.println("/ 2)You play by rolling the dice. /"); System.out.println("/ 3)The first player to reach 100 /"); System.out.println("/ points wins. /"); System.out.println("/ 4)When a player rolls a 1 /"); System.out.println("/ the turn is over. /"); System.out.println("/ 5)The computer's turn is over /"); System.out.println("/ when turn total reach 20 points /"); System.out.println("/ in a single turn. /"); System.out.println("______________________________________"); PairOfDice d1 = new PairOfDice(); //Creating PairOfDice object int turnTotal = 0; int computerTotal = 0; //your total int playerTotal = 0; //computer's total int turnOver = 1; //when to give up die int winner = 100; // amount to be reached before winning Scanner in = new Scanner( ); String answer; // named of what will take answer from user // first do-while loop is for repeating the change between user and computer do{ if (playerTotal <= winner && computerTotal <= winner) { System.out.println("Your turn."); // do-while loop for the player's turn. do { System.out.println("Type 'y' if ready and 'n' to end turn."); answer =; if (answer.equalsIgnoreCase("y") && playerTotal <= winner && computerTotal <= winner) { d1.roll(); System.out.println(d1.d1); System.out.println(d1.d2); //d1.toString(); //System.out.println(d1); // if and else statement to figure out whether user's turn is over or not. if (d1.getDie1() == turnOver || d1.getDie2() == turnOver){ turnTotal = 0; System.out.println("You rolled a 1. Your turn is over."); System.out.println("Please type 'done' when you are ready to turn the dice over to the Computer."); answer =; } else { turnTotal = turnTotal + d1.getDiceSum(); playerTotal = playerTotal + d1.getDiceSum(); System.out.println("Your Turn Total: " + turnTotal); System.out.println("Your Grand Total: " + playerTotal); } } } while (answer.equalsIgnoreCase("y") && playerTotal <= winner && computerTotal <= winner); turnTotal = 0; // turntotal assigned to 0 again. System.out.println(); System.out.println("Your Grand Total is: " + playerTotal); System.out.println("The Computer's Grand Total is: " + computerTotal); System.out.println(); //Begin the Computer's turn int endComputerTurn = 20;//when to end computer's turn turnOver = 1; //what die equals for turn to be over int answercomp = 1; do { if (turnTotal <= endComputerTurn && answercomp == 1 && playerTotal <= winner && computerTotal <= winner) { d1.roll(); System.out.println("Computer rolled a " + d1.getDie1()); System.out.println("Computer rolled a " + d1.getDie2()); //d1.toString(); //System.out.println(d1); if (d1.getDie1() == turnOver || d1.getDie2() == turnOver) { System.out.println("The Computer rolled a 1. Their turn is over."); answercomp = 0; } else { turnTotal = turnTotal + d1.getDiceSum(); computerTotal = computerTotal + d1.getDiceSum(); System.out.println("The Computer's Turn Total is: " + turnTotal); System.out.println("The Computer's Grand Total is: " + computerTotal); } } } while (turnTotal <= endComputerTurn && answercomp == 1 && playerTotal <= winner && computerTotal <= winner); turnTotal = 0; //turntotal assigned to 0 again. if (playerTotal <= winner || computerTotal <= winner) { System.out.println(); System.out.println("The Computer's Grand Total is: " + computerTotal); System.out.println("Your Grand Total is: " + playerTotal); System.out.println(); } else { System.out.println(); System.out.println(); } } } while(playerTotal <= winner && computerTotal <= winner); // if-else statements to check if there is a winner if (playerTotal >= winner) System.out.println("You win!"); else System.out.println("You lose ): "); } }