program HoodzFletcher; {$DEFINE SMART} {$i AeroLib/AeroLib.Simba} var x, y, failCount, bowsMade, xp: Integer; DTM_longBowU, DTM_1st, DTM_2nd: Integer; breakAfterTime, breakLength: Integer; const P_USERNAME = ''; P_PASSWORD = ''; P_PIN = ''; LOG = 'maple'; {oak, willow, maple, yew, magic} MODE = 'string'; {cut, string} USEBREAKS = true; breakAfterHours_MIN = 2; breakAfterHours_MAX = 3; {breaks after random (MIN, MAX) hours} breakForMinutes_MIN = 30; breakForMinutes_MAX = 90; {for random (MIN, MAX) minutes} VERSION = '3'; procedure declarePlayer(); begin Me.Name := P_USERNAME; Me.Pass := P_PASSWORD; Me.Pin := P_PIN; Me.Active := True; Me.Member := True; end; procedure free; begin freeDTM(DTM_longBowU); if (MODE = 'cut') then freeDTM(DTM_1st); freeDTM(DTM_2nd); end; procedure randomBreakTime(); begin breakAfterTime := GetTimeRunning + (RandomRange(breakAfterHours_MIN, breakAfterHours_MAX) * 3600000) + RandomRange(2000, 3500000); Writeln('breakAfterTime = ' + MsToTime(breakAfterTime, 3)); breakLength := (RandomRange(breakForMinutes_MIN, breakForMinutes_MAX) * 60000) + RandomRange(2000, 59000); Writeln('breakLength = ' + MsToTime(breakLength, 3)); end; procedure breakHandlerCustom(); begin writeln('starting breakhandler'); while (isLoggedIn) do logoutPlayer; while not (getTimeRunning >= (breakAfterTime + breakLength)) do begin Writeln('Break handler active'); Writeln('TimeRunning: ' + MsToTime(getTimeRunning, 3)); Writeln('Breaking till: ' + MsToTime((breakAfterTime + breakLength), 3)); Writeln('Time left until break is done: ' + MsToTime(((breakAfterTime + breakLength) - getTimeRunning), 3)); Sleep(5000); ClearDebug; end; randomBreakTime; end; procedure setupPlayer(); begin writeln('player setup...'); if (not isLoggedIn()) then loginPlayer(false); if (isLoggedIn()) then begin toggleRunning(true); setAngle(ANGLE_HIGH); end; end; procedure setup(); begin mouseSpeed := Random(18, 25); writeln('mouseSpeed set at: ' + intToStr(mouseSpeed)); {1st = log, 2nd knife or bs} case LOG of 'oak': begin if (mode = 'cut') then DTM_1st := DTMFromString('mggAAAHicY2NgYKhhZmAoBuIWIM4G4nYgrgJiTyYGhhAgDgBiPyD2AOJgIC6JNAXqYsTA7AzYAaZKCIYAAFa7Be4='); DTM_longBowU := DTMFromString('mggAAAHicY2NgYAhmZmAIA+IoII6Gsv2AeBsjA8MuID4KxIeAeC8QbwbifbPEGHqKBIA6GVEwO5AEYXTAiANDAABMoQkc'); xp := 25; end; 'willow': begin if (mode = 'cut') then DTM_1st := DTMFromString('mbQAAAHicY2VgYPBkZGDwAOIgILYE4nAgfgAUfwXEz4H4KQOE7+EgASQZUTA7AyZgxILBAAATEQak'); DTM_longBowU := DTMFromString('mWAAAAHicY2FgYPBmZGAIBuIAIHYD4kSgWAEQZwBxHBBvXOEAJBnhmJ0BFTCiYRAAABdJBHs='); xp := 42; end; 'maple': begin if (MODE = 'cut') then DTM_1st := DTMFromString('mggAAAHicY2NgYHgOxE+A+BYQvwfit0B8BYgrgbgBiOuBuBaIi4G4HIizPXiBJCMGFmHADjBVQjAEAAC3NQka'); DTM_longBowU := DTMFromString('mWAAAAHicY2FgYLjLzMDwBIgfQGkjRgYGRyA2B2IbIN63ZDZQFSMcszOgAkY0DAIAt4MGiw=='); xp := 58; end; 'yew': begin if (MODE = 'cut') then DTM_1st := DTMFromString('mlwAAAHicY2dgYKhkZGCoAeJWIM4E4hIgbgPiHCCeA5RfAsSzgHgeEC8H4oVAPBOI/W04gCQjVszFgBtg1wHBUAAAzqcIWw=='); DTM_longBowU := DTMFromString('mlwAAAHicY2dgYHBlYmCwAWJHIPYEYl8o7QTEj4DyN4D4ARC/AuKPQPwMiG8D8b5lYkCSESvmYsANsOuAYCgAAC0gCcA='); xp := 75; end; 'magic': begin if (MODE = 'cut') then DTM_1st := DTMFromString('mggAAAHicY2NgYNBkZmCQZobQckBsDMSmQHyPkYHhARA/h+InQHwXiPNTbRk0l84A6mREwexAEoTRASMODAEAHvkI7g=='); DTM_longBowU := DTMFromString('mbQAAAHicY2VgYFBmYWBQA2ItINYEYj0gvsnIwHAXiJ8D8X0gfgnECl31DALOtkAdjHDMDiRBGBkwYsFgAAAYYwcd'); xp := 92; end; end; if (MODE = 'cut') then DTM_2nd := DTMFromString('mlwAAAHicY2dgYHjAzMBwA4gfA/FzIH4ExLeA+DoQOzEyMAQCsSMQmwOxBRC7AbEPEOelpQF1M2LF/Ay4AXYdEAwFAIDWCWQ=') else begin DTM_1st := DTM_longBowU; DTM_2nd := DTMFromString('mWAAAAHicY2FgYHgJxJ+B+B4Q3wbiYCAOgdKxQNxcHgkkGeFYhAEVMKJhEAAAs7wGXw=='); end; addOnTerminate('free'); randomBreakTime(); setupPlayer(); end; procedure stats_check; begin if (STATS_ID = '') then begin writeln('You MUST have a stats account registered to use this script'); writeln('You can register for free here:'); writeln('More information about stats here:'); TerminateScript; end; end; procedure updater(); var NewFile: integer; OnlineVersion, NewScript, NewFileName: string; begin writeln('Checking for script updates...'); OnlineVersion := GetPage(''); if (trim(OnlineVersion) > VERSION) then begin writeLn('Script update available!'); writeLn('Updating script to v' + OnlineVersion); NewScript := GetPage(''); NewFileName := 'C:\Simba\Scripts\' + 'HoodzFletcher Aero V' + Trim(OnlineVersion) + '.simba'; NewFile := Rewritefile(NewFileName, true); try WriteFileString(NewFile, NewScript); except begin writeLn('Fatal error writing to ' + NewFileName + '!!'); terminatescript; end; end; CloseFile(NewFile); writeLn('New script downloaded to ' + NewFileName + '. Please restart Simba.'); TerminateScript; end else writeLn('You have the latest version of the script!'); end; procedure customMouse(point: TPoint); begin case random(0, 6) of 0..2: BrakeMMouse(point, random(5), random(5), true); 3: BrakeMMouse(point, random(5), random(5), false); 4..5: MissMouse(point, random(5), random(5)); 6: HumanMMouse(point, random(5), random(5)); end; end; function waitForPixelShift(amount, timeOut: Integer; box: TBox): Boolean; var x1, y1, BMP, BMP2, tempShift: Integer; t: Timer; begin result := false; t.start(); BMP := bitmapFromClient(box.x1, box.y1, box.x2, box.y2); repeat if (t.timeElapsed() >= timeOut) then break; sleep(250); BMP2 := bitmapFromClient(box.x1, box.y1, box.x2, box.y2); tempShift := calculatePixelShift(BMP, BMP2, IntToBox(0,0,(box.x2 - box.x1),(box.y2-box.y1))); if (calculatePixelShift(BMP, BMP2, IntToBox(0,0,(box.x2 - box.x1),(box.y2-box.y1))) >= amount) then result := true; freeBitmap(BMP2); until (Result); { if (Result) then writeln(toStr(tempShift) + ' pixels (amount: ' + toStr(amount) + ') changed after: ' + toString(t.timeElapsed()) + ' result: true') else writeln('less than ' + toString(amount) + ' pixels changed after: ' + toStr(timeOut) + ' (timeout) result: false'); } freeBitmap(BMP); end; function getLocations(DTM, slots: Integer): TIntegerArray; var I: Integer; tempArray: TIntegerArray; begin setLength(tempArray, 0); for I := 1 to slots do begin if (FindDTM(DTM, x, y, invBox(I).x1, invBox(I).y1, invBox(I).x2, invBox(I).y2)) then begin SetLength(tempArray, Length(tempArray) + 1); tempArray[High(tempArray)] := I; end; end; result := tempArray; end; function textVisible(): Boolean; var t: Timer; numb: Integer; begin result := false; numb := random(2000, 3000); t.start(); repeat if (t.timeElapsed() > numb) then break; sleep(random(320, 600)); if (countColor(0, 211, 392, 307, 411) = 277) then result := true; until (result); end; procedure fletchHandler(); var randomNumb, count, I: Integer; ARRAY_DTMs, ARRAY_locs: TIntegerArray; mousePoint: TPoint; begin if (MODE = 'cut') then ARRAY_DTMs := [DTM_1st, DTM_2nd] else ARRAY_DTMs := [DTM_longBowU, DTM_2nd]; randomNumb := random(0, 1); repeat ARRAY_locs := getLocations(ARRAY_DTMs[randomNumb], 28); if (length(ARRAY_locs) = 0) then exit; for I := 0 to high(ARRAY_locs) do begin writeln(mode + ' randomNumb: ' + toStr(randomNumb) + ' count: ' + toStr(countColor(clOutline_black, invBox(ARRAY_locs[I]).X1, invBox(ARRAY_locs[I]).Y1, invBox(ARRAY_locs[I]).X2, invBox(ARRAY_locs[I]).Y2))); if (MODE = 'string') and (randomNumb = 0) and (countColor(clOutline_black, invBox(ARRAY_locs[I]).X1, invBox(ARRAY_locs[I]).Y1, invBox(ARRAY_locs[I]).X2, invBox(ARRAY_locs[I]).Y2) = 106) then continue; mousePoint := MiddleBox(invBox(ARRAY_locs[I])); customMouse(mousePoint); sleep(random(20, 100)); if (isUpText('epo')) then exit; case random(0, 12) of 0..11: fastClick(MOUSE_LEFT); 12: begin fastClick(MOUSE_RIGHT); waitOption('Use', 300); end; end; sleep(random(30, 100)); break; end; if (randomNumb > 0) then randomNumb := 0 else randomNumb := 1; inc(count); until (count = 2); customMouse(point(260 + random(-22, 22), 400 + random(-17, 30))); if (waitUptext('ake', 670)) then begin fastClick(MOUSE_RIGHT); if (MODE = 'cut') then begin waitOption('Make X', 300); if (textVisible()) then typeSend(toStr(random(28, 99)), true); end else waitOption('Make All', 300); end else begin inc(failCount); if (failCount > 3) then begin compassMovement(-30, 30, false); failCount := 0; end; end; end; procedure antiban(); begin if (random(0, 20) = 0) then case random(0, 50) of 0..35: if (pointInBox(getMousePnt(), intToBox(1, 1, 765, 500))) then MMouseOffClient('random'); 41..45: hoverSkill(SKILL_FLETCHING, false); 46..50: pickUpMouse; end; end; procedure terminate(reason: string); begin writeln('**TERMINATING** reason: ' + reason); closeInterface; logoutPlayer; terminateScript; end; procedure incVars(); var totalXP: Integer; begin if (MODE = 'cut') then totalXP := round(27 * xp) else totalXP := round(14 * xp); stats_incVariable('65', totalXP); end; procedure openBank(); var TPA: TPointArray; ATPA: T2DPointArray; I: Integer; spot, firstInv: TPoint; t: Timer; tCol : TColEx; begin if (anySlotActivated()) then begin firstInv := invBox(1).MidPoint; customMouse(Point(firstInv.x + RandomRange(-5, 5), firstInv.y + RandomRange(-5, 5))); fastClick(MOUSE_LEFT); sleep(random(150, 350)); exit; end; if (Interfaces[PINSCREEN].isVisible()) then inPin(P_PIN); if (isBankOpen()) then exit; tCol.create(3425887, 21, 0.04, 0.09); if (not tCol.findAllIn(AREA_MS, TPA)) then exit; ATPA := FloodFillTPA(TPA); if (length(ATPA) <= 0) then exit; SortATPAfromFirstPoint(ATPA, Point(275, 155)); for I := 0 to high(ATPA) do begin if (length(ATPA[I]) < 36) then continue; spot := middleTPA(ATPA[I]); customMouse(spot); if (waitUptextMulti(['ank', 'ast'], 300)) then begin fastClick(MOUSE_LEFT); break; end; end; t.start(); while ((not isBankOpen()) and (not Interfaces[PINSCREEN].isVisible())) and (t.TimeElapsed() < 3000) do sleep(random(150, 250)); incVars(); end; procedure bankHandler(); var locs, ARRAY_DTMs: TIntegerArray; I, randomNumb, count: Integer; begin if (not isBankOpen()) and (not Interfaces[PINSCREEN].isVisible() ) then exit; if (Interfaces[PINSCREEN].isVisible()) then inPin(P_PIN); if (mode = 'cut') then begin locs := getLocations(DTM_longbowU, 14); if (length(locs) < 1) then begin SetLength(locs, Length(locs) + 1); locs[High(locs)] := 1; end; I := random(locs[0], locs[high(locs)]); if (findDTM(DTM_longBowU, x, y, invBox(I).X1, invBox(I).Y1, invBox(I).X2, invBox(I).Y2)) then begin customMouse(point(x, y)); sleep(random(20, 100)); fastClick(MOUSE_RIGHT); waitOption('Deposit-All', 300); end; end else begin case random(0, 10) of 0..9: quickDeposit('inv'); 10: begin locs := getLocations(DTM_longbowU, 14); if (length(locs) < 1) then begin SetLength(locs, Length(locs) + 1); locs[High(locs)] := 1; end; I := random(locs[0], locs[high(locs)]); if (findDTM(DTM_longBowU, x, y, invBox(I).X1, invBox(I).Y1, invBox(I).X2, invBox(I).Y2)) then begin customMouse(point(x, y)); sleep(random(20, 100)); fastClick(MOUSE_RIGHT); waitOption('Deposit-All', 300); end; end; end; end; if (MODE = 'cut') then begin if (findDTM(DTM_1st, x, y, MSX1, MSY1, MSX2, MSY2)) then begin customMouse(point(x, y)); sleep(random(20, 100)); fastClick(MOUSE_RIGHT); if (random(0, 1) = 0) then waitOption('Withdraw-All ', 300) else waitOption('Withdraw-All-but-1', 300); end; end else begin ARRAY_DTMs := [DTM_longBowU, DTM_2nd]; randomNumb := random(0, 1); repeat if (findDTM(ARRAY_DTMs[randomNumb], x, y, MSX1, MSY1, MSX2, MSY2)) then begin customMouse(point(x, y)); sleep(random(20, 100)); fastClick(MOUSE_RIGHT); waitOption('Withdraw-14', 300); sleep(RandomRange(200, 350)); end; if (randomNumb > 0) then randomNumb := 0 else randomNumb := 1; inc(count); until (count = 2); end; closeInterface(); fletchHandler(); end; procedure recoverKnife(); begin if (not isBankOpen()) then openBank(); if (isBankOpen()) then begin if (getInvCount() > 1) then quickDeposit('inv'); if (getInvCount() = 0) then begin if (FindDTM(DTM_2nd, x, y, MSX1, MSY1, MSX2, MSY2)) then begin customMouse(Point(x, y)); sleep(random(20, 50)); fastClick(MOUSE_LEFT); sleep(2500 + random(500)); end; end; end; end; procedure progress(); var bowsHour, xpGained, xpHour: Integer; begin clearDebug; bowsHour := Round((bowsMade) / (GetTimeRunning / 3600000.0)); xpGained := (xp * bowsMade); xpHour := Round((xpGained) / (GetTimeRunning / 3600000.0)); writeln('Time running: ' + MsToTime(GetTimeRunning, 3)); writeln('Bows made: ' + toStr(bowsMade) + ' (' + toStr(bowsHour) + ' p/h)'); writeln('Xp gained: ' + toStr(xpGained) + ' (' + toStr(xpHour) + ' p/h)'); end; function getState(): Integer; begin if (getTimeRunning >= breakAfterTime) and (USEBREAKS) then exit(8); if (not isLoggedIn()) then exit(0); if ((getCurrentTab <> TAB_INV) and (not isBankOpen())) then exit(1); if ((not FindDTM(DTM_2nd, x, y, MIX1, MIY1, MIX2, MIY2)) and (MODE = 'cut')) then exit(7); if ((not FindDTM(DTM_1st, x, y, MIX1, MIY1, MIX2, MIY2)) or (not FindDTM(DTM_2nd, x, y, MIX1, MIY1, MIX2, MIY2))) and (not isBankOpen()) then exit(5); if ((not FindDTM(DTM_1st, x, y, MIX1, MIY1, MIX2, MIY2)) or (not FindDTM(DTM_2nd, x, y, MIX1, MIY1, MIX2, MIY2))) and (isBankOpen()) then exit(6); if (FindDTM(DTM_1st, x, y, MIX1, MIY1, MIX2, MIY2) and (FindDTM(DTM_2nd, x, y, MIX1, MIY1, MIX2, MIY2)) and (isBankOpen())) then exit(2); if (FindDTM(DTM_1st, x, y, MIX1, MIY1, MIX2, MIY2) and (FindDTM(DTM_2nd, x, y, MIX1, MIY1, MIX2, MIY2)) and (not isBankOpen()) and (not waitForPixelShift(10, 2500, intToBox(MIX1, MIY1, MIX2, MIY2)))) then exit(3); inc(bowsMade); exit(4); end; procedure executeState(State: Integer); begin case (State) of 0: setupPlayer(); 1: gameTab(TAB_INV); 2: closeInterface(); 3: fletchHandler(); 4: antiban(); 5: openBank(); 6: bankHandler(); 7: recoverKnife(); 8: breakHandlerCustom(); end; stats_Commit(); progress(); sleep(random(150, 200)); end; begin updater(); declarePlayer(); initAL(); setup(); stats_setup('12'); stats_check; stats_initVariable('65', 0); repeat executeState(getState()); until (false); end.