import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Scanner; class Averaging { private static Scanner scanner = new Scanner(; private static int pin = 0000; private static ArrayList integer = new ArrayList(); private static int totalSum = 0; private static int entries = 0; public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.print("Welcome to the Averaging Program."); System.out.print("To verify you made this program, please enter a 4-digit pin: "); int passcode = scanner.nextInt(); verify(passcode); } private static void verify(int pass) { if(pass == pin) { System.out.printf("Password accepted.\n\nI will be asking you to input values\n"); loopInsert(); } } private static void loopInsert() { for(int i = 0; i <= 25 ; i++) { System.out.print("Please insert a number, or to stop, type !stop."); String next =; if(next == "!stop") { System.out.print("Good. I am currently calculating right now.."); calculate(); } else { integer.add(Integer.parseInt(next)); } } } private static void calculate() { Iterator iter = integer.iterator(); while(iter.hasNext()) { entries++; totalSum +=; } if(!iter.hasNext()) { int average = (totalSum/entries); System.out.printf("Your average is: " + average + ". I will show you what you have input.\n"); System.out.print(integer.toString()); System.out.print("To start a new session, please reboot me."); } } }